

What would you do if you open your eyes into Śūnyatā* and is asked to be the creator of a new world? That is exactly what the story is after. A man named Maximilian bad mouthed The God saying he could better Creator and so he got turned into one. But it's not that simple... While being a God in another orgin he also had to manage his life in his world too! Why? Because if not... he might die. This story shows what would happen if a human was turned into the God but it is not just limited to that... as the story progress he would be greeted with multiple mysteries and ups and downs. A lot... of ups and downs. 《Note: English is not first language so I cannot grantee top class English but it would be readable and enjoyable》 《Note 2: Multiple figures from different Mythologies will be mentioned in near future.》

Mythology_Guy · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Back To It Again

Max slowly opened his eyes and was once again greeted by the familiar French style ceiling which made a small smile appear on his face.

"How long has it been?' Max asked himself as he got out of his bed and began stretching his body.

"Next day in this world but if you are asking how many years you have experienced, then a few millions years in which you have stopped time for most of the time. Because of a mere mortal at that." The Ball's voice got directly transmitted into Max's head.

"No wonder… I am too used to your voice now." Max said with a grin before going to change clothes.

Max had gotten used to his status as God and thus realized even in his original world he no longer needed to do what otherwise would be very necessary for other humans. That not merely ends with bathing or brushing but also includes eating, drinking and even using toilets.

Max changed into simple clothing similar to yesterday but with different colors and designs.

Max's eyes no longer emitted doubt but reflected confidence instead as he walked out of his house and got into his car.

Before driving he put on the safety belt and looked at his phone which was still broken. Max sighed lightly and placed it on the passenger seat before driving to his university.

"Ball- I have some questions." Max asked serenely.

"Which are?" The Ball replied in the same tone.

"Why was I not able to directly go to the mortal realm? I mean- I thought every God or whatever they are had to stay in that realm but that was not the case, right?"

"It was not that you could not go directly to the mortal realm but if you did so- it would have brought a disaster. A disaster that would have covered the whole state."

Max looked puzzled by the statement. He could not help but get curious and get more interested in the topic thus he slowed his car down to speak comfortably.

"How? I was able to get into the mortal realm without any problem using the… dimensional stuff." Max asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"That is because you would have to forcefully travel through realms which would release an insane amount of energy. The only reason nothing happened around when you entered the path between the two realms was because it was strong enough to resist that much energy." The Ball answered coolly.

"Okay one more question- why did I wake up in the spiritual realm yesterday but in the mortal realm today?" Max asked while rolling his eyes due to the Ball's tone.

"Because yesterday your body was not in this origin. By forcefully traveling through realms could have caused disaster at the level of state… just imagine the impact by forcefully traveling through origins. It might have even caused an astronomical amount of damage." The Ball answered with a calm tone once again.

"That… sounds like a disaster." Max said chuckling, "Okay one last question. While I was in the point between the spiritual and mortal realm why could not have executed the same amount of physical power as in the mortal realm? You know how weird it is for me to touch everything so lightly…? I feel like slight force can cause this car to break completely-"

"That is because of the energy difference as well. Now that you have mentioned that I would advise you to put down your heavenly guard." The Ball said calmly.

"Um? What again?" Max asked, confused.

"Well all divine beings have protection given to them by all origins that makes sure that no mortal could harm them and if one tries to they would suffer a heavenly catastrophe. I am sure you will be hit again today." The Ball said with a smug tone.

Max flinched hearing that. He was very sure that there would have been many people who would hit him. His best friend, his one friend and one of the professors.

"I suppose I will have to do it by speaking like always, huh?" Max said, sighing to himself, "I make my heavenly protection null to people I trust unless they intend to truly kill me."

As Max said, a light seemed to have emitted from his body but it was so faint that it was hardly visible or noticeable unless one had super vision.

"You are truly an awful man… yet you pretend to be kin-"

Before the Ball could have finished its words Max yelled "Shut up!" In anger and make him drive faster.

The Ball for the first time let out a sighing noise and stayed quiet at the reaction.

In half an hour, Max had arrived at the university but just before he could have entered the parking lot he was stopped by a familiar man who waved to him excitedly.

The moment Max's eyes laid on the familiar face Max chuckled lightly to himself before parking his car next to his and getting out to greet the man.

"Hello there, Michael… or should I call you old man instead?" Max asked with a smirk and teasing tone.

"If you call me Oldie I would really fight you-" Michael said with narrowed eyes but in a playful voice.

"I am joking~ and anyways, what brings you here today?" Max asked while patting Michael's shoulder.

"You forgot? I told you I would take you to take a godhood confirmation test. And ho… you are quite friendly today huh? You seemed gloomy yesterday." Michael said while beaming a kind smile.

"I may or may not have forgotten but you will never know the real reason and Is that so… well maybe that is because now I can truly say- I am THE God." Max said with a snicker.

(Author Note: Sorry I was not able to upload chapters for two days. I had a minor accident.)