
The Terror of Lightning

When morning came to Asora, before the sun even had a chance to rise, Alex emerged from the space-time orb with an excitable little monkey that had a flaming butt on his shoulder.

"Ready to see the outside world little guy?"

"Char char!" Chimchar replied excitedly, having only seen the inside of the space-time orb since he was sent to Alex.

But now he was going to see a lot of Asora, as Alex intended to stop in to check on all of their new residents before traveling to Pangea for the next stage of the tournament. And while he was doing that, all of his wives and children were still getting ready in the space-time orb.

The first stops on Alex's rounds had been the humans from the HOTD world, who had mostly integrated into the numerous cities and settlements that already existed. After them had been the races from Tamriel, who had been scattered all over Asora to the different environments that reminded them of home.

Black Marsh, Valenwood, Summerset Isles, Cyrodiil, Elsweyr, High Rock, and Skyrim. Unfortunately for the Dark Elves, there weren't really any places in Asora resembling Morrowind.

The closest they could find was a thick jungle with massive mushrooms, but the Dark Elves were more than happy to stake their claim there.

And once he was done with them, he went to see the Greybeards to build them their new monastery, which was large enough for them to house all the disciples they could ever want.

After the Tamrielians Alex went to see the people of Azeroth, who had also scattered to all the corners of Asora to carve themselves out a home.

Some, like the Tauren, were simple nomads that wished to travel the endless grassy plains, and live in their massive tents. Others, like the Blood Elves and humans, were already making plans to build their grand palaces and majestic monuments as soon as the more urgent projects were finished.

And then there were the races like the Night Elves, who built their cities and villages in line with nature instead of clearing it away and using it as materials.

Of course, the majority of the building wasn't actually being done by the people of these races themselves, but by the work forces of Asora. So, despite less than twelve hours passing since they even arrived in Asora, there were already numerous buildings for the new residents to sleep in out of the elements and such.

Alex's visit was mainly to make sure everyone was doing well and to make sure there was nothing any of them needed. Though, they did take the time while he was there to inform Alex of their plans structurally, architecturally, and politically.

The Nords from Skyrim for example, had already divided the land they were given up into ninths, which they stated was even more land than their homeland of Skyrim possessed. And a Jarl had been chosen to rule over each of the nine lands, Holds, from which the nine of them would elect a king to govern all within their new borders on Alex's behalf.

Alex had no problem with this or the plans everyone else had, but made his stance clear to all of them that he would NOT tolerate any tyrants or despots. If he discovered anyone committing any despicable acts against the people they were supposed to be leading, then Alex would swiftly enact his own justice.

With the slaughter of the Thalmor fresh on their minds, none doubted the seriousness of Alex's claims.

On a happier note, Alex also informed them all of the tournament taking place that day, and explained that they would be projecting the fights taking place in the skies for everyone to spectate if they wished. Naturally the more battle thirsty races were bummed out that they couldn't compete, but they were excited to see what the people of Asora could do.

The last stop on Alex's rounds took him deep underground to a facility that looked as if it was part of ancient and decrepit sewer system, but in fact none of it had existed a few hours prior.

In the center of it was its grand architect, Hajime, who spread his arms out as he whirled toward Alex and proudly asked, "Well?! Isn't it perfect for your underground?!"

Alex nodded and was about to say that it was perfect for their thieves, rouges, and assassins, when Hajime suddenly shouted,


Alex looked over at Chimchar at the declaration, before both of them started laughing at Hajime's outburst. It was only after he was able to get himself under control that Alex answered,

"Yeah, it is. I wouldn't get too excited though, we aren't bringing a bunch of them over to Asora just yet, only a few that are being given to my wives and kids."

"Talk about favoritism..." Hajime pouted when he heard that, though he continued to look at Chimchar longingly.

Though it took him a little bit to get Hajime to focus, Alex eventually managed to get him to discuss the Crucible as they decided to call it.

Located deep under Asora, there were numerous hidden doorways that would lead down into a vast network of maze-like tunnels, all twisting and turning into a giant labyrinth. Throughout the labyrinth was numerous traps and obstacles that any who entered would have to bypass, as well as numerous monsters that Hajime created with Alteration magic.

The labyrinth was designed to test those who entered it in order to see if they were worthy of joining Asora's underground. Not only would it be undertaken by the thieves, rouges, and assassins joining them from Tamriel and Azeroth, but anyone else learning the ways of stealth and subterfuge.

The Crucible itself was large enough to house thousands of residents, as well as hundreds of stores where they could buy or sell their ill-gotten goods. it was basically set up to be a city under a city, complete with numerous channels where the wealth and goods traded through it would also make their way up to the surface.

"This is really amazing Hajime, especially for only a few hours work." Alex told him sincerely. And while Hajime would normally stick his nose in the air and brag about his work, he just instead grumbled,

"Not good enough for a Pokemon apparently..."

In the end it took Alex promising Hajime a Porygon when one was available to get him to stop sulking, and he was able to return to the surface, where he immediately ran into Grant and Beth.

"Hey Alex! I was just wondering-IS THAT A POKEMON!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Sighing, Alex explained yet again that, yes it was a Pokemon, and no, he didn't have enough to just start handing them out. Grant actually got teary eyed when Alex told him that he couldn't have a Pokemon just yet.

"So what's with the shirt?" Alex asked as he tried to force the subject to change. So he looked Grant up and down in his pink button down shirt, which was so small on him that it completely outlined all of his Saiyan muscles.

"Beth picked it out..." Grant said sheepishly.

"Don't worry honey, it looks good on you." Beth tried to tell him reassuringly, though neither Alex nor Grant completely believed her.

"Just don't make him wear skinny jeans next." Alex told her seriously, though it appeared he only gave Beth an idea as she looked Grant up and down analytically.

Alex sent an apologetic look to his fellow Saiyan before he quickly departed to meet up with his own wives and children as they finally departed the space-time orb themselves.

"Char char!" Chimchar chimed happily as he ran over to the kids, whom he had grown close to ever since he had been sent to Alex.

With them were numerous other Pokemon that Cynthia had sent to Alex over the last few days, and had bonded with his children. Also amongst them was a certain Behemoth, Spike, Alice's Zeke, and a certain God-slaying wolf that always acted as if it was a coincidence he was in the same room as Alex's children whenever they weren't training.

"Everyone ready to go?" Alex asked.

"Humph! I don't see why I have to go! It's just barbaric blood sport!" Hermione stated irritably from being torn away from her books.

She had ended up taking Alex's offer to move to Asora in order to spend some time away from Harry and sort her head, as well as to learn everything she could from their libraries and Apocrypha.

But today she was being dragged out of the space-time orb to watch the tournament. And Hermione did not like it one bit.

"Chin up Hermione. It'll be interesting to watch the tournament up close instead of through the Chatroom monitor." Saya stated encouragingly.

She, along with all of the women that were new to Alex's harem, were eager to see what the tournament was like, and the people fighting in it with their own eyes. Meanwhile the numerous new additions throughout the Chatroom were also excited after hearing about the tournament from the others. Ruby and Nemona were probably tied for being the most excited though.

So without much further ado, the group all departed as they traveled to Pangea, and the stadium.

With so many new residents to Asora though, they decided to take the long way as Alex and his wives escorted them through the city, pointing out all the interesting people and businesses along the way.

A short walk and a rather exciting ride on Miledi's train later, and they were soaring over Pangea as they headed for the stadium. The scenery such that even Hermione couldn't keep her nose in her book as she gazed at everything they passed by. The people that were around them.

"Still wish you stayed in the space-time orb?" Alex asked her teasingly.

"Humph!" Hermione pouted as she turned away from Alex in annoyance.

Though he was tempted to tease her more, Alex held himself back as they approached the stadium there the tournament was being held, where people were already gathering in the tens of thousands.

They were of course, people from all throughout Universe Seven, and even the Omniverse beyond through Asora.

But since Alex didn't feel like going through the crowds themselves, he teleported them all into the hall outside the two rooms his family used.

"Ok. You all behave now. I'll have Chimchar tell me if you don't." Alex told the kids seriously.

"""Ok daddy!""" The younger children all chanted back at him, though Alex noticed some of the older ones looking annoyed at the idea of being watched over. Which was funny since Alex didn't even need Chimchar to report to him if they misbehaved.

With the children entering their own viewing room, Alex and his wives entered the other, where he immediately conjured a series of comfortable beds and chairs, as well as several banquet tables laden with food made by Mikan and Haruna.

"That's looks amazing! But why the beds?" Hermione asked, before her expression cramped as everyone proceeded to start undressing.

"Seriously! What is wrong with you people!?!" She demanded since they were like animals in constant heat.

"Well.... I AM the God of Debauchery." Alex said with a smirk. "I'd be a pretty poor God of Debauchery if I wasn't cutting loose every chance I got."

Then, without giving Hermione the chance to retort, Alex proceeded to strip off his shorts and make his way to one of the comfortable recliner type chairs that he'd conjured. And once he was comfortable, Alex waved his hand and conjured a certain vampire princess out of thin air, and grabbed her by her hips before impaling her on his cock.

"So, how do you like being a vampire progenitor?" Alex asked as she began to rock her hips back and forth on his lap.

"Mm... It is nice...." She simply replied, before a predatory gleam entered her eyes. "Does Alex like being a vampire?"

"It is different." Alex said as his hair and fur began to turn silver, and his eyes became blood red.

Though he wasn't an actual vampire like Yue or Moka, Alex was still able to use his divinity to turn himself into one any time he wanted. Of course, the same went for his divinity regarding lycanthropy.

And ever since Yue had awoken from her evolution into a vampire progenitor, she had been even more infatuated with Alex because of it. If that were even possible.

Or it could be she just like the taste of his blood more. As shown when Yue suddenly sank her fangs into Alex's neck.

She wasn't the only one though, as Alex readily sank his own fangs into her neck.

Another reason for Yue's sudden increase in affection could also be that Alex made his form of vampirism where vampires could view the memories of those who's blood they drank. And because of that, Yue had also gained the ability when she drank his blood, allowing them to view each other's memories in a way none of Alex's non-vampiric wives could.

It could also have something to do with another Yue in the Chatroom, from the northern water tribe in Avatar.

Whatever the reason for Yue's sudden increase in affection, Alex sure wasn't complaining as she rocked her hips with an increasing fervor that bordered on desperation.

The two quickly lost themselves into their own bloody world as they fucked and drank from the other, with both of their bodies replenishing the blood as swiftly as they lost it.

They only relinquished each other necks when Alex finally reached his climax, and filled Yue until her belly began to bulge slightly.

"So much....." Yue stated, even as she patted her belly affectionately, and contently.

But just as she flashed Alex a look that said she wasn't 'full' just yet, a hand came down on her shoulder.

"You're not going to keep him all to yourself, are you?" Rias asked with a menacing smile.

Yue appeared as if she was going to give the Crimson Haired Ruin Princess a biting remark about her 'udders', but before she could several other figures surrounded them of the women who wanted their own turn.

But, before they could all pounce on Alex...


As the announcer greeted everyone there was a great roar as they cheered back at him, eager to begin the next round of the tournament.

"LETS GET STARTED THEN!" The announcer cried out as a projection appeared in the sky, showing the lineup for the matches that day.


1. Vegeta Sr.

2. Kiba Yuuto

3. Zeus

4. Typhon

5. Frieza

6. Cookie

7. Trunks

8. Lala Satalin Deviluke

9. Rogue Cheney

10. Akua Shuzen

11. Satellizer L. Bridgette

12. Nagumo Hajime

13. Piccolo

14. Gildarts Clive

15. Akeno Himejima

16. Ginei Morioka


"HERE ARE OUR AMAZING CONTESTANTS FOR THE DAY! NOW LETS SEE WHO IS FIRST UP TO FIGHT!" The announcer declared amidst the deafening cheers.

The sixteen names then began to flash with a light two at a time, moving at incredibly rapid speeds at first, before they steadily began to slow down. And then finally, they came to a stop on two names, that the announcer readily shouted.


The audience went nuts as AKENO and Trunks' image appeared in the sky, gaining her millions of fans in an instant as they fell for her seductive looks, and mature bearing. They loved her even more as Akeno stepped out into the arena dressed in her shrine maiden outfit, her long ponytail bobbing behind her.

Trunks on the other hand was immediately the target of numerous jeers and boos, both from jealousy, and from the people afraid that he was going to hurt Akeno.

"I feel really sorry for him...." Rias said as she looked down at Trunks with pity.

"Yep. Those people had no idea what Akeno is actually like." Alex said with a smirk, though he too felt sorry for Trunks.

With the two of them in the stadium, the next screen to be projected appeared, a list of all the different arenas that they would be able to fight in. These too began to flash rapidly between the hundreds of options, before the light finally landed on a certain one.

"THE VALLEY OF PLENTY!" The announcer cried out as the image of a large bowl-like valley, filled with plentiful forests and streams, and tons of ripe looking fruit ready for picking.

A moment later both Akeno and Trunks disappeared as they were both transported to the Valley of Plenty, reappearing on a couple of ridges at the mountainous edge of the bowl directly across from one another. They barely had a moment to register their surroundings, when the announcer cried out,


Trunks immediately grabbed his sword and took a stance to ready himself, while Akeno slowly raised her had as if she were preparing a spell.



The word was barely out of the announcer's mouth when Akeno felt something impact her, and she looked down to see the hilt of a sword sticking out between her massive breasts.

"I'm sorry." Trunks said apologetically, though his expression didn't show he had even the slightest bit of hesitation in what he had done. "I know they could fix you up, so I wanted to end this match as swiftly as possible."

Though he knew that he was undoubtedly receiving numerous boos and jeers for his actions, Trunks knew it was better this way than dragging the fight out so that it was uglier than it needed to be.

And without him needing to even draw his sword out of her, Akeno's body began to fade into particles of light as she disappeared from the arena, leaving not even a single drop of blood on Trunks' sword.

With a flourish, Trunks returned his sword to its sheath on his back as he awaited the announcement of his victory. Though it never came.

Frowning at the silence, Trunks suddenly felt every hair stand up on end on his body, prompting him to draw his sword yet again as he tried to prepare for whatever was coming. Instead, the moment his sword was at the zenith of its arc as he drew it, there was an intense flash of light.


Thunder roared as a bolt of pure energy arced from the skies, striking his sword when it was at its highest and sending a current of electrified energy down it directly into Trunks' body.

The next few seconds felt like an eternity to Trunks as lightning continued flowing into his body, making him spasm and tense up uncontrollably. And when it was finally over he made to fall over limply, only for Trunks to firmly plant his foot on the ground to keep himself upright.

"Fufufufufufufu. You Saiyans really are 'sturdy'." Came a voice laced with seduction, prompting Trunks to look upwards and see Akeno floating there above him with a dozen pitch black Fallen Angle wings, and a look of ecstasy on her face.

"H-how?" Trunks struggled to get out as the last remnants of electricity arced through his body.

Akeno's expression just became marginally more sadistic at his question, her body heating up from the frustration and confusion that was all over the young Saiyan's face.

Her stance was completely full of openings as she floated there, and she appeared to be completely unconcerned with defending herself at all. This was proven correct when Trunks lunged forward at an incredible speed, though not fast enough that Akeno would've been unable to react, and sliced through her body from shoulder to hip.

Or so he tried to do.

The moment Trunks' sword impacted Akeno's skin another arc of electricity coursed through it into his body, jolting his hands and making him drop his sword, though it wasn't as powerful as the previous bolt of lightning had been.

"Ara Ara, you've lost your sword. Now what will you do?" Akeno asked with an increasingly sadistic tone and expression. As if no matter what he did, it wouldn't be enough.

Trunks had seen the same expression on numerous people he'd fought before in his life, the androids from his timeline, Freiza, Cell. But while they had all reveled in the power they wielded, and the ability to end the lives around them on a whim, there was something distinctly.....different about the way Akeno acted. And it unsettled him.

"If physical attacks won't work, then try this! Galick Gun!" Trunks cried as used the signature move he'd learned from his father, firing a blast of purple energy that was strong enough to vaporize even entire planets.

Akeno didn't even flinch as the Galick Gun engulfed her entire body, obliterating her down to the last atom. Or so it seemed.

"That was fun. Let's do it again!" Akeno's voice cried out as she reformed directly in front of Trunks, stupefying him and the audience as she smirked at him.

"What ARE you?" Trunks asked incredulously, making Akeno frown as she huffed,

"I'm obviously a woman. See?" And with that she slipped off her shrine maiden outfit for EVERY spectator to see what was underneath.

At first everyone went nuts at the idea of seeing her naked, but when they saw what was actually underneath her clothes there was an uproar that shook the stadium itself.

Underneath, Akeno was wearing what appeared to be a black leather one piece shaped like a strapless swimsuit, except the top was barely able to keep her massive breasts in place. But down below a small leather strap barely concealed her pussy, though her lips were clearly defined while the strap narrowed as it passed between her butt cheeks.

When she turned, they were all able to see Akeno's plump and pale butt cheeks jiggling about, along with the only blemish on her otherwise perfect skin. The mark of Alex's slave brand on her left butt cheek, marking her as one of his sex slaves along with the collar that was snugly wrapped around her neck.

Akeno's expression showed she knew what effect she was having on the men watching the fight now, and reveled in it. In the fact that so many lusted for her, and desired to be trampled under the tall leather high-heeled boots she was wearing to compliment her dress.

But no. Her body belonged to one, and one man only.

Her 'toys' on the other hand.... That was another story entirely.

Lightning began to crackle and arc around Akeno then, blasting everything around her to turn what was once a verdant paradise, into a depiction of hell. Everything struck by her lightning was torn asunder, setting intense fires that ravaged even the lush vegetation.

Strangely enough, none of the bolts of lightning even came close to striking Trunks. Instead, they condensed and coalesced into Akeno's hand to form one long continuous strand of lightning, which Akeno then flicked with her wrist to whip it with a thunderous 'CARACK!'

"Let's see how long you'll last, little Saiyan~." Akeno practically purred as she flicked her wrist a few more times, each time resulting in a thunderous boom that destroyed more of the landscape around them.


"So what do you all think?" Alex asked the room as Akeno began to systematically torture and corner Trunks, both physically and mentally.

To his credit, Trunks DID try and fight back. But, not knowing how to fight someone who had eaten the Goro Goro no Mi, every move he made was futile against Akeno's sadistic onslaught.

"It's barbaric and horrific." Hermione stated in disgust, before trying to bury her nose in the book she brought with her.

"It's fascinating. I've never considered such magic... Ngh" Jaina Proudmoore said in awe, before groaning as Alex slowly pushed into her.

Alex had to agree with her awe though, as the Goro Goro no Mi in Akeno's hands was both an exciting, and terrifying, prospect. Which she demonstrated now for everyone as she mercilessly whipped and tormented Trunks.

Sadistic torture and purposely prolonging the fight was against the rules of course, but since Trunks was still fighting back Akeno hadn't violated the rules just yet.

Meanwhile beside him, Alex could feel Aela and several other women bristling with irritation since they didn't care for magic. To them, magic was for cowards and weaklings, while REAL warriors fought with their fists.

Alex elected not to say anything regarding their biased views, as soon they'll hopefully learn that fighting with either magic or your fists both had their advantages. Though truthfully Alex also preferred fighting with his fists. It was simply more fun that way.

He then listened to a rather heated discussion regarding which was superior, magic or weapons, which quickly devolved into a discussion of WHICH magic or weapon was superior over the others.

"AND THATS THE END!" cried out the announcer suddenly, putting a halt to all discussions as he declared, "AKENO HIMEJIMA WINS!"

They all looked up just in time to see a battered and beaten Trunks disappearing from the arena, only to reappear in the the stadium before he was carted away for treatment. Akeno similarly reappeared a second later, once again adorned in her priestess outfit, to a hail of cheers from her adoring fans.

"I feel so popular, ufufufufufu." Akeno said with a small smile, while giving small waves to them. However, now that the battle was over, she only really cared about a few certain people's approval, not the mindless thralls of people who merely lusted after her. And at the forefront of those people, was her master and daughter.

"WELL, WASN'T THAT AN EXCITING FIRST ROUND OF THE DAY PEOPLE?!" The announcer asked as Akeno walked off the stage, even as they continued cheering and declaring how much they loved her.

"WELL THEN, I BELIEVE IT'S TIME TO BEGIN THE SECOND MATCH OF THE DAY!" The announcer continued as the list of contestants was shown once again, and began to flash as it determined who will fight next.

While that was happening, Akeno returned to the room they were all in as she immediately rushed to Alex's side and asked him seductively, "so, how did I do, master?"

"You did well." Alex readily told her, making Akeno excited to receive praise from him, before he added, "but you'll have to be careful in the next matches. Trunks wasn't prepared to face an opponent his attacks wouldn't work against, but now the others will be prepared."

Akeno nodded seriously as she listened to Alex, though it was all basic conclusions that anyone would've known to be wary of. Still, after Trunks' initial attack, Akeno was really glad she bought the Goro Goro no Mi from the Chatroom shop, followed immediately by buying the ability that allowed her regain her ability to swim.

It removed one of her biggest weaknesses in that, even as an all-rounder 'Queen', Akeno almost exclusively trained her magic powers instead of close combat. This left her weak to physical attacks, like Trunks had shown earlier, and the Goro Goro no Mi helped to reduce the amount of threats.

Of course, she was still weak to both Haki and rubber, but there was only a small handful of people in Asora even capable of using Haki, and fewer still that were skilled enough to be a threat to her. And the only one able to adequately weaponize rubber was Alex, with his rubber body.

That thought just excited Akeno even more though, as it made it seem even more like he was dominating her, being her 'natural enemy'.

"AND HERE WE GO!" the announcer declared, startling Akeno out of her reverie as the next match up was decided.

"PRESENTING, COOKIE VS FREIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" the announcer cried out as the projection showed a hulking creature dressed weirdly like Mil-Tan yesterday, and the incarnation of all evil in Universe Seven, Freiza.

"Look at that." Alex said as he noted the irony of the match up. But then he quickly returned to his recliner while summoning Shizuku on top on him in a 69 position.

"What are you doing?" Shizuku demanded as Alex parted her cheeks to admire her lower lips and wrinkled hole.

"The same thing I did when Mil-Tan fought yesterday, preventing myself from seeing anything I don't want to see." Alex said as if it were obvious, making Shizuku roll her eyes, though she still started playing with the thing in front of her since she was there anyways.

"AND NOW THE LOCATION THEY'LL BE FIGHTING IN!" The announcer stated as the second list appeared, though Alex couldn't see it as he focused on the lovely sight before him.


The sound of something crashing into the ground, with enough force that it shook the entire stadium, halted Alex right as he was about to taste Shizuku's honey pot. Looking up from the tantalizing sight, Alex saw a portal hanging over the arena where Cookie and Freiza had been standing that quickly closed.

Laying there, right between them, was an armless and headless corpse, gushing blood from the stumps that used to be its arms and neck. But what really drew Alex's attention, was the tattered pink button down shirt that was on the corpse's body.

Thanks for reading.

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts