
Gojo Satoru's reincarnation in WTSF : JJK GOJO'S Emotional Side #BTTH

After getting killed by Sukuna Gojo Satoru is reincarnated in a new world but it is a more dangerous one than he faced before . Iys the world where darkness is trying to capture everything . A collab of Gojo Satarou with The NOvel "When the solitude fades".Iys just 52 chapters and short . Read it and come back . You will feela glorious journey believe me . Being born in this world too with six eyes and even more powerful how will Gojo mix with the characters here . Lets see how it happens . This is not going to follow typical level up or game type . Stakesam are much higher than That .

Aurobindo_Sarkar · Anime und Comics
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46 Chs



Days went by Gojo's dreams and powers start increasing too much . He almost felt like he became a tool of nature and power was being inserted into him . His dreams start getting worse .

Gojo nodded, his determination evident. "I'm ready for whatever comes next. I won't back down."

Mr. Ogami snorted. "You'd better be ready, Gojo. Your next mission is going to be a doozy."

Althea stood up, her eyes flashing with a newfound confidence. "I'm coming with him, Mr. Ogami. My powers have grown stronger, and I can help."

Mr. Ogami raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Well, let's see what you've got, Althea."

Althea smiled, a fierce glint in her eye. "I've been practicing my technique. I can control my energy better now."

Gojo grinned. "That's great, Althea! We make a good team."

Together, they set out on their next mission, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead.

Their first mission was to infiltrate a heavily guarded fortress, deep in enemy territory. Gojo and Althea snuck in, avoiding detection with ease.

As they made their way deeper into the fortress, they encountered increasingly tough opponents. But Gojo and Althea worked together seamlessly, their powers complementing each other perfectly.

Gojo took down enemies with his signature Hollow Purple technique, while Althea provided cover with her precise energy blasts.

They fought their way to the heart of the fortress, where the enemy leader awaited. A towering figure with dark, menacing energy emanating from him.

Gojo cracked his knuckles. "Time to finish this."

Althea nodded, her eyes flashing with determination. "Let's do it."

Gojo and Althea charged forward, their powers surging in unison. Gojo unleashed his Hollow Purple, a swirling vortex of energy that ripped through the enemy lines.

Althea followed close behind, her Multiplier technique amplifying Gojo's attack. The Multiplier created a series of miniature energy explosions that cascaded off Gojo's Hollow Purple, decimating everything in their path.

The combination was devastating. Enemies that had withstood Gojo's Hollow Purple alone were obliterated by the amplified attack.

As they fought, Gojo and Althea honed their combo technique, learning to synchronize their powers with eerie precision. They began to take on even more formidable foes: evil sorcerers wielding dark curses, and malevolent entities born from the shadows.

But no matter the opponent, Gojo and Althea triumphed with ease, using only a fraction of their true potential. They had discovered a synergy that made their combined strength exponentially greater than the sum of its parts.

"We're not even breaking a sweat," Gojo said, grinning at Althea as they dispatched another group of enemies.

Althea smiled back, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We're just getting started."

Together, they continued their campaign against the forces of darkness, their legend growing with each victory. They became known as the unstoppable duo, capable of defeating even the most powerful foes with barely 5% of their power.

Their names were whispered in awe by those who knew of their exploits. Gojo and Althea: the unbreakable team, destined to reshape the world .

Despite his growing prowess, Gojo couldn't shake off the feeling that there was still so much he didn't understand. His new powers had emerged seemingly out of nowhere, summoned by instincts he couldn't quite explain.

He remembered the dream, the crow mask man's words echoing in his mind: "You have to help us, Satoru Gojo." But what did it mean? Who was he supposed to help?

Gojo's thoughts swirled with questions, but every time he tried to grasp the answers, they slipped through his fingers like sand.

Althea noticed his distant expression and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Gojo, what's wrong? You've been distant lately."

Gojo hesitated, unsure how to share his doubts. "I just...I don't know where these powers came from, Althea. I don't know what's happening to me."

Althea's expression softened. "Maybe it's just your natural talent, Gojo. You've always had a strong sense of justice."

But Gojo knew it was more than that. He felt it in his bones, a mysterious force stirring within him, waiting to be unleashed.

The mystery remained, a constant hum in the back of his mind, reminding him that there was still so much he didn't understand.

[28/08, 10:59] Meta AI: Here's the continuation:

Althea's eyes narrowed, her voice taking on a serious tone. "Gojo, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Gojo, still grinning from his latest joke, turned to her. "What's up, Althea? Can't handle a little humor?"

Althea's expression remained stern. "This isn't about humor, Gojo. It's about your attitude. You're always joking, always laid back. But we're sorcerers, Gojo. We're dealing with life and death situations. It's time you started taking things more seriously."

Gojo's grin faltered, his eyes flicking away. "I know what I'm doing, Althea. I can handle it."

Althea sighed. "I know you can, Gojo. But that's not the point. The point is, your attitude is going to get you killed one of these days. Or worse, get someone else killed because you're too busy joking around."

Gojo's expression turned defensive. "Hey, my jokes help keep people's spirits up. It's a way to cope with the stress."

Althea shook her head. "I'm not asking you to stop joking completely, Gojo. I'm just asking you to be more mindful of when and where you do it. We need you to be focused, to be sharp. We can't afford to have you slipping up because you're too busy making jokes."

Gojo looked away, his mind racing. He knew Althea was right, but it was hard to change his ways. Joking was his default, his way of dealing with the darkness they faced every day. But maybe it was time to grow up, to take things more seriously. For Althea's sake, and for the sake of their mission.

Gojo's face broke into a wide grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Ah, Althea, you worry too much! It's gonna be okay, after all... I'm the strongest!"

Althea rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips despite herself. "That's exactly what I'm worried about, Gojo. Your overconfidence is going to get you into trouble one of these days."

Gojo chuckled, his shoulders shaking with laughter. "Trouble? Me? Never! I'm the one who's always saving the day, remember?"

Althea sighed, shaking her head. "Yes, I remember. But that's exactly my point. You can't keep relying on your brute strength to get you out of every situation. You need to think, to strategize, to be careful."

Gojo's grin never wavered. "Careful? Me? Don't worry, Althea, I've got everything under control. I'm the strongest, remember?"

Althea threw up her hands in exasperation, laughing despite herself. "I give up, Gojo. You're impossible."

Gojo's laughter echoed through the room, his confidence and carefree spirit infectious. For a moment, Althea forgot to worry, forgot to be serious. She just enjoyed the moment, the joy of being with her friend, the strongest sorcerer of all.

Dido, a fellow member of the sorcerer group, watched Gojo's exchange with Althea from across the room. His eyes narrowed, his mind seething with jealousy.

Why did Gojo get all the attention? Why was he always the one to save the day?

Dido's resentment had been building for months, ever since Gojo's rise to prominence. He was tired of being overshadowed, tired of being seen as second-best.

A plan began to form in Dido's mind, a way to take out Gojo and claim the spotlight for himself.

To take him and bring him down around those he trusted, his willingness to believe in the good in people.

Dido's smile grew wider as he realized the perfect moment to strike. He would wait until Gojo was most vulnerable, until he least expected it.

And then, Dido would make his move.

Gojo, oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows, continued to laugh and joke with Althea, his confidence and carefree spirit never wavering.

But Dido's eyes never left him, his gaze burning with an intensity that bordered on obsession.

The stage was set for a showdown, one that would change the course of their lives forever.

(Next incoming the battle . Be ready YOU)