
Godly Myths - Greek

This is a telling of Greek myth with my interpretations of such. Characters and how they act are based off my portrayals of them. As goes for the stories they are involved in, though some likeness will be kept from the myths.

Light_Wolf · Fantasie
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4 Chs


At the start, there was nothing, an empty expanse of void, of darkness so thick, it could choke the air out of healthy lungs, then a light came, an eruption of life that spread with no stop to it. It expanded with nothing to slow it down, it outstretched the entire universe and brought something new to it. But we focus on one, a planet filled to the brim with life and beauty. A civilization that was constantly evolving and growing. It started as mere apes who then wielded sticks and stones, clubs of large thick wood to hunt down prey. Then they would learn to shape it into more deadly weapons, spears tipped with stone sharpened down to pierce any hide of fur.

They grew in knowledge and ferocity. The weak died out and the strong survived, generations passed over millennia stacked over each other. The smart grew their society for the better, surging into technology unseen and unheard of. This was an arduous amount of time that passed for humanity. But to the higher power, to the ones above that were worshipped and prayed to, to them, it was a flicker in their lives. A small bit of it that was equivalent to watching a show or movie. 

It was a source of entertainment, one that constantly brought on more and the prayers. The love they were given– It came their way in immense amounts. As time went by, the realm took on new shapes, new forms.

This was because of the new mythologies and Gods that came to be. That came to take shape. Having so many religions and Godly figures in the world took a toll. Some were more forgotten, pushed away while others took a more forefront position for many aeons to come. This brought on a sour taste in the mouths of the first to exist.

So they decided something new. A way to keep all religions in tandem while existing in a way that would please them all. 

They were given their own realms, their own worlds for which would shape around them. Stuck in an era of time that fits the Gods. 

What the first to exist didn't know. Is that Gods are as fickle as mortals. Ever desiring, ever wanting. They only needed the proper motivation. So join me on this journey. See what has been and what will in turn be. Take a look under the veil, under what shows the Gods for what they really are.