
God Of Deceit's Path Of Supremacy

It's just a novel to develop my writing skills so don't expect so much but I'm going to make the mc a smart and overpowered guy

DaoistqdLqy5 · Fantasie
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12 Chs


It's been several days since the materials he requested came, Rio was trying to measure the resistance of the materials, He needed to measure it if he wants to make the desired artifact

'It should be over in tomorrow now I should just need to wait it'

Because of his experiment was over, he decided to wander around the sect to get to know the place he lives

Rio wore a hood to not to get recognized by peoples and went to the outside with a secret route he planned while he was going to the talent testing room with his father

After about 10 minutes of walking he finally got outside, first reason he wanted to go outside is to measure people's strength in this universe

Rio arrived in a stadium where people battles and bet about who will win

Rio was a serious figure in his past life but aside from that he always wanted to be perfect in everything and now he wanted to develop his betting skills, 

Since he wanted to develop his betting skill he got up and went to the betting table to make a bet

There was two sides in the first match. One is a slightly muscular guy who seems to be a newbie in using sword. In the other side, there was a big muscular guy he too didn't looked like he was proficient in using sword but there was no doubt that he looks much stronger than the other guy

Rio was analysing either of the sides, While he was analysing something caught his eyes, the slightly muscular guy's really looks like he was newbie in using sword but while he was swinging his sword It looked like he did the same thing over many times, It was like he was trying to look like a newbie but he couldn't conceal his muscle memory's instincts

Rio deduced that the slightly muscular guy was making himself look like a newbie to increase his ratio in betting and he seemed to be successful about it, there was only 5 other guys who betted on him while there was more than hundred guys who betted on the muscular guy

Rio looked at the 5 guy who betted on the slightly muscular guy and they seemed like they weren't worried about anything, they looked like they were almost sure that they will win this betting

'So they are cooperating with each other, either way as long as they don't bring me trouble I couldn't care less about it'

Rio was a goal-oriented person and he will not care even if its to kill all the universe to achieve his goal, If he couldn't ignore this and look at his own pathway how could he achieve being the perfect being?

Rio got up and went to the betting table to make a bet to the slightly muscular guy. He was getting money from his parents every week although he himself don't know why also from his observation, this money was not a small amount one.

He was not doing this betting to gain money so he didn't want to get suspicion out of a meaningless thing and betted the average money to the slightly muscular guy and sat down to his seat to watch the tournament

The fight started, To the audience It looked like the more muscular guy has the upper hand but Rio knew that the other guy didn't even sweated in the entire fight and still trying to act like he was the weaker side so that he could use the same trick in the tournament's next rounds

Just when the more muscular guy was going to finish him, he lost his balance for unknown reason and fell down. The slightly muscular guy didn't let this opportunity go and placed his sword on the other guy's neck

All of the audience was shocked, they started to curse the muscular guy for his clumsiness

"You dumb muscle head! If you were even a bit more smart you wouldn't fell like that"

"Give my money you scammers!"

While the audience was either cursing the guy or trying to get back his money, Rio was trying to deduce what happened

'He definitely didn't fell for his clumsiness or anything, there also couldn't be a thing that planted into the stadium because the workers control it before the every match. So there are two options he was just too fast that we couldn't even saw what happpened or there was a outside factor that makes him fall It's definitely the latter one because of his inhuman stamina but either way both of the conclusions go to the same thing, a supernatural factor in other words, a cultivator'

'So they were that sure because they have a cultivator on their side huh' Rio has deduced that they have cultivators in their side in less than a second, but because of lack of evidence and lack of his strength he couldn't blackmail them about it, so he didn't bother about it got his money from the betting table and left.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DaoistqdLqy5creators' thoughts