
God of fear, Kletus Cassidy

In the pursuit of fun, one must be willing to discard everything That’s what Kletus Cassidy did, he discarded his humanity, his ties and his sanity in the pursuit of fun in killing, something he has been addicted to when he saw his father torture his mother What waited for him was hell, that was supposed to be the place that awaits him when he dies However, a certain meddling man interferes and took him under his dark wings The man gave him a soul, his previous companion for fun, Fiddlesticks, the God of Fear, suffering and despair Now, armed with one of the most powerful entities in the entire Tower, he aim to make much more suffering and much more fun for himself and Fiddlesticks Notice: this novel contains animal abuse, slavery and merciless killing, basically things you would expect for a villain to do (except for family because of Dominic’s teachings)

Kieranilner · Fantasie
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7 Chs


"You're sentenced to death!" The judge said

A man with red hair, smiling ever so happily was being judged the heaviest penalty. Death. But, even in the face of something that would bring despair to others, he just smiled

The man's identity is Kletus Cassidy, a man that has massacred a whole entire plaza. Some survived but most, died by his hand. In his trial, he even stated the truth

"I like killing, judge."

Even then, his smile was still there. Even though he killed 296 innocents, even though their families have branded him a monster, even if the whole country think so. He still has a smile on his face, a genuine smile that made him look like a saint at first glance

The guards in blue escorted him out and into a police vehicle to transport him to a prison. In the car, Kletus was relaxing even though he's going to die. And then, besides him was a man in a fancy royalty clothes and long black hair, eyes are like lanterns that sucks anyone's soul and he has a hand outstretched and placed on Kletus' shoulder

Kletus look at the newcomer with raised eyebrows and asks

"Where did you come from?"


The man didn't reply and instead, place a finger on his lips. Kletus just look in front as he resume his smile. He ask the man beside him

"Are you death?"

"…not quite."

When Kletus heard the man's voice, he wide eyed and look at the man with a stupified look. His smile then resume but wider as he ask the man once again

"You enjoy killing, right?"

"…not quite, but yes."

"Hehe, so, who are you, if not death?"

"…a deal maker."

Kletus was surprised by his answer. The man look at him and smiled the same smile Kletus has

"The name's Kieran. I'm here to make a deal."

"A deal? What kind?"

"The fun kind, the kind we both could profit."

"Ohoho, tell me more."

Then, he put a finger on his lips again and point forward to the front seat. Kletus look with a cold glare at the guard on the passenger seat who's looking at him weirdly. When they met eye to eye, a chill went down his spine making him shiver and turn up

"Alright, now tell me more."

"…you will have to die first to know, Kletus Cassidy."

"Oh? Keeping me in the dark, now? Well, that just won't do."

Kletus look in front and some things flash in his mind to kill him faster. He smiled and bang his head on the car's window. The guard on the passenger seat look back in a hurry and when he saw Kletus banging his head on the window, he thought he was trying to escape

"Hold it!"

The guard on the driver's seat stomp down on the brakes and their car make a brief spin before stopping in the highway. Kletus manage to break the window but his head was bloodied. He crawl through when the cops got their taser guns out


"Kill me!"

They fire their tasers and electrocuted him. But, he persevered and headbutt one of the guard in the head and bite his neck, bloodying his face with his blood. The other one was terrified as Kletus let go of the guard's neck, his teeth, lips and entire face was covered in blood. He licked his lips, tasting the iron blood as he look at the terrified guard



A civilian with a gun was pointing it at Kletus. He saw it as a chance and rush her. Seeing that her fake gun didn't scare him, she grab the barrel and begin clubbing Kletus in the injured head. But, pain was only temporary, death was eternal. Kletus went and bite her neck and kill her by ripping it

He let go of the flesh in his mouth and a clap could be heard behind him. He look back at the man who's inside of the car beside him with a very amused smile. He stops and signal for him to continue his rampage until he die


He look in front as the people in the cars at the highway was put on reverse as the police was heading to the highway. Kletus uses this opportunity for one last fun as he charge forth with crazed eyes. Even though he's cuffed, he still ran like he's in a marathon without falling or wobbling

Kletus was rushing toward the flock of cop cars, aiming for them to run him over but, he refrained. If he did that, they would have a better time arresting him and he'll have to wait. Now, he run away from the cops with a frown

The cop cars stop and the officers step out of their vehicles, aiming their guns at Kletus. With this, he stops. A smile resume on his face

"Freeze! Get on your knees and lie down!"


Kletus turn around and stare at the officers. He make his way towards them with all intentions to kill, unless they kill him first. The officer with the megaphone speak again

"Freeze or we will open fire!"

When he sees Kletus doesn't stop, he shouted, "Fire!"

And that's how, a new God is born, a God that shall feast on fear, despair and suffering. A God that knows no bound

"Welcome, Kletus Cassidy."