

What would you do if you open your eyes into Śūnyatā* and is asked to be the creator of a new world? That is exactly what the story is after. A man named Maximilian bad mouthed The God saying he could better Creator and so he got turned into one. But it's not that simple... While being a God in another orgin he also had to manage his life in his world too! Why? Because if not... he might die. This story shows what would happen if a human was turned into the God but it is not just limited to that... as the story progress he would be greeted with multiple mysteries and ups and downs. A lot... of ups and downs. 《Note: English is not first language so I cannot grantee top class English but it would be readable and enjoyable》 《Note 2: Multiple figures from different Mythologies will be mentioned in near future.》

Mythology_Guy · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Pity And The Chosen One


Perhaps the most powerful creature the Earth had ever made or would make naturally.

It would not be exaggerating at all if one says a singular dinosaur can easily tear down billions of humans alone on its own unless heavy firearms were to be involved.

Truly the apex predator of all the predators…

Yet those hurrying creatures were being looked down on with pity by one of the humans. Or a humanoid creature at least.


That was because… he was going to be the reason for their destruction. Their extinction.

"Is it truly necessary?"

Max asked with a loud sigh. He once again had long glowing silvery hair and his eyes had turned into dim blue eyes. Only with that appearance did he look divine and godly.

"Yes," The floating Ball answered calmly, "It is very vital for our future development."


Max simply sighed once again as he looked down upon his creation while floating in the dark space with no source of light other than the white star behind him.

Max extended his arms and pointed his palm down at the planet which looked extremely small; slightly smaller than his palm due to how far he was.

"I… I feel so connected to them for some reason- as if… as if…" Max could not bring himself to finish his sentence.

"As if they are your children," Ball said with an even calmer down "That is natural. After all, they are your creation."

"...I suppose…"

With that Max closed his eyes with grief, disgust, and sadness in his heart before mumbling "Let there be a moon."




A few minutes earlier…




Max opened his eyes to his creation. He could not help but smile as he was greeted by a beautiful vision in front of him; a blue-green planet that looked absolutely astonishing when looked at from space.

"Greetings, Max."

The ball said as it floated in front of Max's face.

"When I left the planet was still boiling with lava- but now… wow it looks kinda like Earth!" Max said excitedly.

"Well- I have set the time difference between the two creations by quite a lot. Every minute outside is around 50 million years."

"I- 50 million!? Isn't that a little too much!?"

"Not really. For creation to properly ripe it needs time. Galactic level time. It may be too much for the past mortal you but for you as a God, it should be just a few moments. The time skip you did first was around a billion years."

"I- I am not even sure how to react. I mean- I feel like an idiot to be excited and noisy over everything…" Max shook his head disappointedly.

"Anyway…" Ball said almost sounding like he was annoyed, "I have decided to put some rules in the way the creation will progress as your guide."

"Um? What- and why is there so much sass in your voice…?" Max asked while laughing nervously.

"I don't know what you are talking about. As I was saying… For the sake of this creation to progress nicely I have come up with a plan. The first thing you must do right now is make humans. They are very important for any and all creations." Ball said, returning to its calm tone.

"Wait… creating humans? Like- not letting that happen naturally? Wouldn't it be better if we see the universe as it is? I was actually curious more about finding the secrets of evolution than the creating the universe itsel-"

Just before Max could finish his words the Ball interrupted.

"If we were to go natural then we should have gone with the big bang. It was your choice to be unrealistic."

"How was it my choice!? I would choose the big bang all day! It would have been so easy and it would have been so much fun to see the legendary fight between matter and anti-matt-"

Just when Max was about to finish his words he was once again interrupted by Ball.

"Who was the one who cursed at God and said you could be much better than him and create the world better than him?"

"Wait… I do remember swearing at God and saying I would have been a better God but I don't remember me saying anything about creating the world better than him… You made that up for sure-"

"It's not my fault you are a drunkard who could not handle alcohol. Now focus if you want to be stronger in your origin like you said."


As Ball mentioned about being stronger in Max's original origin he went quiet. He stared at Ball for a few moments before nodding.

"Okay then. First, let's create humans but before that, you need to create an asteroid similar to the asteroid that is theorised to be the reason for dinosaurs' extinction."


Max asked confused but then he realised the reason, making his eyes widen and a nervous smile appear on his face.

"Wait… no way right- you are not telling me to-"

"Yes," Ball interrupted Max once again, "Yes I am telling you to kill all the dinosaurs that have naturally developed on this planet."


Max could not even argue because he was aware that as long as dinosaurs existed, humans could not live. Humanity could not even come to the world if dinosaurs were to live.

"Is it truly necessary though? Like- wouldn't it be much more fun to see dinosaurs develop into something similar to humans?"

"We could do that but for that, you need to change every single law of physics because to even change a small thing you need to change the complete equation of the creatio-"

For the first time, Max interrupted Ball from finishing his sentence.

"I will do it! I am ready to do whatever it is needed to keep them alive." Max said in one breath.

"...I thought you would deny it- and even if you do that it would not be completely sufficient. There are some laws of the origins and you are not powerful enough to break laws of the origins."

"But… but I am supposed to be omnipotent right? I can do whatever I wan-"

Max was cut off once again by the Ball.

"You are omnipotent but it is only limited to this origin. This verse. You can make dinosaurs and humans coexist if you want to but it will be disliked by other Gods… their omnipotence is stronger than you."

Max's eyes narrowed upon hearing those words.

"Wait… why would other Gods have prom-"

Ball, once again, cut Max off in the middle.

"The man you met was not God. None in your world is God other than you. They may have the power to manipulate concepts but they are nowhere close to being God. The Gods I am talking about are very different."


Max stayed quiet for a few seconds before nodding and saying something utterly stupid.

"So… am I the chosen one?"

But Max was right…

"Sadly yes." Ball said calmly.

"Wait! What do you mean sadly!?"

"...I mean what I said-"