
God Of football

Izan, a Spanish-japanese boy who lives with his mother and sister in the heart of Valencia plays for the valencia academy since he could remember. As life fucks as all,Izan was being laid off by his club for being talentless. Izan in a fit of rage runs around his local pitch(Legit who the fuck trains when he's angry). As fate would have it,Izan gets struck by lightning which gives him a system. Izan with the system embarks on a journey to becoming 'THE' god of football ************ 1. set in post messi-ronaldo dominant era.[2022.post messi-ronaldo peak era in europe] 2. Real world likeness. 3. 2000 words on average let's get this novel up. help me with your powerstones and reviews and share this Novel ************* Also all right reserved for the companies and teams and also players I use in the novel since I don't know how image rights work and I'm too lazy to search it up on bing- , I mean google

Art233 · Sport
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51 Chs

we up

Izan looked around before looking at the translucent screen infront of him. Izan looked at the screen as he saw it to resemble a particular football video game screen. Izan saw a shining object in the shape of a gift box and tried to press it but his finger just passed through it.

[ Does host want to open the starter gift pack] the system spoke.

"Uh- yeah" izan replied still not believing what was happening. The system opened the pack and soon words were displayed on the screen:


+10 random stat point

+5 stat point to any 3 selected attributes

+1 star weak foot

+1 star skill moves

"Oh this is just like fifa" izan exclaimed. Before izan could explore any further a car pulled over by the side of the pitch. "Miura" a feminine voice called. Izan looked to to see his mother in a car. Izan quickly grabbed his stuff and the ball before sprinting towards the car. He got there and threw his bag in the backseat before sitting in the front seat.

"How was practice miura" komi izan's mom asked. "It was good mum" izan said to his mum in japanese without telling her what had happened today because he felt it would only add to her worries. Komi moved to Spain when she was 24 yrs old. She married izan father at 27 before giving birth to izan a year later. It had lasted a while before izan's father died 5 years after izan was born.

He was a responsible person and had left behind an insurance which could be used to take care of izan and his then 3 year old sister hori. As a single mom komi did whatever she could to make the kids happy and had done a good job so far. Izan smiled at her as they went home. Izan woke up as the car curved to the driveway. Eager to try out the system, he quickly picked some of the groceries along with his bag before heading inside. He placed the groceries on the table before heading upstairs. Just as he was about to take the last turn to his room he met his sister who called him out telling him about the meeting between him and his teacher Miss Lauren. He nodded before quickly entering his room. Hori,izan's sister got down a bit surprised."what is wrong with him" she said." Why" komi izan's mother asked after hearing hori speak." Well most at times after training he feels somewhat dejected but today he seems eager or lively".

Komi stared at the stairs for a while before asking hori to help her with dinner. Izan shut the door behind. He first entered the bathroom and washed down first. After he finished he sat on his bed with his legs crossed before he said "System". [Yes host] the system replied after a short while. "Can I see my stats" izan said to which the system replied by showing his stats in a fifa-like game screen with his information attached



AGE:14(6 MONTHS TO 15)








[Sprint speed ]:69









[Ball control]:55




[Short pass]:55

[Long pass]:45


[SKILL MOVES] :3 stars


Stepovers:40% Completion

"Wow" izan exclaimed. "Apart from speed and stamina which are somewhat good for my age and a few attributes that are decent the rest are absolute garbage to the point that I can't even imagine how I wanted to be a pro player". Izan saw his strength stat and started to wonder if being a left back was a good position for him. Although he new

There were fullbacks not good at defense they could at least create chances but he didn't have anything going for him. Izan decided to distribute his stat point. For the +10 stat point he decided use it on Dribbling which raised it from a 55 to a 65. He also had to select 3 attributes to which he selected Vision,Crossing and ball control which increased to 62,60 and 60.

After this he used the +1 star weak foot and skill move which also increased to 3/5 star weak foot and 4/5 star skill moves. After this izan attributes were looking a bit good.

The system changed his player info



AGE:14(2 MONTHS TO 15)




SYSTEM EVALUATION:A somewhat decent youth player





[Sprint speed] :69









[Ball control]:60




[Short pass]:55

[Long pass]:45

Weak foot strength: 3 stars

Skill move :3 stars


Stepovers:40% Completion

Izan saw that his player rating had gone from 53 to 57. Izan was elated. Izan saw that a new Information had come under his player info which was the potential category which describes the ability a player can reach

"System can you elaborate on the potential category" izan said.


This describes the football ability a player can reach

70-74 potential=mediocre players

75-80 potential =descent players

81-85 potential=good players

86-89 potential=top players

90-92 potential=world class players

93-96 potential =legendary players

97-99 potential=Alien

The system laid out all the information. Ivan smirked and said "so I have the potential to be a descent player . No that won't cut it ,with the system I'm going to become an Alien"

"Miura come down for dinner". 'OK ma' izan replied before going down to eat