
Side Quests of the Dead

"What what do you mean by 'side quests' anyways Alex?" Shizuka asked as she rolled over onto her side, her blond hair splayed out seductively over her naked figure.

"That's what you want to ask about?! I'm a bit more concerned with this flying ship of his!" Rika exclaimed next to her.

"It's nothing too impressive of a story. I just received it from a copy of the famous Nordic fire giant Sutr, and turned her into my familiar." Alex explained nonchalantly.


"I see you weren't kidding when you said I'd have to basically relearn common sense around you..." Saya uttered in a defeated voice.

"There is no such thing as 'common sense' around Alex." Yami said comfortingly.

"Hey hey hey! I resemble that remark!" Alex joked playfully, even as he slowly slid his cock into Yuna's butt.

Currently they were all aboard Zenith as they headed for a certain location along with the VIPs of Tamriel. And naturally, while all of the VIPs were crammed on deck, Alex had retired to the cabin in order to spend some time with his ladies until they arrived at their destination.

"About the side quests-" Alex started, even as he continued to slowly plow Yuna's backside.

"I know of the world they come from through video games I played in the past like Spira, though I only REALLY know about the country of Skyrim, while they're all from the various nations throughout the entire continent.

"The game Skyrim was rather infamous for the amount of side quests you'd receive just by exploring the world. Knowing them, there'd be plenty of things to do that they're either too lazy, or too incompetent to do."

As Alex finished speaking the girls thought on what they'd seen of the leaders of Tamriel so far, and realize how true his comment regarding their 'incompetence' was. The Thalmor aside, all the rest of the Tamrielic leaders had been able to do before Alex arrived was argue amongst themselves and find faults with one another, despite the numerous issues they ALL had to deal with.

That was what they were on their way to deal with now.

The fake Dragon Emperor had added every single fighting capable being he could from Tamriel through his Bend WIll shout before invading. This included normally hostile beings like goblins, Falmer, Giants, Reiklings, Nymphs, Dwarven Automations, and of course dragons.

However, when he died a few hours after Alex sent him to the surface of the sun, showing a tenacity that surprised him, those that had been under his control were freed. That meant that all of the creatures that would normally be attacking and killing people were no longer being pacified as well.

Thankfully for the moment they had scattered in the wake of the confusion of the strange land they had found themselves in, but there had already been reports of minor attacks from them at the edge of the encampment.

So, Alex's current objective was to do something to prevent the attacks, and the VIPs(minus the Thalmor) were coming along to act as witnesses. Or more like, Alex made them come along with him to show the difference between them.

Meanwhile Serena and the Companions were spreading the word to the many vampires and lycanthropes that any who wished to be cured of their respective 'afflictions', would only need to see the Dragon Emperor when he returned from his 'side quests'.

"If they're all so 'incompetent' then how were they able to keep an actual empire running?" Rika asked curiously, though it was Saya who answered,

"People often strive to conserve the status quo when it comes to maintaining power or wealth. The Roman Empire for example was in decline for centuries before it finally collapsed."

For a moment there was only the sound of Yuna moaning softly as everyone thought on what Saya said, while Alex nodded in affirmation before adding,

"It's the same on Tamriel. The empire was founded by a man named Tiber Septim, who then ascended to become the ninth divine of their world, the first 'man' to do so. Four hundred years later his bloodline died out, and the empire has been essentially taken over by a new dynasty.

"In the two hundred years since, the territories of the empire shifted greatly while the Aldmeri Dominion, aka the Thalmor, increased their own influence until things between them came to a head during the Great War. The result was the Empire surrendering and bowing down to the Thalmor, buying peace so that they could try to rebuild their forces. Instead, the Thalmor proceeded to purge anyone they 'suspected' of breaking the treaty, namely worshipping Tiber Septim, aka Talos as the ninth divine.

"This only increased the already tense relations between the empire and its vassal territories, until finally things came to a head yet again when Ulfric started a civil war to separate Skyrim from imperial influence. In the game you got the option to chose whichever side you wanted to support, but I never found out who was actually 'supposed' to win in the end."

For a moment after he finished speaking no one said anything as Alex continued fucking Yuna into the bed, before both reached their respective climaxes as he filled her butt with burning hot cum.

Afterwards Alex leaned back while lifting Yuna along with him, resting her back against his chest while he began to play with her tits. It was only then that Saya asked,

"What side did you choose Alex?"

The Dragon Emperor just looked over at the pinkette with a decrepitating smile, and replied, "No empire lasts forever."

Both Yami and Yuna looked at Alex in alarm when they heard this, while Ddraig and Lauren both remained silent within his mind. Both knew the truth within his words, as they had both watched numerous empires come and go within the span of their lives, Lauren infinitely more than anyone else.

The rest of the ride passed as Alex took turns fucking the seven women, while simultaneously sharing bits and pieces of Tamrielic knowledge that he had. Soon they arrived at their destination, the location that the dragons along with the Nordic Greybeards had made their temporary home, Mt Fuji.

Alex and the girls emerged from the cabin for the first time as Zenith began to ascend to the peak where their quarry had gathered to discuss what they did next. And how did Alex know that the dragons were 'discussing' what to do next?



The sky was alight with concussions of noise and thunder-like rumbling as the dragons spoke in their native tongue, the Thu'um.

"By the eight! We're really going up THERE!?!" One of the noblemen exclaimed as they climbed ever higher.

"Humph. No wonder the empire has grown weak with people like YOU in charge." Ulfric sneered at the speaker, having been schooled in the Way of the Voice since he was young. Though not nearly as skilled or powerful as the Greybeards, Ulfric was still proficient enough in it that he had been famous throughout the empire before leading his uprising.

"That's enough." Alex stated in a somewhat firm tone, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Sneered one of the Nordic Jarls, a young man named Sidggeir.

Many of them looked to Sidggeir in horror at his stupidity, since Alex was still a huge unknown for them, and it was stupid to directly antagonize him.

Their concerns were proven valid when a second later Sidggeir was sent flying over the edge of Zenith's railing and into the abyss, his screams echoing up to them for several minutes until they finally stopped.

Slowly the group turned to look back at Alex, who had just killed one of their Jarls without a second thought, and said to them,

"I am not here to cater to any of you. I brought you to show the difference between us. Nothing more, and nothing less. I'll not tolerate any snide remarks about myself or my wives in any of our presence. Understood?"

The couple hundred people gathered on deck slowly nodded in understanding as a different chill that the one created by the freezing air traveled down their spines.

Never before had ANY of them been treated with such.....disregard, as if they or their lives didn't matter.

Every single one of them could feel their instincts screaming at them NOT to agitate Alex, a feeling they had only ever associated with 'supreme' beings, like the Daedra or dragons. Dragons like the ones they were going to see right now.

So, with everyone seemingly reaching an understanding, Zenith brought them the final stretch before they entered the clouds surrounding the peak of the frozen mountain, where a Thunder of dragons were waiting for them.

Hundreds of the titanic scaly beings were perched in various places throughout the mountain top, all of which turned to face Zenith as they arrived. And as they approached them the dragons turned towards Zenith with hostility in their eyes, which quickly vanished when they noticed Alex standing at the prow regally.

And as Zenith docked at the peak of the mountain, Alex stepped off to be greeted by an elderly looking dragon with dulled grey skin, broken horns, tattered wings, and missing fangs.

"Drem Yol Lok(greetings/peace,fire,sky). I am Paarthurnax, Qolass(herald) of the Dova(dragons). To what do we owe this honor, Dova Kroniid(dragon conquer)?"

Alex frowned when he heard the title Paarthurnax referred to him with, and stated, "I am not a conquer, only a man who does not tolerate those who intend to harm his loved ones."

"Krosis(sorrow/regret/apologies), I did not mean to offend." Paarthurnax said while bowing his head slightly, to which Alex replied,

"It's quite alright, and I'm only here to make the Dova an offer."

When he finished speaking Alex turned his attention to the rest of the dragons surrounding him, and stated loudly in a clear voice,

"I am Alexander Morningstar, the Dragon Emperor! I come before the Dova today to make an offer, sanctuary in my homeland of Asora for all who wish it, so long as you follow our laws!"

There was a stir amongst the dragons at Alex's declaration, though he did not receive the same hostility he had received earlier from introducing himself. Unlike the men, elves, and beast men that ruled Tamriel, the dragons before Alex would all be influenced by his title of Dragon Emperor, so they would all be more accepting of him. Plus there was his single sided victory against Alduin, the first and strongest dragon that ever existed in their world.

"How do we know we can trust you!? Joor(mortal) who claims to rule the Dova?!" One dragon, that Alex recognized as a legendary dragon, the most powerful one you could face in the game, declared challengingly.

"First Alduin, then the Dovakiin(Dragonborn), and now this Joor! I refuse to be Aar(servant/slave) to another pretend Kinbok(leader)!" The dragon continued angrily, earning him numerous roars and shouts of agreement from several of the dragons around them.

"Begone, Joor who pretends to be one of the Dova!" The dragon snarled as he got right in Alex's face, baring his lethal looking fangs as he did so.

For a second Alex did nothing, making the dragon think he was perhaps scared of being face-to-face with a 'real' dragon, until he uttered a single word.



The next thing anyone knew there was an explosion of energy that blew up all of the snow at their feet, blinding those who were watching momentarily until it cleared, and what they saw stupefied them.

Alex stood there with bright red armor covering his entire body, except his head, while holding the offending dragon up by the throat similarly to how he had held up Alduin.


As Alex and Ddraig roared their combined fury, red draconic wings sprouted from Alex's back, while his eyes turned into reptilian slits and patches of red scales began to form on his face.




The same dragon they had been holding up and yelling at was then blasted across the mountain top, skipping across the surface the entire way until coming to a stop at the edge. Appearing next to him instantly, Alex placed his foot atop the dragon's head to hold it there, before turning his gaze to every other dragon present. He then said with Ddraig's voice no longer overlapping his own,

"I am not here to force your cooperation, but to offer you ALL a new chance! Either seize it or waste away in this strange land forever! NOW! WHAT SAY YOU!?!"

For a moment it seemed as if no one was even breathing as they stared at the Dragon Emperor, until it happened.

One by one, the dragons bowed to Alex. Each swearing their loyalty to him.


The gathered VIPs were in a daze after departing Mt Fuji, which was normal considering what they'd witnessed.

Not only had the dragons sworn their loyalty to the Dragon Emperor, but afterwards even the Greybeards approached him. And though it seemed to take a short while, they too reached an agreement to travel to Asora as Alex promised to personally build them a new monastery.

Now they were on their way to the next group, the goblins. But what they would see there would stun them even more.

The goblins of Tamriel were notorious for their vicious actions as they killed and scavenged from any unfortunate enough to cross their path. So naturally, they all expected to see a bloodbath..

Instead, Alex spoke to the goblins in their own language, stunning everyone but Yuna and Yami as he negotiated with them regarding their future.

Obviously Alex couldn't speak to them in a way that was overly complicated, but he got the general point across to them. He didn't want them in Asora of course, but neither would he outright kill them.

Instead, Alex opened numerous gates to different locations all over this world to send them to, where they would establish new villages amongst the ruins left in the wake of the living dead. Alex warned them about the undead of course, but the goblins didn't mind, and after he closed the portal behind them they weren't his problem anymore, so he didn't care.

The same thing happened when he went to go deal with the Reiklings, goblin-like creatures from the north of Tamriel. Them he sent to bits of land near the arctic circle, such as Iceland, Greenland, Russia, Canada, and Alaska, also giving them warnings about the walking dead.

Next Alex went go visit the Giants, the second race he was debating on bringing to Asora. However the high matriarch refused his offer, so Alex sent them to Northern Europe to find themselves a new life.

After the Giants he went to go see a group he was particularly excited to meet, the nymphs.

They, unlike the other groups, were actually wasting away after being forced from their grottos, forests, and other usual habitats that they had been bound to. So Alex appearing before them was like a godsend, though it was technically just that.

Promising them that they would be able to find new homes in Asora that they could anchor them to like their original homes, Alex then created a place where they could....recuperate until then with his 'help'. Ten minutes after disappearing within, from their perspective, Alex exited the temporary abode with a smile on his face and a spring in his step, while the nymphs, all naked and beautiful looking, lamented that he wouldn't stay longer with them.

The entire time Alex also swept any of the rampaging Dwarven Automations up into different storage rings, intending to gift them to Lala, the Bulmas, Hajime, and Azazel to study. Eventually there was only one group left for him to deal with.

"Sire..." One of the Jarls, Balgruuf uttered quietly.

"Yes?" Alex answered lightheartedly.

"I don't know how much of our world you know of, but I feel I must warn you that the Falmer can NOT be reasoned with!" Balgruuf stated worriedly, making Alex smile as he said,

"I appreciate your concern Balgruuf, but I assure you I have no intention of 'reasoning' with them." The Jarl sighed in relief when he heard that, and just in time as they arrived in the location where Alex's magic compass directed them to.

Though at first there was nothing readily there, everyone present knew that wasn't the case.

Falmer were originally a race known as the Snow Elves, elves with pure white skin and a sense of superiority on par with the High Elves. However when the Nords drove them underground from their ancestral home, the dwarves betrayed their brethren by forcing them to eat mushrooms that twisted and warped them into the revolting and feral beings they were today.

Blind and conditioned to life underground, it was obvious to everyone where they were even if there was seemingly nothing on the surface to betray them.

Alex floated up off of Zenith's deck to give him a better vantage over the landscape below, everyone behind him watching with bated breath to see what he'd do. What they never expected was to watch the earth below them come to life as it churned and roiled violently, before thousands of disgusting and twisted figures rose up from below, screeching, hissing, and roaring their fury and indignation as they were forced to the surface.

Alex then did something to them that would stay with each of the VIPs for the rest of their respective lives.


"Are the preparations complete?" Elenwen asked one of her attendants disdainfully.

"Yes lady Elenwen. We've gathered the materials necessary, and the entirety of the forces under the Thalmor's control are ready to move at a moment's notice!" The attendant reported.

Elenwen just snorted at them before saying, "using the ENTIRETY of our forces seems like more than overkill, but I suppose we can never be too careful. Now all we need is the 'Dragon Emperor'."

The words were barely out of her mouth when someone shouted,

"There! On the horizon!" Elenwen turned her attention northward where the speaker was pointing, and was about to snap that someone aught to do away with them, when she saw what they had. And what they all saw made their collective jaws drop.


Approaching them were thousands of regal figures with pure white skin, wearing matching white armor as they marched in line with one another. And while their appearance confused a great many people, a select few were even more confused as they knew what it was marching towards them.

"It cannot be...." Elenwen uttered in disbelief, as she watched thousands of the long extinct Snow Elves approach their camp.

Soon her disbelief turned to confusion, and then to elation even as one of her brethren cried out, "This is a sign from the Eight! A sign that we were right to reject the false god Talos!"

Soon word spread throughout the encampment that the Eight true gods had restored the Snow Elves to their former glory, including a few figures that had remained hidden the entire time until now.


"It's impossible..." Knight-Paladin Gelebor exclaimed as he stood, keeping his hood drawn as he did so and rushed to northern edge of their encampment, where he was stunned to see his long extinct Snow Elven brethren approaching.

Meanwhile Elenwen and several other high ranking Thalmor agents also arrived right before the Snow Elves did, one of which stepped forward and declared,

"Brothers and sisters! Welcome-!"

Instead of listening to the Thalmor agent's welcoming speech though, one of the elves in front of the procession roughly bumped him out of his way, and continued marching until they were directly before the encampment.

Then the Snow Elves did something that confused them all even further, as they all stopped and turned inward, forming a long corridor as they stood to attention and cried out,


No one knew how to react as Alex, along with his wives, appeared at the end of the corridor. And as they walked the length of it dramatically, with the VIPs that had been brought with them taking up the rear, Elenwen marched towards him and demanded,

"What is the meaning of this!?!"

Alex just looked at her lazily before stating as if it were obvious,

"I turned the Falmer back into the Snow Elves they originally were, and armed them with equipment matching what they once used. Funny thing is that afterwards they swore their loyalty to me in repayment for turning them back. Apparently they didn't like being Falmer very much."

As Alex said, several of the Snow Elves present had been amongst the first generation that had originally been turned into the Falmer after centuries of eating the toxic mushrooms given to them by the Dwemer(dwarves). And as he used Age of Gods magics to turn them back, Alex used Spirit magic to return their long dormant memories while also sharing those memories amongst them so that even those born as Falmer knew who they once were.

Even as he regarded the whole thing like it was no big deal, Elenwen shook with fury the likes of which she had never known before, along with those beside her as they all seethed at Alex's casual demeanor.

A second later though her expression morphed into one of extreme calm as she uttered in a sickly sweet voice, "Of course, silly me for expecting anything different from THE Dragon Emperor."

Elenwen then bowed before Alex as she shifted out of his way respectfully, along with the rest of her companions, giving Alex room to strut past them as he made his way back to the pavilions where the VIPs had originally been gathered.

The second Alex stepped away from the crowds and onto the exposed area though, the ground beneath him lit up suddenly as a massive and powerful magic circle formed.

"NOW!" Elenwen shouted as she and the entirety of Thalmor leapt into action, along with the thousands of Khajiit and Wood elves who were their subordinates.

Hundreds of spectral chains appeared from the magic circle as they wrapped around Alex's entire body, restraining him as the perpetrators chanted,

"""We bind you Alexander.... We bind you...."""

"Yes! That's it!" Elenwen cried out with relish as she watched their plan come to fruition, the plan to bind Alex to their will and turn him into their puppet.

Hundreds of Grand Soul Gems went into this, along with thousands of participants to successfully overpower and bind the Dragon Emperor. It was taking literally the entirety of the Thalmor's resources to pull this off, but now Elenwen considered it worth the expense and planning if they could pull it off.

A being that could not only defeat the Daedric Prince's, but revive an ancient race? Alex would be their ultimate weapon! No one could stop the Mer from taking their rightful place as the rightful rulers of all existence!

"""We bind you Alexander.... We bind you..." The casters of this binding chanted over and over as they tested their wills against Alex's, wearing him down with the force of thousands of wills against his own.

"You know..." Alex's voice suddenly sounded, stunning everyone participating in the binding.

"I'm fairly disappointed this is ALL you could manage..." Alex stated disappointedly, before the spectral chains binding him shattered suddenly, along with every Soul Gem they had used to channel their magic through, the rebound causing severe damage to all of those involved.

"H-how!?!" Elenwen demanded as Alex stood in his earlier position.

"That was the combined might of ALL our forces! How could you shrug them off like that!?!" She demanded a second time, making Alex look back at her as he asked in return,

"So that was all of these loyal to the Thalmor?" Elenwen only looked at Alex in confusion, before a sinister looking scythe appeared in his hands.

"Thank you for gathering them all together so I can eliminate them all at once." Alex said as he slowly walked towards her, making Elenwen pale in fear and trepidation. But what she felt then was nothing when Alex added,

"By the way, I knew the entire time about your plans. Not to smart to plot against someone who possesses a divinity related to conspiracies and such. You might as well have announced to me what you were doing, not that it'd have done you much good even if you'd managed to keep it secret."

As he said that Alex swung his scythe around in a massive arc around him, creating a giant blade of energy that passed through everyone around him. For a second nothing happened as the blade of energy vanished, and those touched by it appeared fine, before anyone related to Thalmor keeled over, dead.

The next second the souls of all of those who Alex had just killed were sucked into the jewel within his scythe, adding to his own spectral army.

Dismissing his scythe after collecting every single soul, Alex then turned back to VIPs and asked,

"So where were we?"


A surprisingly short while after he killed off all of the Thalmor and their sympathizers, Alex stretched and acted as if he were tired before saying, "Well that's one thing taken care of."

Needless to say that, Alex's very public execution of the Thalmor, resurrection of the Snow Elves, AND the soon arrival of the dragons from Mt Fuji, all of the remaining VIPs of Tamriel swore their respective allegiance to him.

"Oh it must be so hard.... Scaring so many people and acting like such a big bully..." Saya teased even as she began to rub his shoulders, making Alex smirk as he answered,

"It's just politics, and I HATE politics. Unfortunately there's more that needs to be done before we can rest..."

Standing as he said that, the girls were surprised as Yuna asked, "What else is there?"

Alex just smirked and said, "it's a surprise. Let's go!"

Before any of them could react they were all forcefully teleported somewhere else, confusing them even more until they noticed a sea of tents stretching out further than any of them could see.

On the left the tents were almost entirely red while on the right they were almost entirely blue, while down the middle of them was a line of grey tents that seemed to be dividing them. But that wasn't the most interesting part.

If they thought the people of Tamriel were shocking to see, the girls hadn't seen anything yet as they beheld races unlike anything any of them had ever seen; giant bulls that walked upright, even MORE types of elves than what they'd just been dealing with, dwarves, gnomes, trolls, more orcs, industrious goblins, large werewolves that were dressed like people, and even upright and walking pandas!

"HAIL TO THE LIBERATOR!" A voice suddenly shouted above the din of life, drawing the girls attention to an Orc below them that was looking up in reverence.

"""HAIL TO THE LIBERATOR!""" Several more voices chanted as they noticed their presence, before they were joined by more, and more.


Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts