

Gilbert_Umukoro · realistisch
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5 Chs


A shot is a STRIKE. That is, to hit, to eliminate, to thrust in, blow, or to act by appulse; it's a HAULT (to cause to discontinue); it's to ORDER (a command); it's also a TRIGGER (an event that initiates others, or incites a response). Whichever, it involves applying force for or against something.

Life is full with devers obstacles and challenges, and hindrances. These impedances definitely have to be removed from the way, else one might not be able to make a forward move.

By the way, why do you think people usually have more fiends (foes) than friends? One good reason is the fact that people behind you (that is, those monitoring you) are always more than those in front of you (which are those you can easily see). Now, you are unaware of those behind you; majority of them are usually not satisfied with the fact that you are ahead of them, and this develops jealousy and envy. And it's easier for them to be your enemies, because you have no clue about their intentions towards you. On the other hand, those before you, they usually don't have time to look back. They've got a lot of things to do, and so, becoming your enemy is the least on their mind. Also, you could easily avoid having issues or dodge their traps if they should even try, unlike those behind you who could easily stab you at the back.

My point here is, you can't avoid making strikes on obstacles (which most times could be personalities) if you really want to live long.

It happened sometime ago in the time of Daniel in Babylon, when he fasted and prayed for several days, and the answers were released from heaven but were withstood in the air by the prince of Persia. Another angel had to be sent to fight (or strike) against the power standing against the angel with the answers, and eventually, Daniel received the answers.

So, in life, it's either you strike or you are struck. That's the rule in winning. But what method should we use in striking when it's time? The 'good way' or the 'gun way'?

It actually depends on the nature of enemy.

First, let's see a portion of the Scriptures,

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12.

The major enemy of life is the devil, fighting against one's soul. This nature of strike would be that of good and not just literal gun.

Take note, "... the good fight of faith..." Faith in the Salvation power of Christ and in His name to obtain victory over sin, shame, sickness and satanic activities.

On the other hand, there are situations where striking the 'gun way' would be needed. And this is usually in the defensive way.

Let's see John 8:59,

"Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by."

The summary here is that Jesus escaped for His life. That was a technical gun strike. His life was still important just as yours, and it wasn't yet His time.

In another portion, Jesus applied the technical 'gun strike' in a more violent way, Matthew 21:12,

"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

Whoa... Did you read that carefully! Jesus literally used His hands to destroy the ungodly practices in the temple of God. That's it! Sometimes, when the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, the violent should give a 'gun strike'. Yes, I said it.

Like I said in my introduction, I will be expatiating on the letters of GUN. Again:

*G - Genocide and Guard

*U - Unacceptabilty, and Uninterruptedness

*N - Notoriousness, and Neutralizer

1. A. Genocide.

The purpose of gun has been really abused by the whole world. There is an evil spirit surrounding a gun in the hand of a man, instigating him to pull the trigger. A well-trained soldier, not quack, is disciplined to the limit as to the handling of a gun. He understands very much how important and precious a life is, therefore, he only pulls the trigger when it's necessary.

What do we find today in our society? People gunning the innocent for no just cause.

1. B. Guard.

According to the dictionary, guard is a squad responsible for protecting something, usually in the military. Yes, protection and not pollution. Lives should be protected at all cost, even if it takes using the gun.

2. A. Unacceptabilty.

Arm robbery and other violent acts are highly unacceptable by law, even by nature. Taking possession of others' belongings and sometimes eliminating them in the process, shows the person involved is rather being controlled by the gun and not to other way round.

2. B. Uninterruptedness.

The gun, in a technical sense or meaning, could be something positive one could use in avoiding interruptions. Your focus, your discipline, your quietness could be a technical kind of gun, which would really help your progress without being disturbed in your endeavours.

3. A. Notoriousness.

Think about someone like Osama bin Laden. What was he known for? The gun is just a weapon, you are just a human, it shouldn't turn you into a monster you are not.

3. B. Neutralizer.

To neutralise is to render something inactive or ineffective. Now, for a religious person, Christian especially, your neutralizer is simply prayer. The weapon of our warfare are not in any way carnal.

You want to win in life's war, then learn to pull the trigger of prayer. The bullets have no limits; they travel as far as the ends of the world, piercing through boundaries and walls and kingdoms, and causing earthquakes in the kingdoms of darkness.