
Going In Completely Blind

And, as for those internet trolls, who are wondering, as to why I am not going to try to change anything in the anime canon timeline, by way of me messing with things? Well, that is because, this is my fanfic. And, if you wind up commenting, or leaving a review, that winds up channeling, even the slightest bit, of petty jealousy, or toxicity, James_Horn, Zero_Tempest_9159 and Mr_ZeroDagger07, this means you three as well. And as I have already stated to you three, that you are to refrain, from making anymore comments, or reviews, on any of my fanfics. However, if you insist on persevering, despite the aforementioned warning, then I will have no choice, but to report you to Webnovel. Want to think that I am just selling wolf tickets? Try me. And I will also be sharing your comments with my subs and followers. So that they are made aware of your quite sad attempts at toxic petty jealousy. But don't let my justifiable response deter your. Please do go ahead and try and call my bluff. Which is actually a clear promise. If you decide to attempt another comment, it will then be out of my hands. Credit to Supergnats for the drawing. Reviews are very much welcome and appreciated. Although Momoko Hanasaki made what she did in the anime look easy. Try having no information on future events like she did, only information on the main characters of the anime, and also experiencing the events of the Wedding Peach anime alongside her, as her best friend and ally, all while having no choice but to do so. But, what if there is more to it, then just a simple fight of good versus evil? For those who don't have a full understanding of the Wedding Peach anime, or are not aware what the characters look like. You can find out more about the Wedding Peach anime source material through this link ----> Wedding Peach Wiki Dedicated to Wedding Peach creator Nao Yazawa and Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi. A fanfic that converges with A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces and Going In Almost Completely Blind Contains A Lot Of Fourth Wall Breaking. And just so you know, that is deliberate in my fics. I am ファンフィクションとそれに関連する他の2つの作品を、使用を希望するアニメクリエイター、企業、漫画家に提供します。If you wish to discuss this further。Please email me at zachycards@gmail.com However, that is までメールをくださただし上記のいずれかに該当する場合に限ります。However また、これらのフィクションを使用することになった場合は、使用したことを私に認めてほしいと思います。結局のところ、これらのファンフィクションを書いたのは私です。 In which the self insert is thrown into the anime world of Wedding Peach and has to go through the entire series of the show as a love angel and ally to Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach. However, there is more to the story then just that. So Wedding Peach what do you say that we show the viewers the power of The Four Aces Alliance?

zachycards · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Chapter 25: Stolen First Kiss!?: Stuck As A Female Forever!

Date: August 30, 1995

Well, another week had now passed since Wedding Peach, me, and the other Love Angels had used the Saint Something Four, and my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, to both dispatch and purify Sandra. And yet, I was going to once again be proven right very soon, that our troubles, were far from being over with.

This was made more clear when at Saint Hanazano Junior High, many students, including Yuri and Hinagiku, were gathered around the board of test results in the hallway. A few of the students wound up praising a student by the name of Takuro Amano for getting the top score in the class. Momoko and myself praised Yuri for making number 7 in the class, while Momoko decided to make fun of Hinagiku for not getting into the top 50. Hinagiku wound up countering this by revealing Momoko to have been sick the day of the exams and not being on the results at all. This, not surprisingly, caused Momoko to become embarrassed.

Takuro then walked up to us, to which he then chastised, Hinagiku and Momoko for their lackluster performances.

However, before I was going to interject, because why wouldn't I when he had the nerve to chastise two of my friends, one of which is my sister. Hinagiku wound up taking care of this for me, pushing Takuro to the ground from his rude name calling to which he then ran away. Momoko then went up to him to make sure that he was okay. I, seeing as how I still had that bad feeling, decided to accompany her.

A little bit later, Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku were walking home, whilst talking about Hinagiku's relationship with Takuro, who have apparently been friends since they were little. Momoko and Yuri then questioned Hinagiku if she liked Takuro, to which she claimed she still loves Captain Yanagiba. This, unfortunately, led to the three of them arguing and challenging each other to a cooking competition. To which I could only sweatdrop in response. "Just another day in the life of a Love Angel..." I thought to myself, as I sighed. However, unbeknownst to the four of us, and not too far away. Takuro was watching us, more specifically Momoko.

Takuro then wound up following Momoko into town, but he lost her when she suspected him behind her. Once Takuro reached a construction site, Momoko popped out from behind one of the machines and confronted him about following her. Takuro then ran towards Momoko to pronounce his love, only to be stopped by me. Because I had accompanied her to help her pick up some food. Why you may ask? Well, she wanted to cook something for Yanagiba, no surprise there. Seeing as how earlier in this chapter the three of them had had an argument over exactly this. "How about you don't do that, at least understand how you are being perceived right now. Because honestly, you are coming across as quite creepy for following her. And I would honestly like to also know what it is you see in my sister Takuro," I said, with a smidge of irritation in my tone of voice.

However, my statement basically fell on deaf ears. As Takuro still decided to go up to Momoko and try to kiss her, prompting Momoko to hold him back, and a tickmark to find its way onto one side of my face.

However, and thankfully, before I could act, Yousuke appeared and pushed him away, causing him to flee. Yousuke then caught Momoko from fainting, to which they both stared at each other, only to turn away blushing. And yet, once again, this made me think of another couple, that seemed to have the exact same reaction towards each other. But, once again, I chose to push this thought to the side for the time being. Momoko, me, and Yousuke, then decided to talk about Takuro's strange behavior. To which Yousuke decided to impolitely ask if Momoko may have caused it. Momoko, not surprisingly, got mad at Yousuke's teasing and left, with me following soon after.

Well, just another battle for us Love Angels, and this was no exception, as the four of us were currently face to face with a devil by the name of Ranbo. Well, Hinagiku had already gotten into the confrontation with Ranbo. And Hinagiku had already transformed into Angel Daisy, right after me and Momoko had gotten there. And the two of us had already transformed on the way to the fight.

It was at this point that Ranbo demanded that Angel Daisy reveal her true identity by torturing her, to which two female voices then rang out. "Hold it right there!" they both said in unison. Ranbo then turned her attention towards the source of the female voices, to see me and Wedding Peach. Wedding Peach was in her bridal dress form, and I was in my usual battle outfit.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "The setting sun illuminates the gold autumn leaves, and on this fine fall day. How dare you attack a beautiful maiden, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

It was then that I began my introduction, with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell pointed straight up. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, as I then held it front of me in a battle ready position, and struck my usual pose.

It was after we had both finished our respective introductions, that Ranbo decided to go on the attack, and go after Wedding Peach. However, and thankfully, before Ranbo could finish her, Daisy then chose at that moment to use her Saint Pendule to ward Ranbo off. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she launched her usual blue sphere attack from the Saint Pendule. And it was at this point, that Wedding Peach readied her Saint Miroir, and proceeded to transform into her battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

However, when Wedding Peach tried to take out her Saint Crystal Rod, in an effort to purify Ranbo, it was rendered useless by Ranbo's lightning. Thankfully, Angel Daisy was quick to the rescue once again, as she summoned the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles appeared, which then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, doing a 360 degree spin, and then firing her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which stopped Ranbo's advance. And as the next attack was fired at Wedding Peach, she then absorbed it with the Saint Crystal Rod. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach said, as she did another full spin. To which she then fired Ranbo's own attack back at her, in the form of a Love Wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification!~" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade glowed bright blue. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I fired my purification attack from the blade. And once our respective purification attacks hit Ranbo at exactly the same time, she was purified, to which she then faded out of existence.

However, we would never know at the time, that the three of us were being watched by Takuro from another building, who had watched the entire fight. Takuro, after looking like he had been talking to himself, refused to find out our true identities. And yet, this would wind up being for nothing in just a few days time. And on top of all that, a certain someone, who would wind up discovering our identities as Love Angels. Would wind up realizing, that sometimes information like that, can get you killed, more then once I might add. But I won't spoil anything further.

Later that night, Yuri wound up scolding Momoko and Hinagiku for eating her stew that she had made for Yanagiba. However she wound up stopping once the three of us wound up praising her cooking. Yuri then asked Momoko what had happened to her sukiyaki, to which she covered up giving it to Yousuke and says she gave it to her father. "Yea, you do realize Momoko, that it isn't polite to lie right, especially to Yuri?" I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop found its way down the back of my head.

"Hey viewers, Angel Bluebell here. So I am going to kind of go off on a rant here for a moment, so if you don't want to read any of that, simply go to the next paragraph. Anyway, I thought that magical girls weren't supposed to lie! Like shouldn't that be like a mandatory rule or something!? Then again, I can think of two particular individuals, very arrogant ones too. Who lied as much as they breathed! I mean honestly, you would think those with a pure heart like Momoko and myself, among other people that you will be reading about in this fanfic, would at least do their best not to lie! I mean, I seem to manage this just fine with zero difficulty. So why is it that I find it to be difficult for other magical girls to keep to this?! And no they're not cousins…*sweatdrops*"

Anyway, 4th wall break and rant aside. That same thought about Momoko and Yousuke arguing with each other, and how it had reminded me of another couple, had once again resurfaced. But, I had once again decided to push it to the side, and just relish in the fact that we had all made it through another battle uninjured.

It was the next morning, and the sun was shining through the window, as I woke up from my sleep, and slowly got into a upright position in my bed. However, while I was doing this, I noticed something odd. My hair, which was usually all on top of my head, was now a lot longer then it should've been, in fact, upon further realization, it actually went as far down, as my lower back.

"Oh no...don't tell me..." I thought to myself, as I got out of bed, and went to the only mirror in the room.

And sure enough, it was not my male form staring back at me, wearing the pajamas that I had gone to sleep with, but a 16 year old female girl, with long light blue hair, that went down to past her lower back. Basically I was Shinko, minus the battle outfit and the sword.

And, it was at this point, that I did the only thing that I saw fit to do at this point, I fainted.

However, and unfortunately, I would soon learn, that I was stuck in that female form as Shinko, permanently. That meant, that my civilian form, was now that, of a 16 year old female girl, with long light blue hair, that went down to past her lower back.

However, this at least meant, that I didn't look weird, when I transformed into Angel Bluebell. So, at least I now had that going for me. And also, giving the events that lay ahead, it was going to be a good amount easier going at it as a female, then going at it as a guy.