
Royal Wedding

The days following Alex's 'claiming' of Levy, Mavis, Cana, and Lisanna became quite hectic as the man himself prepared for his next wedding.

Firstly was the difference between Gray and Juuvia, as the latter had basically ran through town naked in her single minded pursuit to get to Gray, before proceeding to attack him despite his father's presence at the time. The next morning found the two of them sitting together at the guild hall, with Gray looking exhausted from Juuvia's eagerness the night before, while the now bubbly blue headed girl was discussing things like what to name their children.

Meanwhile big changes also happened to the Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Sabertooth, and Mermaid Heel guilds, as the former three decided to open a guild branch in Asora after hearing that Fairy Tail was already going to, while Mermaid Heel was moving their entire guild there.

Though she had tried to kill him once she saw him again, Kagura had eventually explained that the reason she was moving the guild was due to the damage that they had received during the Mage guild purge several years prior, at the hands of Alice. With their master and several of their senior members staying behind to hold off the saiyaness, Kagura had been ordered to take the remaining members and retreat while they could.

Naturally however, even with the guild master and their seniors members working together, they had been unable to hold off a super Saiyaness for more than a few minutes, and only that long due to her slightly sadistic nature prolonging the fight after transforming. The only thing that had allowed Kagura and the rest to escape was the swordswoman and another Mage, Risley Law, using a Gravity based spell to keep her held down while they escape.

With their numbers being the lowest amongst the five remaining Mage guilds, and their guild hall holding numerous memories of their departed members that had lost their lives to Alice, Kagura had made the decision to move their entire guild to Asora in order to restart. While a hard decision for most of them, the rest of the women comprising Mermaid Heel ultimately agreed that a fresh start in a new world would be good for them.

Meanwhile mages from the other guilds that would be moving to Asora included Sherria, who wanted to accompany her friend Wendy while also joining Anne's Emergency Response Team, and the the sisterly duo of Yukino and Angel, who were both interested in the summoning techniques of other worlds.

Even along with moving several of the guilds mages to Asora though, Alex was also preparing for his wedding with Hisui. He had already had several weddings by this point, starting with Anne, but this was the first time Alex would be marrying a member of a royal family they were allied with. With the women from the DXD world and Tortus waiting until they returned home to hold their weddings, due to wanting their families to attend, Hisui would be the first woman he married outside of Asora.

That meant Alex was also busy researching their customs and expectations of him, while simultaneously preparing the proper attire for such an event. Of course the one that was the most nervous was Hisui, especially after she had witnessed firsthand how Alex interacted with his wives when his children weren't around.

After they left the space-time orb, whenever Alex wasn't training, he was participating in orgy after orgy as he engaged in almost any kind of debauchery possible. She had witnessed this firsthand after Alex finished his training with Elaine that day, only to begin a massive orgy in the baths with the various Pandora that were in the space-time orb at the time.

That, and the numerous licentious activities that had gone on at almost all times afterwards, were plaguing Hisui's thoughts as the days slowly crept towards her wedding, until finally the day itself arrived.




Everywhere was noise as people cheered and bells rung while Alex and Hisui exited the majestic church, where they had just been wed by the highest religious authority on the continent of Ishgar.

Now they climbed into a gilded golden carriage, or rather Alex carefully led Hisui while the green haired princess was in a daze, before said carriage proceeded to drive itself through the city as it brought them back to the castle. There, Hisui's father Toma had prepared a grand feast with resources from Asora for everyone to eat, along with the dowry that he had prepared to give Alex.

Unlike normal dowries that were primarily made up of gold and treasures of some sort, Toma had gifted Alex hundreds of ancient and rare tomes from their library and treasury for Asorans to study. Of course Alex and the various researchers in Asora were more than pleased with this, as the majority of the tomes contained secrets regarding ancient and powerful magics from Earthland.

Aside from the feast there was also a series of performances from numerous groups like the Mage guilds, and even several groups from Asora comprised of Devils and youkai.

As the gift giving, feasting, and performances went on though, the sun eventually started to creep below the horizon as day gave way to night, and the moment finally came.

"IT'S TIME FOR THE CONSUMMATION CEREMONY!" Someone suddenly shouted over the din of the dining hall, bringing things to silence almost immediately as Toma and Arcadios's faces started to twitch.

The consummation ceremony was basically the moment when the newly wedded couple sealed their marriage in the bedchamber, meaning it was the moment the wife was deflowered. So with it being time for that, how could Hisui's father and the knight that had guarded her from childhood not be irritated.

Before either could try and argue though, the majority of the women at the feast dragged off Hisui, while the men dragged Alex away for prepping. Watching the wives Alex already have drag his daughter away to prep for the bedchamber, Toma could only sigh as he sunk back into his own seat, and glanced up at a portrait of a very beautiful mature woman with jade green hair.

"Our little girl's all grown up now..." Toma muttered to the portrait, one of the only images left of his late wife and Queen.

Meanwhile, Alex and Hisui were both preparing for what came next in their own ways, with the princess being prepped and advised by his wives, and Alex being prepped by the various men and nobles of Fiore.

"To think..." One young noble uttered in awe, "you actually get to bone the princess..." While the young noble became absent minded at the thought of sleeping with the beautiful princess, Alex frowned at him before applying a 'little' pressure on him and asking,

"Do you really think it's a good idea to talk like that about someone who is now my wife?" Immediately the young noble paled as he fought to resist the power that Alex was pushing onto him, only to pass out instantly.

"Hmph..." Alex snorted at the young noble, disappointed that he hadn't even really applied any pressure or Haki to him to make the man pass out, before he turned his attention to the rest of the gathered men and stated clearly,

"Remember, I may be going along with the customs of Fiore's nobility, but I will not tolerate any disrespect towards my wives, ANY of them. Are we clear?" Slowly, the group of usually arrogant young nobles nodded as they recalled that under the amicable and carefree surface that Alex had showed for everyone that day, he was still the one who had destroyed Darius and his allies.

With the previous carefree mood from before all but destroyed, the young nobles finished prepping Alex in a subdued manner as they helped him don an elegant red silk robe before trying, and failing, to do something different to his hair. Failing to even mess it up more than its usual shape, the young nobles eventually had no choice but to send Alex along to the bedchamber prepared for him and Hisui.

Taking care not to 'peek' at whatever the girls were planning with Hisui, Alex was slightly surprised to find her still in her white and gold wedding gown as he entered the bedchamber, though her face was the reddest he'd ever seen.

"You look beautiful Hisui." Alex said after taking a moment to admire her appearance, making the shy princess look away in embarrassment. Smiling in response to her reaction, Alex shrugged off the silk robe so that he was standing before his newest bride in nothing but a pair of tight shorts, prompting the princess to sneak peaks at his perfectly sculpted body.

Slowly Alex approached Hisui until he was less than a foot away from her, allowing the both of them to feel the heat radiating off of the other's body. It was only at this moment that Hisui truly took in just how big Alex's body was compared to her own, his arms and chest thick with rippling muscles.

Seeing her examine him though, Alex smirked as he held out his hands, making Hisui's body tense slightly as he reached for her, and grasped the straps of her wedding gown. She then stood completely still as Alex shifted the straps of her dress down her shoulders, allowing the entire thing to suddenly fall to the ground to reveal her body beneath it.

Until then Alex had deliberately avoided looking at Hisui's nude figure even while she was in the space-time orb, in order to follow the usual order of events for once. Now however Alex admired the figure she had been concealing until then under her dress, though she wasn't wearing a bra or panties, Hisui did have a white garter belt on with straps connected to a pair of matching white stockings that went to her thighs.

In an instant Hisui's arms and legs twitched as the instinct to cover her exposed figure filled her, but she fought it back as Alex slowly traced his thumb down from her shoulder over her soft breast. She then shuddered as Alex's thumb slowly rubbed her sensitive nipple, while his hand gently cupped her entire breast.

"P-please be gentle..." Hisui muttered quietly, making Alex smile at how cute she was acting. He then used his other hand to gently lift her chin, and seal her lips in their second ever kiss, the first being after they had given each other their vows.

When their lips finally separated Alex whispered to her,

"I'll be as gentle as you want."


As the sun began to creep through the window of their bedroom the next morning, Alex was smiling contently as he laid back against the headboard with Hisui sleeping peacefully against him, a similarly content smile on her own face.

As promised, Alex had been incredibly gentle with Hisui as they made love to each other, but he had also made sure that she had experienced the most passionate night of her life. They had gone on without caring about how much time passed or how late it got, until Hisui could go on no longer and fell asleep, only to curl up at Alex's side contently.

Now the sun was slowly rising into the sky, but Alex made no attempt to move to prevent from disturbing his new wife's slumber, instead he simply held her a bit closer. Of course this wouldn't go on forever as the light began to shine onto Hisui's face, and the sleepy princess was roused from her slumber.

Blinking the sleep from her eyes, Hisui looked up to see Alex smiling down at her, before saying,

"Good morning my beautiful wife." In an instant Hisui's entire upper body turned red as she recalled the events of the previous night, as well as the fact that they were both currently naked.

Immediately Hisui tried to cover herself with the blankets to hide her embarrassment, seemingly forgetting that their naked bodies were currently pressed up against each other. Smiling from how cute she was acting, Alex then lifted the blanket and asked,

"Why are you hiding after everything we did last night?" Hisui could only look at him meekly before muttering in reply,

"B-because of everything we did.... It's embarrassing to look at you now..." Ending in a pout, Hisui pointedly looked away as she said this, until Alex gently seized her chin and brought her mouth to his.

Though hesitant at first, Hisui eventually started to loosen the tension in her body during the kiss while Alex slowly pulled her up so that she was laying on top of him. He then got a little more aggressive as Alex's hands slowly moved down her body until they grasped Hisui's pert posterior, making her gasp slightly as Alex began kneading the flesh of her ass.

He then surprised her by throwing the blanket off of them suddenly, exposing them to the slightly chilled air of the room.

"Wait-" She started to say in alarm, before Alex cut her off with a smirk,

"If you're embarrassed, then we just need to get you used to such situations!" Before Hisui could respond Alex had sealed her lips once more, but he was definitely more aggressive this time around as his hands move from her butt down her legs, where he used his hold to bring her knees forward.

The result was Hisui's legs being spread on either side of Alex's body to allow his access to what lay between them, which a gentle prod with the tip of his hardening manhood revealed the slight dampness within. By this point the princess knew better than to fight Alex's advances, so she helplessly placed herself within his care by allowing Alex to do whatever he wanted while she held onto his shoulders.

Soon Alex felt her nether regions steadily increase in both heat and moisture, prompting him to go from the gentle prodding he had been doing to actually putting some force into his movements. Hisui's entire body then jerked on top of him as she felt the foreign object invade her still sore lower body, making her issue a muffled grunt as Alex's penis began to spread her open.

"It's still so big..." Hisui muttered in amazement, while also still not knowing exactly how big Alex measured up to other men. Meanwhile Alex similarly groaned as he once again felt just how tight the princess was around his head, before she slowly began to take in more and more of his shaft into herself.

The duo were so focused on what they were doing, that neither of them realized the door was opening until Hisui's personal maid said,

"Princess, sir, the king has requested-" The maid then cut herself off as she realized what exactly Alex and Hisui were in the middle of doing, while the duo looked back at her in surprise. Rather than appearing flustered by the scene though, the maid simply and professionally bowed her head, and stated without letting either of them say anything,

"I can see that I'm interrupting something, I will return later." The maid then turned around and closed the door, not caring that she had completely destroyed the mood between Alex and Hisui as the princess tried to bury her head in shame.


Later, after getting Hisui to calm down, Alex entered the royal baths where apparently the king intended to receive him. Sitting in the hot water, Alex noticed various individuals that he had seen the day before during his wedding, but the only two he actually knew were Toma and Arcadios, who apparently was so close to the royal family that the king even invited him to share the royal baths with him.

When they heard him enter the king and the rest of those gathered looked up to greet Alex, only to pause when they noticed the thing dangling between his legs. Seemingly unconcerned with the attention he was receiving from them, Alex simply gestured towards it and asked shamelessly,

"Like what you see?" Of course the one who answered was Toma, who, knowing that his daughter had most definitely already experienced such a thing, simply said in a low voice,

"No, I do not..." Never one to resist poking fun at his in-laws, as Barakiel very well knew, Alex simply shrugged before saying,

"Oh well, your daughter seemed to like it well enough last night though." Understandably, Toma began coughing blood the moment the words came out of his mouth, while Arcadios became incredibly enraged at Alex's blatant admission as he stood to seemingly give him a piece of his mind.

Before he could though some of the others who had been in the bath held him back, all while Alex casually entered and began to relax in the hot water. Though it took several minutes, the other men there had finally managed to get Arcadios under control before one of them demanded,

"Why would you say something like that?!" Alex just shrugged and said lazily,

"It's fun to mess with my Father's-in-law every now and then. This is actually really tame compared to how I treat Barakiel and Cam though." When they heard this the gathered men frowned, and one asked,

"Well how would you like it if someday a boy dating one of your daughters treats you the same way?" When he heard this Alex narrowed his eyes before saying,

"Bold of you to assume that I'd allow any boys around my daughters, much less dating them." When they heard him the other men in the bath shook their heads, feeling sorry for anyone dumb enough to try and woo Alex's daughters in the future.

Eventually, after Toma recovered from the mental damage Alex had dealt to him, he said,

"Anyways...the reason I asked for you was because I wanted to spend some time with my new son-in-law away from the politics." Alex nodded in agreement and replied,

"Indeed, I'll also invite you on the next guys trip we go on. In each world we go to I've basically started a tradition that we men go on at least one fishing trip together, and I was thinking of extending the next one over a few days." Toma looked taken aback when he heard Alex's offer, and, though he had never had much interest in fishing before, smile at him before saying,

"I think I would like that a lot." While he didn't have much interest in going fishing, spending a few days away from the politics and role as king to be treated like any other person seemed nice.

With the mood settling down somewhat as they talked, Toma then asked,

"So what are you planning to do now?" Surprisingly, Alex's expression turned melancholic as he said,

"I'm going to go home..."

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts