
Goddess Reversal System

Liu Xinyu accidentally acquires a Goddess Reversal System, and with the goddess's assistance, he becomes a winner in life.

ReverseSaint · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 005: The Magical Tool

"Who?" Lin Huixin's gaze immediately shifted from the document, her expression serious as her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Host, there's no need to speak. We can communicate directly in our minds. You can think of me as a program or an unknown entity. I can help you achieve everything you desire and obtain everything you want," the system spoke in its usual electronic synthesized voice, but this time it seemed more patient when addressing the owner of the subsystem.

"Don't play tricks on me!" Lin Huixin snorted coldly.

"Whether I'm playing tricks or not, the host will know after conversing with me in your mind," the system replied.

Lin Huixin furrowed her brows slightly. Her office was spacious but felt empty. She had looked around moments ago and there was no one around. Moreover, the voice didn't seem to come from her ears but rather resonated in her mind or head.

With a skeptical attitude, Lin Huixin didn't believe in supernatural beings, but she couldn't help feeling nervous at this moment. Her tightly clenched fist resting on the desk revealed her unease.

"Who are you exactly?" Lin Huixin attempted to communicate in her mind.

"I am the system. I can help you obtain everything you desire," the system promptly responded within Lin Huixin's mind.

Lin Huixin's fist tightened, her knuckles turning slightly pale. This sudden appearance of the system startled her.

"What do I need to give in return?" As a businessperson, Lin Huixin immediately thought of the concept of giving and receiving.

"The exchange is fair. Host, you can silently think 'system panel' in your mind to access your own system and then converse with me," the system explained.

Lin Huixin fell silent and silently thought, 'System panel.'

Then, Lin Huixin noticed a transparent panel appearing in front of her, as if it was projected by 3D printing technology.

Lin Huixin's mind shook, and she reached out to touch the panel. As expected, her hand passed through the panel without touching anything.

She blinked her eyes involuntarily and noticed that the panel didn't disappear when she blinked.

"The system panel is projected directly from your mind to your eyes. You can see it even if you close your eyes, and others won't notice it," the system explained once again.

Lin Huixin took a deep breath. As someone from the upper echelons of society, she knew many things that the lower classes were unaware of. Based on her knowledge, such a technology didn't exist yet. Gradually, she began to accept that the system was an unknown creation.

Calming her thoughts slightly, Lin Huixin looked at the panel in front of her.

Host: Lin Huixin

Age: 36

Body Measurements: Height 170cm, Bust 36F, Waist 56cm, Hips 109cm

Identity Background: Chairwoman of Yuanming Group, holds 49% of shares, widowed, has one daughter

Fate Partner: None

System Store (accessible)

Seeing her own information on the panel, Lin Huixin was once again surprised. Identity background was easily accessible information, considering her status as a prominent figure. Height was not a secret either, as detailed measurements were available during medical check-ups.

However, her body measurements were known only to herself. Lin Huixin was aware of her good figure, especially among women. Her figure was often described as an hourglass shape or an S-shaped body by men.

Her bust and hips were something she struggled with. As she grew older, her bust and hips didn't decrease but became fuller instead. She had to change her bra size every few years.

Therefore, she paid great attention to her body measurements. The numbers displayed happened to be the latest data she measured a week ago.

This unknown entity already knew such a private matter and used her body measurements as part of the panel.

Lin Huixin's chest heaved up and down vigorously. Suppressing her inner turmoil, she inquired, "What is a 'Fate Partner'?"

"Throughout one's life, they will encounter people with whom they have a complicated relationship. This person can be a man or a woman. Only when bound together with a Fate Partner, can their destinies mutually influence, support, and complement each other, leading to an extremely smooth life," the system explained.

"Who is my Fate Partner?" Lin Huixin thought of a mystical book she had read before, finding some similarities and thus piquing her interest.

"Would you like to search for your Fate Partner?" the system inquired.

"Yes!" Lin Huixin didn't hesitate and gave the order directly.

"Searching... Confirmed."

"Fate Partner: Liu Xinyu. Host can view the information of the Fate Partner to better understand them," the system announced.

With those words, a lifelike 3D image of Liu Xinyu appeared in front of Lin Huixin, vividly displaying every detail. Next to the image were Liu Xinyu's name, age, height, background, personality, and a series of introductions.

Lin Huixin glanced hastily, but didn't pay too much attention. Although the system identified Liu Xinyu as her Fate Partner, they had no connection whatsoever. She was merely curious.

"You said you can help me obtain everything I desire. Is this all?" Lin Huixin still didn't fully understand the system.

"Of course not. I suggest the host check the items in the store before drawing conclusions," the system advised.

Following the system's reminder, Lin Huixin silently thought of the store. Suddenly, a row of dazzling and diverse items appeared before her eyes.

When she saw these items, Lin Huixin's face immediately flushed. Subconsciously, she wanted to close the store, but the system's reminder urged her to continue looking.

"1 Point Items: Beauty Pill, Skin Rejuvenation Pill, Bust Enhancement Pill, Aphrodisiac Pill, Powerful Ejaculation Pill, Kidney Strengthening Pill, Endurance Pill, Penis Enlargement Pill, Voluntary Ejaculation Control Pill, Beginner Martial Arts Pill, Beginner Wisdom Pill, Alcohol Immunity Pill, Sensory Block Pill, Perfect Body Pill..."

There were hundreds of items, each with its name, specific purpose, and usage written next to it.

For example, the Beauty Pill could make a person beautiful. The more pills taken, the more perfect and delicate their features would become.

Or the Martial Arts Pill, which granted the user basic martial arts skills, enabling them to easily defeat two or three opponents.

These pills were all extraordinary, but in Lin Huixin's eyes, they were also quite unconventional or even vulgar.

Why were there items like Bust Enhancement Pill, Aphrodisiac Pill, Penis Enlargement Pill, and Voluntary Ejaculation Control Pill? What kind of system was this exactly?

Lin Huixin wanted to close the store, but under the system's prompting, she continued to scroll down. When she saw the next set of items, her breathing became rapid, and her eyes sparkled with brightness.

"5-point items: Stamina Pill, Divine Pill, Luck Pill, Invisibility Pill, Mind Reading Pill..."

"10-point items: Money Pill, Talent Pill, Intermediate Martial Arts Pill, Intermediate Wisdom Pill, Senses Enhancement Pill, Photographic Memory Pill..."