
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasie
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46 Chs

The anger of the Fang family

Fang Heng's words came out, and suddenly, the field was silent.

'No way! At this time, the fifth Fang family shouted, "Our family has always assessed this rule, can it be broken because of you an outsider!"

"What you say is interesting, since I am an outsider, why should I obey the rules of the Fang family?" Fang Heng responded with a sneer, "Do you think I am a Fang family member?"

"You..." Fang Jia Lao five look a stagnation, "outsiders must abide by the rules of our family!"

"Bullshit! Fang Heng shouted on the spot, "I will not abide by it, what can you do!"

Words came out, everyone was frozen, staring at Fang Heng, no one expected, this young boy, so crazy!

Fang Heng is sneer, he is not afraid of the broken rules of the party, the other party did not kill him at the beginning, obviously there are orders bound, absolutely dare not to him, to have no this point, Fang Heng will not be so arrogant.

"All right." Fang Zhenglong waved his hand at this time, "Fang Meng, you can now have a showdown with Fang Heng, Fang Heng wins, the demon core is his, Fang Heng loses, surrender the demon core!"

"That's fine with me! Fang dream cold answer, Fang Heng also nod at this time, soon, Fang ancestral temple began to empty, the big ancestral hall, only left Fang Heng and Fang dream.

"Fang Heng, two days ago, you humiliated me, today, you humiliated my father! Personal hatred is all here, so I will not show mercy!" Looking at Fang Heng, Fang dream spoke coldly, and the momentum of the body was also raised when speaking.

"You want to kill me, but I let you lose face, now say so high-sounding, really ridiculous." Fang Heng shook his head, "But forget it, you still have some skills, you have cultivated a kind of gathering Reiki exercises, the strong Reiki accumulated since childhood, enough for you to break through the congenital, this should be your bottom card, now I do not move, you freely promote, lest you say that I do not win the military."

"That's crazy!"

"He is asking for death!"

The Fang young people watching the battle on the side laughed sneer, Fang Meng cultivation of the exercise called return spirit formula, not talented people can not cultivate at all, once the cultivation is successful, there is no limit, they can have seen Fang Meng revealed real strength, extremely strong.

"Henger be careful!" Fang Xiao day said, the people around the discussion, also let him feel the party dream is not simple.

"Oh, father rest assured, this waste, in my eyes nothing." Fang Heng smiled in response to his father, at this time, Fang Meng's body came out with a shock, and there was a sharp sound in the air, as if something had broken, and a terrible pressure began to rise.

"The first heaven! This is an innate power!"

"Ha ha, Brother Fang Meng is really extraordinary, Fang Heng this boy is doomed!"

A group of Fang family children began to get excited, Fang Heng is a sneer, the body also shook down, rumbling, the air exploded, the hot breath quickly sent out, an instant on the top, no wind!

"Huh? To be able to block the momentum of my previous heaven, it seems that your strength has been infinitely close to the congenital." Fang Meng spoke faintly at this time, "Unfortunately, you met me, congenital, and you no longer missed."

"Overlord Boxing!" Fang Heng is too lazy to say more, a twist of the body, the bones exploded, the strength of the whole body condensed on the two fists, and hit out, visible to the naked eye, the air was distorted by this punch, like ripples in the water.

"Punch the void, Nine peaks!"

Some people could not stop crying out, Fang Heng's performance of this punch proved that he was already half a man of heaven!

"Autumn Leaf Sword!"

In the face of Fang Heng's fierce punch, Fang Meng's face remained unchanged, his palm was pulled from his waist, and the bright long sword was brandished. A sense of vicissitudes began to rise, and the leaves were flying. Fang Heng's fist strength was completely dissolved before it hit him.

"The winter sword!"

A sword to resolve Fang Heng fist strength, Fang dream sword in swing, this bleak meaning directly into the cold meaning, as if infinite wind and snow to Fang Heng pressure over, the sword roaring, Fang Heng eyes solemn, step back, but still can not avoid the clothing appeared.

"Good swordsmanship! But you also take my hand!"


Retreating Fang Heng let out a loud drink, the palm of his hand quickly patted out, the powerful fire inside the strength of the air impact out, the spot to annihilate the cold!

Aware of Fang Heng surging internal strength, Fang dream eyes change, wrist turn, mouth to drink, "spring thunder sword!"


A jarring sound came out, Fang Heng's palm force was directly broken by lightning, while at this time, Fang Meng steps forward, a sword straight stab Fang Heng Adam's Apple, with a hot sense, as if integrated into Fang Heng's internal strength.

"Good swordsmanship, really good swordsmanship." Looking at the rushed Fang dream, Fang Heng nodded again and again, in the long sword is about to stab his Adam's apple in the moment, the footsteps suddenly stepped on the ground, the violent force makes the huge ancestral hall shake up, Fang dream footsteps an unstable, originally stabbed to the sword of Fang Heng Adam's apple, there are some deviations.

"A little deviation is heaven and earth!" Fang Heng said with a sneer, step forward, neck close to the cold sword body, once into the Fang dream body, fists suddenly pound out, directly hit the Fang dream stomach.


Fang Meng body arch, mouth and nose spewed a lot of blood, seize this opportunity, Fang Heng double fists crazy out, each fist, with a hot flame, instant, is a hundred fists!

Bang, bang, bang!

The intense noise came out, the temple ground were shaken out of numerous cracks, Fang Heng seems to become a Taikoo giant beast, crazy raging against the Fang dream!

Fang Meng's body, is a continuous vibration, blood spurt!

After a long time, the field returned to silence, Fang Meng's body was swollen in many places, and the breath was extremely weak.

"It's... How is that possible!"

Trembling voice from the mouth of Fang dream spit out, how can he not think, he broke through to the first heaven and Fang Heng fight, the result is so.

"You have no idea what power is." Fang Heng said with a sneer, "Realm, is only the embodiment of power, not the whole power, you in order to break through the realm in the body to store energy, this will go astray, but your sword is good, not too waste."

Listening to the dialogue between the two people in the field, the young people watching the battle around them were all stunned.

No one thought that the dream of the first heaven would be defeated by Fang Heng!

The elders of the Fang family were also all frozen, looking at Fang Heng's eyes one by one, full of incredible.

The leapfrog challenge is not without, it is the leapfrog challenge within the same realm, such as the low-level challenge of the high level of the martial arts, Fang Heng's current performance, but beyond the great realm of the battle, which is unheard of in the entire martial mainland!

'Good! Fang Xiao day at this time a big drink, flushed, his son can do this kind of thing, let him also surprise!

"Dream! The fifth party at this time let out a loud drink, quickly came to the side of Fang Meng, the finger on his son's pulse, the face immediately changed.

"How poisonous you are! You destroyed half my son's meridians!

Fang Lao Wu angrily said that if the meridian is destroyed, even if it is restored in the future, cultivation will not be as smooth as before.

"Well, if I didn't kill him, it was already me." Fang Heng cold hum, then turned around, will go to the side Xiao day.

Fang Lao Wu dead staring at Fang Heng, suddenly, his body move, such as ghost came to Fang Heng behind, hand is a palm!


Fang Heng's body shook, blood flowed out of his mouth, and suddenly turned back, "You are looking for death!"


Inside the fire strength broke out again, Fang Heng body to Fang Lao five on the past, Fang Lao five eyes shocked, did not expect Fang Heng in his palm can also fight back, quickly back.


A cold drink came out, Fang Lao Five just took a step back, was a long knife through the chest!

'Ah! Violent howling sounded, Fang Lao five incredible turned his head, found that gave him a knife, is Fang Xiao day!

"You... How dare you kill me!" The fifth corner of the mouth is bleeding, how can he not think, he has always looked down on the Fang Xiao day, is to take his life!

"You attacked my son, how could I not kill you!" Fang Xiao day voice indifference, long knife suddenly draw, blood spray, party Lao five body fell down, no sound.

The Fangjia ancestral hall was silent.

Everyone was shocked, from the attack to the death of Fang Lao Five, not even a breath of kung Fu, the result has become like this.

"Father! Fang dream roared a loud, seriously injured body rushed to the ground of the fifth party, at this time, the other talent to react, a look at the eyes of the father and son Fang Heng, full of anger and cold.

"Fang Xiaotian, you dare to kill people in the Fang ancestral hall!" What guts!"

"It's the other way around! Sixth brother, give the order immediately, kill these two!"

"Bullshit! Fang Lao Wu is an elder, but attacked my son, this kind of waste should not die!" Fang Xiaotian suddenly drank, but the people around him were even angrier, and one of them said, "Six brothers! The ancestral hall of the Fang family was stained with blood, and the old people in the family died, and we can't afford to take on this big responsibility!"

Heard this, Fang Zhenglong's face also cold down, this thing happened too fast, he was too late to stop, and now this result, if the home owner knows that it will be furious, can only cold shout, "People, kill Fang Xiaotian, Fang Heng!"

The words came out, and the people around him immediately surrounded Fang Heng and his son, pressing them step by step.

Looking at Fang Zhenglong's cold expression, Fang Xiaotian said, "Six younger brothers..."

"Don't say it." Fang Zhenglong palm swing, coldly said, "Originally your son can become the core of our family, but now the situation is different, Fang ancestral hall dyed blood, is the family master can not bear this responsibility, let alone your father and son?"

Hearing this, Fang Xiao day's eyes finally revealed a touch of despair, turned to look at Fang Heng, sadly, "Heng son, is I hurt you."

"Dad, just understand that the Fang family can't be trusted. Next, it's time for us to leave here." Fang Heng said to Fang Xiao day, immediately let the people around are surprised.

"Get it quickly!" Fang Zhenglong drink at this time, Fang Heng is sneer, the palm suddenly flung out, a white fog directly rising.

Taking advantage of the time of this fog, Fang Heng strength all burst out, both fists like a meteor, only listen to the roar of a few explosions, the temple was blasted out of a big hole!

'Block the hole! Fang Zhenglong roared, at the same time robe sleeve waving, a few times to disperse the fog, then in addition to the entrance of the people, the ancestral hall has long lost the figure of the father and son!

"Damn it, damn it! Fang Zhenglong repeatedly shouted, "Pass my order, seal the Fang house, no one can go out!"


The crowd sped away, and no one noticed that two men who were unsteady on their feet quickly disappeared from the crowd.

"Father, now let's go to Mother, as long as we see mother, everything will be easy." Fang Heng side run a face Xiao day said, hear son's words, Xiao day eyes full of shock, but he also know this is not the time to ask more, nod ahead.