
Godly draw to dominate the universe

what would it be like to dominate your school then your country then the world, Or even other worlds, This is what this story touches on through the eyes of john

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As I pulled out five cards from the deck that magically appeared in my pocket, I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. What if the cards weren't in my favor this time? But as I flipped them over, my heart leapt with joy at the sight of three strength boosts, a 30% speed increase, and a 10% jump enhancement.

However, as I tried to take in my surroundings, I realized with horror that I had been struck blind in one eye. The world around me had suddenly become warped and distorted, and I stumbled around, trying to get my balance.

The next day, when I returned to school, I could feel everyone's eyes on me, their suspicions and questions hanging heavy in the air. I tried to brush them off, but my nerves were getting the better of me. As I sat down in first hour, I pulled out the deck of cards once more, desperate for guidance. I wondered if pulling just one card would just work and so I did,3x strength boost sweet.

I caught sight of a student who looked like they belonged in an overwatch tournament - and my system urged me to put them down.

I shook my head, panicking at the thought of violence. But the AI system whispered cruelly in my ear: "Killing gives more exp, but beating them up works just as well."

I slowly made my way up to the student, my heart pounding with adrenaline. I couldn't bring myself to kill them, but I needed to show them that I wasn't someone to be messed with.

With a sudden burst of energy, I headbutted them right in the nose, feeling the sickening crunch of bone as it broke beneath my force. The student stumbled back, dazed and confused.

Desperate to finish the job, I followed up with a powerful punch, my 3x strength amplifying the impact. The student's head recoiled, and I knew I had chipped one of their teeth in the process. As they tried to throw a punch of their own, they collapsed onto the ground, almost dead

Panting with excitement and fear, I knew that I couldn't keep this up for long. I had to get out of there before someone saw me. But as I made my way back to class, I couldn't shake off the feeling that my life had taken a sudden, dark turn.