

After a fairly hectic and bloodlust filled morning with the Yaegashi after they caught him and Shizuku in bed together, Alex jumped right into preparing to leave this earth as he started moving the families of the returnees to Asora. Due to knowing about their children's intentions to move, the majority of the parents had already been making preparations to leave earth behind for quite a while, they just hadn't done anything too permanent until they could speak to Alex himself. Now that they had, they were finalizing their preparations to leave while several had already left, with Hajime using his golems and capabilities to ensure their departure was kept quiet. Slowly but surely the days until Alex left he world drew closer, until it was finally the day, and he was in a meeting with the others of Asora about the world he was gonna choose.

"So will it be another world with amazing magical opportunities?"

"No! This time it should be a world that is advanced technologically so that we can balance out our technology and magic!"

"I think a world with several weapons or artifacts ripe for the taking would be best, then we can add to our arsenal!"

One by one everyone pitched their ideas for what world they thought would be best to go to and why, while Alex listened before finally saying,

"I already thought about it, and I decided the kind of world I'm going to go to." Everyone was silent as they listened to what Alex would say next, as he explained,

"As far as powers go, I already have a plethora that I need to spend more time mastering as well as Conception magic, which will still take a while. As for technology and artifacts, we have the best of Grigori with us as well as Hajime, who is a better craftsman than any of those who've devoted their entire lives towards the crafts in multitudes of world's. He can already create almost any weapon we can imagine with Conception magic, and potentially make it more powerful than any of its counterparts. Not to mention Asora was supposed to be a place of peace for the majority of its occupants, we should instead be focusing on making things better in the Homefront, making our current and future inhabitants happier and more comfortable." As he finished speaking everyone was silent, before Yasaka stated,

"I agree, rather than adding more to your arsenal you should spend some time developing what you already have. We should also do as we need to, and focus on making the people of Asora happy." With that being said Anne spoke up,

"Um, I have an idea then, but I wasn't sure when to bring it up." As she finished speaking Anne placed something onto the table, which turned out to be a simple acorn.

"Uh, what is that?" Barakiel asked, before Anne explained,

"I found it in the sanctuary of the Haltina labyrinth, it's a seed for another great tree. According to its description it can bolster plant life and the natural energy in the place where it's planted, I was thinking maybe it could be planted nearby at the center of a park or something so that people could enjoy the nature there." Silence met her explanation as everyone stared dumbfoundedly at the little acorn, before Alex started laughing and said,

"Excellent! Many of the people would want to get away from pollution or the dirtiness that exists in most worlds, a great tree could go a long way to helping us Anne, thank you." Anne smiled at Alex praise, but she then rubbed her swelling belly, that looked like it was getting a little too big, and said,

"While we were still in Tortus I worked on increasing my level until I finally was able to get another skill, which the one I got allows me to control plants and help them grow to compliment my other ability. Maybe we should save planting the great tree until after this fellow is born, so that I can help it grow faster without potentially hurting them." Everyone nodded gravely, as the last thing they wanted was Anne exerting herself while she was pregnant, and Yasaka said to her,

"That's fine, it'll give us time to arrange the place and boundaries of the park, and I know many youkai will appreciate being able to go there." Everyone nodded and then started pitching a variety of ideas for the future park until they moved onto the next topic, and Hajime stood before saying,

"This is a list of the items that I managed to finish after going home, and a few that I've worked on." As he finished speaking Hajime handed Alex the list, before pulling out a few items such as an elongated silver cylinder with a set of sunglasses to go with it, and another set of sunglasses that helped disguise a person so that the people around them didn't notice them as well. He then excitedly pulled out a small spherical device, and displayed it while saying,

"And this is the grand prize of my collection!" Everyone stared at him with a deadpan expression as they waited to hear what was so special about the unassuming sphere, though it appeared that Hajime was either airing for them to ask, or thought they'd understand its potential just by briefly looking at it like he had. Eventually Serafall had to ask,

"So what is it?!" Hajime looked at her seriously and asked,

"Isn't it obvious?" Everyone shook their heads in response, causing Hajime to display a look of shock at their lack of understanding, before he pulled out a projector system and started a several page power point about the sphere, its creation, and it's uses. Long story short, it was a sphere he had created by accident after he stumbled into another world while visiting his grandparents, which was filled with dragons and sky people due to the ground being uninhabitable. This and that happened and he helped out a group before killing an evil godlike dragon, resulting in him acquiring the sphere and a large ship that he planned to remodel for himself. The sphere however was what he was truly excited about as it was swirling with two forms of energy in perpetual motion, meaning that once he figured out how to harness it Hajime would be able to extract infinite energy. Understandably everyone who had long since started falling asleep suddenly jerked at this information, and Barakiel demanded,

"You mean you actually found a way to generate endless energy?!" Hajime looked smug as he explained,

"Well it's not a form of energy we can currently use, but I've been working on a way to convert electricity into magic power, and after that it'll be converting this into it, and maybe electricity." Everyone was stunned at the information that they now had a source of literally infinite energy within Asora, something that nearly every single civilization that ever existed would unhesitatingly go to war for.

"The longer I serve you the more outrageous things seem to get..." Grayfia muttered quietly, but Alex could tell that she was actually getting excited at everything they were acquiring and achieving. Before things could spiral even more he stood and said,

"So, just to recap, we are going to start making plans for a park where Anne will plant her great tree seed, Hajime and the Grigori will work together to improve out technology,, and to figure out how to utilize the sphere with perpetual motion, and possibly how to create more. He also took the time to gather and acquire several items of entertainment from his earth for us to have here in Asora, such as books, movies, and so on. And finally, I'll be going to a world where we can take things a bit slower and develop ourselves in preparation of the battles to come." Everyone shouted in agreement at him, causing Alex to smile slightly as they stood to leave. He then glanced out the window towards a certain rabbit compound, and hoped that the things he had given them would help them divert their chuuni disease into a more productive direction.

(A.N. So basically the next world is one where the mc and others can take the time to train and prepare by spending the days in the world itself, and the nights in the space-time orb, extending them to a week. In this case the single year can be extended into eight years of time, with each day being extended into eight, and if the mc really wanted to drag it out he could spend the entire time in the space-time orb and drag it out to roughly thirty years, with each day being a month instead.)


As Alex was looking their direction, the entire Haulia clan that had grown to absorb nearly every single rabbitman in Tortus was gathered in neat and orderly rows. They were all wearing matching black suits in pristine condition while staring ahead at Cam, who was standing before an alter as he declared,


"""THE BOSS!""" They chanted in response, while Cam announced,












Cam then turned to face the same direction as the rest of the Haulia as if he was facing a camera, and pulled a pair of sunglasses out of his coat pocket, while the hundreds of rabbitmen behind him did the same, and put them on in one fluid motion before concluding,



As the sun started rising the next day Alex was at a park in Japan, waiting for the timer of his countdown to wear out before moving to the next world. He had been thinking about what world he would go to and, though there would be fighting there, the situation would be nothing like Tortus where they had to worry about catching the attention of a body stealing God. Instead it was world where they could steadily take the time to train while also relaxing somewhat, and where Alex could still find some potential members for his peerage. As this thought crossed his mind he glanced at the girls currently with him, Rias, Kuroka, Grayfia, Yue, Shia, and Shizuku, and said,

"You know, the world I decide on is just like another version of earth so it's not gonna be too exciting to go there like Tortus." The girls all nodded, before Rias said,

"True, but as your peerage this is our privilege. You chose us to accompany you as you travel and we all plan to, no matter where we go." Everyone nodded before Yue adde,

"...Plus we've never seen this before, we want to see it..." At this only Shizuku and Shia nodded as, while they saw the transfer to earth from Tortus, they hadn't seen the process that Alex used to transfer universes yet. He smiled and didn't say anymore on the matter as he waited for the cool down to finish, coincidently Anne was still in Asora, and since she wasn't using her own ability to move worlds they had the theory that it would be used as an emergency evacuation measure if they needed to leave a world asap. As the timer was almost at zero, they suddenly heard a voice on the wind,

"WAIT FOR ME ONEE-SAMA!!!" They all turned and showed incredulous expressions at what they saw, as a twin tailed girl weaved her way through the morning traffic on a bicycle, making a beeline straight for them.

"Oh no..." Shizuku muttered while the other girls were making sounds of amazement that they had been found, while Kuroka even asked her,

"You didn't say anything to anyone did you~Nya? Do you have a tracker on you or something?" Though she did a quick check just to be sure, Shizuku shook her head and said,

"No, I didn't say anything to anyone..." Everyone was dumbfounded as the girl, known as kohai-chan, entered the park and dashed across the paths while honing in on them.

"Is there any way to hurry up?" Shizuku pleaded with Alex, as she knew that any of the soul sisters would demand to go with her if they couldn't convince her to stay. Sadly Alex shook his head, but he told Lauren where and when he intended to go to ensure they moved as quickly as possible. As Kohai-chan closed in on them the countdown finally ended and Alex said,

"Quick, come on!" Everyone quickly fled into the portal without getting the chance to admire the experience, causing it to close right as Kohai-chan reached it, and blasted by into a tree. As she slammed into the tree at full speed, kohai-chan went flying past it and skipped across the grass until she came to a stop in a comical fashion with her face down and skirt flipped up, displaying her cutesy panties for any morning joggers. After several minutes she twitched, before righting herself and glaring at the spot where they had disappeared, declaring,


And so began a certain kohai-chan's journey as she tried to save her one-sama, taking her to different worlds either through accidents or summoning as she launched headfirst into scouring them for her one-sama, defeating any and all bad guys or demon kings that crossed her path. As she unintentionally became a hero in each world due to her search, she would lead armies only because they might help her, and through them her battle cries echoed throughout entire universes, "FOR ONEE-SAMA", But that is a story for another time.

(A.N. Here's an update on the statuses. I decided to reorganize them and make them over , so hopefully this will be easier for me in the future as well as all of you. However, I also modified some skills or added ones that honestly should have been in there to begin with, as well as added a couple of descriptions for skills that no one knows when they do yet.


Name: Alex

Race: Saiyan


Dragon Emperor, Super Sadist, Womanizer, Monstrosity, Champion

Level: 260

Job: Scythe User: 30

Available jobs:

Mage Adept, Master Martial Artist, Draconian Overlord, Gravity Expert, Holy Enemy, Berserker, Sword Adept, Ape Lord, Expert Seducer, Whip User, Harem Lord, Staff Expert, Sex Master, Charm Expert, Space Mage Apprentice, Time Mage Apprentice, Healing Magic Apprentice, Spirit Warrior, Spirit Medium, Darwinist, Transformation Mage Apprentice, Tamer Apprentice, Soul Breaker, Demon Lord, God Killer, Demonic Guider, Scythe Adept, Divine Guider,

Job history:

Hatchling Draconian Warrior, Apprentice Mage, Draconian Warrior, Arsonist, Senior Draconian Warrior, Martial Artist, Draconian Tyrant, Expert Martial Artist, Ruthless Draconian Tyrant, Gravity User, Sword User, Pyromaniac, Staff User, Mage, Demonic Charmer, Staff Adept, Divine Nemesis, Seducer

Passive Skills:

Fire Resistance: level 9

Poison Resistance: level 9

Mental Resistance: level 5

Automatic Magic Recovery: level 3

Gravity Mastery: level 10

Fire Mastery: level 7

Monstrous Strength: 8

Accelerated Regeneration: 1

Strengthen Subordinates: 1

Endless Sexual Stamina: level 10

Lovers Embrace: level 4 (This is based off of the Love-Making skill from death Mage that is a form of hygiene, where if a person acquires it then their partners will become healthier, and would even live longer lives while supposedly their descendants will prosper.)

Seduction: level 2

Active Skills:

Dragon Demon's Breath: level 6

Divine Dragon breath: level 2

Domain: level 3

Energy Nullification: level 3

Draconian Form: level 7

Intimidation: level 10

Ki Manipulation: level 9

Devils Charm: level 8

Sword Technique: level 8

Staff Technique: level 6

Scythe Technique: 2

Creation Magic: level 2

Space Magic: level 6

Regeneration Magic: level 8

Spirit Magic: level 5

Evolution Magic: level 5

Alteration Magic: level 3

Conception Magic: level 1

Soul Break: level 1

Unique Skills:

Reincarnated Devil: King Evil Piece

Boosted Gear


Enslavement Magic



Name: Kuroka Toujo

Race: Nekoshou

Job: Time Mage Expert: 20

Jobs available:

Master Martial Artist, Poison Master, Space Mage Queen, Time Mage Master, Acrobat, Illusionist, Shape Shifter, Expert Thief, Saboteur, Healing Mage Apprentice, Spirit Warrior, Spirit Medium, Transformation Mage Apprentice, Tamer Apprentice, Familiar Creator, Feline Guardian

Job history:

Poison User, Space Mage, Thief, Archmage, Poison Expert, Master Mage, Martial Artist, Adept Thief, Grandmaster Mage, Expert Martial Artist, Shape Shifter, Space Archmage, Time Mage Apprentice, Space Master, Apprentice Saboteur, Space Grandmaster, Time Mage Adept

Passive Skills:

Poison Resistance: level 4

Enlarged Magic Pool: level 10

Automatic Magic Recovery: 9

Superhuman Strength: 7

Active Skills:

Feline Form: level 5

Stealth: level 10

Shadow Cloak: level 6

Poison Miasma: level 1

Toxic Talons: level 1

Ki Mastery: level 5

Magic Mastery: level 2

Magic Sight: level 7

Kasha: level 9

Touki Mastery: level 1

Illusion Magic: level 7

Space Manipulation: level 2

Creation Magic: level 2

Gravity Magic: level 4

Petrification: level 3

Regeneration Magic: level 6

Spirit Magic: level 3

Evolution Magic: level 3

Alteration Magic: level 3

Conception Magic: level 1

Unique Skills:

Reincarnated Devil: Queen Evil Piece




Name: Rias Gremory

Race: Superdevil


Crimson Haired Ruin Princess, Switch Princess

Job: Magic Sniper: 25

Jobs Available:

Destruction Queen, Grandmaster Mage, Charm Master, Demon General, Magic Sniper, Expert Gunner, Subordinate Mage Princess, Gravity Mage Expert, Space Mage Apprentice, Time Mage Apprentice, Healing Mage Apprentice, Spirit Medium, Spirit Destroyer, Transformation Mage Apprentice, Tamer Apprentice

Job History:

Destruction Mage, Destruction Archmage, Destruction Mage, Archmage, Mage, Demonic Leader, Lord of Destruction, Apprentice Martial Artist, Gun Mage, Demonic Charmer, Destruction Overlord, Magic Gunner, Gravity Mage Apprentice, Charm Expert, Destroyer, Gravity Mage Adept

Passive Skills:

Absolute Destruction: level 9

Magic Mastery: level 5

Immense Magic Pool: level 3

Automatic Magic recovery: level 9

Strengthen Followers: level 2

Superhuman Strength: level 5

Active Skills:

Extinguished Star: level 9

Apocalyptic Extinction: level 3

Domain of Destruction: level 3

Reaper's Ruin: level 10

Destruction Duelers: level 8

Command Followers: level 10

Devils Allure: level 6

Creation Magic: level 3

Gravity Magic: level 7

Space Magic: level 4

Regeneration Magic: level 4

Spirit Magic: level 3

Evolution Magic: level 2

Alteration Magic: level 1

Conception Magic: level 1

Unique Skills:


Super Devil Form

Bishop Evil Piece


Name- Yue/Aletia Galdea Vesperito Avatarl

Race- Shinso Vampire


Vampire Princess, Crotch Smasher, Magical Girl Vampire Princess

Job- Shadow Mage Apprentice: 5

Jobs Available:

Grandmaster Mage, Expert Fire Mage, Expert Water Mage, Expert Ice Mage, Expert Earth Mage, Expert Lightning Mage, Expert Wind Mage, Subordinate Vampire Princess, Gravity Mage Apprentice, Magical Girl, Space Mage Apprentice, Time Mage Apprentice, Healing Mage Apprentice, Spirit Mage Apprentice, Spirit Medium, Transformation Mage Apprentice, Tamer Apprentice, Blood Mage Apprentice, Shadow Mage

Job History:

Master Mage, Fire Mage, Ice Mage, Lightning Mage, Water Mage, Earth Mage, Wind Mage, Adept Ice Mage, Adept Fire Mage, Adept Wind Mage, Adept Earth Mage, Adept Lightning Mage, Adept Water Mage

Passive Skills:

Blood Conversion: level 10

Immense Magic Pool: level 2

Automatic Magic Recovery: level 10

Magic Manipulation: level 1

Magic Sight: level 7

Flame manipulation: level 6

Ice manipulation: level 7

Lightning manipulation: level 7

Water manipulation: level 6

Earth manipulation: level 6

Wind manipulation: level 6

Blood Manipulation: level 3

Shadow Manipulation: level 4

Active Skills:

Creation magic: level 2

Gravity magic: level 7

Space magic: level 5

Regeneration magic: level 4

Spirit magic: level 4

Evolution Magic: level 3

Alteration Magic: level 3

Conception Magic: level 1

Unique Skills:

Automatic Regeneration

All Element Aptitude

Compound Magic

True Form

reincarnated Devil: Bishop Evil Piece


Name: Shia Haulia

Race: Rabbit Beastman


Worthless Rabbit, Bugged Rabbit, Berserker Bunny

Job: Fortune Teller: 15

Jobs Available:

Hammer Master, Apprentice Assassin, Apprentice Thief, Brawler Adept, Psychic, Veteran Warrior, Gravity Expert, Undying Warrior, Spirit Warrior, Spirit Medium, Feral Fighter, Bloody Berserker, Tanker

Job History:

Apprentice Warrior, Berserker, Hammer User, Warrior, Regenerating Warrior, Gravity Apprentice, Brawler, Hammer Expert, Gravity Adept

Passive Skills:

Automatic Future Sight: level 6(will activate automatically if Shia's life is in danger)

Superhuman Strength: level 9

Durability: level 10

Accelerated Regeneration: level 5

Active Skills:

Future Paths: level 5(Allows. Ships to intentionally look into the future, but uses almost all of her magic power)

Revelation: 4(allows Shia to look a few seconds ahead into the future at little to no cost)

Berserk Mode: level 4

Stealth: level 1

Physical Reinforcement: level 6

Hammer Technique: level 7

Gravity Magic: level 8

Space Magic: level 2

Regeneration magic: level 5

Spirit magic: level 2

Evolution Magic: level 1

Alteration Magic: level 3

Creation Magic: level 1

Conception Magic: level 1

Unique Skills:

Future Sight

Conceal Presence

Feral Form

Reincarnated Devil: Rook Evil Piece


Name: Shizuku Yaegashi

Race: High human


Class Mom, Onee-Sama, Last Boss, Reluctant Kinochi

Job: Ninja: 25

Jobs Available:

Master Swordswoman, Ninja Adept, Samurai, Speed Demon, Female Knight, Spirit Knight, Shape Shifter, Naughty Ninja, Gravity Wielder, Assassin Apprentice, All Terrain Fighter, Cloner

Job History:

Swordswoman, Ninja Apprentice, Expert Swordswoman, Samurai Apprentice, Samurai,

Passive Skills:

Throwing: 4

No beat: level 6

Superhuman speed: level 10

Superhuman Strength: 1

Chakra Control: level 4

Seduction: level 3

Bed Skills: level 3

Disease Resistance: level 1

Increased Adaptability: level 3

Active Skills:

Sword Mastery: level 4

Knife Skill: level 3

Camouflage: level 3

Stealth: level 4

Space magic: level 6

Regeneration magic: level 4

Spirit magic: level 2

Evolution Magic: level 1

Alteration Magic: level 2

Creation Magic: level 1

Gravity Magic: level 2

Conception Magic: level 1

Unique Skills:


Reincarnated Devil: Knight Evil Piece


Name: Grayfia Lucifuge

Race: Superdevil


The Strongest Queen, Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation

Job: Maid Guider: 55

Jobs Available:

Naughty Maid, Demonic Maid, Maid Commander, Master Shield Maid, Master Mage Maid, Master Warrior Maid, Master Martial Maid, Expert Maid Knight, Gravity User Maid, Space Maid, Time Maid, Adept Healing Maid, Spiritual Maid, Transforming Maid, Subordinate Queen Maid, Maid Tamer,

Job History:

Shield Maid, Mage Maid, Warrior Maid, Maid Terror, Martial Maid, Creation Maid, Apprentice Maid Knight, Maid Knight, Expert Shield Maid, Expert Maid Mage, Apprentice Healing Maid, Veteran Warrior Maid, Expert Martial Maid, Maid General

Passive Skills:

Housework: level 6

Bed Skills: level 10

Gigantic Magic Pool: level 1

Magic Mastery: level 2

Automatic Magic Recovery: level 10

Monstrous strength: level 3

Strengthen Followers: 1

maid Path Guidance: 1

Active Skills:

Magic Domain: level 4

Coordination Adept: level 2

Intimidation: level 10

Aura of terror: level 7

Steel defense: level 3

Ki manipulation: level 7

Sword skills: level 7

Creation magic: level 3

Gravity magic: level 4

Space magic: level 6

Regeneration magic: level 6

Spirit magic: level 3

Evolution Magic: level 2

Alteration Magic: level 2

Conception Magic: level 1

Unique Skills:

Immense Demonic Power

Superdevil Form

Pawn Evil Piece


Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts