

What would happen if God of Death, who should be dashing and scary, loves to play around and be in the human world in disguise? Pretending to be scared with his friends when he sees a ghost on campus?

Lintang_Pratistha · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 1. Dead

Humans were very curious about what happened after death, but only when they died could they find out. Of course, people who died couldn't say, and this matter had always been something very mysterious.

Because of the fear of death, humans have invented myths and legends that the dead have souls and go to heaven or hell, and so on.

Among them, naturally, there are gods who are responsible for guiding ghosts to reincarnate, commonly known as gods of death, ghost messengers, hell messengers, etc.

It seems that these gods are very powerful. But is it really the truth?

Yes, that's right in the God realm there is no concept of death, unlike humans who only have a few decades of lifespan, they can live countless times what does that mean?

Working 24 hours a day seven days a week all year round, no paycheck, no insurance, no housing, no car, just keep taking lives.

In such a stressful work environment, it is great luck that there are no problems with the spirit of death, and it is normal to have unique interests or hobbies slowly.

For example, holding a competition to see who is the most handsome when wearing women's clothing.

For example, asking a group of ghosts to do a comedy scene.

Hanging out with humans and investigating which ghost sibling is less scary. (Are there any ghosts that aren't scary?)


An extremely loud and shrill scream suddenly rang out, permeating the entire corridor in seconds, frightening the students who were studying at night.

Everyone turned their heads immediately and discussed with their classmates.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, it's scary. It looks like it's coming from the toilet."

"Danang and the others haven't come out yet? It seems they just went to the toilet, didn't they see something?"

"Don't scare me, it's just cockroaches, spiders, and the like. How can there be ghosts in this world!"

Everyone guessed randomly, and they thought of a ghost. Of course, it was because of the hot rumors about a female ghost in the campus post during this period. More than one person said they saw a ghost, three people became tigers and more. People say, believe it or not, they can't stop being afraid. Therefore, those who refute are not confident in their words, their tone is empty, more like trying to convince themselves.

The class president came out to check the situation and brought the two boys back. Danang was almost carried by another friend. His face was pale, hands, and feet were shaking. At first glance, he looked like a ghost.

Someone sighed.

Danang was obviously terrified, his lips were bloodless, and he couldn't even speak fully. His other friend who was helping out was trying to say something, from his expression also looked panicked, "Danang, he saw blood from the faucet, and there was a head in the mop bucket."

At this time, the whole class subconsciously held their breath, the atmosphere was extremely quiet as if making a sound would attract something terrible.


Someone sneered. He was a boy who was pale-faced and had oily skin. From her expression, she curled her lips in disdain, "Are you kidding me? Find something else to joke about, that's so fake. There you are, only tiny bugs can scream."

"Hey! Arya! How can you talk like that!" The boy who was with Danang in the toilet said angrily.

However, Arya shrugged, disapproving, "Why can't you just say? Do you believe he ran into a ghost? Did you see him? It's like something out of a horror movie."

"Aryans!" The class president couldn't help but scream, "You talk too much, Danang is getting more and more scared."

"Fazwan, do you believe what he said? Blood on the faucet? Head? That's the most ridiculous ghost story I've ever heard. At best, it's just to scare elementary students."

Fazwan, the class leader, was silent for a moment, indeed he didn't believe it, but as class leader, he had to coordinate problems in class.

Fazwan didn't comment on the truth of the matter, he just patted Danang on the shoulder and said, "If you're not feeling well, go back to the dormitory to rest first."

"No…" Danang retorted loudly, his voice was hoarse like a bad cold, his hands tightly grabbed his friend's arms, and his knuckles turned white.

"I want to live with everyone."

Normally everyone would want to escape self-study at night, but now he was so frightened that he didn't dare to leave the light.

An atmosphere of fear spread easily, and even Arya, who was mocking Danang for making a fuss just now, made a name for himself.

He smacked his lips, An impatient man gave vent to his anger, and kicked his chair hard. She originally wanted to go to the dorms during her usual self-study hours, and sneak away after group school attendance, but now, her two friends made her dare not go.

At this time, Arya turned her head and found that a boy in the class was looking at her, her cold eyes filled with questions, making her whole body uncomfortable.

Jack Bai ignored him, only gently tugging at the corner of his lower lip and supporting his chin as if looking at a textbook.

The boy named Danang said he had seen a ghost, of course, it was true. This school was built on a former grave. Of course, there are plenty of ghosts hanging around, but they're generally not annoying or annoying, and ghosts don't take lives at will.

The ghosts that roam the human world are also bound by rules. Most of them are confused after death. All of them rely on obsession, and they can become ghosts by chance and have strong strength.

Danang had not committed any serious crimes, so of course, there would be no reprisals. On the contrary, the boy next to him who was angry and retaliated was wrapped in a layer of clear black energy, so evil, he had actually become the target of an evil spirit.

Jack Bai smiled, his expression is cold.

"Are you afraid of ghosts?"

The boy next to Jack Bai suddenly asked in a low voice. This person was also Indra's roommate, to be precise, the roommate of the human body he had borrowed just now.

Jack Bai pondered and nodded, "…a little."

Self-righteous ghosts, too stupid, too ugly, he didn't really like them.

"Actually, I don't think there are any ghosts in this world, there's nothing to be afraid of, right?" Indra's expression was firm, but he quietly moved his buttocks closer to Jack Bai, as if this would be safer.

This question should we ask the God of Death?

Jack Bai kept quiet, showing a shy but polite smile.

What's more, he came to the world to attract souls and wanted to see ghosts. It's a pity that the new ghosts are relatively shy, and they won't appear in front of the living people gathered. He is now worried about how to find a coward hiding in a corner in a high school with a large area.

Tick—tick – tick!


The sound of raindrops hitting the glass window quickly became increasingly intense as if they were fighting each other. A strong wind rushed from the darkness as if something terrible was about to rush into this classroom.

Rain, night, icy cold, and darkness collide, creating a feeling of involuntary infiltration.

The monitor said a few words and told everyone not to speak. There were fewer whispers, the classroom became extremely quiet, and suddenly it looked empty, and silent, the air seemed to be stagnant, and it gradually became a little stranger.

At this time, the light tube above suddenly hissed and flashed twice. The brief darkness and the inability to see anything made people more and more panicked.

The shy girl ghost has already shouted in a low voice, shrugging her shoulders, her voice is faintly tinged with crying.

His voice was very low, but the classroom was very quiet, so it didn't prevent Jack Bai from hearing clearly.

Indeed, this is the atmosphere of a horror film, like there are ghosts, the sound of rain, flickering lights, and darkness all at once exacerbate this fear.

But in general, according to the routine, this is just a scary start, creating an uncomfortable and tense atmosphere, making people's hearts rise involuntarily, holding their breath, and a truly terrifying plot must be brewed in the later stages before it suddenly erupts.

Jack Bai thought calmly uncorking the bottle to drink water, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face in the next second. He inadvertently turned his head to look out the window and was met with a swollen and white face. What a surprise.

It was the ghost of a young girl who, on a rainy night in early winter, wore only dirty short sleeves, deep eye sockets, deep purple lips, and a large bloody rip down her neck.

The problem here is the fourth floor and the ghost is just floating in the air!

No matter how you look at it, it's really shocking.

As they looked at each other, the ghost girl was still very polite, probably from a distinguished family. He looked at Jack Bai, slowly curled the corners of his mouth, and grinned at the base of his ear. The bloody skin and flesh were turned outward, and he could see the muscle tissue, revealing a very "bright" smile.

As if waving and saying—"Hello."

Jack Bai was so shocked that he couldn't control it for a while, and a mouthful of water spurted out, instantly drenching the female ghost's entire face, black hair stuck to the face, terrifying and embarrassing.

Not afraid, but ashamed.

The air suddenly became awkward and quiet.

Jack Bai's reaction was quite quick, having recovered from his shock, he felt it was very inappropriate for him to do such a rude thing to a woman. So, she pulled up the corners of her lips slightly and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

Then he poured the remaining half of the bottle of water, faced the female ghost's face, and helped her wash it clean.

The rain didn't mess him up, but Jack Bai helped him. The head with jet-black hair became like aquatic plants, messy tangled, hanging drooping above her head, the female ghost was restless, from the beginning, her eyes became dark and irritated.

"What's going on?" Jack Bai's roommate who was sitting next to him heard the movement and was rarely distracted from the game, so he raised his head to look up.

Jack Bai froze, and without even thinking about it, he reached out and slapped the female ghost on the shoulder, telling her to leave.

Then he turned around and gave his roommate a crooked, absent-minded smile, "It's nothing."

As if he really didn't do anything.

The roommate didn't look up in time, only saw a human-shaped shadow, which was hazy on a rainy night, but after realizing that it was a ghost, his body trembled even more, and the hairs on his neck stood up. His roommate didn't know what to think through his mind, his body shaking violently.

Outside the teaching building, a shy female ghost who was stunned by Jack Bai said that she had something to say.

"…Hello, do I have to knock on the door!!"