

“My Existence is a bully to the word Existence itself." Quote from Patrick. Patrick, a regular arrogant kid with extremely attractive looks and a high IQ, lived in the alternate version of Earth. But in this alternate Earth, there were awakened humans who possessed abilities beyond the scope of human knowledge. Yet, despite living in an awakened world, Patrick didn't awaken any ability. But just when he was annoyed with his unawakened life, he acquired an unknown entity called a system. With that, it opened a gateway of infinite possibilities that caused the existence of the story "GOD OF ALL SYSTEMS."

Lordflash · Urban
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195 Chs

Plot Rewrite

With the activation of the skill plot manipulation, the totality and actuality of the God Of All System Multiverse were instantly wiped out as the worlds, stars, living creatures that were meant to be all vanished.

Athena, Anna, and Thalia also vanished as Patrick remained in the empty multiverse void.

"Grace, upgrade the world background from Multiversal to Omniversal Level."

"Yes, master."

[Title Achieved: God of All/Any/Every Verse; Absolute Control Over All concepts and existence of Verses and Beyond]

With Grace's reply, a title appeared on Patrick's interface with the description.

"Nice Title, Grace."

Patrick spoke as he saw the Title; he hovered in the pitch-black void as he watched the fabrics of fiction assemble from Absolute nothingness as they began creating an unlimited amount of worlds.

First, it was the planetary world, with continents and planes. Then parallel versions of those earth appeared as the upgrade continued ceaselessly.