
Goddess of Gaming

Julie dreamed of becoming a popular star, but after getting terminated from the idol training program she turned to the one thing she had left: video games.

GabrielKross · Urban
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11 Chs

Lunch Break

In her office, Amy immediately logged into her computer and contacted Julie.

Private Message:

AmyChan: Julie, meet me at the barbeque shop near your place for lunch. There are very important matters I need to discuss with you.

WhiteTiger: What time? I want to go back to sleep.

AmyChan: 11:30

WhiteTiger: Got it, wake me up at 11:00. I'm exhausted from last night's runs.

AmyChan: Will do.

A little over two hours later Julie arrived at the barbeque shop and found Amy already cooking several different types of meat. "Did you have to order so much Amy?"

"Of course, this is also a celebratory lunch for the both of us. Sit down, sit down, I have much to tell you. Hmmmm, where should I begin? Right, you know that arrogant chit Marilyn Lynn, the one you were supposed to do the music video for? Due to a conflict with her, I'm apparently getting promoted to vice president of Splendid Group."

"How does that make sense? Isn't Splendid Group using most of its entertainment resources on her right now? Why would having a conflict with her grant you such benefits?" Julie questioned Amy as she started grabbing some meat off the grill.

"Hey hey at least put more on the grill when you take some off, I haven't even started eating yet! As for your questions, it seems even though there have been rumors that Marilyn Lynn was the future Miss Quinn, Mr. Quinn doesn't seem to like her very much. He even had the couch that she sprawled herself out on thrown out. My bet is the rumor was started by her, yet Mr. Quinn doesn't seem to care enough to stifle it. Anyways, that's not the big news that I wanted to tell you. Apparently, Mr. Quinn has been trying to track you down ever since you got terminated from the training program. According to both him and his assistant, there are people working behind the scenes going against Mr. Quinn's wishes. In the dispute this morning, Mr. Quinn hinted that Marilyn Lynn might even be behind your unjust termination."

"It sounds a bit logical, if she was able to make people believe she was his future wife, it would be easy for her to pull strings within the training program."

"It gets better though, Mr. Quinn is looking for you for multiple reasons. The first is the termination issue, but there are actually two more reasons. Word of your records somehow got out, probably someone who overheard us in the line awhile back with connections to Mr. X. Mr. X has decided to come out of retirement to challenge you on the Finale of Fantasy 8 speed record at the competition two months from now. The last reason is because you're the record holder for the online game. Mr. Quinn definitely wants you to attend the competition and said that all expenses incurred on the trip would be covered by the company. This is a big opportunity for you to get noticed and to achieve one of your dreams! You always used to say that you wanted to prove that the no encounter unlock was a waste of time, now's your chance!"

"It is a good opportunity, but how sincere do you think Mr. Quinn is?"

"He seems pretty trustworthy, he already sent me a new contract describing my promotion, benefits, and duties. He even agreed to my request to let me keep my current secretary, though Jane is going to be my assistant now and not a secretary. Not only that, he didn't even know that all three of reasons he wanted to find you were actually related to the same person. So I don't think the promotion was done to win us over. I think you have to take this opportunity. Even if you don't get to right the wrong of you being terminated, it will at least help you develop your stream."

"Fair point, how soon do you need an answer?"

"As soon as possible, the company would still need to advertise Mr. X's challenge and the appearance of the record holder in the online game. Please say yes, that way we can at least hang out at the competition together since I'll have to be there too."

"Alright, I'll go. Is there anything else?"

"That should be it. Let's Eat!" Amy started grabbing meat off the grill and eating it impatiently.

"We still on for dungeons tonight?" Julie who was much more graceful than Amy slowly savored the meat while getting to her main concern.

"Sure, when you start your stream up today see if David and that Heals guy are up for it. That healer seemed pretty good, maybe we should recruit him for our endgame static."

"I wouldn't mind, but his name is pretty shameless. What time do you have to be back at the office?"

"I don't need to leave here for another thirty minutes. Quick, eat as much as you want, it's my treat today."

"Alright alright, don't rush me. Not everyone can shovel food in as fast as you do." The two continued to chat and eat until Amy had to return to work. Before Amy left, Julie had a few final questions for her. "You think I should announce my appearance at the competition on social media and my stream? If I do, how much should I reveal?"

"I think it's safe to announce your appearance due to your current record in the online game. Let the company promote the challenge though. I don't think netizens would believe you were challenged if you announce it yourself. You might get a negative reputation that may not be salvageable even after we announce it. Mr. X has been retired for some time after all."

"Okay, I'll go with your suggestion then. Take care on your way back."

"See you later," Amy hugged Julie then rushed out the door to go report her success to the big boss.

I've been a bit under the weather this week so my writing was put on hold. Due to that, there will be no chapter of Cultivating a Failure this week, though I may try to push out a few more chapters of this story later.

GabrielKrosscreators' thoughts