
Godly Gene

Do Eun suddenly finds himself in a strange world after an unexpected accident that causes her to travel her consciousness to an extraordinary world. He wouldn’t think a great reader like him in his favorite fiction actually exists and experiences it today. He still loves to discover strange things and dreams of traveling in the future. What if the things he would find out were much more amazing but also terrifying at the same time. He is only a 16 year old yet he died in a stupid way. He was disappointed when he found out that his favorite books he was reading would have ended up badly like if the heroes of the good books he was reading had not died he would have read only miserable endings. That is why when he landed in the world of Cultivation and was given new life to travel, go to war and discover extraordinary things he promised himself that he would value himself even the things he had learned before. in what he reads he will change. Will he be the star of his second life in the world of Cultivation or will he be a loser like the favorite book he used to read? Let's take a look at the new phase of the life of the young man Do Eun on this extraordinary journey as various types of his fellow martial artists will meet along with his journey, to change his fate, to be the strongest and not. be a total loser in this vast world of Cultivation.

Jilib480_Jilib480 · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 10

The young man Do Eun is currently entering a small Gene Capsule Store. This is his plan B where he will buy Normal Gene Capsules and look at the Special Gene Capsules or the Rare Gene Capsules sold by this Gene Capsule Store.

Before entering, he looked at the not -so -greedy elongated sign with the name of the said Gene Capsules store.

"Amaranth Gene Capsule Store hmmm ... Not bad!" The young man Do Eun smiled especially and he confirmed the second Gene Capsule Store he saw on the internet just the last few days.

He was only attracted to the Red Beryl Gene Capsule Store because of the reviews he saw as well as the products he sold earlier said that the quality of the Gene Capsules was good and exceptional.

But they failed the expectations of the young man Do Eun because of the behavior of the staffs of the very branch of the Red Beryl Gene Capsule Store and not only that because he was banned from the very brand of Gene Capsule Store. For him who is from Earth should not enjoy this kind of dealings with their own customers. After all, they are still customers.

Of all the Gene Capsule Stores, this is what really grabbed his attention especially and even though they only have a few customers but the feedback is really very positive from the product itself as well as the service of its staffs. Of course he wants to experience if what is being said in the feedback of their virtual customers is true.

As soon as the young man Do Eun entered, he was quickly approached by one of the staffs of the Gene Capsules store itself.

"Good day Lord ?! What can we serve you ?!" The beautiful woman said with a smile, almost the same age as the young man Do Eun.

The young man Do Eun smiled back at the beautiful female staff of this Amaranth Gene Capsule Store.

"Uhm, where can the highest quality Normal Gene Capsule be found here? Can you show me ?!" Do Eun said politely. He doesn't think that someone his age works inside this virtual Gene Mall.

The beautiful female staff smiled broadly because of what the young man in front of her said. Her parents taught her proper manners and the owner of this small Gene Capsule Store always reminded her to always be polite to their virtual customers. He is also his age so he knows it is not possible to be intimate with their virtual customers like this.

"Follow me Lord." Said by the beautiful female Gene Staff of Amaranth Gene Capsule Store.

The young man Do Eun immediately drifted away. He can say that even though the said Gene Capsule Store is not that big, he can say that he really used every space in this place. He's not that crowded after all. The young man Do Eun was even more amazed and every space in the Virtual Gene Mall is actually rented and any entrepreneur who rents it pays a corresponding fee.

The young man Do Eun's smile widened even more when he noticed that every time he passed by, each Gene Capsules were lined up neatly while they were also sealed in his transparent box to properly preserve the quality of the Gene Capsules.

"Not bad, but it's just amazing that this Amaranth Gene Capsule Store business didn't even hit, which I think can grow or even surpass the Red Beryl Gene Capsule Store." The young man Do Eun said while he was very curious about the said owner and identity of the Amaranth Gene Capsule Store.

After all, the making of Gene Capsules is not for nothing. If quality is the only basis, the sale of Gene Capsules by this Gene Capsule Store will be able to keep up with other popular Gene Capsule Stores here within the Virtual Gene Mall.

Soon after, the young man Do Eun was unaware that they had reached a corner of this store where the Normal Gene Capsules were neatly aligned and displayed.

The young man Do Eun saw the Normal Gene Capsules he needed to buy such as Healing Gene Capsules, Sprint Gene Capsules, Airwalk Gene Capsules, Poison Gene Capsules and Recovery Capsules.

The young man Do Eun, on the other hand, felt strange about what this Gene Capsule Store was selling, especially since there is something odd that he sees in the Gene Capsules that they sell. Especially and unique is the texture he sees and the color of Normal Gene Capsules is unique or varied per set but Normal Gene Capsules is still its brand.

Of course, it was very awkward in the mind of the young man Do Eun that he was told directly by the beautiful female Gene Staff of Amaranth Gene Capsule Store who was just around the corner while looking at his habit.

This is normal because it will assist him and currently he is the only customer of them.

For the second time, the young man Do Eun searched for his belongings. Balahura is what he does if he does balahura but he can pay in case the Gene Store accuses him of anything. He needs to know if his Intuition is correct with Normal Gene Capsules especially with the odd colors of others.

When the young man Do Eun finds the Gene Lens that can be compared to the contact lens on Earth but it is high. It also has unique functions especially and has its own attached to the very part of this Gene Lens.

After the young man Do Eun wore this very Gene Lens, he was really amazed at the special functions of this said bafay. It has Macro-lens functions and 1000 × to 10,000 zoom capabilities even its ultrawide functions are possible. He even surpassed the famous smartphone brand on Earth or the DSLR cameras he sees and other products made by the technology or science of the world of his origin.

The eyes of the beautiful Gene Staff woman, who is only the age of the young man Do Eun, widened, especially when she saw the contents of the large virtual black plastic of the said young man. his knowledge.

"I don't think there's a lost big time customer at our Gene Store. If I could just get lost at this time or be absent from my duty today I would still want to." Said the beautiful female Gene Staff while in a corner of their young male customer. Never in her entire life would she want to associate with this kind of creature who could not be offended. He didn't know why he didn't seem to be carrying this virtual black plastic bag full of things he couldn't afford even if he had to work on it for the rest of his life. From the brandless fabrics to the short dress and other fabrics he saw, they really weren't as expensive. Its Gene Watch seems just ordinary when viewed he knows that latest model of the new release Gene Watch of a Gene Company brand that makes high end Gene Watches. Add to that its Gene Lens which is so very expensive that others just think because its price is staggering.

Apparently remorseful the beautiful female Gene Staff accepted this young man in their Gene Capsule Store especially and she thought this young man was difficult. They can't afford to have happy customers especially and he knows the owner of their Gene Capsule Store hates the rich. One of the constant reasons of their store owner is that rich creatures or Gene Cultivators won't do well in their store but he still doesn't get it and even more he is not convinced by what his boss told him that he has also owns this Gene Capsule Store.

So he came up with an idea that he didn't quite think he would do now especially and he knew his young male customer at these times was afraid he would be offended by it and he was even more afraid of the anger or sermon that would be received. he in the mouth of his boss himself.

The young man Do Eun, on the other hand, saw that the beautiful female Gene staff seemed to have released one of the familiar things that he was definitely using to ban customers due to violations or violations of the rules of the store itself.

Huuwwwaaaggg! The young man Do Eun said loudly when he saw that the beautiful woman Gene Staff was about to press the Gene Banning button.


The young man Do Eun would have crossed and even grabbed the familiar object to ban him from this store but it was too late because he suddenly heard the whistling of the said button held by the beautiful female Gene Staff.

"Goodbye young man. I'm sorry to disappoint you especially and wealthy customers are not allowed in the Amaranth Gene Capsule Store." The beautiful Gene Staff woman said bluntly as she quickly turned away.

The young man Do Eun was surprised by what the beautiful woman Gene Staff said. He seemed deaf to what this rich customer said but he remembered the stupid thing he had done before.

The beautiful female Gene Staff was about to leave this place to return to her own place earlier near the opposite Gene Capsule Store when their young male customer spoke behind her who did not know her identity.

"I don't think a second time I'll be banned on the same day. I just want to buy Gene Capsules because otherwise I won't be able to graduate!" The young man Do Eun said to the departing beautiful Gene Staff woman. Is he really unlucky now or is he really very unlucky, either of these two in my mind is not really going well today. He just laughed because he was banned from the first store he went to which was none other than the Red Beryl Gene Capsule Store because he was accused of being too poor, carrying no money or being a thief. But in the second store of the Gene Capsule Store where he is currently located, Amaranth Gene Capsule Store, he was banned again because of his wealth. He didn't know the logic of these two stores what they were really fighting for. For him, are they still in business if they are still shopping with their customers. This is really funny to think especially and on the planet Earth where he originated as long as you have but or flush you can really buy almost everything you need or want to get or buy but here, He just lost his stance to buy himself something he can afford yet he can't.

The beautiful Gene Staff woman immediately looked at him as she seemed shocked by what she saw. He saw three circular dots appear on the head of his young male customer. One is colored red while the other seems to be turning red and green alternately while the other one is still green.

The beautiful female Gene Staff can tell that her young male customer of her age is telling the truth, especially since she thinks that she is just a newly banned young stranger customer. While he was doing the re-ban, he couldn't help but feel sorry for his young male customer. The beautiful female Gene Staff felt guilt because she made a hasty decision to ban her young male customer. He can't blame himself especially since that is really the only rule of the Amaranth Gene Capsule Store where he works and it is the ban on wealthy customers from going to their store.