
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Selective exercise

Fang Heng frown, in his imagination, Huang Ling should want to peel his skin, but did not expect Huang Ling so gone.

"Well, she doesn't give me any trouble, and I don't give her any trouble." Shook his head, Fang Heng dont want to think much, see this, the identity of Huang Ling is not general, those who are good young people seem to be based on her.

"It is true that a noble status can give a person a lot of help in cultivation, but in the same way, it can also encourage the wrong kind of pride." Fang Heng secretly said, "Both advantages and disadvantages, I do not have a noble identity, but I have the confidence to surpass all the family children."

Fists clenched, Fang Heng eyes firm, he has found his own martial arts road, for that kind of ethereal identity, naturally will not have any envy.

Step out, Fang Heng quickly walked to the Zhenwu gate, the gatekeeper disciples saw that he was coming, the words did not say directly out of the way, Fang Heng's reputation has long been spread in the door, when he can get started, is to hit the gatekeeper disciples, they dare to provoke.

All the way back to his room, Fang Heng took a quick bath, changed clothes, and walked towards the true Wuge.

Just walked into the true Wu pavilion, Fang Heng saw the high old is taking a nap, respectfully salute, high old eyelids, looking at Fang Heng in the eyes with a smile.

"Not bad, has broken through to the first heaven."

"It all depends on the cultivation of high old and cold old." Fang Heng seriously said, this is the truth, cold old really wu the old man, without cold old a few days ago to save their family, Fang Heng I am afraid would have died.

"Oh, these words need not be said again." Gao Lao smiled and nodded, "Now you have a stable state and strong true strength, but your strength and body are not in harmony, which should be the reason of exercises."

"Gao Lao's eyes are like torches, disciples are here to choose a martial arts exercise." Fang Heng answered honestly.

"Well, go to the second floor and pick as many films as you want." Gao Lao said with a smile.

"This..." Fang Heng a leng, the second floor of the true Wu pavilion is only the true disciple and the congenital disciple can go to the place, where, no matter what identity can only choose a martial arts, high old but let him choose casually.

"Why hesitate? Go." Gao old waved to Fang Heng, slowly closed his eyes, see here, Fang Heng smiled, did not hesitate, went to the second floor of the true Wu pavilion.

When I came to the second floor, everything in front of me suddenly opened up, the books around me were a lot less than the first layer, and there were fewer people, Fang Heng frowned, "The higher the grade of exercises, the more precious, the more rare the relative, it seems that here are some higher-order exercises."


Just when Fang Heng thought, a cold snort suddenly came out, Fang Heng frowned, looked to the left direction, found a disciple wearing purple is disdain to look at him, Fang Heng at a glance to know that this is the true disciple, purple robe, representing the identity of the true disciple.

"It seems that my dress as a registered disciple made him look down on me, that's all, I came to find martial arts, there is no need to quarrel with him."

Ignoring the young man's eyes, Fang Heng went directly to the area of the exercise, which immediately made the purple young man proud, thinking that Fang Heng was afraid of him.

"Wood Emperor Gong, the lower level of practice, suitable for the cultivation of wood blood owners."

"Qianyuan Gong, middle-level exercise, no attribute requirements..."

He opened several exercises in his hands, Fang Heng has not found the right, his perfect blood has no attributes, only to provide him with computing power and understanding ability, which means that he can learn any exercise without restriction, of course, to find a high level.

"Pure Yang Ji, advanced exercises, any blood attributes can be cultivated, but the effect is very slow, need to accumulate in order to become small, the spleen is not suitable for learning."

Suddenly, Fang Heng saw a pure Yang formula, eyes flashed, perfect blood running up, a moment later, his face showed a smile.

"Good exercise method, it seems to be slow to effect, in fact, it is solid Peiyuan, condense true force, if you can condense all true force into pure Yang attributes, virtual Wu can be seen!"

Thinking in the heart, Fang Heng will take this pure Yang formula in his hand, his perfect blood can quickly absorb Reiki, for others to condense pure Yang true force is difficult, but for him just a little time on the line.

Found the kung fu, Fang Heng went towards the martial arts area, and soon found two advanced martial arts of the local level, sweep leaf leg and great wilderness Sanshou!

"My fist now has the fire overlord, the explosive power is enough, but less rounded, the leg has the wind step, the movement is no problem, but less severe attack, this sweeping leaf leg can be against the enemy can also walk, can make up for the lack of legs, the big dry hand is a joint grasp technique, can also make up for my fist just fierce."

"The fist has the fire overlord, the palm has the great wilderness scattered hands, the leg has the wind sweeping leaves, there is pure Yang Gu base, well, from the first heaven to the virtual martial environment, I do not have to worry about the lack of martial arts."

Excited in the heart, Fang Heng immediately can not wait to read these books, at this time, but the corner came a noise.

I saw a disciple who was wearing the same costume as Fang Heng and was grabbed by the neck by a purple young man, this purple young man was the one who gave Fang Heng a cold snort just now.

"Huh, just to the first heaven soon, dare to me Zheng Qing arrogant, I see you are tired of living!"

The cold words came out, and the other disciples on the second floor flashed their eyes and showed their disgust.

"This Zheng Qing again! Relying on himself to reach the peak of the first heaven, he went around extorting famous disciples, which is really embarrassing to us."

"With his ability, that is, to bully people who have just reached the congenital, but there is no way, there will be two months in the door competition will be held, he does not take advantage of this time to extort more money, how can he make a comeback in the future?"

The discussion sounded, Fang Heng also understood, he heard Wang Meng said, the whole door of the true Wu gate, only 108 true disciples, make up the number of Tiangang earth, this number is unchanged, every year there will be some old true disciples by the genius of the registered disciples beat to replace, this Zheng Qing but a peak, this year may be squeezed down, Nature has a way to go.

"Give me the silver!"

Zheng Qing did not care about the eyes around him, and said coldly to the disciples in his hand.

The disciple's face was pale, but he shook his head desperately, the martial arts is the most short of silver, let him give the silver, it is better to kill him.

Seeing this disciple's appearance, Zheng Qing's face became more gloomy and said coldly, "If you don't give it, then I will take it myself!"


Between words, Zheng Qing punched the disciple on the head, causing the disciple to squirt blood in his mouth and pass out, Zheng Qing rummaged the disciple for a while, and then put a money bag into his arms.

Seeing this scene, Fang Heng's eyes showed a cold color, "Rob silver?" You can rob others, but if you dare rob me, I will make you regret it!"

Thinking in the heart, Fang Heng looked down again to read, his strength is too weak, can only barely protect themselves, others, he has not so much ability.

After robbing this disciple's silver, Zheng Qing's eyes glanced around, except when he met a few true disciples, he would show a polite smile, and the rest as long as it was a registered disciple, his eyes were all bleak and cold.

Footsteps quickly walked in front of another named disciple, the disciple looked pale, but did not resist, honestly handed the silver out, the front of the disciple resistance is the end of serious injury, he certainly did not want to do so.

Zheng Qing is very proud, so through a few registered disciples, put their money to take away, Fang Heng's heart is getting colder and colder, as long as this Zheng Qing across two people, it is his turn, he has been ready to hand.

"Get out of here!

At this time, a word suddenly sounded, let Fang Heng eyes a leng, looked at a teenager in front of Zheng Qing.

The boy's face is sallow, his body is thin, he looks like a sick man, but his words are very powerful!

The true disciples around him also raised their eyebrows and looked at the young man in an interesting way.

'What did you say? Zheng Qing's face darkened, he did not expect that he had just used a disciple to set up his power, and here he hit a nail, and coldly said, "Do you know the end of saying this?"

"The end? The waxed young man suddenly turned around, his eyes stared at Zheng Qing like a sword, and said, "You, a waste of true disciples, also dare to talk about the end of my yellow ghost?" Well, I was worried that no one would open a knife when I was competing in the door, and now I have found one, that is you!"

Words came out, the people around suddenly surprised, Zheng Qing's face is a white.

"Ha ha, it turns out that he is the yellow ghost sorrow, the first of the named disciples, who has won ninety-five battle victories in Zhenwu Space!"

"This time Zheng Qing can mention iron plate!"

A burst of words, Fang Heng's heart is also a move, perfect blood operation, immediately let him see the real power of yellow ghost sorrow.

"That's amazing! The true force is as thick as the sea and full of vitality, which is already a manifestation of the innate double, his surface sickness should be caused by the cultivation of a kind of exercise to store the true force, and with this kind of power, no wonder he can win 95 consecutive games in the Zhenwu space."

Fang Heng heart dark terror, he saw that the true strength of this yellow ghost worry is thick, if you want to break through, congenital triple, or even quadruple can be achieved, he suppressed down, let the true force flow and body, Gubenpeiyuan, which is much stronger than the kind of man who only knows to enhance the realm.

"Heh... Oh, it was Brother Huang, misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding." Zheng Qing at this time a dry laugh, yellow ghost worry he is aware, many stronger than his true disciples are admitted not his opponent, where he also dare to blackmail?

"Well, waste, get out of here!" Yellow ghost worry cold hum, no longer ignore Zheng Qing, immediately let Zheng Qing face red, very ugly.

Other true disciples suddenly burst into laughter, Zheng Qing this person, it is too funny, to see people weaker than their own, on the fierce, a strong encounter, immediately coward a word dare not say.

The laughter around him made Zheng Qing no longer face to stay here, all the way to the direction of the stairs, several of the famous disciples on the road were opened by him with a palm, and his mouth was also swearing, "All go to me!"

At this time, Zheng Qing came to the front of Fang Heng, suddenly slapped out, "Get out of the way!"

Fang Heng frown, he did not want to take care of other people's things, has planned to leave, but did not expect Zheng Qing suddenly to his hand, suddenly turn back, a pinch Zheng Qing wrist!


Zheng Qing suddenly look angry, by the yellow ghost sorrow humiliation has made him angry, now Fang Heng a famous disciple dare to seize his hand, which makes him no longer able to control anger, the other hand into a fist, suddenly hit, the air burst.

"Death to me!

The cold roar came out, and the fierce fist was also in front of Fang Heng in an instant.