
Godly Model Creator

The arrival of origin ability era. Many berserk beasts spawned. Humans with superpowers blooming like mushrooms. Su Hao is just an ordinary 3rd year high school student who had mastered a lowly grade origin ability named “Model analysis”. However, when he was creating a character model in his mind by analyzing the opposing side’s ability, a crazy idea echoed in his mind. What would happen if he creates a model of the entire world? This would imply that he… would be like a God, controlling the world!

Minus Ninety Degrees · sci-fi
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1084 Chs

What path to take?

Translator: Yorasu



A series of explosions could be heard.

Du Ze’s fist of anger was much more impactful than one would imagine. The shockwave alone was enough to make the crowd feel the burning sensation.

Such powerful strength!

Everyone was amazed.

No matter how bad his temper or low his IQ was, his strength was no joke.

It looked like a punch.

However, the attack just now was actually a series of consecutive punches!

When the heavy attack finally settled down, the surrounding solid walls had their thick cement scrapped off, revealing the metals which acted as the support pillars. The lobby was filled with dust, and it caused everyone to cover their nose.

Su Hao and others frowned.

Both of them were here to challenge but before Jianghe Team had even said anything, these two men actually started a fight. It seems like they had some bad blood at Zhanzheng College. However, excluding Jianghe and Fenghui Team, everyone else was a student at Zhanzheng College.