
God of fear, Kletus Cassidy

In the pursuit of fun, one must be willing to discard everything That’s what Kletus Cassidy did, he discarded his humanity, his ties and his sanity in the pursuit of fun in killing, something he has been addicted to when he saw his father torture his mother What waited for him was hell, that was supposed to be the place that awaits him when he dies However, a certain meddling man interferes and took him under his dark wings The man gave him a soul, his previous companion for fun, Fiddlesticks, the God of Fear, suffering and despair Now, armed with one of the most powerful entities in the entire Tower, he aim to make much more suffering and much more fun for himself and Fiddlesticks Notice: this novel contains animal abuse, slavery and merciless killing, basically things you would expect for a villain to do (except for family because of Dominic’s teachings)

Kieranilner · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Carn Agelias (1)

"Avarice, dear, are you awake?" A woman's voice resounded

"Yes mother!"

In a room, a boy with red hair and eyes is sitting and stretching himself on a bed. This was the man previously known as Kletus Cassidy. Now, he goes by the name of Carn Agelias. Fun fact, Carn in his name is a reference to a rare red flower that's found in the cold lands up northwest. The flower has a distinct scent that attracts many monsters and humans alike

Agelias is also a reference to a mythical being name Agelias that has white wings and yet, he was like an angel. The color white means many thing, but the thing it most refers to is deception. White can be any color and so, anyone who wears white are usually the hunters in the northwest lands

But, Agelias is a mythical figure that contradicts the belief of white being the color of deceit and made it into a mysterious color. Agelias is also know for a very standout trait of his smile. His smile was like that of the sun and it makes him look sophisticated and mysterious

(And another fun fact, Carn and Age forms Carnage)

Carn gets his clothes from a closet and goes to the door. He pull it back and the first thing he sees when he exits was a small little girl

"Oh, it's you."

"What's that attitude suppose to be? Ya want a fight?"

The girl in front of him was the daughter of the innkeeper and his wife, Joshan and Marga Night. Her name is Morgan Night. She has long black hair down to her stomach and beautiful black eyes like the night itself. Contrast to her black hair and eyes, her skin was white as pearls and her fragile looking limbs are actually quite strong from working in the inn

"Not exactly, little missy."

"Tch, don't call me that, pervert."

"What? We know each other for years, 9 to be exact. I've known you since you were little and even babysit you when you're 3. This is the gratitude I get?"

"Well… I wish you should've suck at doing it so that my parents would kick you out!"

"But that would mean they'll have to kick aunt Auria out, you want her to be on the streets?"

"Urgh, that's not…?!"

Suddenly, Carn pats her on the head. She was stunned for a brief moment and think to lift her arm up and swing his hand away. But, she couldn't bring herself to do that. For some reason, it felt good. Not in a sexual way, but in a warm fuzzy way. After a moment of calm silent, Carn take his hand off of her head

"Ah, aren't you…"

"Aren't I what? Want me to pet you like dog some more?"

"Ugh, you meanie!"

She ran away from him. Carn just sighs and walk down the hallway. His and his mother live in the same room in the back. It was once a storage room for some plates and food supplies. It still is, but now has a closet and a big bed enough for two people to sleep in but they'll have to squeeze a little

'Last night was so rough.'

Carn was thinking about his mother's sleeping habits. She has a tendency to move a lot when she sleeps and she would constantly grab his arm and hold his hand. At a young age, he didn't get treated to this since he slept on the bed by himself since she was afraid she would crush him when they slept but now, he's all grown up and rightfully the age of 14

In his youth, he talked little but he could understand words and soon, the language itself and could comprehend words. The innkeeper was the first person to notice and Auria, his mother, was the second to notice

Now, that's all what they see him doing. In the shadows, he went out a lot both at day and much later, at night. The reason being is to "make friends" but his real reason is to infect others with the black thing that he dubbed, "The Plague"

Carn reach a three way. On the left is the way outside to the front and the right is upstairs. Carn makes a left and the morning sight was what greeted him

"Hello there Carnie."

"Heyo Carn!"

"Hello Carn."

Two regulars and the innkeeper's wife greeted him. The two regulars at the inn was Markie, who has a strange habit to call people with an -ie at the back of the word and Luca, who's a shop owner outside near the place, quite close to the walls of the town too

Speaking of town, the town Carn and his mother is living in is called Sunarie. It's a reference to Sunarie, the Goddess of Sunlight. The reason being is that a myth regarding her. Apparently, the land they're on was once barren and lifeless filled with nothing but black soil and grey trees. And then, Sunarie showed up and saved the day, the old typical fairytale you would expect

And one more thing, even though it's called a town, it's almost comparable to a city. The reason it's not is unknown, for some unknown reason, the king just doesn't want to promote the town into a city even though it's almost comparable to one


Carn bows respectfully and the two regulars just laugh

"Haha, why do you always bow, Carnie?"

"It's just, habits."

Even though it's his body, it wasn't truly his. Because this is a breed body, it picked up motor functions and habits. His habits from his last body carried over but there's also the new ones that he'd accidentally gain, one of them is bowing. He has saw his mother bowing a lot so he mysteriously developed it overtime

Carn look at the innkeeper's wife. She had long brown hair tied in a bun. A dark blue dress with a white piece of cloth in front that's slightly covered in stains, possibly from food. She looked at him with kind eyes

"Yes, Carn?"

"Where did little Morgan went?"

"Ah, she went outside to play. She had this bashful look on her, did you do something?"

"Hehe, she was outside my door and complained so I pat her on the head."

"Ohoho, I see."

She giggled and put a hand in front of her. She continue sweeping the place and so, Carn decide to make his usual trip around town and maybe collect some more energy for Fiddlesticks

'Ya hungry Fiddle?"

'Hungry, yes!'

The voice Fiddlesticks used was Morgan's voice when she was 7 years old. It still makes him shiver as he exit. The pub was silent as Markie and Luca sip their drink. Luca turn to Markie to initiate a conversation

"Hey Markie, what do ya think of Carn?"

"Ah, Carnie's such a wonderful boy, his dashing red hair and piercing red eyes is such a nice combination. He might become a magnet for woman if his beauty continue to develop, I hope he marries someone beautiful so that their kids look great."

"Haha, you and your imagination."