
Gods Multiverse Entertainment

Yami had been in the Void for a very long time, there was just nothing and he was bored out of his mind. However, because he had the idea: God is doing everthing because he is bored. God became interested in him and offered him to be the Main Character of the new world he created to entertain himself. It is a world where all kinds of Anime are mixed together into one world. From Naruto to DxD over to Akame Ga Kill and many more. Yami's quest? To entertain God. For this purpose he got a few wishes stuff and a system that was the perfect WAIFU. One of his Objektives: Make the greatest Harem in all of the Multiverse! Anime: Highschool DxD Naruto Tokyo Ghoul Akame Ga Kill Attack On Titan Sword Art Online SAO Abridged Assassination Classroom Overlord Arifureta shokugyou de sekai saikyou Shield Hero Classroom of the Elite Bunny Girl Senpai Date A Live Highschool of the dead Fate I'm not a native speaker and I'm just writing this for fun and because I'm bored... Still hope you might enjoy it Also, thanks to my editor sawyer_butt, he is uploading the story on Wattpad and he is a great dude, thanks man.

Sebastian_HEsse · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Screentime for the Psychos from E-class, yeeey. HOT GIRLS! And you Rascal does Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai

"Okay everyone. We are going to train in combat today. No use of powers or abilities, just technique please, especially you, Kurumi. If I see you do that, I will personally step in. And you know how that will end."

Karasuma was a human, but he was pretty much one of the strongest there was. Even Kurumi wasn't able to beat him with her time ability.

"We are going to have some sparrs first. Especially since I need to see Yami-kun in action."

Karasuma looked at the white haired boy. He was someone who had been placed in E class personally by the headmaster, however, besides that he didn't know much. But he definitely knew that the headmaster wouldn't do this for no reason.

"Sensei, I would like to spar with him."

Karma lazily walked out of the group while raising one hand and holding one of the special knives in his other and playing with it a bit.

"Very well. Karma-kun and Yami-kun will be sparring with another. The others can pick their own partner or watch for the moment. We will use the special-knives as weapons. Whoever hits a vital point or is able to incapacitate the enemy wins. I will be the judge."

All of them decided to watch their small fight. Each one of them was interested in the new student, but in different ways.

Yami took out two daggers and walked to face Karma with three meters distance as a starting point. Karasuma looked at them and they both nodded lightly. He raised his hand.

"3. 2. 1. Start!"

Karma instantly ran at Yami and made a small swing while keeping up a guard. He wouldn't underestimate his enemy! At least not someone who can stop bullets.

Yami and Karma looked each other in their eyes, however, there was a dangerous glint in these red eyes that made Karma sweat and his instincts instantly alerted him of danger. However, he was already too late.

With on fluent movement Yami stepped in, used his left hand to hit his swinging right arm away. While simultaneously attacking Karma's head with his right dagger. Karma instinctively raised his left arm to block the attack.

The next moment he felt cold all over his body and the sensation of a dagger at his throat and on his heart.

"Yami wins!"

Although Karasuma was momentarily stunned, he quickly regained himself and announced the obvious conclusion of the duel. He had seen the refined movements and leathelness of the attack. Although it wasn't a perfect assassination, it was an expertly executed counterattack. He didn't focus on the weapon that attacked him but on the enemy himself. He didn't try to clash weapons or anything like many muscles for brains that saw it on TV before. Yami closed the distance just as Karma's weapon wasn't in the way since when Karma took a small swing to attack Yami. Next he used his left forearm to attack Karma at the place between hand and arm which isn't very strong and pushed it away to eliminate the threat of being attacked by the weapon. Meanwhile he aimed at Karma's head, or rather, his eyes. Instinctively one would defend it and thus the throat was wide open. And in a flowing motion he also stabbed at the heart of Karma with his left knife.

Karasuma knew that a lot of fighting experience was needed for it. And what he also sensed as well, was that he really attacked Karma and not just sparred with him. This was a mayor difference between someone who had already killed and went through many fights with the life on the line and a person who was good at fighting, but hadn't killed previously.

Right, he had heard that in Yami's introduction he specifically mentioned that he had already killed someone. But in what circumstances? He should probably investigate him a bit. Yami seemed to be a very capable fighter just the look in his eyes while fighting was enough to tell Karasuma more than enough. Yami was probably the strongest of the whole class, at least in the fighting department. Rory was a great fighter, but she was mainly limited to her scythe and her superior abilities from being a apostel of a death god. He hadn't seen his powers/special abilities yet, but there was someone who could control time here, so it was hard to say that Yami was the strongest in the class.

[The constellation "God-father" is smiling knowingly.]

[The constellation "God-father" is applauding you for your "fight". 100 Points have been sponsored.]

The other viewers watched this fight with great interest.

"Yami-kun, you seem to be experienced in combat."

Karasuma stepped forward. He wanted to know what happened to Yami that he would be at the level where even Karasuma would consider him a veteran/elite fighter.

"Oh, you see, I was trained in a ninja village by a big sister figure who was very good at martial arts and I have been interested in different types of combat since I was young. And I also played a certain VR game with swords. Do you have some pointer for me, Karasuma-sensei?"

This didn't explain why Karasuma got the feeling that Yami was a person who had gone through fights to the death. A lot actually.

Well, he fought to the death everyday for half a year. It was so often that even Karasuma wouldn't come close.

"Senpai...Haaaa… Can we sparr as weeeell?"

A heavily breathing Rory stepped forward.

"Hm? Why are you calling me Senpai?"

"You are my - Senpai after all - You should know - what I - mean. I can feel - the black aura surrounding you. Even I myself - am your kohai in - regards to that field."

As he expected, Yami got a slight headache from these words. He already had an understanding what she meant by that and it would indeed be very bad if Rory said out loud what she meant. And he also had an idea about what all this was about...

"... Very well, as your Senpai I will take you on, Apostle of death. Karasuma, do you have a scythe here?"

He planned on taking her on in her field of expertise. She was a master at the handling of this particular weapon and he was certain that he would be able to learn a lot from her.

"Here you go."

Suddenly Koro-sensei appeared besides Yami and handed him a scythe. Well, something between a scythe, an axe and a spear, just like Rory's.

It had the blade of an axe on the right top and the blade of scythe on the left top. In the middle was a spear-like pole and at the end was the sharp tip of a spear.


Yami wouldn't bother to ask Koro-sensei where he had gotten this from. He just took it, made two test swings and then got into a stance to fight Rory. He would need to take this seriously.

"Ready? 3. 2. 1. Fight!"

Both of them looked at each other, Rory had flushed cheeks and a feverish gaze. But the next moment, both of them disappeared from the sight of normal humans such as Nagisa. Then a big shock wave occurred and one could see both of them being interlocked in a contest of strength.

Yami spun the pole in his hand and now the scythe was in the front which had a greater range. And he was able to suppress Rory a bit and the blade came near her face. But then she pushes him back and both distance themselves from each other.

This first encounter was to gauge the enemies strength.

"For such a heavy weapon, you are quite agile and strong."

"As expected of my Senpai, you are pretty good yourself."

Those were high praises coming from each of them actually. They now knew that their enemy was strong and both of them got into a stance.

"Kehehe, hahah, this is a fight!"

Rory chuckled with a big smile on her face. She threw her weapon at him while jumping after it. Yami dodged to the side, but she appeared again right the moment the blade was next to him and took a hold of the pole again. Then she slashed at Yami.

Yami quickly swept up his axe and managed to stop the blade just right next to his neck. There was one second of both of them looking at each other. Both of them admired the other's skills. The next moment they started moving, Yami changed from defense to offense as he stabbed at Rory's body with the spear side while leading his body backwards to avoid getting his head cut off.

In response Rory jumped up and thus avoided being penetrated and then swung down her axe on the leaned back body of Yami.

[The constellation "God-Father" is saying; Patience you must have.]

He was currently in a bad position. His body wasn't really stable, if he tried blocking the attack, then he wouldn't be able to stand his ground since his back was leaned backwards, he would likely fall to the ground which would be disastrous.

Within a moment he came up with a way to dodge. He stabbed his speartip deep in the ground and pulled himself towards it, barely avoiding getting smashed at. However, the impact of Rory hitting the ground with enough force to totally shatter it, still sent him flying.

Luckily or unluckily he had already been sent flying often enough in his sparrs with Tsunade and thus he just made a quick backflip and landed back on his feet. However, Rory was already hot on his heels and slashed at him the moment he landed.

Yami twisted the pole in his hands, making the attack collide with the upside of the weapons while the tip on the downside pointed at Rory's heart.


Karasuma suddenly appeared between them and stopped them with just his hands. If they continued they would destroy the whole training ground. But more importantly, they both held real weapons and were fighting for real. If they harmed each other there would be very problematic even though Rory was practically immortal and could regenerate her injuries quickly. He didn't know whether Yami was just a normal human or something else, it was as if there was something blocking him from understanding Yami's existence.

He also got the feeling that if Rory or Yami were driven into a corner, their reflexes may kick in and they might make an attack that could truly kill the other. And this should just be a sparr not a battle to the death with real weapons.

Both of them lowered their weapons. Yami was pleasantly surprised by Karasuma's strength. Although he wasn't able to do anything about it if he was being attacked, he was able to barely see his movements. And Karasuma was one of the strongest humans there were. Meaning that he was able to at least react if a very powerful being attacked him. He still had the last resort of teleporting to Paradise when he was attacked, as long as he had the time to react.

But for now he still didn't want to have to deal with the strong beings of this world. But the fact that he was already at the level of Rory and able to likely get out alive in an encounter with one of the strongest people in this world while just being at level 10 spoke volumes about how strong the system made him and could make him in the future.

"Everybody, please group up and find your own partner."

All the others were still watching the second fight with rising interest. Rory was probably the strongest of them second only to Kurumi with her ridiculous ability. Well, neither of them had gone all out but their fight was still a testament to their individual might.

"Yami, are you good with swords as well?"

Saeko approached him instantly since she wanted to have a kendo duel with him and knew that the others would likely also want to have a friendly spar with him. Karma and Rory would probably both be interested in a rematch as well.

"Sure. I don't think I will need to ask the same thing as you are always carrying a katana with you."

She looked at the sheath strapped to her waist and nodded. But she already had two wooden swords in her hand, something between a katana and a normal sword.

"I'm practicing Kendo. Have you tried it as well or did you learn sword fighting in another way?"

"Oh, I have trained in Kendo a bit as well. But I was mainly just interested in swordsmanship, read some things about it, played a VR sword game and had a bit of practice with my girl-friends."

"... Girl-friends?... Prepare yourself!"

His words could be interpreted as he has several girlfriends or he has trained with girls who were his friends. As he had said, he was also from a different culture and maybe their language was a bit different as well. She had heard of a language where both friend and boyfriend were both called friends. But for some reason she was in a slightly bad mood right now. The best thing would be to just blow off some steam through her sword.

Thus she jumped at him and stabbed the practice sword at him. He parried her attack and stepped forward to counterattack. In response, Saeko pushed her advance and Yami needed to take a step back to avoid getting hit.

Saeko got into a stance again. Holding the sword in front of her. She was currently on the defense since she had noticed that Yami was too good to easily get hit. Thus she decided on countering.

Yami made three quick consecutive slashes at her defense, however, all of them were blocked.

Seeing an opening, Saeko attacked Yami right after he finished the third slash.

However, within not even a second as she struck, she could see Yami adopt a stance that made her want to instantly withdraw, however, it was already too late.

Yami used a technique called Debana-waza. This technique involves striking the opponent as they are about to strike. This is because their concentration will be on striking and their posture will have no flexibility to respond. Thus debana-waza is ideal. This can be to any part of the opponent's body, with valid strikes being: debana-men, debana-kote, and debana-Tsuki.

The next moment Saeko's body was heavily impacted by a wooden sword. However, she endured the impact and pain and completed her strike.

Not expecting her to be able to still attack, Yami managed to dodge to the side, but was still hit a bit.

Both of them distance themselves a bit from another. Even as she was having slight troubles standing because of the pain, Saeko adopted a stance that Yami recognized to be in preparation of using Uchiotoshi-waza.

This waza knocks an opponent's shinai to the right or left. This neutralises a potential strike and gives the ideal chance to strike as an opponent is off-balance. For success, the distance between oneself and the opponent has to be correctly perceived, and then one knocks down their shinai before their arm fully extends. Valid strikes include: do-uchiotoshi-men and Tsuki-uchiotoshi-men.

"Very well, I will teach you a small lesson in swordsmanship."

Yami slowly advanced towards Saeko. She was completely focused. She knew how good Yami was with the sword, she would have no chance to parry it if she made even the slightest mistake.

Suddenly, Yami raised his sword and…

Saeko instinctively raised her sword as the wooden tip was shooting towards her. The projectile had been thrown at her with speed and strength that made it impossible for her to dodge, especially since she had been focused on parrying. Thus her body and mind instantly thought of parrying the sword and she raised her sword and slashed against the incoming flying sword.

Her arms went numb from the impact, but she was able to avoid getting her face smashed into.

But the next moment she felt another impact and her vision spun and she got the feeling of falling. Even though she was stunned for a second, as a swordswoman with the mind of one, she instantly regained her senses and understood that Yami had run at her while she was busy blocking the thrown sword and had thrown her to the ground.

The next instantly her body impacted the ground. Yami used exactly this moment of impact to grab the handle of Saeko's sword and take it away from her grasp and put it above her head, ready to pierce downwards.

"Kendo is good. But it is a traditional way of dueling and not fit for real combat."

Yami had used her total concentration on parrying his sword by throwing it at her with great strength. She was barely able to block it, but Yami used this chance to close in on her and threw her down and the moment she impacted the ground, coupled with the fact that her arms were still weak, Yami was easily able to steal her sword from her and now he was in a position of being able to kill her if it was a real sword.

Saeko was defensively laying down on her back while Yami was on top of her. She was a sadist, but somehow she got a bit hot down there. But she convinced herself that that was because of the fight!

"It's my defeat."

She said as she looked into the sky above and then into his eyes. Somehow these blood red eyes were captivating and at the same time, it felt like they looked right into your soul.

He got up from her since from the corner of his eye he could see a certain death apostel spinning her scythe while creepily laughing.

(Yeah… This class is full of Yanderes and Psychopaths, better not forget that…)

"Alright everyone. We will now try a bit of shooting practice. And I will be showing you how to defend yourself and fight even without your powers. For prodigies like Yami, I will be observing you and give you some pointers. Although your technique is very good and practical, it can be refined even further."

With that their P.E. lesson continued. Yami impressed everyone once again as he seemed to be a genius with guns and especially a sniper as well. This was thanks to the skill he got from Sinon. Karasuma wasn't sure whether Yami was actually a specifically trained trump card of the government or some other big faction. He should probably report to his superiors about this person maybe they knew more about him.

"Karasuma-sensei, could we speak for a moment."

Just before their session ended, Yami came up to Karasuma. They had previously worked on Yami's footwork while fighting with a knife and his self defense. Even though there were only minor things that could be improved since he was already above the level of a special forces, even the smallest of improvements meant a lot at this level of mastery.

"You are probably wondering about my background, just like all the others, right? Well, to be honest, most memories of my childhood have disappeared, or rather, have been sealed. I myself don't know much since I'm only gaining back my memories bit by bit, but I would like to ask you something as your student and the boy named Yami. I would suggest that instead of reporting about me to your superiors, you should first ask them about my person without mentioning me being here. There seem to be very special circumstances surrounding my existence that even I don't know about. And if things went wrong... it might lead to another war between the biblical factions… Well have a good day, Sensei~"

Karasuma's eyes narrowed a bit. He didn't totally believe what Yami said since he knew that the boy in front of him was very intelligent and a great actor. However, he also didn't think of what he said as a lie. Especially if the last part of his statement was true, the matter of the boy standing there was very sensitive. He should probably indeed first ask whether there was an important person named Yami in the data. He could report all of this to his superiors at any moment anyways and he wouldn't risk being the cause of a destructive and horrible war.

Even as the bell rang and the students went back to the classroom, Karasuma stood on the training ground with an expression of being in deep thought.

[The constellation "God-father" is hyped about hearing a bit of your Backstory. 100 System Points have been sponsored.]

After that the normal classes continued with Koro-sensei teaching them a lot of different stuff. However, Yami got several different kinds of stares during the classes. Kurumi's was interested . Rory's was hot? Saeko's was both? Kayano was sceptical. Karma had a sceptical and interested one. Yumeko wanted to gamble with him again. And Mai wanted to talk with him after school to maybe find a solution to her invisibility. Ayanokoji was looking as uninterested as ever and Nagisa was a good student and followed Koro-sensei's every word.

However, at that moment Yami noticed that now their affections should be displayed in the system. He did touch Rory, Karma and Saeko after all.



Rory: Horny Worshipping Admiration (106)

Karma: Interested, but Vote SUS! (22)

Saeko: Romantic interest (40)

---------------------------------------------- ]


Feelings of people were strange and hard to understand...

Especially if they are told with a meme!

"Yami-kun, could you please solve the equation on page 1890?"

Seeing Yami's skills and having learned about the teacher "duel" between him and the chairman, Koro-sensei had started to give Yami a kind of "special teaching". He was teaching Yami things on the level of universities. A whole year of university… In three days! That was the plan and Koro-senei had personally created a workbook for him last night. It spanned over every subject and all kinds of matters one could learn. It was easier to count the things that he didn't learn in this book than the things he did learn!

Even his Perfect Brain, the creation of God himself, was having a hard time. While normal people, or even strong ones would have already gotten their brain exploded from the amount of information the brain got and had to process.

[The constellation "Abridged" is showing the *Head exploding*, while saying; So glad I kept that tabbed.]

Okay, Yami didn't have time to laugh at God's pun and focused on the task at hand. All of this information was going to be useful to him in one way or another.

Thus his brain started working on steroids and crack for the next hours until classes were finally over.

- - -

"Yami-kun, could we talk for a moment?"

Just as the bell rang Mai came up behind him. Yami stood up from his seat just like the others and while the others were busy leaving the classroom, he nodded towards the bunny girl.

"Of course."

He could feel the gazes from both Rory and Saeko, but he just ignored them and went outside.

"We can talk on the way down the mountain right? I have some work to do back in the cafe… If you want you can come over and eat some of the new cakes and small food I plan on making. Well, I will probably be looked at real strangely if I serve someone who they can't see…"

"That's what I wanted to talk about with you. Why can't anyone see me besides you? Even my mother didn't notice me, but you could. Please, if you know, tell me why this is happening?!"

The two walked the path leading down the mountain. Yami noticed that Main either seemed to talk to him and asked for help more easily than in the anime. Or she was just that desperate. He guessed it to be the second option since really nobody would notice her and it had probably been that way since some time ago. And now he was like her final life-line.

"Hmm. This world has magic and all kinds of unexplainable things. But what you have is probably "Puberty Syndrome". It could be called a kind of disease, but it appears in teenagers who have mental problems, mostly instability. The way to "cure" it would be to mend this instability. The question you should ask yourself thus is; why are you unstable and why does that instability manifest as you being invisible?"

Yami was now walking a bit in front of Mai and thus couldn't see her. However, he could feel her eyes fixed to his back as she took in what she said.


"Well, your insecurities is a very hard topic of course. How about you accept my previous invitation and think about it over some tea and cake? You won't have to pay for it. Take it as me helping my classmate with whom I want to make friends."

"... How… do you know about this?"

Mai was a bit hesitant at the moment, however, she still got herself to ask this question. She had never heard of such a "disease" and it didn't really make sense. Also, her mind was in disarray because after Yami's words she did think about her insecurity, her mother and her wish to just be forgotten by the world.

"You see… I have read it in a book… a wiki to be precise. Books are great. Sometimes they can even save people…"

The rest of the way, neither the albino nor the bunny girl said anything. But she still followed him and decided to come to the cafe he spoke of with him. It wasn't like she had anywhere else to go. This was her grasping the last straw and knowing that her existence would just vanish from the world if she let go.

- - -