
Godly Ashikabi Theodeus

Theodeus was created by scientist to be a literal god, to save them but what happens when he decides to just destroy the whole universe and go to the worlds he read about in his long lifetime?

Azuredemon · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Maison Izumo Inn and the Hannya of the North

It was late at night and Theo was up in the sky waiting for someone. A girl named Akitsu otherwise known as Sekirei No.07. Theo wanted to make her his Sekirei for two reasons. One he wanted to allow her to know she could emerge instead of believing she can never find her destined one and emerge. The second reason was because she always made him laugh with her forgetfulness, finding her quite cute. But first he had to find her, as if on cue he saw a woman wearing a doctor's coat covered in blood, short light brown hair and her face void of emotion running as fast as she could. Theo decided that he had to act now otherwise Hayato Mikogami found her.

Akitsu was sprinting away from the MBI labs as quickly as possible when a strange person in a cloak with blue galaxies on it appeared out of nowhere in front of her. She was going to run past the person, but she heard him say something she believed was ridiculous.

"I can help you find your Ashikabi." The strange person said which made Akitsu stop to hear what he had to say.

"If you allow me to, I can fix your issue so that you can emerge. But there is a cost for my help." The cloaked man said to which Akitsu frowned her eyes.

"What's the cost of you helping me?" Akitsu asked in a monotone voice.

"I'll give you the ability to emerge but if a guy named Mikogami Hayato comes up to you and tries to force you to emerge, run because your Ashikabi won't be far away, he will protect you and give you a place you can be happy." Once the man stopped speaking Akitsu thought about it for a moment then asked the man.

"How will I know he is my Ashikabi?" She asked.

"He will have another Sekirei with him named Musubi, you will know when you see him." the figure explained.

Accepting the terms of the mysterious man, he walked up to her placing his hand on her head. He warned her the process would be painful as he had to forcefully change her genetic makeup instead of just unlocking it, she didn't believe it could be that bad. She was found to be incorrect as the moment he started she yelled in pain. The cloaked man continued to change her genetics despite her cries of pain. After two minutes Akitsu stopped screaming as the hand slowly moved away from her, Akitsu opened her eyes to find the cloaked man gone.

"Thank you for giving me this chance, I will do as agreed with me and find my Ashikabi." She said to nobody then ran off to find her Ashikabi.

Theo could hear a buzzing sound above his head, this was his 7 o'clock alarm that he set up last night when he got home late last night. As he smacked his alarm, he felt something soft on his face, he opened his eyes to see two large white mounds covering his face. He smiled and kissed the two mounds lightly, making them stir. He looked up to see beautiful brown eyes looking back at him.

"Morning Musubi, did you sleep well?" Theo asked Musubi.

"Mhm. I slept great Theo, how about you?" She responded.

"This is easily the best way to wake up." Theo said with a serious look on his face, Musubi smiled widely and pulled Theo's head into her chest before asking.

"So, you like them Theo?" Musubi giddily asked.

Removing his head Theo said. "How could I not like them? They are so unbelievably soft, I truly haven't had such a good sleep in a long time."

"I'm glad you liked them, you can touch them whenever you want to." Musubi happily declared .

After another five minutes of cuddling they went to bathe together, Musubi only realized how tall Theo was when she tried to kiss him but even on her toes, she still couldn't reach his lips which made him chuckle and lower his face so that Musubi could kiss him. After they finished their bath, they were ready to go downtown to look for a new place to live because Theo's week stay at the hotel would expire tomorrow and he wanted to find Akitsu then head to Izumo Inn under the guise of needing a place to live. He went from agency to agency giving ridiculous demands for a place to stay whilst looking for Akitsu, after half a day of searching he was walking toward Izumo Inn as he was able to tell that Akitsu was running this way and by the looks of it she was getting chased by three people.

Musubi then stopped and said, "Theo, a group of people are heading this way. Should we engage?"

"I felt it too Musubi. I'm having the same feeling that I had when I was with you. I think I have another Sekirei." Theo said in response to Musubi's question.

Musubi got really excited and jumped into Theo's arms before saying, "Theo that's great if we can save the Sekirei then your team will become stronger. Now let's go find your second Sekirei." Musubi then grabbed Theo's hand and sprinted off towards the Sekirei signature.

About a minute later they intercepted the group with Musubi and Theo landing in between Akitsu and the group following her.

"Who are you and why are you after this Sekirei?" Theo asked the group knowing full well what they were doing here.

"My name Is Hayato Mikogami and I am after this Sekirei because I'm going to make her mine." The boy no older than fifteen said while looking at Akitsu with a hungry look in his eyes.

"Back off kid you can't have her, why don't you go back home and play with your teddy's." Theo said clearly trying to taunt the kid into attacking.

"How dare you speak like that towards my master!" a Femenine voice said as a blade came flying towards Theo only to suddenly stop from Musubi catching the blade.

"Theo are you ok?" Musubi worriedly asked her Ashikabi.

"Yer I'm good. Thanks for the save Musubi." Theo was truly thankful, he really didn't want to reveal his power to the world just yet.

Musubi looked up at her Ashikabi and nodded, she turned her head to the blade still in her hands and said, "That was dangerous. You shouldn't swing blades around, I'll have to break it." She then did as she said she would and broke the weapon by turning her hands to a ninety-degree angle.

"Kyahhh! M-My...My precious Death Scythe you broke it." Said the angry Sekirei.

"That's it I'm going to kill you! I'm Sekirei No.43 Yomi." The Sekirei with brown hair and eyes, wearing a black gown with matching gloves and stockings with a red ribbon tied around her neck. Standing at one hundred and sixty-three centimetres tall she was only slightly taller than her Ashikabi.

"I'm Sekirei No.88 Musubi, this is going to be my first official fight, I'm looking forward to it." Musubi exclaimed rather excitedly before running in fists blazing.

Theo then felt someone tug on his shirt, he turned around and looked down at the girl tugging his shirt. "Are you my Ashikabi?" the monotone voice asked Theo.

He smiled and said, "I believe I am. Are you ok with that?"

Instead of answering him, Akitsu leaned up to his lips and kissed him. Once their lips meet Akitsu's wings emerge from her back, beautiful ice-like wings explode out of her back. As this was happening Musubi was still fighting Yomi but was slowly being pushed back as it seemed without Miya's early training sessions during the early stages of the manga were really beneficial to Musubi's growth.

Mikogami wasn't happy that right in front of him a Sekirei was taken from him. He turned towards his other Sekirei and said, "Mutsu, look what has happened, a Sekirei was taken right in front of me."

Yes, the other Sekirei that was with him was none other than former disciplinary squad member No.05 Mutsu. Mutsu wasn't listening to Mikogami as he was staring at Theo. As soon as Theo arrived, he hadn't said a word. The reason for this was because Mutsu felt that the tall man in front of him had a familiar presence around him, which told him if he attacked, he would die. Although he was certain he had never met this man before.

"Mikogami, we must leave now." Mutsu said to Mikogami.

This confused the boy into asking Mutsu, "Why must we leave? You're a single number plus a former Disciplinary Squad member, you have even said that only numbers 04 and 03 have a chance of beating you. So, what gives?" Mutsu looked down at his Ashikabi.

Picking Mikogami up and yelling to Yomi, "Yomi we are leaving." With that he jumped to the top of the building beside him and left.

Yomi looked back at Musubi and said, "You're lucky we are retreating because I would have terminated you otherwise." She then turned around and followed her master.

Musubi watched her opponent flee until she was out of sight. She smiled after taking several large breaths to calm down. Turning toward Theo, she could see Akitsu started to cry, Theo then pulled the now crying Sekirei into a hug.

Musubi walked over to the two and said. "Congratulations on emerging, I'm No.88 Musubi, a fist type Sekirei."

The cheery Musubi then held out her waiting for Akitsu to grasp it. Akitsu looked at the hand then up at Theo which he nodded to her, Akitsu looked back at Musubi grasped the extended hand then said, "Akitsu No.07, ice type."

Akitsu then let go of Musubi's hand and pulled Theo down for another kiss, which he happily reciprocated.

"Hey! I was Theo's first Sekirei so you can't kiss him unless I say so." Musubi said as she pulled Theo away from Akitsu's grasp and tried to kiss him but forgot she was too short.

Theo, understanding what she was trying to do, decided to help her out instead of having her struggle to kiss him, he kissed her instead. Musubi wrapped her arms around Theo as she held the kiss.

Thirty minutes later you could find Theo and his Sekirei walking down a road towards an agency, but one that was between them and Izumo Inn. The two Sekirei happily hold onto Theo's arms as they walk. Theo was really looking forward to meeting Miya, which would be her first time meeting the group. They continued to walk for another five minutes before they walked past Izumo Inn, but as they were about to walk past the inn, Theo felt Akitsu stop walking. He turned to look at Akitsu, she was looking at him pointing to the poster on the gate. Theo walked up to it and read its contents, he smiled, looked at Akitsu and kissed her forehead thanking her for noticing the sign before walking towards the front door of the inn.

Knocking on the front door, Theo waited patiently till the door opened. When it opened, he came face to face with Miya Asama. She looked at Theo and he at her. This happened for a few seconds before she smiled at them and spoke in a calm voice, "Good afternoon, what can I help you with?"

"I was just wondering if you are still looking for people to move in?" Theo asked politely.

"Yes, I am, I only have a few rooms left but I have room for you three. Well three if I'm not misunderstanding something." Miya responded with a cheerful smile.

"Yes, it will be the three of us." Chuckled Theo before continuing, "You don't need to supply the food for us though as I will cook for the three of us."

"Oh! Really now? You must think you're a really good cook." Challenged Miya.

"You absolutely have to try his cooking. I had it last night and it was the best meal I ever had." Complimented Musubi.

Miya giggled before saying, "Ok then, let's see how good your cooking is..."

"Oh, sorry I forgot, my name is Theo." Theo apologetically said as he bowed to Miya.

"I'm Musubi, a fist type Sekirei." Happily, exclaimed Musubi only to have Theo chop down on her head.

"What have I told you about saying weird things Musubi?" he frustratingly asked Musubi.

She places her hands on the bump Theo made while looking down. "You told me not to, otherwise people might treat me differently." Sniffled Musubi.

Theo then lifted her chin so that they made contact. "I know you didn't mean anything by it. I just don't want you to feel like nobody likes you, loneliness isn't something I'd wish on even my worst enemies." Theo consoled with a hint of melancholy behind his voice.

"I won't leave you and I'll always love you no matter what you do but that can't be said about other people." With that he kissed her forehead and looked back at a smiling Miya.

"I'm Akitsu." Monotoned Akitsu.

"Well I'm Miya Asama. I would like to welcome you to your new home, Maison Izumo Inn." Miya welcomed the group. "If you would follow me, I would like to show you the room that you will be staying in." Miya continued as Theo and his Sekirei followed her in and as they walked in, they saw a white-haired man in a black suit coming out of a room under the stairs.

Theo looked at the man and suddenly felt the same thing he felt when he looked at Miya when she opened the door. He acted like nothing happened when the man walked up to the group.

"Going to work Kagari?" Wondered Miya.

With a sigh the name Kagari confirmed, "I just got called in, you won't need to make me dinner tonight."

"Actually, Theo will be the one making dinner tonight since he thinks his food is so good." Quipped Miya.

Kagari smirked and looked at Theo and said, "So then should I be telling you not to cook for me tonight?"

"I guess but I can cook you something for when you get home if you would like?" Replied Theo.

Kagari smiled and walked past the group but not without giving the group a quick welcome then leaving out the front door.

After showing the group their room Miya explained to Theo the rules that they must follow while they live in Maison Izumo. Theo was then shown the kitchen and looked in the fridge to see that there was beef, chicken, carrot, eggs, onion, apples and a few other types of fruit in the fridge. Next to the fridge was a large amount of rice next to the fridge and decided that he would make a curry of some kind out of it. Only problem was that what he wanted to make needed a few extra ingredients. Theo took out his phone from his pocket and looked at the time to see it was getting rather late for him to go out and get the last ingredients.

He looked at Miya and asked, "Miya I know what I'll be making for dinner, but you don't have all the ingredients I need to make it. You don't mind if I call someone and ask them to deliver the last of the ingredients I need?"

"As long as I don't have to pay for the food, I'm okay with that." Replied Miya.

Theo smiled and thanked Miya before making the call. "Hello, Deus Hospitality. Where your comfort is the only thing we care about. David Boston speaking."The voice on the other side of the phone said.

"Hey David, It's Theo and I need your help with something." Theo asked David.

"Ah! Hello Master Deus. What can I help you with today?"

"I moved into a new place and was going to cook dinner for the landlady and the other occupants that live here but she doesn't have some of nor the amount of ingredients I need, can I have you deliver some since it's getting too late to get it myself?" Theo explained.

"Sir, what do you mean "I found a place to move in?" Weren't you only there for a business trip to find the next location of our restaurant?" David exclaimed.

"Well something major happened so I won't be leaving Shinto Teito for a while. Can you get what I need or not?" Theo asked with a bit of frustration in his voice.

"Y-Yes I can Master Deus give me the details and they will be delivered to you asap." Shivered David.

With that Theo gave David all the details of what he needed and where to bring it. Once he got off the phone, he got a look from Miya that showed how surprised she was. After explaining that he was the owner of one of the most famous and highly rated Hospitality Companies in the world, Miya asked why he doesn't just stay in one of his hotels. Theo explained to her that he would rather remain anonymous and out of the spotlight and one of the best ways to do that is to not use his own companies' assets. After fifteen minutes his ingredients arrived, he thanked the driver and got to cooking a huge meal. Once they had dinner and did dishes, they went to bed because he needed to get things for the girls and him, so that they were more comfortable.

When Akitsu and Musubi were asleep, Theo decided that he wanted to go look up at the stars for a bit. As he was standing on the roof looking up at the stars, he suddenly felt something cold and sharp on his neck. He stood there not still looking up at the stars, a very pissed voice asked him.

"What are you and why have you come to my home?" The cold ruthless voice demanded.

"Aren't the stars beautiful tonight? What do you think Miya Asama otherwise known as Sekirei No.01" Theodeus nonchalantly replied as he turned to face her.