
A day in Asora 2/2

After leaving Barakiel's office Alex walked a few more blocks over and went to the office of the angels in Asora. As before he was led to the top floor, where Gabriel was in her office waiting for him. She had a smile on her face as he walked in and said,

"Hello Alex, what can I do for you today?" He couldn't help but notice she had a small light of anticipation in her eyes, but he disappointed her and said,

"I'm just making rounds today, seeing if there's anything I need to address." When she heard him Gabriel smiled again and said,

"There's not much to report, just that the Angels are happy to finally be in relationships without the worry of falling." Alex nodded, as he recalled the trouble Angels would go through to be in relationships before due to god's system. If he recalled right, just the act of having sex involving Angels was a several hour long process just to prepare and purify themselves, then they needed to be within a special barrier, and even when they moved on to the actual experience both parties must possess nothing but pure feelings for each other.

Even after the whole process, if they felt anything like possession, or excessive lust, they could fall. It was no wonder they decided not to use this approach to trying to increase their own numbers. The two of them chatted a little more, before Alex started to leave. When he was about to though, he saw Gabriel looking a little sad. She had gotten better at controlling herself lately, but Alex didn't want to accidentally trigger her. He then tried something that he figured was pretty tame, and started patting her head. She immediately smiled, and closed her eyes in contention. Though he couldn't do anything at the moment, he decided to spend the night with her later.

After leaving Gabriel, he then made his way to Yasaka's office. Unlike the others that worked in office buildings, she was in an older style Japanese building, similar to the one Alex stayed in before. Once he arrived however, he learned that she was actually out and wouldn't be back for a few hours. Instead of trying to hunt her down just to find out there weren't any issues, he decided to head to his appointment he made through Le Fay. A few minutes after leaving, he and Grayfia were surrounded in mist, and found themselves in the dorms. Then the only person in the dorms at the moment, Elmenhilde, jumped as Alex and Grayfia(who already changed to Bina) randomly appeared. She then said,

"Alex you scared me!" He smiled apologetically, and replied,

"Sorry, we have some business in town today so I came by. Any new news regarding the tournament?" As he asked about the tournament she suddenly became serious, and said,

"Yes, they're announcing the new matches tomorrow night. I was just putting together a list of those that won their recent matches, since we might be facing them next." Alex nodded, and thanked her for her hard work. The two then left and traveled to the cafe Le Fay wrote down. Even though he was arriving a little early, Alex immediately noticed the one he believe he was supposed to be meeting, a girl with black hair wearing maid attire, already sitting at a table.

Her name was Elaine Westcott, a maid in service to the Pendragon family. Alex was surprised as he never heard about her in the original series, but after hearing about her from Le Fay, wondered if she was set to make an appearance in a later volume than he was able to read. Le Fay had told him she was her personal attendant, and the one who taught her how to use magic. The last thing, and the most surprising, was that apparently she was also in love with Arthur, who held mutual feelings for her. However the current head of the Pendragon family didn't approve of their relationship, so Arthur left to protect her. Since she and Arthur were following him through Asora, Le Fay asked him to bring her with them so that she and her brother could be together.

(A.N. Found Elaine randomly on the wiki, and after reading her summary decided to throw her and Arthur a bone. From my understanding she appears in volume 5 of the DX side volumes, which has yet to be translated or added to Baka tsuki.

Ps. Who knew Arthur was a fan of culture?)

He then approached her and asked,

"Would you be Elaine by any chance?" The girl looked at him with some intrigue, before bowing slightly and saying,

"I am indeed Elaine, you must be the red dragon emperor the young lady told me about." Alex raised a brow at her introduction, and felt that she was the same as Grayfia. He then turned to her and said,

"Bina, place a few barriers for some privacy." She nodded and said,

"Of course master." Before setting to her task. After a few minutes she was finished and Alex turned back to the patient Elaine, saying,

"Now let's begin our discussion." Elaine nodded and said,

"I'm here because the head of the house of Pendragon wished to confirm his daughter's living conditions, and her well being. By the way, I do not see her here." Alex was mildly surprised, as it seems Elaine didn't have any idea what Le Fay called her for, besides simply for him to meet with her. He then started talking,

"About their living conditions, I was hoping you would assist with that. Le Fay and Arthur are going to be living under some unique circumstances in the near future, away from the influence of the pendragon family, and she wanted me to extend a hand to you as well." Elaine seemed confused for a moment, and had to think for several seconds before she gave up and asked,

"What do you mean living away from the Pendragon's influence?" Alex smiled and said,

"To know the details would require you joining them, but one instance of freedom would include not having restrictions on romantic partners." This time she was stunned as she suddenly realized what Alex was trying to do. After a few minutes she said,

"Let me talk to the young lady, and if she confirms everything you've said then I might consider your proposal." Depending on the person it could be argued that Elaine's loyalty was too flexible for considering Alex's offer, but since she would be following the children of the Pendragon family, she didn't consider this to be the case. Grayfia placed the call to Le Fay, and she soon left the school to join them at the cafe.

Not long after Le Fay showed up, and Alex was back in Asora being followed by two maids. Elaine had followed him directly into Asora, knowing that bringing the matter up with the current family head would result in immediate refusal. Alex then led her to one of the newly built manors, the future home of the Vali team. Upon reaching the doors he rang the bell, wondering if at least one of the Vali team members was here to look at the house, instead Alex was greeted by a beautiful older woman with blonde hair. He was so what surprised to see her, and said,

"Hello Lavinna, are you the only one here?" She smiled a little at his words and said sadly,

"Yes, Vali and the rest of his group haven't shown up yet, so I just started working on the house myself. Whose that behind you?" Lavinna asked as she noticed Elaine. Alex smiled and said,

"The other girl that's going to be living here, she's a servant of the Pendragon family, and Le Fay's teacher, Elaine Westcott." At his words Elaine bowed and said,

"It's a pleasure to meet you lady Lavinna, I hope we get along well." After introducing the two girls, Alex left to see to the other new residents of Asora, Sairaorg and Seekvaira. As they left Grayfia said,

"She seems like a decent maid, I look forward to working with her in the future." Alex smiled as he heard her praise Elaine, knowing she saw the similarities between the two of them. Soon he reached the manors of Seekvaira and Sairaorg, located fairly close to each other. They both had their servants moving their things in, and seemed to be somewhat excited to move to Asora. Both manors had been made to house not only them, but the entirety of each of their peerages, as they would obviously be following them. When they saw him approaching, both of them walked towards him, stopping when Sairaorg said,

"This is pretty nice, even if it's smaller than my family's castle I'll enjoy having a place to myself even more!" Alex laughed at his words, and joked while glancing at Seekvaira,

"But the place might not belong to only yourself in the future you know." Sairaorg seemed confused at his words, while Seekvaira's face very subtly twitched, and she glared at him with a small hint of red on her cheeks. Sairaorg then said,

"So what about the training area, you're in charge of that, right Seekvaira?" She immediately cleared her face of the glare, and redness, and said,

"Yes, and according to Alex's wishes there won't be any problems with the different teams using it." Alex nodded as he recalled a previous discussion they had. He had wanted everyone to start using the training facility as soon as possible, but they were conflicted about participation in the tournament, and the conflicting teams. It was decided that general training would be ok, but there were also several private areas for secret training that none could intrude on. The four of them then used a transportation circle, and arrived at a massive underground area.

It was like a normal training area in the underworld, but it also had several branching areas for training with privacy. Seekvaira looked around the area she would be in charge of, and started writing notes of things she needed to prepare, and marking areas for whatever she had in mind. Ever since she was shown how effective slowing time was for training, she devoted herself to learning how to reach the best results using it to train her team. While the others may have stronger team members, hers would have the most training. After inspecting the area with the two of them, Alex and Grayfia left to head to the last area he needed to go to.

He soon arrived outside the last manor he needed to visit, the one belonging to both Rias's and Sona's male peerage members. As neither group had very many men, they simply moved into one building together with those they cared about. Currently living there was Kiba, Gasper, Saji, and Loup Garou, then there was also Valerie and Kiba's girlfriend Tosca. Tosca was another survivor of the church's holy sword protect with Kiba, and managed to survive being disposed of due to her barrier sacred gear. However it also put her into a deep sleep, and halted her age, so even though she was the same age as Kiba, she only looked to be twelve or thirteen. She recently awoke, and was turned over to their custody after Alex settled the matters with the church members. As Rias still had all her pawn pieces left to use, any men who joined her peerage in the future would most likely move there as well. He then spent a while visiting with Valerie, as she was the only one not attending school, and confirmed that they did indeed like the manor.

After he finished visiting with her, Alex returned to his own home, and found Kuroka in one of the lounges. He then unceremoniously plopped down onto the couch, and laid his head in her lap. Kuroka laughed at him and said,

"Have a long day working Nyan? You should be more like be and relax more!" Grayfia snorted, and retorted,

"Not everyone can afford to act like a lazy stray cat." Kuroka's brow twitched at her words, and she was tempted to snap back. She never forgave the spanking Grayfia gave her, and longed to find the chance to get her back. It was also the reason she took Alex's words about using the tournament to increase their job levels seriously, as she wanted to pass up Grayfia, then return the spankings, except she would do it in front of everyone and humiliate her. Grayfia ignored Kuroka who was plotting revenge, and sat down on the couch as well, before pulling Alex's legs into her lap to massage them.

Seeing this Kuroka's brow twitched again, and she immediately fixed her posture so that she was facing Grayfia, and started massaging Alex's chest. He found this quite enjoyable as well, as her breasts were dangling in his face. The two then started competing with each other in massaging him until Kuroka tried to strip, earning a paper fan attack from Grayfia, another thing Kuroka swore to get revenge for.

Soon everyone started returning from school and their Devils job, and they had dinner. As they ate many of them shared the things they experienced while doing their Devils jobs, like Koneko cosplaying, or an artifact Rias looked at for someone. After that they all had a bath, then everyone started dispersed into their rooms for the night, while those still living in the dorms transferred over. When Alex opened the door of his room, he took one look at the inside, and smiled.

There waiting inside was the combination of Yasaka, Gabriel, and Grayfia. As she was the only one that looked excited, Alex suspected Yasaka was the mastermind, but she and the two other were also wearing cosplay. She was in a sexy kimono that was too short to actually cover anything, Grayfia was somehow convinced to wear a naughty maid outfit, even though she refused to accept the job, and Gabriel was wearing a naughty priestess outfit. The latter two girls looked embarrassed dressed the way they were, so Alex didn't let them suffer long, as he thoroughly enjoyed the night.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts