
Unexpected Guests

As she stirred the next morning Akua was immediately aware of two things, first was the soreness her lower body felt after the abuse it suffered the night before, and secondly was the smell and sound of bacon and eggs cooking. All at once her eyes shot open, and Akua found herself looking at the curious sight of the man who she tried to kill the night before standing in what passed for a kitchen in the small cottage, dressed in nothing but an apron that said 'Kiss the Cook' on it as he maneuvered the food he was cooking into two plates right before some toast popped up.

"Good morning!" He said enthusiastically without looking up from his task, as he finished buttering the toast before setting onto the small table for them both.

"Good morning..." Akua muttered as she sat up awkwardly, before quickly using the blanket that fell to cover her exposed upper body, and looking around for her clothes.

"Firstly they were already sent ahead to be washed and dried for you, and secondly I already explored every inch of your body last night, so why the shy act?" Alex suddenly said with a smirk as if he knew what she was doing, making Akua's face turn red as she hesitantly dropped the blanket once more, and awkwardly made her way to the table to join him in eating in the nude once he took the apron off. As she stared down at her food for several seconds, Akua muttered,

"You could have a bit more tact you know..." This made Alex chuckle as he scooped some scrambled eggs into his mouth, before saying after he swallowed,

"Say that after you spend a few days/nights with me and the rest of my harem." Akua was silent at this as she nibbled on some of her bacon, before finally asking,

"So what do I do now?" Alex looked up at her question, and saw genuine confusion and uncertainty in her eyes. After setting down his silverware to focus on her, he then said,

"Firstly we're going to my home, Misty Manor, where you'll meet the other members of my harem. After that we'll go where Moka is and work on repairing the relationship between you two, and then you'll be free to decide from there." Akua just gave Alex a strange look as the latter resumed eating his breakfast, confused and slightly annoyed as to how he could act so casual after the events that had transpired the night before, including her giving him a girls most precious treasure. The two continued to eat in awkward silence until Akua finally finished and said with a bit of an edge in her voice,

"So what am I supposed to wear since my clothes aren't here? Or am I supposed to trapeze around naked all day?" Alex however smiled wryly and pointed to the right of a set of doors, before saying,

"That door leads to the walk-in closet, which was expanded with a unique type of magic in order to store more clothes that'll automatically adjust themselves to your size. The one on the left leads to the bathroom, which was similarly expanded with magic, however it hasn't been adjusted for the vampires of this world yet so you'll probably want to wait until we return to the manor. Feel free to help yourself though." Deciding to accept Alex's offer of 'helping herself', especially with his other offer the night before, Akua then said while trying to test him,

"Ok then, but first I wasn't filled by breakfast and I'm still sore and tired from last night, so let me have some of your blood before I clean up!" Doubting that he'd so easily let someone drink his blood, Akua was instead surprised when Alex said, "ok", and slid out his chair while gesturing for her to come to him. This however made her face cramp as she noticed the thing standing up in his lap, the shape and size of which had been practically carved into her body the night before. Gulping slightly, yet not wanting to back down, Akua stood up and made her way to Alex before throwing one of her legs over his lap so that she was straddling him; and then, after taking a breath, she lowered herself until she felt the tip brush her entrance. This made her pause slightly, but, as if to keep her from backing out, Alex grabbed her hips and slowly pushed her down so that he was invading her insides bit by bit.

"Ngh!" Akua groaned as she felt herself being impaled by the foreign object, while Alex let out a similar groan as he felt Akua's tight insides squeeze and constrict around his member, until he eventually felt his tip hit the entrance to her womb. With her precious place being entirely filled, Akua glared at Alex with red cheeks and slightly teary eyes even though it felt better than it did painful, and didn't hesitate to lean forward suddenly and sink her teeth into Alex's neck with more force than she would have done when normally feeding. Alex however chuckled at the slight pain in his neck, even as Akua started trying to drain him dry, and instead started using his hold on her hips to started rocking Akua's hips back and forth.


A while later the duo entered the Misty Manor, Alex with a big smile on his face while Akua's cheeks were rosy from her prolonged embarrassment, where they were met by a certain trio of beautiful women.

"Welcome back, I trust things went smoothly?" Rias asked as she approached Alex and wrapped her arms around him, her eyes however never leaving Akua due to knowing what exactly brought her there to begin with. She then jumped however as Alex pinched her butt and said,

"Play nice, and yes things went well. Akua has decided to join us, so she'll need a room and eventually a tour, but for now let's just head into the space-time orb so she could meet everyone." After saying that, Alex moved forward and gave the other two women present, Anne and Grayfia, a hug and kiss as well before directing them towards the room where the space-time orb was. It was a day off from the school, so he and the others had decided to spend it within the orb in order to turn their single day into an entire month.

As she was almost ready to give birth, Anne was also planning to join Alex and co within the orb along with Ravel and Serafall since they were all growing tired of just sitting around all day. As they walked through the halls of the expansive manor though, the sound of pattering steps echoed off of the walls around them as a little girl with emerald green hair ran into view, followed closely by a pair of toddlers with tails trailing behind them.

"Papa!" Myuu cried out as she leapt into Alex's open arms, before he quickly transitioned her to his shoulders so that he could pick up Edith and Mai as well before saying,

"Myuu, Edith, Mai! How are my favorite girls?" This made Myuu giggle somewhat though as she mischievously looked to the side at Rias and Anne to see their reactions, only for the duo to appear unconcerned since they would never try to compete with Alex's daughters. This made Myuu pout somewhat before she busied herself with playing with her papa's hair while telling him about her morning, while Edith and Mai babbled excitedly as they snuggled up to their father.

Watching from the side, Akua couldn't help but look at Alex curiously as he played with his daughters, her own father coming to mind as she did so. Issa Shuzen was a powerful vampire that had ruled over the majority of vampires in Japan back before one of his wives, Gyokuro, usurped his control from him. To many he was cold, cruel, and merciless, to the point that Akua's first memory when she arrived at her fathers house was a life or death fight with her other sister, Kahlua, however what few knew was that he was also an exceptionally doting father to his daughters. Initially Akua felt as if Alex was somewhat similar to her own father in some ways, however the image of the powerful and even cruel being she formed the night before was shattered when she saw him fawning on the three girls the way he was, while Myuu even started trying to get Alex's uncontrollable hair wrapped up in pigtails.

With Gabriel, Koneko, and Remia joining them when they started looking for their daughters, everyone then went into the space-time orb since they decided that spending a few days within the orb with their father would be good for the girls. The moment they all appeared, a group quickly arrived to welcome them with a certain pink haired vampire at the front, who stated,

"Thank goodness Alex! I don't know why but I was so worr-" at that point Moka noticed a certain familiar black haired figure step out from behind Alex, who then said with a slight blush,

"Hello Moka.... It's been a while." When she first saw her older sister Moka didn't quite know how to react, but her hands started shaking slightly as she noticeably tried to remain calm. Alex then handed off the girls to their mothers, and sent them away while the current situation unfolded. He then stepped towards Moka and said,

"Moka, I know that you must feel conflicted seeing Akua again, but she intends to try and move forward and wants to try and fix what happened between you two." At this however Moka gave Alex a deadpan stare and stated plainly,

"'What happened'? She cut my mother in half right in front of me, and is directly responsible for her death." As Alex was about to try and placate her though, Akua muttered in response,

"It's not like it inconvenienced her too much though..." This made Moka focus on her once more, but, right as she was about to retort, Alex suddenly used Haki and flicked Akua in the middle of her forehead. Ignoring her tearful expression as she rubbed the now red spot, Alex stated,

"How exactly do you expect to fix your relationship if you aren't sorry for the things you've done to her?" Akua groaned at this as, from her perspective, Moka only needed her to be happy. However seeing the multitude of looks she was receiving from everyone, Akua gritted her teeth and said to Moka,

"I.....am sorry for everything before, do you think we can be sisters again?" Though she was talking to 'fake' personality based off of the annoying Akasha, Akua still considered her to be a part of the 'real' Moka, and as such she truly wanted to make up with her. To her apology however, Moka merely sighed and stepped up towards Alex before directing his hand at her neck, where he then removed her rosary so that the 'inner' personality could make her appearance. Looking up slightly at her now taller than her little sister, Akua started blushing slightly from 'inner' Moka's beauty that was accented by her beautiful long silver hair, and her now crimson red irises. As Moka looked at Akua though, she suddenly asked,

"Did you fight with Alex?" Even though Akua found this question somewhat strange, she didn't show it as she answered,

"Well our stepmother sent me to assassinate him, and then I watched him flirt with you and all of those other women all day yesterday, so yeah...." Nodding her head in understanding, Moka then turned towards Alex and said as a matter of factly,

"You seduced her afterwards, didn't you?" This earned Alex a look from all of the surrounding women as he chuckled awkwardly, before he said,

"To be fair, I only offered her a spot in my harem, she was the one that stripped before bending over and insisting I take her then and there." When they heard this the majority of the girls looked at Akua incredulously while also muttering about how 'bold' and 'eager' she was compared to the rest of them, making the vampiress's face turn Crimson as she quickly stated,

"I only wanted to get that out of the way so I wouldn't have to worry about it later! Besides it didn't even feel that good!" This made the girls around them raise an eyebrow at her claims, while Alex chuckled lightly before saying,

"Ohohoho, then what was this?" Before anyone old try to stop him, Alex activated his Regeneration magic to replay what had happened the night before, showing everyone the scene of him and Akua fucking wildly, in which she was grunting and moaning like an animal in heat and looked nothing like a reluctant participant.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Akua cried out in horror at the scene, before she tried to hide it while shouting, "DON'T LOOK MOKA!" Meanwhile the silver haired girls face cramped somewhat as she was suddenly treated with a scene of her own older sister unlike anything she ever would've expected in the past. Surprising everyone, she ignored the scene playing out before her, though her cheeks were red from seeing it, and said,

"We're getting off track! Anyways big sis, I was trying to say that since you've fought Alex then I guess I could forgive you, after all it's hard to hold a grudge with someone after they've taken that kind of beating..." Not just Akua, but the rest of the girls around them nodded in agreement as they had all seen just how cruel Alex could be firsthand, while Akua herself paled slightly while bringing one of her hands up to her neck, making everyone wonder what exactly he had done to her.

Alex then pointedly ignored the looks he was receiving, and walked away to go find his daughters now that it seemed as if Moka and Akua had made up, bringing Anne, Ravel, and Serafall with him so they could each get comfortable.


Over the next couple weeks within the space-time orb Moka and Akua truly rekindled their strained sisterhood, which was only helped when Alex had them both accompany him in the bedroom, something Moka initially found awkward while Akua was ecstatic about it. At Alex's insistence however, Akua also started spending more time around a few of the other girls to increase those she was close to beyond just one of her sisters, which was primarily Kuroka, Yue, and Elmenhilde. Yue and Elmenhilde was no surprise as fellow vampires, however the prideful vampire princess wouldn't accept having Akua be her equal.

Yue still intended to essentially rule over any other vampires that would reside in Asora, with the sole exception of Moka since she was a fellow member of Alex's peerage, and as such it wasn't long before she and Akua dueled each other to determine the status quo, which inevitably resulted in Yue's win. Though Akua was a powerful assassin that was nearly unparalleled in her own world, Yue possessed regenerative powers that surpassed even Akasha's, who was able to reconnect herself easily after Akua had once cut her in half at the waist. As a result, Akua was unable to gain an edge as Yue simply repaired any damage she dealt almost instantly, before eventually bombarding her with a series of powerful elemental spells, forcing the former assassin to accept her new standing.

What had surprised everyone though was how close Akua and Kuroka seemed to become after just a few days of knowing each other, however after he thought about it Alex realized the two were fairly similar. Both were unusually close to their sisters and would do whatever it took to keep them safe, though Akua's actions were somewhat contrary due to her psychotic and yandere tendencies; and they were both exceptionally talented in their fields while being equally vicious again their opponents, which earned Kuroka one of the highest criminal ranks in the underworld after killing her former master, and had earned Akua her reputation as an unparalleled assassin. They both also had an affinity for Spatial abilities, Akua with her mastery over the Jigen-Tou that could rival even its creator, Touhou Fuhai; and Kuroka who was working hard trying to acquire a divinity related to Space, resulting in Akua being the first person Kuroka ever showed her personal space to, which housed the hundreds of cats she slowly granting power with her Age of Gods magic.

Naturally however, the interest in Akua was swiftly eclipsed when Anne finally went into labor after spending two weeks in the space-time orb, eventually giving birth not to one baby, but fraternal twins. As a result, after many hours of her being in labor, Alex was trying to hold back tears as he held his first son in his right arm, and his newest daughter in his left while their mother watched on with a happy, but exhausted look on her face. Both of them had inherited their mothers dark skin tone, and had the same black hair as both of their parents while also bearing their father's tail. Moving gently so as not to wake the sleeping newborns, Alex walked over to Anne and kissed her forehead before saying,

"They're beautiful Anne, have you thought about their names yet?" As they had been fairly surprised and distracted by the appearance of the second baby, the girl, both had yet to be named by their parents. Anne smiled somewhat shyly at Alex's question, before hesitantly saying,

"Well, if it was a boy I originally planned to name him Alec after his father." Alex smiled widely at the name before leaning forward to kiss his son gently on the forehead like he had just done Anne, and then he whispered his son's name to him before saying,

"If our son is named after his father, then it's only fair that our daughter is named after her mother...how about Anna?" Anne smiled widely at the suggestion, and said, "It's perfect..." before kissing their daughter like Alex had to Alec. Standing in the room watching them were of course those that had been present to help with the birth, Asia, Valerie, Rias, Grayfia, and even Sun since she had been almost desperate to help Anne while she was labor. As a peaceful silence descended upon the room, Grayfia was about to suggest that the newborns be laid down so that Anne could get some rest, when the door was suddenly flung open and a petite girl with massive bust and pink hair styled in twin tails stormed in.

"Where are they?!" She demanded with stars in her eyes, before her gaze zeroed in on the babies in Anne's arms. Faster than anyone present, including Alex, could follow, the girl moved across the room so that she was suddenly standing over Anne as she excitedly declared, "They're so cute! can I please hold them Anne?!" While everyone was still dumbfounded at what was happening, Alex demanded with fury in his voice as he tried to move between the girl and his children,

"Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing here?!" This made the girl turn to look at him with an annoyed expression, but Alex didn't care since he was more concerned with her identity, and how she managed to enter both Asora and the space-time orb without anyone noticing. Instead of the girl however, the one to answer his question Anne, who confusedly asked,

"Jenny?! What are you doing here?" This earned her a series of questioning looks as everyone wondered who this 'Jenny' was, but, instead of clarifying, the girl stated,

"I've been with you for over twenty years now, don't tell me you thought I'd miss the day you had your own children, did you?" Though Anne's only response was to gape at the girls exclamation, Alex's however was to glare at her pointedly and state while poking her shoulder,

"Ok, and? You could have said something ahead of time instead of charging in here as if you own the place. And you still haven't told me who the hell you are!" By this point the girl directed a full blown glare at Alex in return, who didn't back down in the slightest in the face of her apparent anger, as the girl stated as a matter of factly,

"As if you're one to lecture me 'boy', you're already lucky I didn't erase you after you started sticking your prick into any hussy that'd spread her legs for you, even though 'my' Anne waited so patiently for so long for you! So why don't you shut up, and back off!" As she said the last part, the girl moved before Alex could react and pressed her palm into his chest to send him flying across the room, before he crashed right through the walls on the other side of the room and fell unconscious from the attack. Though Rias and Grayfia both reacted to the sudden 'attack', they didn't move as suddenly their instincts warned them that the person in front of them was incredibly dangerous, a feeling Kuroka, Yue, Shia, Shizuku, Kurumu, Sun, and Moka all shared when they suddenly appeared as well from the waiting room as they felt their master being attacked, while Asia and Valerie went to check on the unconscious Alex. Without paying them any mind however, the girl turned back towards Anne and asked once more,

"So, can I hold them Anne?!" Anne's expression stiffened at the question, as she unconsciously tightened her hold on Alec and Anna as if to protect them from Jenny's desire to hold them. She was still struggling on trying to answer Jenny's question, when suddenly a fist came out of nowhere down on top of her head, making Jenny go down immediately as she rubbed the welt forming on top of her head with teary eyes.

"Owee! Why did you do that Re-" She then noticed the look she was receiving from the other sudden arrival, a sharp looking beautiful woman dressed in a suit with a skirt, and Jenny's expression suddenly wilted as she mumbled to finish her question, "I mean Lauren..." The newest woman, Lauren, nodded in acceptance of Jenny's words, before turning towards Anne and bowing slightly while saying,

"I apologize for my associates actions today. Usually I can control her a little, but she slipped away while I had my back turned and got here before I could stop her. I'll take her back now." As lauren turned to leave she gestured for Jenny to follow her with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, to which the petite pink haired girl stated rebelliously,

"No! I want to spend some time with Anne and the babies, and it's not against the rules so you can't force me to go back yet!" Though Jenny was speaking the truth, Lauren's expression started changing into a scarier one, that made even Grayfia take mental notes as she said in a deathly calm voice,

"You're right, there is nothing preventing you from contacting Anne and spending time with her, however, it is against the rules for us to lay our hands on another contestant. Tell me, how do you think the boss would react if he heard about you attacking my contestant like that?" At Lauren's threat, Jenny's expression immediately turned deathly pale as she muttered quietly,

"Y-you wouldn't..." This made Lauren's cruel smile grow slightly however, as she said,

"I definitely would, what you just did was highly uncalled for and inappropriate, especially for one with our standing." By the time Lauren finished speaking, Jenny had disappeared as she quickly fled, lest Lauren follow through on her threat. Seeing her friend leave, Lauren sighed once and turned back towards Anne before bowing once more and saying,

"Again, I am truly sorry for Jenny's actions today, and congratulations on your children." As Lauren turned to leave everyone tensely watched her walk away, before Rias suddenly asked,

"Excuse me, but who are you exactly?" Though Lauren wasn't sure about answering her, seeing the rest of the gathered girls staring intently as they awaited her answer made her sigh once more, before saying,

"Alex told you about his goals and what he and Anne live for, well I'm his 'guardian angel' so to speak. While the ways I can help him are limited, I help guide him and keep track of his progress compared to the others." At this the girls were even more curious about her and Jenny, so Grayfia asked,

"Would you like to wait for a while then? Our lord is currently unconscious, but I'm sure he would appreciate seeing you." At this however Lauren displayed a reaction none of them expected, causing them to look at her with suspicion as her cheeks became slightly red and she stated a bit agitatedly,

"There are various reasons why I can't meet Alex face to face just yet, so regretfully I'll have to decline your offer. Thank you anyways though." As she once again turned to leave, Rias once again stopped her by asking,

"Excuse me, but I can't help but wonder since you know more about these things; as we are now, where would we stand compared to these others that Alex will have to fight?" At this question Lauren sighed once again, and was silent for a moment before saying,

"I can't give any of you, or Alex himself, any information regarding the other contestants, but I should be able to do this to give you a reference-" as she spoke Lauren pulled a tablet out of nowhere, and used it to project an image before saying,

"One of the world's Alex will undoubtedly visit at some point in the future is the one that his Saiyan bloodline came from, a world referred to as 'Dragonball'. These are some of the people that he may face when he goes there." As she finished speaking Lauren's tablet suddenly showed a figure that was white and purple as they created a massive sphere of Ki energy, before using it to instantly destroy an entire planet. The girls paled when they witnessed the power and cruelty of this being as they casually destroyed an entire planet, however they soon learned that wasn't even close to being what Lauren intended to show them.

They then watched as the projection showed several more beings that seemed to be more powerful than the last, a green insectoid looking person, another that seemed to be made of pink bubblegum, and even a purple Egyptian looking cat that destroyed an entire plant with a mere tap of its finger. The scenes continued escalating until they showed a child-like being with a football shaped head that somehow destroyed an entire universe without any discernible effort, causing all of the women to pale noticeably while some of them even began shuddering slightly at the thought of fighting these beings someday. As the final scene that she was showing them ended, Lauren turned back towards them and asked plainly,

"Tell me, can you hope to fight against these people if they were to suddenly appear before you? While Alex may plan to fight them himself, as his peerage each of you should be able to stand by his side equally instead of leaving all of the tough opponents to him. This is especially true for you Rias, since these are all gods of destruction of this universe." As she spoke Lauren's tablet projected yet another image, showing the previous purple cat and eleven other individuals grouped together with confident smirks of their faces. Seeing this Rias paled, however with an idea of the level of strength she needed to reach in mind, she reaffirmed her determination as pans to restart her training from scratch started forming in her mind.

The same expression made itself known on each of the girls faces as they each started thinking of ways to intensify their training, while simultaneously reaffirming their decision to join Alex's peerage now that they had a clear example of the heights he was aiming form. Even Anne was no exception, as she decided she couldn't be left behind by her husband and his peerage since she was supposed to be considered his equal as his first wife.

Satisfied with the expressions each of the women were making Lauren then left before they could try to keep her behind yet again, while also sending in some of the other girls waiting outside to help Asia and Valerie with Alex, and to help Anne finally relax after the exceptionally long day she had.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts