
Godly Myths - Greek

This is a telling of Greek myth with my interpretations of such. Characters and how they act are based off my portrayals of them. As goes for the stories they are involved in, though some likeness will be kept from the myths.

Light_Wolf · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Olympians 2/2

Months passed since the counsel of the twin siblings and their mother. Time was moving on and cities were being made, built from the ground up. Reigning pillars of strength and cooperation between humans. Some of them stood tall and others were in the process of being made. God's continued to become patrons for these growing regions.

Like always, Zeus stood at the top of the highest peak of Olympus. The very top of it all so that he could watch all of Greece from where he stood.

It was believed by the other Olympians that he often stood here because of his admiration for humanity. His desire to see what they could do and how they would grow. That however, was only half true.

You see Zeus is a sultry God. He loves to seduce if you hadn't realised yet. So when he stood here at the top of Olympus. He was not only watching humanity. But also finding his next...Conquest. This time his eyes were not set on a human, but a Goddess. His sister Demeter.

He was the God of Gods. Master of the universe. Father to all. She could not deny him. As of now she was in her garden, tending to the flowers and making sure they flourished.

He was mere moments from descending before he heard a very familiar voice behind him. His mother Rhea had come to Olympus and she spoke with demanded authority. "What do you think you are doing, child." Zeus looked over his shoulder, like he did many times before when individuals interrupted his time of solitude.

"Planning on going on another escapade? And after the case with Leto. Are you not betrothed to one already?" Zeus did not give her a word in response, he was not humoured by her coming here nor the words that she spoke. Who did she think she was to question what he was doing, to question his actions.

He was free to do as he pleased when he pleased. He had already done so countless times. Caused the birth of numerous Gods and beings. If not for him many would not exist. The world would not be developed like it was.

"I forbid you from going forth with this. From engaging with these acts any longer." That was what caused Zeus to truly well with anger. Not only did she come here without being given permission and demanding authority in her voice. She had commanded him to do something. "You think you can command me?" Zeus asked with a voice that was spiteful. He walked up to her, so they were standing face to face. His eyes were filled with anger. "You stand proud. Think you hold power. If you do not leave at once I will show you what it is like to be stripped of it." Rhea was not amused by this, her eyes filled with a desire to prove him wrong. And so she became a serpent, a serpent ready to sink her fangs into him.

But to her dismay, he too became a serpent. He intertwined his body with hers and he proved his threat right. He took advantage of Rhea right there, on the top of Olympus and then left to do the same to Demeter in the form of a divine bull.

From the forced copulation came a child, Persephone. A beautiful Goddess of spring. A Goddess who had been taken notice of by Hades when she was fully matured. Though unlike Zeus, Hades would never think to take advantage of another to proclaim his love for them. As days passed his love burned vibrant. He didn't know what to do. So he sought out his brother on Olympus where he could almost always be found.

Shadows warped around the structure at the top of Olympus, Hades' form slowly taking shape piece by piece until he now stood opposite of his brother who turned to face him. "Why are you here?" Zeus asked in mild wonder. It was not common for his brother to come from the underworld unless it was important. He watched as Hades. A man who ruled the entirety of the underworld and held much power. Lowered to one knee. "I wish to ask you for Persephone's hand in marriage."

This was interesting for Zeus to hear. His brother was in love with Persephone? He would think that Hades would simply take the girl in that case. But it seemed he had too much respect to do so. Zeus had two options. He could refuse which would no doubt cause offence to his brother. Or he could say yes. And feel the wrath of Demeter.

Neither outcome was pleasant. And so with the shutting of his eyes and the crossing of his arms. He made a statement. "I cannot give nor deny consent for Persephone." He was avoiding the question. That was obvious.

But to Hades, this had meant there was no longer any constraint on what he could do. And so he summoned his chariot. Taking the path to Persephone so that he could take her with him to the underworld. At his arrival Persephone was with nymphs. And so he donned his helmet of invisibility. And while she was distracted. He tore open the ground and took Persephone in a sudden abduction to the underworld. The ground closed after.

Demeter was left roaming for her daughter, searching and seeking, asking the nymphs that she was with, the animals that walked the plains. It was not until weeks later that was given the answers she sought. And when she got them, she was not happy.

She didn't storm her way to Olympus. No. She might have been enraged but she would make Zeus come to her. Not the other way around. So what would she do? She would threaten his precious little humans. She went to her garden, sitting down in the middle of the flowers. The black rose that she neutered to life sitting in front of her innocently.

She put out a hand, caressing the side of it like she had when it was growing from the roots that dug deep into the dirt.

Her hand danced down to the bottom of the flower, her eyes closing in pain before she tore it clean out from the earth. And slowly, the flowers around her started to wilt.

She looked at the rose in her hand. The rose that was decaying at a rapid pace, tears running down her face till they fell off. She put the rose back on the dying grass. "I am sorry little one. But he must listen. You will thrive again." She spoke with deep sadness and pain. "I promise."

What followed after this was as intended. Crops stopped growing. The earth became barren. A great famine ensued with seemingly nothing capable of changing Demeter's mind to reverse this. Unless a certain God could suck up his pride and admit that he had done wrong and retrieve Persephone from the underworld.

So what did Zeus do? Well he had no choice. He had to get her. So he made his way to Hades'.

Though what had been happening during all this time? Let us look back at when Hades took Persephone to the underworld.

* * * * *

The two of them arrived in Hades' palace of the underworld. Hades climbed off his chariot and extended a hand to Persephone to help her off. But she didn't take it. Hades lowered his hand to his side, lowering his head in a nod. "I understand you're angry." He said. Persephone stepped off the chariot, getting in his face. Hades had to look down so that their eyes met. "Do you understand?" She asked in a snide manner. "You took me. Because of what? You thought it was your right?" She said, staring down the God of the Underworld. Hades closed his eyes and lowered his head. "I am sorry for the way that I approached this the way I did." He opened his eyes and made a gesture toward the opening of the palace. "If I may. I would like to show you something."

She followed behind Hades, wondering what he was leading her to. The opening was a balcony that let the two look over all of the underworld. Or specifically in this case. The Asphodel Meadows. A forest of darkness that consumed the weary souls within. Forever holding them. Bound to the trees themselves.

"All of this. Can be yours." He looked at her with no ulterior motives shown in his eyes. "You would be my equal. My kingdom. Yours. The universe I am to inherit. Yours. My love. My heart." He got down to one knee, taking her hand in his. "Yours."

It was easy to suspect he was trying to win her over to gain some form of power. Maybe over Demeter, maybe Zeus. But the fact he. One of the sons of Cronus. Zeus' brother. Was on a knee for her. Spoke volumes.

No God with a well of pride and ego would ever put themselves beneath someone. Not physically or metaphorically. Or at least they wouldn't let anyone say they were beneath someone.

Not only was Hades putting himself lower than Persephone. He was also bringing her to his level of power. Making sure that she knew they would be equal in power and position. She would have been lying if she said a part of her did not blindly fall for him then. But she had to be sure of who she was entrusting her life to.

And so what did Hades do? He gave her full reign to do as she pleased. If she wanted to leave. He would grant her that request. If she wanted to shape his domain as she wanted. He would aid her in that journey. And to show how devoted he was to this idea. He placed a throne to the side of his. One that was equal in every way. Neither appearing smaller, or larger in stature then the other.

It took only a week for Persephone to fall for Hades. Seeing how true the words he spoke were. Unfortunately during all of this. Neither knew of what was happening in the realm of the mortals. So when Zeus came. It was a surprise.

"Brother." Hades spoke, rising out of his throne. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Zeus looked to Hades, then cast a glance to his bride. Persephone sat on her throne. She wore a beautiful black fabric that covered her body. Jewels adorned into the fabric itself. Zeus looked back to Hades, his focus solely on him. "Demeter has cast a famine over the lands. And she will only stop if I am to return her daughter to her."

Hades' eyes dimmed in sadness. He understood that this was an important matter. A matter that was more important than his love. Though it did sting. Knowing that Zeus was the one to do this after it had been asked. After Hades thought Zeus would have told Demeter of the discussion they had. Which led to Hades saying.

"Should it not be Persephone's choice?" He asked. He knew that it was right to send her back and keep humanity from being extinguished. But the choice was for Persephone to make. Not his, not Zeus' and not Demeter's.

Zeus disagreed. "Humanity is dying. Her choice doesn't matter. I will give you a moment to say your goodbyes because you are my brother. But a moment is all you get." He stepped away, waiting for them to be done.

Hades looked to Persephone who stood out of her throne. She was as saddened as he was. Putting a hand to his face, caressing his cheek lovingly. "The choice is yours." Hades spoke, putting his hand over hers. "I would stay my love. But my mother. She cannot be left to kill humanity." Persephone said. That was when Hades came up with a way to keep them together. And satisfy Demeter at the same time. "What if..." He paused, considering his idea for a moment longer. "What if I could offer you a way? A way to be bound to this realm while being able to visit the mortal one."

Persephone seemed perplexed this could even be discussed. A curiosity and relief washed over her. "How?" Hades opened his hand, a shimmer of shadow escaping it. A pomegranate seed in his palm. "If you eat food from the underworld. You become bound. You will be able to leave for six months. But then must return for the other six."

Persephone wasted no time taking the seed, placing it in her mouth and swallowing it. Her eyes shut as her lips touched Hades'. The kiss lasted for a few drawn out seconds. With a soft smile on Hades' face as he brushed her hair out of her face. "I will see you again in due time. Till then. My love will burn for you." Persephone put a hand to his chest. "As will mine for you."

She made her way over to Zeus, waving at Hades with a soft smile as the two of them suddenly vanished. Leaving Hades on his own.

He was now in solitude all over. Though he knew eventually Persephone would return to him after consuming the seeds. Demeter would of course only be satisfied with this arrangement until Persephone had to leave again. But that was not his problem to deal with. And it would be up to Zeus and the others to keep humanity alive during those periods.

Love comes in strange ways. The Gods don't love like humans. They are not held by things like loyalty and the sorts. And if you saw something you wanted. You could just take it. Whereas for humans they got to know each other and built relationships. They also had some idea, albeit one that some didn't follow. Of loyalty.

Once you were with a partner. Being with another was cheating. A betrayal of love. For Gods they didn't care. Any and all were at their disposal to do with as they pleased. Which is why Hades remaining loyal to Persephone was such a surprise. Especially if you used his brother for an example of how Gods might typically act towards relationships.

* * * * *

I bet you're quite tired of all the introductions. I mean I haven't even told you any fascinating stories. Unless you count the minor moments I spoke about. So let me introduce you to someone more interesting. Someone who isn't a God. But a demigod.

You might be thinking that I speak of the man, Heracles. Why wouldn't I be? My tales have been of the 12 Olympians have they not. Which is why I am going to enjoy this one most of all. Until we get to a certain loveable God that is.

So let us start a new chapter. A chapter that starts us with the hero. Perseus. We can always introduce the last three on my checklist during the second chapter after all.

So let me tell you the tale. Of Perseus.