

What would you do if you open your eyes into Śūnyatā* and is asked to be the creator of a new world? That is exactly what the story is after. A man named Maximilian bad mouthed The God saying he could better Creator and so he got turned into one. But it's not that simple... While being a God in another orgin he also had to manage his life in his world too! Why? Because if not... he might die. This story shows what would happen if a human was turned into the God but it is not just limited to that... as the story progress he would be greeted with multiple mysteries and ups and downs. A lot... of ups and downs. 《Note: English is not first language so I cannot grantee top class English but it would be readable and enjoyable》 《Note 2: Multiple figures from different Mythologies will be mentioned in near future.》

Mythology_Guy · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Another Perspective

Two men looking no older than thirty were hovering in the sky looking down upon the hordes of disgusting monsters with an unfazed expression.

They looked identical to each other; their tall height, their muscular physique, and even their faces and other features were the same. Including their unique scarlet hair colour and deep blue eyes.

Perhaps the only method to differentiate them was that one of them had an ear piercing and their clothes.

"Are you sure a middle-ranking Rakshasa will appear here?" One of them asked (Twin A) with a quick sigh. He was the one with an ear piercing.

"Has HE ever been wrong about these…? We must be the ones to kill that Rakshasa and take its body to the foundatio-" Just when Twin B was about to finish his words he felt a strong energy coming close by. It was so strong that it made both twins guard up for a split of a second.

"Kevin…" Twin A said softly, his eyes narrowing as he looked up at the sky getting covered by stormy clouds.

"I felt it too… it seems like Satans have come here as well, brother." Kevin said calmly.

"But it's strange… Did you feel distortion in space? When one enters the Godly Realm they must get through by the rift…" As Twin B said that both of their eyes widened.

"Or they must come here with help from a god of travelling!" They both said in one voice.

"There is no way a god of travelling would get into the devil's kingdom, right? After all, our foundation could offer far better conditions than those worthless devils." Twin A said clenching his fist.

"That is indeed true but no one becomes a Devil just because of money or power… they are just wicked down their core- but we can't be sure yet. Let's just go and see what's going on." Kevin said before flying towards the source of energy.

As the twins saw Maximilian simply standing in the field looking blankly in front of him, their eyes widened.

"Brother…" Kevin said with a little shaky voice in excitement, "That guy… he is-"

"The god of travelling!" Both of them said together with a smile of pleasure and excitement.

"I think he is really in that special dimension thingy! A place where our logic ceases to exist! A place where one is between two realms!" Twin A said, grabbing Kevin's shoulders and shaking him up.

"No…" Kevin said while coughing and taking deep breaths to calm down and ignoring the fact he was being shaken by his Twin, "He seems to be far more than just a god of travelling… he should be a god of sky and dimension…"

Twin A finally let go of Kevin and said "A dual-title god…? And he seems to be newly awakened as well… I think he is stuck in that in-between realm."

"I suppose that is the ca-" Kevin stopped from completing his sentence as he felt even greater energy from a distance.

"Rakshasa has descended… It won't take long for Devils to notice that…" Kevin takes a deep breath "I will fight against the Rakshasa for the time being you go and take him out of that realm to humanly realm through the rift. He is an important resource for our country."

"But-" Twin B sighed and simply nodded. He was aware he could not convince Kevin to change places nor could he refuse what he said.

"Fine… but don't die. If you die I will come to hell and kill you myself." Twin A said and instantly went down to the ground while Kevin flew toward the source of the impure energy he felt.




"..." Max said nothing… His face was calm but suddenly everyone felt a pressure they could not explain. As if the gravity itself was increasing for them. The clear sky out of blue got covered with stormy clouds and the rumbling of lighting filled the silence that had fallen upon them.

Ash had no idea that he had just angered… THE GOD.

"You are quite vicious huh, kid?" Max heard a voice he never listened to before. He was about to turn his face towards the direction the voice was coming from but then the voice told him not to.

"I am in the Godly Realm. Whoever you are talking to can't see me and I can't see them either… so don't move your head here and there and appear like an idiot in front of your friends."

Max said nothing but he signalled the man to whom the voice belonged to that he was able to hear him by nodding.

"Very good… now calm down. You look quite scary even though I am a god myself~ kiddo I know you suddenly got powers of Zeus and stuff but you can't just smite people."

"..." Max wanted to yell and explain the situation to the man but he decided not to say anything because the others could not see the man.

Slowly the sky started to get clear again and the pressure disappeared making everyone able to breathe freely once again.

"Good boy." The man said with a genuine smile "I thought you would have many questions and would not cooperate with me but you are a nice kid."

With a final gasp Ash, Al, and the other two were able to breathe normally. Ash looked at Max with a little fear in his eyes and without saying anything left in a hurry along with his minions.

"So- Kid can you get away from this university and follow me? I can take you out of this realm to a normal realm where you can not see those low-ranking demons." The man said.

"Max…" Al said a little nervously, "W-what happened? Just…"

Max looked away from Al and said "I… I will leave early today. I will explain these things later-."

"Oh- you are quick to catch things. Then follow me." Max nodded once again and left hurriedly following behind the man.

Al wanted to stop and ask many questions from Max but she could not bear herself to do that. She looked down at the ground and thought 'Max… I hope you didn't do anything stupid at least..'

Once Max had walked far enough from his previous location he finally started to speak with the man.

"Just who are you…?" Max asked with confusion in his voice as he walked alongside the man.

"Oh yes. I haven't introduced myself to you yet. I am Michael, the god of war." The man said with a kind smile.

"God of war…? I- what?" Max confusion simply got even worse.

Michael chuckled at Max hearing his tone, "You thought you were the only god? You are not the chosen one kiddo. Well- you are but you are not."

"What does it even mean?" Max sighed and rubbed his forehead "I think I will get a headache… too much is happening in just a single day…"