

waking up and all I see I a vast expanse of white I tried to feel my body but I found out my body was illusory. Last thing I remembered was I just came out of the cinema after watching the last episode of the flash series and I was struck by lightning I do admit that I am a die hard fan of the flash superhero but what happened to me is just mind blowing. suddenly a man figure appeared in front of me the figure was that of a young man looking so handsome that his beauty feels suffocating he had a pair of pure white eyes without a hint of black and those ayes feels like they could see through anything standing there the figure itself felt like an entity that has gone through time even tho he looks young.

"I know you are confused right now but I don't have much time left but don't worry am not harming you rather I have bestowed you with the legacy of one of the original gods of the universe. Eons ago we gods ruled the universe with each God having his own domain everything was peaceful until chaos appeared and the gods and demons battle took place. I can't tell you much but when you become strong enough you will get the secrete of the universe. I died when trying to save my people I can only seal my essence and part of my conscience in the time tunnel waiting for a fated one to be chosen to inherit my legacy and am sure not only had made use of this method other gods should have do this. okay I hope you can carry my legacy and become the new original godspeed and my last words remember it well, I. sure this is not the end chaos is still coming back but in order for you to survive you have to achieve the speed faster than time the speed time itself can't reach so good bye my successor."

"oh and my name is Godspeed Asargan" after saying that everything became dark around me I don't know if it is days or weeks or months or years that passed but I later started having my sense of touch but I couldn't move time passed but it was still the same so I decided to sleep.

Time later I woke up and I found my self in a small room that looked like a hut in the olden days I decided to stand up suddenly memories came flooding into my head turns out I was transmigrated into the body of a young boy named Noah the same name as the previous me the world I am in is a world ruled by magicians and magic warriors this world is called raya and the body I inherited is a bit wierd the boy is said to have pure white eyes and long white hair and was devilish handsome tho he is just 14 years old except the village head who took him in he rarely interact with the villagers.

Getting up I decided to go out cause if my memory servee right today is the day I go to the city with grandpa Aron and get tested for my magic aptitude in other to see if I can join a magic academy, having a good bath and changing into a shabby looking old dress I went out and I met Aron waiting for me outside.

" what took you so long c'mon let get moving you are not the only one going with me you know" grandpa Aron said. looking at his back I saw five children 4 boys and one girl which I clearly don't remember."sorry grandpa let get going" I replied the children all snorted and throws disgusting glances at me I decided to ignore them as I remember I am destiny for greatness like Asargan said to me we all began our journey by morning time and by the time we get to the city it was noon already so we all went to the town square and we see a very large platform surrounded by hundreds of people on the platform is 5 high chair and sitting on those high chair are three men and two women whom I guessed should be representative of their respective academy here to pick out talents.

Grandpa Aron took us all to register with our name and then he took us to a clear space where children around the age of fourteen to sixteen lined up after getting there he turned and said "I wish you all luck and hope you could all get in to a good academy" we all nodded solemnly and grandpa Aron left and join the crowd of parents surrounding the platform hours later when it was past noon. a tall man in a expensive looking attire stand on the platform he cleared his throat " welcome all to the yearly magic aptitude test if our greenwood city sitting on those high chairs are representative of different college so I wish you all good luck. as you all know in the middle here is a man sensing runic circle that let you sense your magical energy and hereby making your magic manifesting the stronger the light the stronger the talent, so once you hear your names come up and enter in this rune circle. so starting form the left the representative shall address themselves and their respective academy thank you all." after saying that the man came down from the platform and from the left side of the high chair sat a woman she stood up and introduce herself " my name is etilia and am from moon maiden academy we only accept female students with water affinities" after saying that the second lady in red dress stood up"my name is Arielle and am the representative for Sunfire academy we accept only people with fire affinities" after saying that she sat that down and the next person besides her is a short but study and muscled man"my name is felloth and am the representative for earthshaker academy we accept talents of the earth element" the fourth person stood up he is a beautiful looking man "my name is Robin from the green City academy sponsored by the city lord we accept talents of all elements thank y" the last person is a man who is covered in cloak "from guardians academy" after saying that exclamation rang out from the crowds "quiet you all this man is from the central city of argos kingdom and their academy is the best in one of the entire kingdom so you all show some respect " the man who started the opening ceremony said and everywhere became quiet following that the man in cloak sat down" let the ceremony begin '