
I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man

It was his last class and he wanted to train a little more. He wanted to master his spearman ship so he could get used to his glaive again. After placing himself in the queue for the Mobinator. He left the class.


Seconds later, he made a few steps out of the room. Immediately he felt the gaze of someone land on him, which made him stop and observe.

'I guess I should have given that Jake long guy alone…' Junya noticed no one was walking in a place that would usually be busy, which lead him to think he diverted students.

'Does he plan on attacking? I guess I should bring my spear, I'm taking the safety of the school too literally. If it's someone like Jake, he could put me in the hospital without repercussions. If I knick his chin with a demon crash, I could knock him out, but not without serious injuries'

While scanning his surroundings, his eyes picked up an object flying toward him.
