
The Dragon Strikes

"Nn..." Levy groaned after many, many, hours of lovemaking, both rough and gentle.

As promised, Alex had thoroughly 'violated' and 'corrupted' her to the point that she was now convinced that, even if she ever did make up with Gajeel, he would never be able to satisfy her. Instead, she was entirely convinced that Alex had molded her insides to perfectly fit only him.

Now though they were currently in the dorm's baths, sitting in the hot water with Levy sitting on Alex's lap while his rock hard penis was still inside her, creating a noticeable bulge in her abdomen.

"...you're such a brute..." She uttered at him quietly, making Alex chuckle as he lightly traced his fingers up and down her sides.

"Maybe, but dragons and Devils aren't usually gentle when they 'steal' the beautiful maidens, are they?" Levy just stared at him through half closed eyes at his remark, knowing he was just claiming to be an 'evil dragon' and 'devil' to justify attacking her, not that she had actually resisted much.

Her expression then turned slightly melancholic as Levy wondered if Gajeel would have been the same way, rough due to his usually aggressive nature, yet at the same time gentle towards her. Her thoughts were disrupted though when Alex suddenly pinched her nipples with his fingers, and hissed into her ear,

"You're not 'allowed' to think of other men when you're with me anymore. Remember, you're mine now until the end of time." With him rolling the sensitive little nubs between his fingers, Levy couldn't only groan lightly instead of replying to his domineering statement, which she knew was just him trying to keep her from feeling sad by thinking of Gajeel.

He then kicked things up a notch by nibbling on her earlobe, before trailing his mouth down to her neck while peppering it with kisses. Meanwhile his right hand had released it's captive nipple, and had started to slowly 'walk' it's way down her abdomen, making her twitch as Alex applied a little extra force on the spot that had bulged due to his being inside her.

Stopping his fingers at a spot right below her belly button, Levy's entire body began to squirm against her will as Alex began to slowly rub the spot, pressing it against both his finger and the cock inside her. This continued for the better part of a minute as he persisted in teasing the beautiful blue haired woman, until Alex subtly swapped the finger that was teasing her with his thumb, and lightly flicked her exposed clit with another finger.

"Ahhh..." Caught somewhere between a gasp and a silent scream, Levy's body spasmed as a powerful orgasm shot through her, making her instinct fully throw her head back where Alex's had been moments prior, while her insides practically came alive as they squirmed and tightened around his cock.

Alex ceased his teasing as he gently held Levy's body until she came down from the high of her orgasm, after which she only glared at him teary eyed before muttering,

"You bully..." She then pinched his leg as Alex smirked at her remark, irritated that he apparently already knew everything about pleasuring her body that even she didn't know. She was about to lash out at him once again, when the door to the baths suddenly opened and several voices reached their ears.

"So you can not only control any body of water, even oceans, but also dragons?" Cana said in amazement, to which Ingvild replied,

"Yep, but I don't use the dragon one very often. All of the dragons in Asora are nice, so it'd be mean to take away their wills without any reason." As the girls continued talking while undressing in the changing room, Levy began to panic at the thought of being caught with Alex in the baths, especially since men were strictly forbidden from entering the girls dorms anyways.

Jumping off his lap, Levy quickly spun around and moved her fingers to form a word that stuck to Alex's chest, before her magic took effect.


Alex glanced down at the word just in time to notice his body suddenly shifting in color and tone so that he looked just like whatever was behind him, like a human chameleon.

"That's cool." He remarked casually, before the owners of the voices they had been hearing walked out of the changing rooms into the bath right as Levy tried to make herself look natural.

"H-hey guys! What's up?" Speaking in a slightly higher tone of voice than usual, Levy desperately tried to keep the group from noticing something was amiss. Within the group though was Mavis, Cana, Lisanna, Evergreen, Juuvia, Wendy, Sherria, and Ingvild since she was still trying to talk the two sky slayers into joining her peerage.

Though everyone else didn't seemed to notice anything amiss, both Mavis and Ingvild immediately centered their gazes on Alex, who simply waved at them like nothing was wrong. Mavis just shook her head slightly as she went to a wash station, while Ingvild was experiencing a serious case of dejavu as she recalled the time when she first met Tamao and the other mermaids, which then led to an orgy in the girls locker room.

Wondering if the same pattern was recurring, the tired looking beauty simply made her way to the station next to Mavis as she waited for the events to play out, as wth Alex involved 'something' was undoubtedly going to happen. Instead of trying to prevent said 'something' though, both just focused on washing their bodies to be prepared for it.

Left to his own devices as Levy desperately tried to prevent the other girls from figuring out something was amiss, Alex slowly and carefully exited the large bathtub before trying to make his way towards the exit. Though he could have simply used his magic to teleport himself away, Alex had already experienced numerous mishaps that had undoubtedly been caused by his 'Lucky Pervert' skill making his teleportation and Spatial magic malfunction.

Trying to play it safe, Alex quietly tiptoed his way towards the door and his freedom, when Juuvia suddenly hopped up from the seat she had taken at one of the wash stations, and said as she hurried towards the exit,

"Juuvia almost forgot the special soap she got to impress Gray-Sama!" Rushing towards the exit before Alex could quietly move out of the way, the two inevitably ended up crashing into each other and falling to the ground.


"What the...?" Cana exclaimed when she heard Juuvia yell, only to turn and see her entangled with Alex after the crash wiped away the word Levy wrote on him.

With Juuvia landing on top of him, the first thing Alex registered was the softness of her body, and the smoothness of her naked skin. The second thing was the warmth he felt around the head of his cock, and the cautionary caress of Juuvia's tongue on it. The third and final thing Alex noticed was when he opened his eyes after falling, only to be greeted by the sight of Juuvia's quivering pink insides, and her puckering bunghole.

With her lower body less than an inch from his face, all Alex could see was the most private areas of the unfortunate girl's body, while her untrimmed blue pubic hair lightly tickled the tip of his nose.

For a moment no one moved as the women who had been unaware of his presence realized that Alex was there, while the man himself and Juuvia took in their current predicament, his hands on her plump posterior to spread her open while her mouth and tongue caressed the tip of his cock. This went on until the warmth of Juuvia's mouth suddenly disappeared, and the bathroom was filled with high pitched scream.


Pressing her snatch into Alex's face this time as she got up, his tongue briefly pressing into her slit to taste her, Juuvia then fled from the bathroom while screaming,


Without even bothering to grab her clothes first, Juuvia then proceeded to leave the dorm itself and flee down the street to Gray's house as fast as possible, where she intended to rectify this accidental mistake. Meanwhile Alex slowly stood up as every single eye in the bathroom focused on him, and his still towering erection. Instead of shying away from their gazes though, he simply raised his hand in greeting and said,

"Sorry for intruding on your bath ladies. I'll take my leave now." Alex then turned towards the exit to the baths as if nothing was wrong, only for someone to suddenly grab his hand.

Turning back, Alex found himself facing a mischievous looking Cana who seized his erect cock with her other hand, and said,

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you the one who mentioned a 'Fairy Orgy' the last time you intruded in our bath?" As she spoke Cana's hand slowly stroked him as she inched closer to Alex's body, before pressing her incredibly soft breasts against his arm.

His expression morphing into an equally mischievous smirk, Alex grabbed and squeezed Cana's left ass cheek as he asked,

"Is that your way of saying you wanted to join my harem?" Though she had proposed to him before, no one had taken it seriously(except perhaps Gildarts), however her current tone implied that she had been completely serious about it.

Her smile widening, Cana practically purred,

"Well of course. Where else am I going to find such an amazing boyfriend that'll show me such a good time and give me good alcohol?" As she spoke Cana's hand sped up its stocking of his shaft, before she placed her lips onto his neck and lightly bit him.

As she did that Alex responded by sliding his fingers in the crack of her ass, and started to slowly stroke her moistening cunt in return. He then turned towards the rest of the women gathered, who had been staring at the scene with wide eyes, and said,

"Sorry but I'll be high jacking your bathroom for a while. Anyone who doesn't want to join in is free to leave though." With his words seemingly rousing the other girl's self awareness, Wendy and Sherria quickly hurried from the bathroom with crimson red faces. Watching them go was the ever cool Evergreen, who simply harrumphed and said as she casually started walking towards the exit,

"If you sluts want to stay then that's fine, but I'M not going to simply be another flower in some collection." Not caring at all about Alex's eyes following her jiggling ass as she walked out the door, Evergreen departed to leave him with Cana, Levy, Lisanna, Mavis, and Ingvild.

Realizing what her staying implied, Lisanna also quickly rose to leave, but stopped when Ingvild placed a hand on her shoulder and told her,

"Alex's has a tendency to 'collect' women within the same family, so by leaving now you'll probably only be delaying the inevitable." Lisanna looked at Ingvild with more than a little concern as she asked,

"W-what do you mean?" Ingvild sighed as she explained,

"Alex already several groups of sisters and even mother-daughter pairs in his harem, so it would stand to reason that you'll be on that list as well since Mirajane is already his." As Ingvild told her this Lisanna thought back to the incident involving her and Erza back on Tenrou island, where Alex had fondled her breast in front of the entire guild.

Her heart started pounding in her chest as she recalled the feel of Alex's hand on her naked flesh, the sensations his expertise made her feel as he kneaded the sensitive area. Her mind wandered so far, that Lisanna nearly jumped out of her skin as Alex gently placed his hand on her other shoulder.

Lisanna blushed fiercely as she fought the urge to cover her nakedness, while Alex's hand slowly trailed down her arm. After slowly grasping her hand, Lisanna gasped as Alex led it to something hard and hot, which she slowly grasped alongside Cana's as both girls proceeded to stroke him, one smiling widely as she did so, and the othe blushing furiously.

"Are you for real right now?" Levy asked in undisguised exasperation as she beheld the scene before her, of the man who had just 'claimed' her as his own was being jerked off by two other guild mates, while Ingvild and Mavis watched on alongside her.

"I know right?" Mavis replied with mild irritation, before continuing, "and here I thought he'd try to claim me first after going on about taking me to see the fairies of other worlds!" Levy stared at her founder and first guild master in undisguised shock, not even considering in a thousand years that she'd have been willing to join Alex's harem herself.

However it appeared Alex heard her as well, as he then whispered into Cana's ear with a smirk, making her snicker in return before saying,

"Kinky." She then released her hold on his penis and walked behind him, until she was facing Lisanna's back. What Cana did next surprised the white haired beauty, as the brunette slowly knelt down until her face was level with Lisanna's pale butt, and placed her hands on her pert behind to slowly spread her cheeks.

Be holding her guild mates moistening lips and puckered anus, Cana licked her lips before delving into meal before her, making Lisanna gasp as she felt the slimy tongue caress her most precious place. Closing her eyes in shock, Lisanna found herself facing Ingvild when she reopened them, who closed in on her and said,

"Trust me, this is just the tip of the iceberg." Ingvild then knelt before Lisanna, and began to pleasure her front while Cana covered her back, filling the bathroom with her quivering gasps as she insticfully dig her fingers through Ingvild's hair.

Meanwhile Alex slowly approached Mavis, the petite blond smirking widely as she watched his approach with her hands on her hips.

"Took you long enough. I was stating to wonder if you were all bravado." She remarked to him as Alex stopped right before, just close enough that they could barely feel the heat from each other's body. Alex however only smirked in response to her remark, and asked as he gestured to his elongated manhood,

"Are you sure about this? Once you taste the dragon then there'll be no going back to being normal." Mavis cocked a brow at Alex's claims, before remarking,

"Well, I mean you made it to where I'll have to be alive for eternity. So I'll have you take responsibility by accompanying me for all that time." As she said that it was Mavis this time who seized Alex's cock, her hand slowly moving up and down it.

His smile widening, Alex quickly cast the time spell Kuroka taught him on the bathroom, before gesturing at Levy to join them. He then said to Mavis,

"Well, you asked for it."


(Later that night)

Hisui could only sit there in awe, her mind refusing to believe what she was seeing, as she stared up at the space above the villa in the space-time orb in awe.

Currently Shia was up there sparring with Moka, Kokoa, Akua, and Akasha, all of who's strength was enough to make the air around them vibrated almost constantly with their force of their movements and attacks. Despite the ferocity of their attacks though, absolutely no damage was being done to the villa itself as they trained to prevent their strength from impacting their surroundings.

"What is this...?" She uttered in her awe, having never expected that there be people who were THIS powerful out there. She knew Alex and his people were strong, but imagining someone's strength was one thing, seeing it for yourself was another thing entirely.

Next to her Anne smiled wryly as she explained,

"This is just some light combat training. You should see what happens when they get serious." Hisui looked at dark skinned beauty in surprise, before a blast from outside the villa echoed, drawing her attention to Rias and Yue as the two repeatedly and easily threw around spells that could drastically alter the landscape of the entirety of Earthland.

It had been several 'days' since Hisui first entered the space-time orb, all of which were filled with seeing Alex interact with his children and wives like one, excessively large, happy family. With his children having returned to Asora to spend the rest of the night though, the princess was thunderstruck with what went on after they left.

As she watched the girls train though, Hisui couldn't help but to think about how insignificant she was in comparison. When Anne noticed the shift in her demeanor, she asked,

"Is something wrong?" Hisui appeared to be growing somewhat depressed as she slowly said,

"Every single one of the girls around Alex help him in some way, either with their strength or simple day-to-day things. Meanwhile we're just trying to cling to him for our own protection..." Feeling 'dirty' at the realization of the differences between herself and the rest of Alex's wives, Hisui was beginning to wonder if she was doing the right thing.

Anne meanwhile sighed as she realized what Hisui was thinking about, and turned away while saying,

"Follow me. There's something I want to show you." Confused, Hisui quickly ran after the Dragon Empress as she made her way to one of the other sub-space orbs, the one with an endless expanse of sand and rock within.

One touch of her hand against the surprisingly warm glass surface and Hisui immediately found herself on a rocky outcrop within the blisteringly hot sandscape, the hot wind blowing sand against her face. Within seconds Anne appeared right next to her, and said,

"Try not to panic at first." Hisui barely had time to look at Anne in confusion, before she lifted into the air by an invisible force.

"WAAAA!" Hisui cried out in a shrill voice as her hands went to hold down her skirt, only to accidentally flip forward for the back to flip up and expose her jade green panties to Anne's deadpan eyes.

"I said not to panic..." Anne told her before she too slowly lifted off the ground. She had been practicing with making other people fly, but if they moved too much then their movements would become unstable like Hisui's currently were.

After several minutes of trying to get Hisui under control, the duo were soon soaring through the air like it was natural.

"This....is amazing...." The princess muttered as she watched the landscape change around them, giving way from rocky outcrops to endless dunes. However something else soon caught her eye, several large sleds loaded with weights being slowly dragged across the sands, which were connected to a lead figure by a series of massive chains.

"Is that Alex?" Hisui asked, to which Anne nodded and explained,

"Whenever his children aren't in the space-time orb Alex dedicates his time to either training, or us. The fact that he's in his base form right now shows how much he's trying to improve himself and become stronger." Hisui was silent as she took in Anne's words, while also looking out at Alex as he struggled to drag the massive weighted sleds across the sands, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts under the burning hot sun, and even as his feet sank into the burning hot sand up his knees.

With her again wondering if she deserved to be one of Alex's wives, Anne preempted anything she was going to say by continuing,

"No matter how small it is we all have our own roles to play in supporting Alex as he works towards his goals. I'm his empress, Rias and the others are a part of his peerage, Gabriel, Serafall, the Snow Priestess and Yasaka all help to keep Asora working alongside Barakiel with the help of others, while 'normal' women like Mikan and Haruna do what they can to keep our home running."

Hisui was silent as she listened to Anne speak, before she eventually muttered,

"And my role will be to spread my legs just so Alex will help keep my people safe..." Anne rolled her eyes before saying,

"No it's not." Hisui looked at her in confusion as she continued, "your 'role' will be to help keep the peaceful relations between Asora and Earthland intact. There has already been one instance of a group wanting to attack us for being different, we need someone in place to ensure good relations remain between us and them. We need a person who will be able to keep one entire world on friendly terms with another, and in the future possibly many more."

Hisui was silent as the enormity of what her future held hit her for the first time, and how her responsibility once she ascended as Queen wouldn't just be limited to Fiore, but all of Earthland. Just as this realization hit her though, Hisui was distracted as a small bottle suddenly appeared in front of her.

"What's this?" She asked while taking it hesitatingly, to which Anne explained with a smile,

"That's a vial of extract I made from a type of flower that increases libido and fertility. Basically, if you have intercourse after drinking it, it's almost guaranteed that you'll become pregnant afterwards." When she heard those words Hisui's entire upper body became completely red as illusionary steam rose from the top of her head,

"W-w-w-w-w-why do I need this?!" Hisui demanded as she nearly threw the little vial away, before Anne snatched it from her with her telekinesis, and explained,

"Well I never said that you had to use it right away, there's a preservation spell on the bottle so the contents will never spoil. I just know that humans care about the line of succession and all that, so if you wanted to use it the night you get married, or even several years from now, then you can guarantee and heir whenever you wanted."

Hisui's far was still beet red as Anne explained all of this, and she asked hesitantly while shyly pressing her fingers together,

"D-don't Alex and I j-just have to have s-s-sex to have children...?" This time Anne sighed as she explained,

"The trouble is that, as far as I can tell, the more power a being the harder it for them to produce children. That's why the birth rates for races like Devils are so low, so I created this to help them increase their numbers and bring happiness to those who have been trying to have children for centuries."

"C-centuries?" Hisui asked in awe, surprised that simply trying to make a single child would take some people so long. Anne however nodded in affirmation as she went on,

"If left normally then it might take years or even decades for you to be able to conceive a child, this is so that you and any other nobles won't have to worry about that." Knowing that Anne had been thinking of her position, Hisui carefully put the vial into the spatial storage ring that she had purchased at the bazaar.

She then turned her attention back towards Alex and asked,

"If Alex is already so strong, will just dragging a few weights around like this really help him get even stronger?" Anne smiled wryly at her question, and replied,

"Not exactly, but there's more to Alex's training than meets the eye." To punctuate her words, Anne then pulled out a massive Boulder that had been stored in her inventory, a habit she picked up after gaining the bending abilities of the Avatar, and sent it flying in Alex's direction.

At first there was nothing unusual about the boulder's flight, but as it got close to Alex and the weights it suddenly picked up speed, and crashed into the sand below with a large explosion. Covering her ears from the explosion, Hisui cried out,

"What was that?!" Anne smirked at the princess's reaction, and began explaining the details regarding Alex's use of Gravity magic, while the man himself looked up at them incredulously.

"Some wives bring their husbands sandwiches or lemonade while they work under the hot sun, mine chucks giant boulders at me...." He muttered to himself before he resumed dragging the giant sled across the desert sands.

Currently the weights he was using were a new compound that was created by the scientists of the Grigori after experimenting with the various metals of different worlds, which was several times denser than metals like iridium and Osmium. On top of that they, along with himself and the massive chains connected to his arms and abdomen, were being weighed down even more with the Gravity magic array that he had activated on top of the sleds, increasing the gravity in the general area around the sleds to also encompass the chains and Alex himself.

Keeping a wary eye on Anne and Hisui, in case the latter started to hurl more boulders at him, Alex continued to haul the sleds behind him through the sand, until he finally managed to crest a particularly large sand dune, his designated stopping point for that particular exercise. Once the sleds had reached the top of the dune, Alex released a long sigh as he unshackled the chains from his body and dropped them to the ground, where they landed with a loud thud before their weight started to drag them under.

They didn't get far under the sand though, before all of them disappeared as Alex returned them to the storage ring he kept his training equipment in. Afterwards, a magic circle appeared above Alex that dumped an excessive amount of freezing water onto him, chilling and refreshing him after spending several hours hauling the sleds under the blisteringly hot sun.

Halting the flow of water a moment later, Alex dried off his head with a towel before storing that away as well, and calling out,

"Elaine." In an instant the purple haired maid appeared, her expression as cold as ever when she beheld Alex's exposed body. Instead of reacting to it though, the stoic maid slowly started to float upwards into the air as Alex followed her.

Once they stopped going higher, Alex then closed his eyes and focused his energy.

"HA!" He shouted as his body's mass increased, accompanied by red fur growing over most of his exposed skin while his hair turned darker and elongated. Focusing his eyes that now had red rings around them, Alex struck a pose as he prepared to train against Elaine once more.

(A.N. Since people keep asking about it, Alex did not get anything from Darius. If he had a would have listed it when I mentioned the abilities he got from the fight with them.)

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts