[On Hiatius]
"Ugh…" Hunter groaned, barely awake. He blanked out once his hands got tied behind his back. The next thing he remembered, he was being lifted and taken somewhere while Kavius kept shouting from behind.
When his eyes opened again, he felt hard stones underneath him. Looking up, he noticed the bars of a jail cell, there being barely any light in the holding cell. It wasn't large, but he noticed four other men there, all huddled away in a corner, scared of him.
"Fuck…" Hunter tried to sit up, feeling extremely sore in his entire body. However, he couldn't feel his entire back, as if it didn't even exist. "Water… Bring me water."
"Here!" one of the cellmates hurried and came over to hand Hunter a cup of water. The water was in a large clay jar at one corner of the cell. The cup was also made of clay.