

Death, a revolution within the living, it serves as the flames that sparks the darkness, for it's purpose that shapes reality, til it exiqushes, forever in time. A boy turned apart against the difficult extremes that are existing in a world he never knew existed. Left without a choice but to keep on fighting to regain his honour and find peace within his heart. He must discover the purpose of his strength and truth that lies within his past, for it is left to be found. In constant horrors of reality within a world that faces existinction, his left without a choice but to face it. It's quite a journey to experience, for his name is Jin Morimoto, the child of destiny.

PRIEST_XXV · Fantasie
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7 Chs


"Okay class, today we will review a topic on the colonies of the first dynasty empire, the teacher said, with a serious tone."

"Open the text on article twelve on the second page"

Art image's of the book mirrored disturbing and dark events in human history, such hunger that blummets the regard for human live, his heart ripped from his chest, why are learning this.

"Jin, the teacher flipped five page, up on your feet, read article thirty six for us."

"Jin's concentration dawn upon the book," The revolution of homoe- sepian's, the unwavered plague of human survival, derived with deviant aspect's of life, as blood spill's on its prey and constantly diverors."

"Our true nature, the hunger and urge which reshape reality, it lies doment within our genes, our past, an unending change we crawl on the surface of pain and sickness of humanity."

"Research statement, the jade military."

"May I ask, the teacher tightened his facial structure," what do you think is meant by it."

Jin spares his words," I am not so sure."

The timbre of his speech pattern slowed further," it is the next stage of our evolution, the hidden species within us."

"These nothing much to be explained, remember that the mutation is the embodiment of cellular change, were evolution has no barrier...

The next hybrid of biological and artificial discovery, forever evolving, what does it all mean.

School is done for today, yet so early, it doesn't make any sense, we only just got started with our studies, not of us has reached the quarter of the curriculum."

I should go, there is no reason for me to stay, I will see them around.

Jin turned his back, just he moved his right leg, a sudden student touched his shoulder, he stood behind him," you have no right."

"People like you only salvage from privilege, while we only watch as the disease spreads.

"The very thought of it makes me sick, it's time that you leave, if you stay, I will be forced break you apart."

Jin tried to walk away, however his pawn remained at on his shoulder," I want my answers, right hear."

He started to tremble," his eyes opened open wide with a gaze aimed at the surface, so what's it gonna....

Just in mere seconds, Jin unleashed a ferocious punch," don't touch me again."

The student moved two meters, far from Jin however managed to stay conscious," it hurts."

"How did I not see it coming, it has to be a flock, these can't be real!"

Once more he rushed towards Jin, hoping to get a strike with a right hook, Jin immediately countered with a double jab."

Trying to grap hold of Jin's clothes, in response for a reverse assault, However resulting in connecting his arm against Jin's wrist.

He performs the first strike once more with more aggresion, til his opposer touches the floor.

As blood start's to leak beneath his jaw, He approached slowly towards him.

"I ask you, will you leave me alone."

"I won't, he refused to accept defeat," whatever it takes, I will show you pain, beyond your wildest dream!"

Jin eyes sparked bitter taste at the student," not if I show to you first, I would prefer something else, but it seems tearing your intire limbs will be more effe the."

"Are you ready to experience my pain."

The student jaw dropped, sweat appearing on his skin, Jin leaned him against the wall," don't be nervous, I promise not to hold back."

One of teacher appeared amongst the students," both of you stop it, you are ruining the school reputation.

"Jin, let him go, with a curious tone."

"Be honest with me, his arms remained dense, if I let em go, can you guarantee, that he won't bother me again."

"I can't keep that promise," be that as it is, once you hit him, these nothing that I can do for you."

Three students approached from the building entrance, then paused at the moment they saw Jin's adversary struggle.

"Why are just standing there, help me!, his voice filled with rage."

They ran for him, not even a direct confrontation, " I see it now, all these time I thought that something had to be fixed, that's hardly the case."

You can hate me all you want, but I won't give in, nothing else seems matters.

"Come on then, let's go."

At the point in time, he pulled his adversary towards him, then threw him as they reached closer.

In view of fact, they crashed against each other, he waited for one to take a stand."

Jin passed forward, forward, jumps and parrels his body against the ground, driving his shoulder into a midsection, forcing him outside the infrastructure.

Nothing but hate towards each other, the after blizz stood silent, absolute sounds of our fist's expressing our emotion, no words to spoken.

I can't be trading blow with him like this, it's only matter time until more of them join the fight, I will end this quickly.

Jin unleashed his dominant hand simultaneously aimed at the opponent's vision, one more blow positioned above his scrotums, then unleashed a fatal blow aimef at his jaw.

Dispute his efforts, the fight was not over.

I can't keep this up for such longer, the quicker I settle this the better, bring it on, I am ready for you."

Jin stayed in the defensive, blocking critical counters directly at his viral spots, at the same time fighting back when an opportunity presented itself.

A crowd began to form outside the infrastructure, hateful gossip at Jin was protraved, not even focused at his enemies."

At the moment he couldn't defended himself," darm it, I let my guard down, I won't be able to hold out for much longer, I have do something."

Barley able to stand on his feet, Jin grappled one of them, then dragged them against the tree, launched a left hook simultaneously charging a brutal kick on his face

I am too tired to stand, my knuckles are breaking apart, I got no strength left.

As Jin back stayed composed on the tree trunk, trying to catch a breather, an assault placed him on the ground, without any time to react.

He tried to get back up, however he was struck on the abdomen, yet still trying to move while loosing blood.

His opposer sat on his mid section, furiously punching him without remorse.

So this is it, my life ends right here.....