

As morning started to creep into the villa and its residents, a certain pink haired girl started to stir in Alex's bed. Though the duo was naked and their bodies intertwined, nothing had happened between them other than Alex comforting Momo's broken heart.

Though she had tried to act as if her previous standing hadn't effected her, the way she had cried her eyes out the night before told Alex everything he needed to know regarding her real feelings on the matter. Now that she had gotten all of it out of her system, he felt as if they were ready to let the matter lay behind them and Momo would be ready to truly move forward. Of course Alex was aware that this was him acting as a 'rock' for her as she initially wanted, but he didn't mind since he felt as if this instance would genuinely help Momo in the long run.

As he was thinking of this Alex felt the girl at his side start stirring, until her head popped up with a sleepy expression on her face. The moment she saw Alex though, Momo's face brightened as she snuggled up to him and said,

"Good morning!" Her actions made Alex chuckle lightly, before he said,

"Good morning, you're certainly in a better mood." Momo nodded as she said,

"That was the best sleep I've had in a long time, and the company I woke up to helped." This time he only smiled wryly in response to her teasing remark, but Alex was thankful that she wasn't still depressed from having to recount what had happened to her.

What he wasn't expecting was for Momo to suddenly plant a quick kiss on his lips as she quickly flung one of her legs over him so that she was straddling his body with her arms on either side of his head. A small smirk appeared at the corner of Momo's mouth as her stiffened nipples lightly brushed against Alex's chest, before she leaned down so that their faces were only inches apart and said,

"Now I really want to know what it feels like to be one of your women, you aren't going to try and resist me this time are you?" Since he could tell that Momo wasn't just trying to appeal to him for her own ends, but genuinely wanted this, Alex returned a smirk of his own as he replied,

"Not at all, but I have to warn you that Nana wasn't too far off when she kept calling me a 'beast' you know." This made Momo's smile widen as she started moving her hips back until something large and hot prodded her precious place, making her eyes widen in shock since she hadn't actually been able to tell how big it was the night before. With her anticipation growing, Momo was about to penetrate herself when suddenly,


Both of them paused as someone interrupted what they were doing, and turned slowly to see a beautiful woman with long light purple hair in a maid uniform standing beside the bed. With neither of them saying anything, the mystery woman continued in a cold voice full of scorn,

"Oh don't mind me, just continue what you were doing." In an instant Alex moved to a seated position while also pushing Momo behind him as Ascalon suddenly appeared with the tip sitting just below the woman's chin as he snarled,

"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" When she heard this the woman scowled at Alex and said with a sneer,

"Typical man, once you're done with one women you immediately forget her and move onto the next." As she spoke Alex finally realized that he knew this voice and way of speaking, and questioned incredulously,




Momo sighed as she slowly brushed out her hair in her family's bathroom, having sneakily returned to their room after being cockblocked and kicked out of Alex's room due to that Elaine woman. Though she was more than a little irritated at what happened, she tried to be understanding since Alex's reaction told her that it was an unusual situation. Instead she recalled what they had almost done before Elaine interrupted them, and the fact that Alex had readily accepted her despite her past, a thought that made a silly smile spread on her face.

"What are you so smiley about?" Momo jumped as Nana's voice suddenly cut through the silent bathroom, before she turned to her twin and said with a knowing smile,

"Oh nothing, I just had a good nights sleep is all~." Nana snorted and said,

"Well so did I since I had the bed to myself last night, where did you disappear to?" Momo just flashed another knowing smile and said,

"Nowhere, I just went exploring a little bit and found someplace else to spend the night." When she heard this Nana narrowed her eyes and said,

"You're plotting something again, aren't you?" This time Momo acted surprised as she responded,

"Plotting? Me? I have no idea what you're talking about Nana! Then again, I suppose children typically do daydream." Nana started grinding her teeth when she heard that, before quickly biting back with,

"You're younger than I am!" Momo snickered at her though and said,

"Technically yes I am, but we both know I'm more mature both mentally and physically~." As she spoke Momo moved her body in a way that made her breasts jiggle noticeably, even through her pajamas, making Nana flinch as her hands instinctively moved towards her own almost nonexistent breasts. As she did so her glare intensified as she practically snarled,

"And what exactly is wrong with being a pettanko?!(A.N. flat chested) Feigning surprise once more, Momo quickly said,

"Who said anything about being a pettanko? I'd rather say you're lacking other certain 'womanly' charms that would make you be considered more 'mature'~" As she trailed off Momo was suddenly tackled to the bathroom floor as Nana released an most feral growl. For what seemed like the first time in a long time, the two twins wrestled each other as they fought for the other's tail, which was a major erogenous zone for the Devilukian sisters.

After several minutes of wrestling and toying with the other's tail until climax, both girls were laying on the bathroom floor panting as the door opened, and in walked their mother and older sister.

"Oh my, what happened here?" Sephie asked even with her knowing smile, as she and Lala had been unintentionally listening to the two girls fight from outside. Meanwhile their big sis said with a scolding tone,

"Nana, Momo, it isn't good to fight, you need to get along!" As they heard this the twins looked at each other for a second before both erupted into giggles as, for the first time in a long time, they felt like things had gone back to 'normal' instead of the usual cloud of what happened hanging over them. As things settled down Sephie then said,

"We have to hurry and get ready since miss Grayfia and Ravel are calling for us to hand out our new schedules." After she said this her three daughters hurried up to get ready before leaving to the villa courtyard where everyone else was gathering.

"Aren't you coming mama?" Lala called out as she trailed after her sisters, to which Sephie replied with a small smile,

"Not just yet, there's something I need to take care of first." With Lala telling her to hurry up Sephie closed the door to their room, except the happy atmosphere from before quickly vanished. When she took her hand off of the doorknob Sephie couldn't help but notice that it was bloody, before she looked down at her own hands to see them covered in blood as well.

She then slowly turned to see her husband, Gid, laying dead in the middle of the floor with a pool of blood spreading beneath him and knife handle sticking out of his chest, a look of betrayal in his dead eyes. Though she knew that what she was seeing wasn't real, that didn't stop a few tears from running down Sephie's face as she cried out in a muted voice,

"Oh Gid, I'm so sorry....."


As promised the day brought big change to those who had been under the care of Alex and his wives, with the only exceptions being the absentees Sephie and the human weapon Yami, but they would be addressed later when both were more stable. For the most part the women were pleased with their new schedules, which consisted of receiving lessons on Asora and the races living there for a few hours, before being dismissed to finish their chores before being given the rest of the day for themselves.

The only problem was that the majority of the Pandora were dissatisfied because they had been designated 'temporary maids', meaning their duties consisted of cleaning the villa and the dorms, as well as several of the floating islands around them. As warriors and ladies of noble upbringing, several of them couldn't help but feel offended that they were being treated in such a way instead of being given the chance to fight like they had hoped, while a few of them realized that only a select few had been given that chance instead.

"Ladies, I want you to welcome our new recruits!" Grayfia called out as she stood before the groups of her combat maids, and the new members. Alongside Elizabeth, Chiffon, Ticy, Arnett, Attia, and Creo, she had also picked out Stella, who was fidgeting uncomfortably in her maid outfit along with Arnett, Rana, who was waving at her new comrades happily, and Mea, who was smiling at everyone cheerfully. Of course the new trio had been informed of Grayfia's rules when she had picked them out, which Rana and Mea had accepted without complaint, while Stella was mostly banking on no man being able to approach her while Alex wouldn't use force to have her 'attend' him.

As Grayfia started introductions Arnett couldn't help but recall the previous nights events that led her ultimately joining the maids, despite being against the very idea before.

*The previous night*

"YOU'RE CONSIDERING IT?! HAVE YOU GONE INSANE?!" Arnett demanded as she glared at Elizabeth, the only one of those stuck up and snooty rich Pandoras she actually respected. Elizabeth however had a hint of sadness as she said,

"Tell me Arnett, who am I?" The angry woman showed both annoyance and confusion at Elizabeth's question, before she stated as if it was obvious,

"You're Elizabeth Mably of the Mably family! The fact that someone like you would even consider being a mere maid is insulting your entire family and upbringing!" Elizabeth however acted as if she didn't hear the second part of what Arnett said, and asked,

"And where is the Mably family now?" This time Arnett was silent along with Creo and Attia, to which Elizabeth continued, "The Mably family is in an entirely different world than this one, and it's even questionable that it even still exists. The current me has even less in terms of status and wealth than you had before entering West Genetics."

Not just Arnett, everyone looked melancholic when they heard Elizabeth's words, as the same situation applied to every single one of the Pandora that had accompanied them to this world. Unlike the vast majority who appeared to have not noticed this though, Elizabeth was very aware of her newfound lack of status and seriously considered Grayfia's offer because of it.

From what Grayfia had told them, the combat maids were akin to an elite group within Alex's family that were more or less his personal guard. Though it would almost seem insulting to invite a woman with a prestigious background like Elizabeth into the ranks of servants, she didn't consider it so since Grayfia hadn't said anything about the rest of the Pandora, meaning that her invitation was an acknowledgment of their skills.

After being silent for a moment, Elizabeth stood and said, "I'm going to take what chances I'm given to make the most of this new life of mine, you're free to do as you wish Arnett, like always."

As she recalled the scene from the night before, Arnett was suddenly brought back to the present when she heard Grayfia suddenly say, "To begin with we need to know what everyone is capable of doing, so who wants to spar first?" The words weren't even out of her mouth when Arnett stepped forward and said,

"I'll go first, who's gonna be my opponent?" Having a general idea of Arnett's temperament, Grayfia smiled wryly before gesturing for Tracy to step forward.

"Tracy and Arnett, good luck." As everyone stepped back to give them space, Arnett summoned her volt weapon, a giant double headed scythe, and said without any courtesy,

"You better be careful little missy, I need to blow off some steam!" As she finished speaking Arnett's figure blurred before she reappeared right above Tracy and swung her scythe down at her head.


The sound of metal clashing against metal rang out a massive great sword appeared out of nowhere in Tracy's hand, and she casually looked back at Arnett before saying,

"Princess Tracy D. Hoelscher of the Hoelscher Empire, at your service miss McMillen." Surprised at how easily Tracy blocked her attack, a smile spread on Arnett's face as she thought to herself, 'This might not be a complete waste of time.'

The din of metal clashing then rang out time after time as the sparring matches between the combat maids continued, with Grayfia intending to maximize their training as much as possible with the rest of the Pandora taking care of things for her.


Later that night everyone gathered in the expanded baths as they washed away the first day of work they had in quite a while, though some were taking their work better than others.

"I can't believe how shameless that woman is!" Kotegawa Yui cried out as she slumped into the hot water of the bath, exhausted mentally from having to deal with Kuroka all day. She had been assigned to Kuroka's island to act as the maid there, something she wasn't too thrilled about until she saw the abundance of cats present on the island, however as could be expected Kuroka's personality was too much for someone that used to be the head of the Public Morals Committee of her school.

"It isn't so bad Kotegawa." Haruna tried to console her, which made Kotegawa narrow her eyes before she pointed at Haruna and stated,

"Maybe not for you! You got kitchen duty with Mikan!" This led to Haruna trying to convince Kotegawa that kitchen duty wasn't as nice as it seemed when you had to cook for nearly four hundred people, even when you had Mikan and a small team of Pandoras helping you. At that point Lala came bouncing over and said with an innocent smile,

"Well I love my job!" This time it wasn't Kotegawa that answered, but Run who replied,

"What job? You just get to sit around and tinker with your toys all day!" As she said Lala had been given her own floating island to turn into her personal workshop, which she shared with her sisters so that they could add some plants and cuddly animals to run around it.

As for Nana and Momo themselves, with their ability to talk to animals and plants respectively, they were drafted to work with Anne since she was handling the nature part of Asora. Part of their duties was to ensure that any plants and animals within the space-time orb were healthy and happy, and when the time was right their duties would expand to each of the cities in Asora itself.

Meanwhile Run and her friend Kyoko had been brought to Ingvild's island due to their past activities as idols and actresses, where they spent the day with Ingvild, Liliana, Tamao, and the mermaids of the swim team. As everyone was discussing their respective jobs, off to the side was a certain trio of women consisting of Rin, Saki, and Aya.

"So Rin, what did you get called for?" Saki interrogated her, to which Rin awkwardly replied under her friend's scrutiny,

"Miss Shizuku had heard that I had a history of kendo, so she was interested in trying to teach me her family's combat techniques." when she heard this Saki snorted and said,

"Well good for you Rin, meanwhile Aya and I have been working like servants the entire day! To think, there would be a day where the great Saki Tenjōin would have to work like a commoner!" As Saki bemoaned her current standing, a new voice suddenly said,

"I think it's good for you, after all you don't know what the future has in store for you now." When she heard this a tick mark appeared on Saki's forehead, and she turned to the speaker, the former school nurse Mikado Ryoko, and said,

"That's easy for you to say, you three basically get to spend your days doing nothing while the rest of us work!" Mikado however shook her head with a wry smile and stated while gesturing at her companions, Tearju Lunatique and Oshizu,

"We're not just 'doing nothing', I was offered a position at Asora's hospital with Oshizu as my assistant, and Tear was given a position and lab at miss Sona's academy. Since time flows differently here we have about a week to prepare our things such as notes, and to learn as much as possible about what they have waiting for us before morning."

As she said Mikado was offered a position at the hospital alongside Asia, Valerie, Kaori, and Anne due to her vast medial knowledge and expertise, which didn't rely on magic. If there was one thing that was considered bad about Asora's healthcare, it was the over reliance on magic and healing abilities that didn't rely on the knowledge or skill a normal doctor would possess. Mikado was a skilled doctor who had been all over her home universe, and was even good enough that she had created an artificial body for the ghost girl Oshizu, which was almost indistinguishable from a normal flesh and blood body.

And Tear(Tearju) was a famous genius in the field of Biotechnology that had even created the living weapons Golden Darkness(Yami), and Kurosaki Mea. Of course she didn't want to use them as 'weapons', and instead tried to raise Yami as a 'normal' person, which wasn't the goal of the rest of the researchers on the project and resulted in her being chased away. Now she was being granted a teaching position and even her own lab at the Academy, along with her own floating island within the space-time orb, which she could use to research as much as she wanted without interference from greedy and malicious scientists.

As the din of everyone discussing what they did that day continued to echo throughout the baths, it was suddenly brought to a halt by the arrival of a certain someone, namely Alex himself. Naturally the majority of the girls were about to tell him off for entering the female bath(not knowing that they weren't separated), but the words were caught in their throats when they actually saw Alex.

His naked body was covered head to foot in dirt and nasty bruises of every color and shade possible, while there were even several serious looking cuts and gashes that were covered in dried blood, and his face was partially swollen on one side. Everyone was so distracted by Alex's current appearance, that they didn't notice the light purple haired maid entering the baths behind him with a satisfied smirk on her face.

Alex himself however didn't bother with anyone's gazes, and made his way directly to a certain bath that was filled with slightly clouded water without washing. This particular bath was enchanted so that any grime that entered it quickly dissolved before disappearing entirely, making it ideal for anyone that was particularly dirty like Alex was currently.

As he lowered himself into the scalding water Alex let out a hiss as it touched his wounds before they were submerged, until he himself was finally submerged up to his neck. as the cloud of dirt and blood around him quickly disappeared, Alex then took a deep breath, and dunked his head under the water as well. When he came back up he found both Asia and Koneko waiting at the edge of the tub for him, before the former asked as she climbed in onto his lap,

"What happened?" Alex laughed dryly at himself before saying,

"I spent the day getting my Super Saiyan 2 ass kicked, that's what...." When they heard this Alex's girls went pale, as to them SSJ2 was one of the strongest transformation there was besides his God form. Hearing that there was someone capable of essentially toying with Alex when he was transformed was even more shocking than when Lauren showed them the people Alex may face in the future. Immediately everyone's attention turned towards the woman that had arrived with Alex, who was even smirking with satisfaction.

"What did you do to him?" Rias practically growled as her entire body was instantly covered in destruction and her killing intent focused on her. Alex however lazily waved his hand and said as Asia started healing him,

"Leave it be Rias, it was my idea anyways. Everyone this is Elaine, Elaine this is everyone." Snorting at Alex's casual introductions, Elaine stated while pointedly ignoring the dirty looks she was receiving,

"For the time being I have been ordered to serve Alex, it is a pleasure to meet all of you." When she heard that Grayfia looked confused and asked,

"What does she mean, 'ordered'?" Alex sighed as he enjoyed the feeling of Asia healing his wounds, while Koneko gave him a lap pillow and used her Touki to help circulate his internal energy, and explained,

"She's the same type of existence as Lauren and Jenny, except she belonged to 'that' man. The difference is that she wanted him dead and told me about what he was capable of doing." As Alex trailed off Elaine picked up,

"And the punishment I received for breaking the rules and causing a contestant's death was to work for the very same man I decided to help." She then went on to explain the same rules she listed to Alex earlier, firstly was that her life was directly tied to his, meaning that if Alex died she died.

Secondly she was not to interfere if Alex himself was in any danger whatsoever, meaning that even if he was dying right in front her all Elaine could do was watch silently until she died herself. Thirdly she could not do anything that would benefit Alex's position in the competition, meaning she couldn't give him any Intel on other contestants, and she couldn't actually train him. Of course Alex immediately found and tried as possible loophole, which led to his current appearance since he had spent the entire day sparring against Elaine, she hadn't technically been training him, but Alex fully intended to use the fact that there was someone stronger than him to the fullest.

And finally she was to follow all of Alex's orders similarly to those he had marked with his slave brand, as long as his orders didn't conflict with any of the restrictions that had been placed on her. This however very was the most terrifying thing for her, as there was absolutely nothing to protect her virtue if Alex decided to give her one of 'those' types of orders. Trying not to think about such a thing as she gave her explanation, once Elaine finished speaking Grayfia then demanded while pointing at Alex directly,

"And why exactly does he look like THIS?!" Looking at Alex's discoloration and injuries, a hint of a smirk could be seen on Elaine's face as she said,

"Well my 'master' wanted to maximize the effects of our sparring, and so I decided to nullify his regenerative skill for the time being." Her words earned her even more dirty looks, while Grayfia's expression was almost downright demonic. She didn't mind the fact that Alex so heavily injured, or that it was at the hands of someone who was meant to serve him, but that Elaine herself almost seemed proud of herself for doing the damage she did to him.

Pain was nothing new to any of them, and it was expected that they'd experience their fair share of it in the future even at Alex's hands in preparation for the battles ahead. However, he never took pleasure in deliberately causing his wive's pain, and would usually spend some time making up for it afterwards. Deciding to teach the little bitch a lesson, Grayfia then said,

"As his servant you do realize that it is also your responsibility to ensure your 'master' is well cared for and clean, correct? Then you are to wash every nook and cranny of his body to ensure that he is properly clean, and that there is no lasting damage from your 'sparring'." As she spoke Grayfia held out some soap and a wash cloth to Elaine, who frowned and was about to refuse when Alex suddenly spoke up from Koneko's lap,

"Oh yeah! I forgot to say so earlier, but Elaine you're to obey any order given to you by either Grayfia or Ravel as if they are my own, understood?" Elaine made a face when she heard this, while Grayfia smirked victoriously as the purple haired 'Angel' had no choice but to accept the soap and wash cloth. Snorting as she did so, Elaine snatched the items from Grayfia's hands and started to storm over to Alex to do as she was commanded, only for Grayfia to suddenly demand,

"What do you think you're doing?" Elaine swung around and stated with an increasing temper,

"I'm doing as you ordered me to, 'ma'am'." Ignoring the sarcasm in the last word, Grayfia replied,

"I can see that, but this is in fact a bath, why are your clothes still on?" This time Elaine didn't show anger, but instead she paled in brief fear as the dark imaginings that she pictured from serving a man resurfaced.

Even as she glanced around at the other women hoping someone would take pity on her though, Elaine found none. Instead she only saw angry gazes directed at the person responsible for inflicting so many wounds on their husband. Even amongst the women that had been abused by 'that' man she didn't receive any support, as despite the fact that they still weren't sure about trusting them, Alex was still the one who saved them from their horrible fate.

Seeing that she would receive no support, the 'Angel' could only release a sigh of defeat, and reached up to the bindings of her maid outfit with shaky hands. After a few seconds of untying her movements paused, before her garments fell to the ground at once in a small pile to leave her standing in only her underwear.

As every eye focused on her Elaine could only writhe in shame from feeling as if they were scrutinizing her choice of undergarments, a relatively plain cotton purple bra with matching panties, except they were tied at the sides with strings. Of all the gazes on her though, the one Elaine was concerned about was the man in front of her, the first man to lay his eyes upon her naked body ever since her creation billions of years prior.

Not wanting to remove the last two pieces covering her dignity, Elaine tried to step forward before Grayfia taunted, "The rest of it as well please." Elaine paused as dread filled her body at what she was being ordered to do, but she couldn't go against any orders given to her. Slowly Elaine's fingers moved against her will as they went to the bra's hook at her back, and, with a single flick, the fabric fell to the ground as well to reveal her naked breasts to the man before her.

With tears threatening to spill as Alex ogled her B-cup breasts, Elaine used the last of her will to cover them from his gaze in shame while neglecting the last piece of cloth on her body. Seemingly not yet satisfied with what Elaine was going through, Grayfia then stepped up behind her, and swiftly pulled at the strings at her side while Elaine's hands were busy covering her breasts, causing her thin cotton string panties to fall to the ground.

This time tears did spill as Alex's gaze unhesitantly went down to take in the view of her naked pussy, before Elaine's hand quickly covered it at the expense of revealing her breasts. She then felt two mounds of softness pressed into her back, as Grayfia lightly grabbed Elaine's arms from behind and pulled them away so that none of her body was covered. She then whispered in the 'Angel's' ear,

"I don't care if our lord sustains injuries as he pursues strength, but if I ever feel as if you inflicting them is for your own satisfaction or pleasure, then what any one of us will do to you will make this look like a very insignificant thing. Now get going." As she finished speaking Grayfia slapped Elaine's plump butt to get her moving once again, and a single look around her was all it took for Elaine to know that the silver haired maid's threat was very serious.

Her orders given to her, all Elaine could do was walk forward on unsteady feet until she was right next to Alex. As she approached Koneko stood and slid into the water to make room for her, prompting Elaine to get down onto her knees as Alex laid his head back to rest on her thighs, giving him an up close and personal view of her cleavage as she leaned forward to start scrubbing his chest.


While everyone else was watching the spectacle taking place in the baths, a solitary girl with long flowing golden hair stood at the highest peak of a floating island, her gothic leather dress fluttering gently around her in the breeze.

Despite the serene and beautiful seeming atmosphere, the girls thoughts were dark and gloomy as she once again recounted her life, from the happy days of her youth with Tear, to the days following her disappearance when she was turned into a weapon to kill. Then there was the days after the organization that created her was destroyed by an assassin, who then went against his directive and let her live to go on as an assassin herself, known as Golden Darkness.

Such a life brought her to the stupidly peaceful world of earth, where she met the Devilukian princess Lala, her first ever friend Yuki Mikan, and then the man who was the target that brought her there, and her first love, Yuki Rito.

As Yami's thoughts turned towards the only man to sway her heart, her eyes threatened tears once more. But she forced them down even as she recalled the most recent events of her life, her friend Mikan being used against her as 'that' man took her as his own. Then she recalled watching the man she loved being blown out of the spaceship and disintegrated, while she simply stood by and watched impassively as 'that' man had his way with her.

As these particular memories resurfaced, Yami recalled how she had lived her life until that point as a 'weapon', and how for the first time she had felt like a 'woman'. As she once again recalled how she had failed at both, Yami looked at her hands and quietly muttered for the thousandth time,

"I, am a failure."

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts