
Godly Gene

Do Eun suddenly finds himself in a strange world after an unexpected accident that causes her to travel her consciousness to an extraordinary world. He wouldn’t think a great reader like him in his favorite fiction actually exists and experiences it today. He still loves to discover strange things and dreams of traveling in the future. What if the things he would find out were much more amazing but also terrifying at the same time. He is only a 16 year old yet he died in a stupid way. He was disappointed when he found out that his favorite books he was reading would have ended up badly like if the heroes of the good books he was reading had not died he would have read only miserable endings. That is why when he landed in the world of Cultivation and was given new life to travel, go to war and discover extraordinary things he promised himself that he would value himself even the things he had learned before. in what he reads he will change. Will he be the star of his second life in the world of Cultivation or will he be a loser like the favorite book he used to read? Let's take a look at the new phase of the life of the young man Do Eun on this extraordinary journey as various types of his fellow martial artists will meet along with his journey, to change his fate, to be the strongest and not. be a total loser in this vast world of Cultivation.

Jilib480_Jilib480 · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 1

"Oh my god, what is my favorite book to read online, I can't accept that it ends like this, Why !!!" The young man Do Eun said loudly after reading the last chapter of the book he was reading online. He always reads this book especially and not only is it a famous book but it is also one of the best novels he has read regarding Cultivation.

Yes, let's say he's one of the readers who admires works involving martial artists who are able to level up or rise in rank as the story progresses. Because this is not just a common story or the typical genre that others read. There are very few people who love it because most of his fellow men are always looking for this genre which has become his hobby.

That's all, he really had in mind why this is the end of the Cultivation Novel he was reading or better to say Cultivation Novel. with "s" because he wants to punch or punch the writer. Was the hero of the story he wrote killed?

In fact, he can say that if the protagonist does not die, the protagonist often cripples or becomes invalid on the last page of the story or that the consequences of the story are purely bad. For such a reader, this is really frustrating, especially since the book is so long and he or they can still read some volumes for almost a few months or years before they finish, sometimes they even wait for the said update. writer that they almost watch but the end of the book is just like that? It's really frustrating. Can't the book they are writing be given a good ending? At least in the story, can it just be a happy ending? Yes, demanding if demanding but the young man Do Eun wants a good ending or maybe PERFECT HAPPY ENDING not the PERFECT DISASTROUS SAD ENDING like the ending of his favorite book to read and follow.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Just a few minutes ago, the comments he was reading and notifications from his favorite book he was reading did not resonate.

"Author, you are very bitter!"

"What a waste of time reading your book!"

"What is that, even in this story it's just a sad ending ?!"

"Justice, author, you killed the protagonist of the story!"

"Is the ending really ugly ?! Can someone tell me ?!"

Those are just a few of the negative comments the young man Do Eun read as he browsed the comments of his fellow readers of the book he was reading. He doesn't know but even he was really disappointed and he watched to read it for a few years especially and this is really the story he was looking forward to regarding the Cultivation Novel. The settings of the story he was reading were also SCI-FI and the worst thing he read was the ending. Why would they do such bad thing especially the ending of his favorite cultivation novel. It's very unfair for him especially since the hero of his favorite book to read is too OP and then he just died with his weak and very ugly opponent. If he was in the scene of the story, he might have beaten and punched them, but he thought that they had strong martial arts skills and that just one attack on him might erase his existence.

He even browsed through the comment and really couldn't really paint his face in the comments he was reading.

"That's right, it's good for the hero of this story, he's very arrogant so he just deserves to die!"

"This is a perfect ending hahaha buti nga sa bida ng kwentong to!"

"Whahahaha there is no such happy ending, good and this is the ending!"

"I love Tragic Story!"

These are just a few of the ones he read in the comment sections of the last chapter of the story that were happy with the ending.

"If anyone comments on this they are crazy! Did they know the ending of this story is depressing and then they're still burning huhu!" Do Eun scolded the young man as he took a good look at the comments that circulated in the comment sections of the online book he had just finished reading.

The young man Do Eun just took away the cellphone he was holding especially and he still didn't accept it just like that. Even if others say that he is very emotional, it's just a fictional character, but at least he doesn't. Anyone who is asked about something that is dear to them will definitely be defensive and emotional.

Hello, he is on planet Earth and he is a creature with emotions. He is a normal person and only reading Cultivation Novels allows him to travel to the strange world of the book he reads. He is one of many readers who want to escape the reality of this world and how they can activate their imagination in what they read or are reading. Each chapter reflects the life and events of the protagonist of the story so as times goes by they can say that the story they read is very beautiful and they have fallen in love with it. The type that they imagine that they are in the person of the hero, they also really feel its struggles and its trajectories. So emotional he is now.

The young man Do Eun is feeling that he is going to get sick now and he doesn't feel like being productive today.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The young man Do Eun heard the ringing of his own cellphone. He saw the registration of his friend's name on the screen of his cellphone.

"Hyung Bu"

"Oh Hyung, you got called ?!" The young man Do Eun said sadly to his friend that he was two years older than him.

"Haha it's good and you called me Hyung today. You really have respect for me now ah hahaha!" The young man Bu on the other line said jokingly.

"Tsk! You believe it. I'm in a bad mood right now, can I, Ma'am. What's up, why did you get called ?!" Do Eun said lazily. He's not plastic to pretend to be okay now.

"You're in a bad mood if you're in a bad mood but hello, there's still work waiting for you here so you might forget, Your Majesty!" The young man Bu said on the other line while emphasizing the last word of what he said.

Do Eun's eyes widened. He feels like he is really sick right now especially and last night it started. He works at a Convenience Store as a cashier and he doesn't have a day off today. His last day off was in the first week of January but now it's November.

He is the type of son who is the bread winner of their family. They are twelve siblings and he is the only one who has a job and works with them. His father was a drunkard and his mother was a gambler and even his siblings had vices but even so he never complained about them because if he criticized or contradicted them, he would be the only one to contradict them and make a face. bad. He is a martyr if he is a martyr but he loves his family because his blood and flesh connects them. Another is that he is the youngest of their siblings.

All his salary goes to them because he can't bear not to give them and if he doesn't give they will really beat him or embarrass him in the place where he works. But in recent months, he has rented the boarding house he is now staying at so that they will not bother him anymore. It's also expensive if he goes home to them for three more rides but he can save if he's just here in the room he's renting. He rents it cheaply and the only thing that makes him happy is that he only reads his favorite Cultivation Novels.

Is his family okay? Probably not especially and he feels when he finishes High School he can still go to college. He was able to study but he also stopped when he was halfway through the semester in First Year. He has had many jobs but he is always fired not because of his incompetence at work but because of his brothers who extort money from him who you know hid something from him.

Ever since he was in elementary school he was aware of poverty and he worked hard as he read and watched successful people or personalities that were reported on the internet or on television programs. He actually did that until he graduated Elementary and High School he was selling food or anything he could sell to his fellow students purely legally. He was never tempted to do something illegal because it was against his will and the law.

Since he became a cashier in various business establishments, his parents and his brother have been demanding more and more. He doesn't clean up and he's tired of defending them that they're still doing the right thing. He works hard because he knows he has nothing left to rely on.

"Hello Eun! Eun ?! Eun, are you still there ?!" The young man Bu said loudly as the concern could be seen in his voice. He is not unaware of the condition of the young man Do Eun who is his friend especially and with him at work. It looks like his younger brother, especially since his condition is miserable. If he is the one to be questioned, his family will no longer consider him humane because his role in his family's life is only like a walking ATM.

Even though Bu's life is difficult, the family she belongs to is not that bad, especially since she has good parents and even her siblings who work hard for their daily needs. In fact, he still enjoys helping his parents and he saves half of his salary and the other half he voluntarily gives to his own mother. Her friend Do Eun really only looked at the family she belongs to.

Do Eun, on the other hand, is barely able to come back to reality especially and she doesn't think that she took too long to think that she will add another bad mood to the ending of the book she is following. Opinion of his heart and feelings that he will be disappointed especially and the book he read is very good.

"Of course Ma'am, I'm still here. All right, I'll go there. Wait for me there before you leave." The young man Do Eun said while trying to encourage the tone of his speech.

But the young man Bu felt strange to his younger friend Do Eun. He knew it didn't seem okay especially in the way it was spoken.

"Are you okay Eun, maybe you're feeling something in your body. When did you have a day-off Mr. Always Present ?!" The young man Bu said worriedly as he could be seen resigning the joking title that is his famous nickname for them. It's also really impressive because of its strength and hard work of Do Eun who is his friend. It really influenced him and he was not absent but if there was a day-off, he grabbed it right away. After all, their duty hours will change and Do Eun will replace her as the cashier of the convenience store where they work now.

"What are you, Ma'am, I'm fine. It's just a little hot, it won't affect me." The young man Do Eun said seriously as he tried to raise the tone of his voice. Somehow he has a friend who is joking and greets him otherwise his social life might be boring.

"What are you, if you're sick now Eun, you can be absent first and it looks like there aren't many customers here." The young man Bu on the other line said seriously.

But contrary to what it says he hears loud noises from people on the other line that he knows their customers are those inside the convenience store where he works. They also have a large convenience store that will compete with 7/12, Monterific Store and others that most people actually visit.

"I'm okay Bu, there are a lot of customers there and don't lie Bu because I can work. I won't get anything if I just stay in bed all day." The young man Do Eun said while trying to encourage the tone of his speech.

The young man Bu on the other line took a deep breath in no time and spoke again.

"Okay Eun but let me know if you really can't report your work. I'm free today because I don't have anything to do." The young man Bu said seriously on the other line of the call.

The young man Do Eun frowned at what his friend Bu said.

"I'm telling you, Bu eh, you want to work overtime so you can get paid a lot. Alas, I won't let you. I'll just get dressed. Wait for me there!" The young man Do Eun said seriously while his nose seemed to be smoking with annoyance. He knew that his friend Bu wanted to work overtime because he would get a big salary on their pay day so he wouldn't allow it. A lot of money will be deducted from his salary if he is not on duty today and it is impossible for him to be on duty tomorrow because he is day off given that he will be seduced by two other cashiers other than Bu who does not want to receive a reward from December promised by the owner of the convenience store where he works.


The young man Do Eun is currently on the road. Even though he feels heavy, he can still do his duty now, especially since he has not paid his rent this month. There will be so little he can give to his parents and siblings tomorrow that they will not be happy.

He was in the middle of the road when his head suddenly ached and in the pain he was still holding on to the part of his head that was hurting but an unexpected event suddenly happened.


A loud horn and a dazzling light suddenly turned to the young man Do Eun who was magnified by his pair of eyes. At the speed of events, the young man Do Eun could only see his body bouncing in the air and drawing pain all over his body.

His whole body seemed numb from the extreme pain he felt when he fell on the paved road. The young man Do Eun saw himself bathing in his own blood.

He could still hear the shouts and commotion of the people who were quickly surrounding him.

"Jusko, call an Ambulance!"

"Poor him, what happened ?!"

"Lord be merciful!"

"He's too young to have an accident!"

Those were just a few of the voices he could hear. He seemed to feel a touch in his heart at the sympathy of those around him.

"He's a fool, he really doesn't look where he's going!"

"Yes, whoever that is should not be imitated. Simple crossing the road is not yet possible!"

"You see that son, don't be like that young man who is lying down because that's what you're going to suffer from your stupidity!"

"Young people, they thought they were the king of the road!"

The young man Do Eun felt pity and pity for himself. He will not assume and his critical state has evil creatures around him. Instead of feeling sorry for them for the misery he had suffered from the accident, he was able to preach and have fun with them.

And this crucial point of his impending death he was actually even able to be reprimanded by the hurtful words of strangers who did not know the story of his life. They judge what they see. They are like a two faced person who you thought was kind but when you are in need or weak, they will show their true colors.

"Is this the end of me? I still want to live but what if it's time to take my own breath and I can't do anything more." The young man Do Eun said that his body was dislocated and his vision seemed to be darkening. The voice he hears is getting weaker and weaker. He closed his eyes as if he accepted his complicated fate. As the book he read, it is true that perhaps there is no happy ending, that all things or the very life of creatures have a complicated ending.

Even though the young man Do Eun wanted his fate, he really knew that it was impossible for that to happen. Theee are things that whatever you try to change is destined to actually happen. He asks himself why instead of feeling or wanting to feel angry with his parents and siblings he can't do it especially and even though he is dying now and he only has time left in this world he wants still talk to them. Does he have any regrets about his short life in this world? His answer was no.

Do Eun's favorite books suddenly entered the young man's mind.

"If I were just a cultivator I probably wouldn't be killed by this simple collision haha ​​...!" The young man Do Eun said while he was still laughing at what he just thought.

After saying this, he also darkened his vision and lost his breath, a sign that he had lost his life. Yet he died peacefully while no anger was harbored in his heart and mind even though his fate had been deceitful to him.