
Gojos life as a god (Greek mythology/percy jackson)

After facing defeat at the hands of sukuna gojo is reborn into a world more dangerous and mire expansive than the jujutsu world. Join gojo in his life as a mythological figure

Rayden_Combes · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Olympian life - Trolling

Meditating next to Hecate, who observed the flow of magic around my body, I peer my eyes open to spot her staring at my face intently.

"I know I'm beautiful, but you don't have to stare." I smile as she looks away with her enchanting purple eyes. She went from stoic to easily flustered since we began training 10 years ago.

Standing up, I walk up to the goddess of magic who has turned her back to me. Pressing into her from behind, I grin as I feel her breath hitch.

"You just have to say the word. And I'm all yours for a few days." I blow into her ear before teleporting away. With my training in magic, I can cast insanely complex spells casually. Not that I need to focus on using them.

I've bedded Hecate a few times in these past 3 months. My only son so far visits me often, which I find weird honestly.

Eros is an evil genius. He trolls immortals by making them fall in love with inanimate objects and trolls mortals by making them fall in love with animals.

He's a momma boy, though. From what I've seen, he never leaves Aphrodite's side that often. Ares hates him since he mocks him on how he was conceived. At least, that's what he told me.

The other gods have gotten into a few confrontations with other bordering pantheons. We aren't going to war as that's dumb but conflict builds hatred.

There's a new demigod of my father running around now. Alexander the Great. They call him. He's been bodying the Persians, and minor gods love him.

Ares the big oaf loves the guy and gives him his blessing because of the wars strengthening him. It's pretty boring.

Apollo has been going around as usual, and Arty has about 20 hunters right now. I fear that a god will mess with my little sisters hunters, and I may have to go beating bullies.

Sighing as I step into my superheated bath water, I relax a bit. The nymphs around me dance sensually as I relax. Sometimes, just kicking it back and chilling is life.

As I rest. I feel some of my livestock get stolen. Someone on Olympus dares to take my pets? Teleporting to the location I spot a young god.

Blonde hair blue eyes. He's my newest younger brother. I can tell just at a glance due to the connection I feel to him. The boy looks shocked as he spots me in front of him.

On a leash are two of my pet bulls. I frown as the boy bows hastily. Asking for forgiveness as he offers me a lyre. This would work on Apollo, but not me.

"I'm afraid I'm not my brother boy. Tell me. What is your name?" I ask as the boy flinches in fear.

"Mother said it would w-work." Immediately, the young god begins to ball his eyes out as I panic and lift him into my arms.

"Relax. I would never harm my youngest brother. Father would be in my ears for a decade if I did so." I comfort my newest sibling who stops crying and begins to laugh.

"Haha! I fooled you!" Immediately, my newest sibling leaps out of my arms, chuckling as I frown. Tricky little thief. In a snap of my fingers, my brother turns into a chipmunk.

That gets the actual tears as I spot real fear in his eyes. Laughing as I pick him up, I transform him back into his normal form. When weaker gods are transformed into an animal, unless they have superior authority than the god that transformed them, they wouldn't be able to shift back to normal.

"Not so funny when the situations are dire, huh?" I question as the boy frowns in my arms. I grin ear to ear.

"Now again, what's your name?" I ask as the boy smiles a bit weakly.

"I'm Hermes. Son of our father Zeus and Maia. We are brothers." Hermes pulls the brother card as I rub my hand through his hair similar to how I did when I met Megumi.

"I could tell you were my brother at a glance twerp. What are you doing stealing my pets?" I ask as Hermes sighs.

"Yours are better quality than our brothers Apollos. And you also have a better reputation than him so I chose the safer and better option. The lyre was a failsafe." He explains as I grin. He's quick-witted even for a god. Like a master thief.

"Che. You shouldn't steal from other gods while being so weak. Not all of them will be satisfied with your begging for forgiveness. Especially not gods like Athena, Aphrodite, or Ares. Even my little sissy Arty wouldn't be too merciful to you if you stole from her." I explain as he nods. His eyes slightly widened at my casual attitude while referring to other Olympians.

"If you stole from any of them, especially Arty or Athena, you wouldn't be able to hide behind Father's name as he favors them. I'm our father's favorite, though, and Aphrodite would just sleep her way out of trouble. The only one you could steal from that father would punish if they harmed you Is Ares as not even the queen, Hera likes him." Hermes nods as I see him taking mental notes at my advice.

"Besides. I'm sure you will become an olympian soon enough. Word of advice. If any of the other Olympians do anything to you, don't hold a grudge. If you do something heinous to one of them, they won't target you, but the people you love. Any threats they may make are all baseless." Hermes smiles as I allow him to take away the bulls. I immediately clone them by turning two blades of grass into replicas.

"Understood. Thanks for the advice, brother. It seems Mother was right when she referred to you as merciful." He walks off happily as I sigh. Kids these days.

I've been alive for a decade now. It's not enough for me to have mastered magic, so I'm still learning under Hecate, who I've seduced. But it's enough for me to increase my control over my divinities.

I'd say outside of the 'big three' and all the primordials. In the strongest existence in the pantheon. That's something considering I'm now stronger than most ancient gods who have been alive hundreds of years longer than me.


In the mortal realm. In disguise as a homeless philosopher, Diogenes. I observe Alexander the Great. My half-brother is now in his mid-thirties.

Basically, this is what I do to mess with the mortal world without getting in trouble. I'm just being a douche to people.

"If I were not Alexander, I would like to be Diogenes." My brother says to me as I snort.

"If i were not Diogenes, I'd like to be Diogenes. Now, can you move? You're blocking my light. " I say as Alexander laughs. Moving out of the way as I laze around. Pretending to be normal for once is a funny thing.

Once Alexander and his entourage leave the area, I mock the son of a prostitute throwing rocks at passing men.

"Careful, you don't hit your father, boy!" I taunt as the boy pauses. His face shows confusion as his mother looks furious. Dragging him along as I burst into laughter.

Short chapter cause I'm sleepy

Rayden_Combescreators' thoughts