
Goddess Collector (Stopped and rewritten under new title.)

Rewritten in Paradise of Infinity Current World: Marvel Credits to Allchemic for such a wonderful cover. Love you mate. *** Nik Faran, a son of the miserable harlot that lead a life of a miserable gigolo. His birth father is one of the top swordsmen that gave his mother the glory of entering his chamber now remained unknown. Passing years allowed Nik to polish his skills as a prostitute before he was suddenly made aware of the rumour that was the mythical Incubus Society. It was at that moment that his life finally changed. *** Links: If you wish to support me, then be sure to check out my patron. Patron: http://bit.ly/2mE8O4b Discord: https://discord.gg/egdFUe5 @ Fanharem#1354 Warning:The novel is based for my ambition to make the biggest fictional harem. Therefore, lemon scenes are the focus. This novel also contain minor degradation and few r*pe scenes. Proceed with caution.

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Trisome (2)

Cindy's room was decorated with posters of many. Athletes, heroes, and one of the most popular men among the girls her age. She had held fantasies for them. Each of them. But as her gaze fell on Anna's trembling butt cheeks pushing back while having a front seat view of how much Anna was actually spread, Cindy gulped. Even her fantasies weren't as randy as the scene her eyes beheld. She could see Anna's cute butthole clenching and twitch with every move, her entrance dragging back onto Nik's thick shaft as he continued to fuck her roughly, the creaks of the bed and Ann's pleased grunts only making Cindy more scared.

Finally, after a few more minutes of being played by Nik, her mouth slightly numb but her body practically begging to squeal in similar delightful tones compared to Anna despite her reservations, Cindy's eyes widened when she saw Nik thrusting one last time, deeply and staying true to the action as Anna started trembling harshly. Within moments, a thick, white drool dripped from the sides of Anna's entrance as Cindy gasped. 'Did he just...' she looked even more fearful now. Her thoughts didn't need their fulfillment as Nik pulled back and as if a plug removed from a drain, Cindy witnessed an atrocious amount of cum dripping down Anna's gaping pussy and making a puddle over her bed.

With the way the duo acted, Cindy had just presumed that Nik would pull out when it mattered the most only to feel herself gaining a dizzy spell as the scent of the duo's fluids started to chip away on her thoughts. "You're still," Cindy whispering in amazement as she looked at the sloppy cock still erect rudely. Twitching and throbbing as if eager for more action while her fingers gingerly touched the upper length of the shaft.

"See?" Nik smiled as he helped Anna lay down properly, her breathing already light as he continued, "She loves to take a break after each time. Allows her to go hard for long." Cindy gulped again. She suspected her fall after the first time itself. After all, 'this' looked tiresome enough to ride, in her humble opinion, of course.

Still, that didn't stop her from slowly grasping the sticky pole. She had her experiences with the stuff but the quantity and strangely, the scent, attracted her far more than it should have. As Cindy slowly got her way around Nik's cock, Nik's hand slithered down and reached out for her sweet hole once again. "Hmmg~!" Whimpering under Nik's ministries, her body quaking with desire, Cindy gradually started to move her hand at a quicker pace to repay the favor. While one of her palms found itself gliding over Nik's shaft, credits to Ann's and his love juices layering it, her other hand carefully traced over his torso still wet with her own orgasm.

"You're stalling," Nik whispered tenderly as he slightly pulled back, making Cindy look towards the recovering Anna sprawled over the bed with unholy cream covering her nethers.

"I..." biting her lips in a stupor, Cindy took a deep breath to compose herself. "I haven't ever gone this rough..." she whispered as her hands slowed down, and she looked into Nik's eyes.

"Then we won't do it rough," smiling, Nik pecked Cindy before leaning down and taking her bosom with his mouth, his lips latched onto her obscene nipple and his tongue rolling around the erect nubbin. "Hmmhuaa!" Feeling herself warming up to the idea once again as Nik continued to please her, the movements of his fingers growing more intense as his thick fingers slipped in again where his tongue had been, Cindy grunted softly, her hips jerking forward in response as she hugged his face into her bosom while he continued to suck on them.

Before long, the couple shuffled, and Nik slowly hugged Cindy back, his lips marking Cindy's neck with pecks as they began rubbing their nethers against each other, her fleshy entrance spreading over the length of his cock while Cindy looked down with her breathing gradually picking a pace.

"Thank you," she whispered as she slowly tilted Nik's head up with her hands stroking his shredded jaw, "I wanna try it now," she continued while supporting her body and push her butt up with the help of her knees, allowing Nik's shaft to spring up and smack against her dripping pussy. Smiling despite the situation, finding it rather funny, Cindy leaned forward and took Nik's lips out of her volition. "I've really wanted to try this, you know... from the time when that bee attacked us in the school and Ava saved us... well, me."

Slowly adjusting her entrance against the tip of Nik's tool, she continued with a hot blow, "and I don't think its just because of that spider," she smiled before pulling down on Nik's lips and his cock simultaneously, suppressing her grunt against his mouth as she felt her cunt being stretched.

Looking someone else was one thing but feeling it was another. "Slow down a little," much to Cindy's comfort, Nik whispered in between her passionate kisses as he tenderly held her waist and pulled back before pushing down south again.

"Ooh! It doesn't hurt!" Cindy suddenly squeaked in amazement as she only felt better and better despite the size while a raw feeling filled her. Making her eyes glazed, and her heart nefarious in its desires. She started bobbing up and down slowly despite Nik's early warning while wanting more and more. The feel of even the deepest spots being hit drove Cindy to the brink of insanity as her mindless continued to ring with her debauched walls tightening around Nik.

"Ohhh! Shit!" She screamed with her nails easily digging into Nik's back and her movements growing out of control. With his own grunts leaking by the sheer intensity of Cindy's action and the pained creeks of the bed testifying its worsening condition, Nik decided to float and bring Cindy alongside. While he had fucked many women far more superior in terms of physical strength, they all also showed refined control over their strengths but Cindy wasn't one of them.

She was simply enjoying herself too much, her wet hole and squeezing Nik tight with the intention of never letting go so did her nails as the scent of the raw aphrodisiac began to seep into Cindy's room, making Anna shiver even in her rest, while Cindy gave a sharp squeal of delight before showering Nik's crotch with her juices.

"More!" She grinned now, more than wild, with her eyes filled with unhinged desires. Needless to say, with a grin and a deep pump to send her eyes rolling upwards, Nik continued fucking her good. They had the whole day to themselves, after all.


"Are you sure? Sometimes it is best to give friends and families the time they deserve. And shouldn't we have called Nik, too?" Daniel inquired as Ava rolled her eyes.

"I don't wanna talk with him for the time being, and why would you take the side of that kind of guy?" she inquired with a grunt as the setting sun made her complexion even fierce with her iris attaining a wisp of gold.

"I have killed, too. I don't enjoy judging people based on their... lawful crimes. Sometimes just actions require stepping out of the bounds of the law," in-between replying to Ava, Dan helped one of the skateboarding kid stand up. "Skate safely," he smiled before catching up with Ava.

"I don't care about that. Nik is not the right fellow." Ava dodged one of the walking civilians and continued making her way to Cindy's house as Daniel inquired with a confused expression, "Last I checked, he did save plenty of people. And now that the man named Wilson surrendered himself, our work is cut quite short."

"He... it isn't about saving people," thinking back at his salacious relationship with Anna and supposedly her mother, "morals. It's about morals!" Huffing, Ava picked the pace once again as Dan shrugged and followed. Aside from consolidating his foot over Rand Enterprises with the help of the legal team belonging to the Shield agency, he didn't have much to do. He had even gotten himself a job at a local private investigator with all his thirst for knowledge satiated at the place of his training.

As they knocked on Cindy's door, Albert reached out to answer once again. "Yes?" he inquired at the slightly unfamiliar faces. A young woman dark hair and brown skin while the other guest was a contrasting youth with neck-long blonde hair and smart features.

"Hello, is Cindy home? I am Ava, her classmate," Ava inquired with a smile knowing full well that Cindy hadn't exposed the identities of her partners to her parents.

"I am Daniel Rand, sir," Dan smiled calmly and reached out to shake the man's hands as Albert nodded with a guarded heart, "I would welcome you two but Cindy isn't home. She left with her friends a few hours back. In fact, have you tried calling her? I can't reach her."

"Friends? From school?" Ava inquired as Albert shook his head. He hadn't heard much about Ava or Dan from Cindy so he did keep much information to himself.

"It would be karmic is she was with Nik right now," Daniel shrugged and took a step back. His training included emotional identification and reading Albert's posture, he felt that being too friendly would pose some misunderstandings.

"Yes, she is with Nik," Albert nodded, making the duo flinch as Dan took a deep breath and smiled once again, "Thank you. And no, we couldn't reach Cindy but knowing that she is with Nik, she is most probably safer than any of us right here."

"T- thank you," Ava turned back and glared at Daniel and took her leave.

"Guess we were late," he mumbled much to Ava's frustration.