
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


The only thing my vision could capture was pure whiteness, the thoughts racing through my mind were still wondering if this was all a dream or not? It was very surreal. Being in your favorite Anime certainly brings out the fangirl in some, but this isn't a game or a play thing any more. I am in a very real world, where toddlers get sent to mass combat, where everyday there are terrain changing fights. Not that I'm scared at all, though.

Huh? You thought that I would give some sort of cliché monologue about how surreal it is, and how it isn't just entertainment blah-blah-blah, didn't you? Well, too bad. That will not happen. Ever. I am naturally not scared of anything since I'm able to literally create tailed beasts. I can't wait to play around in this world.

Okay, so it seems I am in the famous forest of death. Luscious green forest, mixed with a little bit of barren wasteland, you can practically taste the eeriness. Alright, I'm finally here, lets see what this place has to offe- I'm interrupted by several Anbu surrounding me with swords drawn, I forgot that I just appeared randomly in their village, with no background...of course they would get suspicious. I raise my hands and get on my knees. No point in fighting a pointless battle, but I have mastered the act of swordsmanship! Since my Perfect mastery lets me master anything just by being looked at.

One of the Anbu members slowly walk up to me, and tie chakra canceling cuffs around my wrists, which doesn't work, but they wouldn't know that. Since I have chakra, I've mastered everything that has to do with chakra. Another perk of my perfect mastery. Thus, concealing my chakra isn't hard at all.

The Anbu members share a look, and then they shunshin me directly to the Hokage's office. I look down at my body, and notice I'm the exact same age as I was in my past life. No wonder they are so suspicious of me, and It's not like I'm average height either. I'm 6'2, so all options of playing abandoned kid, or innocent civilian are out of the equation.

I'm positioned in front of a very suspicious Hokage. Giving me a skeptical glare, he asked a question any leader of any village would logically ask.

"Who are you, and why are you In my Village?" The aged Hokage asked this with a tone that wasn't masking at all his rising suspicions and anger.

"I am Tokimo Uchiha. I woke up in the forest of death after being attacked by several shinobi targeting me for my sharingan."

The Hokage was even more suspicious, this man was an Uchiha? But the Hokage would know each and every one of the Uchiha in the village, even more so every single clan. But he couldn't deny that this young man had several key character traits of any usual Uchiha Clan member. The stoic and stern look, the black hair, and the pitch black eyes. He also couldn't deny that this man was wearing the standardized Uchiha clan crest on his clothing.

He decided to let this slide for now, obviously, he was going to monitor this man extensively to see if he was a spy, or had any bad intentions towards Konoha.

"If you had to rate your strength, what would you rate it? What are your main skills?" The Hokage asked, wanting to see If this self-proclaimed Uchiha would reveal his skills.

"Well, I am extremely skilled in all forms of swordsmanship. And I can move at exceptionally fast speeds."

I wasn't going to hide anything, except for the creation of tailed beasts parts. Now that could get troublesome. Not that I'm gonna act weak. I just can't reveal all of my abilities. If I revealed my abilities, there would be tons of people attempting to exploit me for my power, and I'm not so bloodthirsty to just slaughter them all.

"You say you are extremely skilled in all forms of swordsmanship? Get Inu over here." The Old man wanted to see if I really was that skilled. He was also using this to get a list of my abilities. And probably already formulating a plan about how my abilities can be used for the greater good of Konoha. I have to say, Tobirama chose the perfect Hokage. Not because of his leadership capabilities, but because of the way the man was able to practically have the village drowning in strength, feeding each and every Important or Strong character the Will of fire speech, and using extremely complicated and thoroughly devised planning to ultimately and indirectly save his village each and every damn time. If one student defects, he still has several strong characters with undying loyalty to the village.

A few minutes later the man himself, Kakashi, would appear in full-fledged Anbu gear. Judging by solely his outfit, I can say Naruto is about 3-5 years old, and Kakashi is 17 to 19 years old.

Kakashi readies his tanto, and the Third Hokage tosses me a katana. I get in the famous lightning breathings stance. I am perfect in every single sword style there is known to man. When I said perfect Mastery was the advanced form of instant mastery, I wasn't kidding. My torso leaning forward, my right knee is put ahead of my torso as I grab onto the sword and hold it towards my waist.

Kakashi would get in his respective battle stance, his tanto forward, his knees bending slightly eyeing my every move with his sharingan.


There you have it. Cliffhanger. I know, it sucks. But I figured you'd get drawn to the story if I added this here. I hope yall enjoyed. Leave criticism so I could get better at writing, please.

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