
God Reincarnates To Become Debauched

Toby reincarnates as Arthur and gets birthed by a debauched mother. Little did he know that his whole family is just as debauched as his mother. But there is much much more for him to discover and many many more for him to fuck. (This novel will be a degenerate shit fest. Smut will always come first in priorities. Almost all chapters will be rated 18+ or have mature elements in them. All categories of disgusting and degenerate shit will be included in them. The only thing I can promise is that the MC will not get NTRed and there will be no Scat content. Watersports is a fair deal. The MC will always be OP and a complete degenerate fucklord. He will not be an idiot) (This novel is heavily inspired by 'Vampire's Slice-of-life', 'Pocket Hunting Dimension', 'I Can Track Everything', 'Never Die Extra' and many more that my troglodyte brain can't remember the names of.)

Debauched_God · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Supreme (R-18)

3: Supreme (R-18)

(The chapter is longer than usual, 3100+ words. Don't count on the next chapters to be this long too. It takes too much time to make them.)

(IMPORTANT: Only one person named 'Sag_' voted about my question last time. Even if it was a single person, democracy still wins. 'Sag_' said he wanted this novel to continue rather than my other idea, and that's what we'll do from now on. Though I do hope you guys interact more in the future. I'm writing this novel for fun with no monetization in mind. You guys commenting and interacting is what will keep me going. Anyway, that's it, now enjoy your chapter you wankers.)

'System tell me what this 'karma converter' ' is.'

[Host, the system special offer 'karma converter' converts your karma from your previous life into system points. It will only give points for positive karma. Since this is a system gift, negative karma will be directly ignored and will not have any consequences.]

'*Phew* At least I won't get fucked by all the nasty shit I've done to people.'

'System, initiate 'karma converter'.'

[Starting karma conversion]

[Host's positive karma is being calculated]

[Listing host's deeds]

[Host helped an old lady carry her fruits…

Host did.....







. ]

The system started stating my deeds one by one. They were all mostly menial things but I was anticipating some good rewards because I had made some charities in my previous life before dying.

The speed of the list generation started to increase exponentially until it suddenly slowed down and stated something completely incomprehensible to me.

[Host took on the 37 most dangerous women in his previous world and saved 263 men from destroying their lives. If these men's lives were destroyed, they had an extremely high probability of making a genocidal terrorist group. This dangerous terrorist group had a high probability of killing thousands of people. The victims had a high probability of including 'Peter Duranson'; someone who would be a key figure in successfully researching a 'Sustainable Fusion Reactor', and 'Bjorn Jorgensen'; someone who would accidentally breed a species of Pine that is highly absorbent of carbon, injects nitrogen into the ground, creates sap that can be further processed into food and it's invasiveness can be easily controlled by humans. If these two people didn't survive in the future, there was a high probability for Earth to be irreversibly damaged.]

(A/N: I really wanted to make this edgy but backed out at the last moment. You can comment your own version of the butterfly effect if you want, just make it hilarious.)

'Huh, what the fuck?! 37 was the number of ex's I had. Are you telling me that I had been exclusively dating psychos my whole life?! At least I thought it was my fault for the first 5-7 relationships…. How bad can my luck be?.....Sonia here is a psycho too but at least a lovable one… NO! That's not the fucking point! Did I just fucking save my world indirectly?! What am I, an unnamed hero or some shit?! Hah! Who am I kidding! More like a fucking sacrificial lamb!... Hooo… calm down Tob- Arthur… Yeah, you're Arthur now, no need to get hung up over your past life… Just saying this feels absurd…'

[Host created 12 orphanages and 7 children's hospitals. It is estimated that 58,000 children will benefit from them throughout the duration of their existence.]

[Calculating karma]

[ Converting karma to system points]

[ Congratulations Host!]

[ Host has gained 854,713 System Points!]

'Huh, I don't know the value of these points but aren't they a bit too much? No no, I just saved a fucking world. What more could one do? Let's see… there was a shop right? Does it accept System Points? System open Shop'

[ [SHOP]

[Most shop items and skills are locked. Items and skills will unlock according to the Host's power.]

[Knowledge and Info]



[All Available]

[Newly Available]

System points: 854,713 ]

I clicked the 'all available' section, the system already said that most items were locked, there was no point in looking around.

(A/N: Don't worry, I'll be completely getting rid of this 'System Economy' in the near future. No one here probably wants a lesson on finances. I'm too lazy to think hard about numbers too.)

[ [All Available]

[ Info: Art of Pleasure

Description: You'll know everything about having and giving pleasure.]

[SP 200] ]

[System skill: Fertility Controller

Description: You can toggle your fertility ON/OFF through the system.

Mana cost: none]

[SP 5000] ]

[ [Special offer! 100000x Discount!]

[Passive Skill: Supreme Physique

Description: A physique specially crafted by the 'Great Will of the Multiverse'. System Shop is the only place where this physique is available. Granting the means to break out of the cage of a primitive race. It is the most optimal physique to become a god. It is perfection itself. Even gods will envy this physique's owner.

Host wil gain [Supreme Compatibility]

Host will be able to assimilate with all Laws at unprecedented speed. Host will not experience any bottlenecks during training Laws. Host will have an extremely sturdy soul. Unless the host allows, no one can read the host's mind and soul, nor can they manipulate host through magical means.

Host will gain [Supreme Energy Pool]

Host will have an energy pool that is only acquirable and theorized in extreme speculative theories for any given cultivation level. Host's Mana or any other form of power is refined to the limit automatically, giving the host's skills an edge over anyone in the same level.

Host will gain [Supreme body].

Host's race can only be categorized as Supreme no matter what form the host takes. Host's body will change into the most optimally balanced form, with unprecedented strength, power, agility and regeneration. Host will gain otherworldly attraction which will only further increase with the host's cultivation. Host's sexual organs will be enhanced.

Host will gain [Supreme Adaptability]

Host can adjust extremely fast to any situation or condition. Host gains resistances to elements and proficiency in physical activities at extreme speeds. It grants the host extreme control over his body. Host can even control his body's growth speed. The growth will stop after the optimal level is reached. The earlier the Host gets this physique in his lifetime the better the effects.

(New effects might be uncovered as the host's cultivation increases)

Previous price: SP 80,000,000,000

New price: SP 800,000 ]


I honestly thought there was a hidden camera somewhere trying to capture my reactions. This physique was just that over the top!

'This was not a coincidence. I fucking refuse to believe that this is a coincidence. I got 850k SP and now the system discounts a skill worth 80 billion SP to 800k SP. Whoever made this system definitely wanted me to get this physique at all costs!'

I was getting suspicious now. First was my reincarnation, then the Goddesses who I somehow felt very comfortable with, then this… I might be getting a bit crazy with all the conspiracy shit I've watched in my previous life… but still… this all ain't seem like a Red Herring to me… I've survived and thrived in the criminal world since I was 11; I knew when to trust my gut feeling.

'*SIGH* It's not like I can do much about it right now… Let's just focus on the things that can be done, for now… The only other things available in the shop are related to sex, well I'll buy those too I guess. Nothing wrong with further sharpening my tools'

And so I bought all three items available in the shop.

First was the Art of Pleasure. It was just like the time when I learned the local language here, Renia. It was a calming experience, like this knowledge was always with me. It gave me subtle insights on how to maximize pleasure in both me and my partner's body. What was unexpected was that it didn't only have the knowledge of pleasuring humans... but all kinds of weird anatomies...

Second was the Fertility Control. It was quite self explanatory. When I checked my system, it had a toggle to turn it ON/OFF.

Finally, I purchased the Supreme Physique.

I felt like firecrackers were exploding in every fiber of my tiny being. I felt intense pain coursing through me. I had to give my all to not eek out a single sound.

'This was a bad fucking idea!'

I started to shiver furiously.

"Huh, darling?"

My mom woke up from her sleep. I gritted my toothless gums and controlled my body to stay still.

"Hmm, maybe it was my imagination…"

She finally closed her eyes again.

I sighed in my heart and endured the pain. It was awful. It felt like every cell in my body was twisting and churning. It felt like ants were eating me inside out.


I couldn't take it anymore and directly passed out.

It was a perfect blacked out sleep with no dreams.


[Huh? I can't connect to him today. His mental strength is all drained and his mental state is quite unstable.]

[Woah! What happened?! He only made the two women cum with his mouth! There was nothing else to it! Did the system do something to my love?!]

[I'm positive it did… But the system won't harm him… I think. We can only just wait and see for now.]

[W-What if something happens to him?!]

[Hey! Don't Panic! You tits for brains! Our darling's vitals seem fine, even a bit too fine…]


I felt someone pat my back.

I groggily opened my eyes and saw Sonia's face.

"Is my dear finally awake?~ My baby is such a heavy sleeper~"

I heard the soothing voice of Sonia and felt my mind refresh.

'Man…I'll tell her to narrate books to me as soon as I grow up.'

I felt really refreshed right now. Like a 100 pound weight had just lifted off my tiny body. I also felt like I was forgetting something.

'Hmm, what am I even forgetting? Is it even important? I guess its not, let's just sleep. A baby's body needs a lot of sleep. Wait,...body …body...BODY! What the hell happened to my body after that?! System! Open stats!"

[Name: Arthur Maxwell von Atlas

Race: Supreme

Status: Perfect

Age: 0

HP: 200

MP: 450

Cultivation: N/A

System Skills: [Fertility Control]

Passive Skills: [Supreme Physique]

Active Skills: N/A





[System points: 49,513]

[Inventory] ]

'What the fuck! What happened to my race! And my stats too! They definitely weren't this OP before! No No! I need to check this skill first!'

I didn't waste time and directly expanded the [Supreme Physique] panel with my mind.

[Passive Skill: Supreme Physique

Description: A physique specially crafted by the 'Great Will of the Multiverse'. System Shop is the only place where this physique is available. Granting the means to break out of the cage of a primitive race. It is the most optimal physique to become a god. It is.....]

[ Growth control: 0.01x——•——10x ] ]

There was a slider conveniently placed at the bottom, furthering my suspicions about who made this system. It was as if it was tailored specifically for me at my baby stage and beyond.

'Just who made this system? The Goddesses also clearly knew of me. They made poor excuses when asked why they were interested in me. Their tone even had concealed adoration for me. They slipped up quite a bit and even revealed the gender of the creator, it was a male. This system is also too convenient. Am I a son of a God or something? Maybe this is all a test? I can't come to a conclusion, I'll just keep the clues in mind for now.'

Well, If someone is giving me these conveniences, then who am I to deny them?

I directly turned my growth acceleration to 10x. I'll adjust it again after I at least get out of my immobile phase.

While I was busy with the system, Sonia was giving me pats on my back. I could easily control my body now because of my 'Supreme Adaptability'. I closed the system and looked over at Sonia.

In these past two days, I've been observing Sonia. I honestly have no complaints about her, whatsoever. Yeah she was a bit crazy, but I can accept that. She loves me alot and that's all that matters to me, her genuine love.

It was a bit awkward to call someone my 'mom' when I never really had one before. Honestly, I even loathed that word. My mother in my previous life had just straight up abandoned me, no contact, no nothing. I couldn't care less about my parents' situation. From what I know, I was just left on the orphanage's door steps. So at least they were alive while they put me there. They could've left a note for me to read at least.

Even with all this hate in me, I was willing to move on now. I was willing to call someone as loving as Sonia my 'mother' now. It will take some serious conscious effort on my part but I could do that, I HAD to do that. I didn't want to mope around and squander this chance that I had gotten.

'I am no longer Toby… I should live a happy life as Baby Arthur now… Arthur, son of Sonia.'

Soni- *Ahem* mom noticed my gaze on her and held me in front of her.

"My LiTtle ArTy~ Do you want Mama's milk?~"

With my newfound control over my body I tried to wriggle my hands. The movements were small but mom noticed them.

"My baby~ do you want to get out of the blanket?~"


"Alright, wait a sec."

Mom levitated me in the air and undid my cocoon. My limbs could finally move and breathe.

I moved my hand towards her face but they were too little to reach her. Mom noticed it and levitated me closer with a smile.

I finally touched her face. It was my second time. The first time, I was just joking around but this time I had mutual affection for her.

I smiled the best I could and laughed.


Mom held me in her arms and gently rubbed her face against me.

"My darling~ If only you knew how much I love you~ "

'I know sweety and I'll cherish it'


Honestly, I wanted to talk, even if I had a lisp. I had supreme control over my body but my facial muscles were just not developed enough yet to even use that control.

'No worries, my growth speed is 10 times now, it shouldn't be long before I can do it.'

"Hmm, alright, now drink your milk and become as strong as mama~"

She lowered her blanket, showing me her perfect tits and made me latch on her cute nipple.

I drank the heavenly nectar with the vigor of a Supreme. I didn't do anything naughty yet, but my intense suction was enough to set mom off.

Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~

Her gentle moans were very sweet to hear. I could feel from the movements that she was fingering herself again.

I had wanted it to be a normal loving feeding session to commemorate my decision today but I guess this is more authentic… I think?...

She wanted to meke me her husband, right? It doesn't hurt to pleasure my mother and future wife, now does it?

My arms were now free so I placed them on her supple and jiggly tit. My hands didn't have enough power but they still sunk in those heavenly jelly pillows. I started to move my hands a bit in circles, massaging them, fully utilizing the knowledge of 'art of pleasure'.


It seemed like it worked as her moans were increasing in volume. She seems to have become bolder now, not even trying to inhibit her moans.

I decided to be bolder too and struck with my own attack, the tonguing. My small tongue lapped on her perky nipple's underside, giving it a slimy wet massage. I felt her jolt and buck. Wet sounds started to echo as she stroked her pussy.

*Shlop* *Shlop* *Shlop*

"AHHNN~ Arthur you're making your mother cum again~ hnnnggh~ Don't worry mama will make you cum too, ah~ ah~ just w-wait ah~"

She really couldn't wait for me to grow up…

I continued to suck and lick her nipple. Her milk was squirting in my mouth and I drank it all with vigor.

Her hips started to thrust empty air in euphoria.

*Slide* *Slide* *Slide*


Ahhn~ Ahhn~ Ahhn~ Ahhn~ Ahhn~ Ahhn~

I started to shake a bit because of how vigorously she was stroking her pussy lips. From the sounds I heard, it seemed like her legs were also bending and straightening repeatedly in ecstasy, her heels scraping on the bed sheet.

"AAAHHHNG!~ Baby~ You don't know how hard I have to control myself to not insert my fingers deep into my throbbing pussy~ Mmmmnh!~ Just for youuu~ Aaaah!~"

I turned my eyes up and saw her make extremely lewd expressions with her perfect face as she dirty-talked with me.

'Saying such debauched things to a baby… Mom, you are perfect for my debauched self, just perfect.'

*slap* *slap* *slap* *slap*


I turned my eyes down and saw her giving small slaps on her pussy. Strings of her juices connected her hand to her pussy while her legs spread out like a frog and convulsed.

*slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap*


Her pussy slaps started to increase in frequency, so did her moans. She was close to her release.

I bit on her nipple with my gums as hard as I could and lapped her hard nipple to give her the release she oh so needed.



She finally came… with war-cry-like moans.

She was breathless today. She probably had a stronger orgasm than yesterday. Her whole body convulsed while she held me tightly. Her jitters notified me of the waves of euphoria that she was riding. She was like this because of me. I felt proud.


"Haah!~ Haah!~ I know honey~ Give me a second~ I'll give you all the pussy nectar you want~"

After she calmed down, she held her hand, glistening with her foamy nectar, in front of me and let me suck on all four of her fingers. Her thumb was sadly too big for my mouth. Still, I could only say that it was the best thing ever. The subtly sweet jasminy taste was timeless.

"Haah! Haah!, just you wait, my naughty baby~… I don't know how you can instinctively make me like this but after you grow up~… I'll make sure to make you cum till your last drop~"

'Ohh, I'm so looking forward to that!'

After she settled, she held me in her arms and took me for a bath. Needless to say she had to make me pee again, ain't no way that I'd pee in a diaper.

The weird thing was that I didn't feel the pecker twitching or reacting like last time. But I had a foreboding feeling that this is just the calm before the storm. As if it would unleash its glory all at once.


Give me thy Power Stones!

(I just found out that this novel hasn't been approved to accumulate Power Stones, yet. Well, if you see the option to do so, then you can do it if you want.)


Debauched_Godcreators' thoughts