
Chapter 80

As soon as the senior lady announced the astronomical price tag of the house, immediately a swarm of security guards appeared out of nowhere, covering every exit like a human barricade.

Their stern faces and bulging muscles made it crystal clear to Ethan that he wasn't going anywhere until everything was settled.

At that moment the senior lady's lips curled into a mockery smile, her eyes glinting with malicious look, seeing the look on Ethan's face she would tell he never expected what was coming his way, but now it's too late to cry.

"Well, well, well,"

she drawled, her voice dripping with no Sympathy.

"Looks like someone owes our company a cool hundred grand. Better start saving your every pennies, kid, because we are not letting you leave without providing the money, for our time wasted"

At that moment the top client threw his head back, and let out a barking laugh that echoed through the scene.

"Oh, this is just too good!"