

What would you do if you open your eyes into Śūnyatā* and is asked to be the creator of a new world? That is exactly what the story is after. A man named Maximilian bad mouthed The God saying he could better Creator and so he got turned into one. But it's not that simple... While being a God in another orgin he also had to manage his life in his world too! Why? Because if not... he might die. This story shows what would happen if a human was turned into the God but it is not just limited to that... as the story progress he would be greeted with multiple mysteries and ups and downs. A lot... of ups and downs. 《Note: English is not first language so I cannot grantee top class English but it would be readable and enjoyable》 《Note 2: Multiple figures from different Mythologies will be mentioned in near future.》

Mythology_Guy · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Creation Of Humans (1)

Max closed his eyes with grief, disgust, and sadness in his heart before mumbling "Let there be a moon."

The moment those words escaped Max's mouth a huge asteroid nearly ¼ of the planet appeared out of nowhere and started to float towards the planet at a terrifying speed.

"I am truly sorry…" Max whined as he turned around to avoid seeing the destruction of his own creation… his dinosaurs.

"To think you would be this sympathetic to dinosaurs… I wonder how you will react when in the end you will have to bring an end to humanity as well." The Ball said interestedly.

"First it is human nature to value animals more than other humans and second why would I ever end humanity? I won't be hurting people for no reason-"

"I do not mean the humanity of your world. I mean the humanity of this world. Particularly speaking: the day of judgement."

"...I seriously hate you…" Max said, sighing while rubbing his forehead.

"I must say one thing… You are very annoying and weird. Why do you care so much about the life and death of mere mortals? Ones who will die eventually anyway. They are nonexistent in the infinite cosmo-"

"Shut up," Max said, interrupting Ball from finishing its words with an angry tone "I… I am just being realistic with a stable mind who doesn't wanna kill anyone for no reason!"

"That's but a lie… tell me is that how you truly feel? Are you forgetting who I am…? I am you- none knows you better than I do…"


Max could not answer that. He simply looked away from the Ball and tried to change the topic.

"Anyways… how long will it take?" Max said while coughing softly.

"A few hours. Because of the vacuum, you could not hear the explosion behind you. Currently, the asteroid has hit the planet and has started to merge with it- but a portion is separated which will eventually turn into a satellite aka moon." The Ball said calmly.

"I see… but shouldn't the moon be before any life form appeared on the planet-? Like… if what you are saying is correct then the planet should be completely uninhabitable, right?" Max asked curiously.

"That is indeed correct but before I could have talked to you about the creation of the moon you had become an official God and had to wake up to your original world."

"I- fair enough??"

"I am somehow disappointed in myself… technically someone who is more of me." The Ball said, sounding almost depressed.

"...is there a way to customise your personality?" Max asked, annoyed by the Ball.

"There is. For that, you must make a complex multiverse system." Ball said once again with a calm nature.

"Okay. I will go straight to makin-"

"No," Ball cut off Max in the middle "That is impossible. There is a systemic process you must follow until you become an omniversal God."

"What the heck is omniversal?" Max asked angrily.

"Omniversal is a form of cosmic structure which holds everything. Everything that is possible, everything that is not possible, everything that can be thought of, everything that can not be thought of. It is a collection of everything as well as nothing. Even everything beyond or beneath." Ball explained calmly.

"That… very well- its…" Max was completely perplexed by the things he heard.

"So… to make a multiverse I need to first make an even bigger structure? Perhaps a lot lot bigger structure…? How the hell is that even possible?" Max asked both with curiosity and annoyance.

"That is if you want to instantly make a complex multiverse. If not, keep making this origin step by step." Ball was calm as ever.

Max simply let out a very deep sigh before saying "Time skip."

The flow of time started to move a lot faster than it originally had. Max simply could no longer wait and have a conversation with the Ball any longer; he was annoyed by it. Simply because he was sure it knew a lot of things Max disliked to share.

There was an awkward silence for straight up half a minute. Max simply refused to speak anymore and watched the formation of the moon quietly.

"I think this is enough." The Ball finally broke the silence, "Now you must take things in your hands and do it manually."

"Yes…" Max sighed softly almost as if it was a mumble, "Resume time to normal."

The moment Max said that time started to slow down and once again returned to its original and normal speed.

"Now. Say "Separate the land from the water" and see the planet being habitable once again." Ball instructed calmly.

"Okay… Separate the land from the water."

As Max finished his words, the boiling planet covered with lava started to shift and shake. The lava started to go down and the land started to rise from the ground. Once large landmasses started to appear the boiling lava started to turn into water and glaciers. Almost all lava on the planet disappeared in an instant.

Although it happened in a matter of seconds it was still a beautiful sight to behold for a man like Max who has lived his life dully.


Max mumbled to himself as he looked at the planet becoming a habitable planet once again. He was unaware why but for some reason he could see everything that was going on… he could see every plant and flower blooming at every inch of the planet.

"This… this feels so amazing…" Max said thrilled by the beautiful scenery.

"As I said you are weird…" Ball said, sounding confused and hesitant.

"I swear I will customise your personality to that of a slave once I make an omniverse." Max said while making weird faces and hand gestures.

"Anyways… as you may know God created the first man from the dust in his own image. So go and create a man first and then it's your choice whether you wish to make the first woman from his ribs or not."

"I would make her the same way I would make the man- it feels painful to even imagine that…" Max said and after finishing his words he felt a cold shiver making him shake for a quick second.

"Okay… very well- but would you prefer making two humans only on one continent or two humans unique to every continent?" Ball asked curiously.

"I will make-"