
Chapter 1: Family Exterminated?

Heaven Dou Empire, Heaven Dou City.

Qin Hua sat in his room, his eyes full of barely concealed excitement. Three days from now would be his Martial Spirit Awakening Day.

He wasn't originally from the Douluo Continent but had crossed over from a place called Blue Star two years ago. As to why he crossed over, thinking back on it still made Qin Hua angry.

At the time, he had come across a post discussing whether or not Tang San was a good person. Amidst the overwhelming support, Qin Hua had decisively chosen the second option.

Then, Qin Hua found himself overwhelmed by a flood of negative comments. However, Qin Hua didn't mind, since it was all virtual, and there was no way those people could come through the internet to hit him. He simply treated it as having installed an automatic counter-argument system on his keyboard.

But after typing out tens of thousands of words, he woke up to find himself in an unfamiliar world. Far from being afraid, Qin Hua was actually very excited.

Back on Blue Star, he had been an ordinary person, with his parents having died early and estranged from relatives due to his lack of success. Coming to this otherworldly place made him very excited.

When he learned that he had arrived in the world of Douluo Dalu, he became even more thrilled. Regardless of the reason, Douluo Dalu was his favorite book.

The only thing that displeased him was that while the heavens had given him an extremely handsome appearance, they had not provided him with a powerful backing. His family was just a small clan in Heaven Dou City, and he wasn't even the eldest son, but the third son born of a concubine, making his status even lower.

But no matter what, he was still a young master and lived quite comfortably. Most importantly, Qin Hua believed that his Martial Spirit would be incredibly powerful.

"Only three more days!"

Qin Hua muttered to himself.

He was somewhat anxious, as the Martial Spirit would determine whether he could make a mark on this continent. If he had a useless Martial Spirit, it would be quite a joke.

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Young Master Qin Hua, the master has called you to come for dinner."

Qin Hua stood up and opened the door. Standing before him was his personal maid, Pei'er, who was smiling brightly.

"What's the good news? You're smiling like a flower!"

Qin Hua asked, puzzled.

"The master received a treasure from Emperor Xue Ye today, said to be invaluable. To celebrate, the master decided to hold a grand banquet!"

A priceless treasure?

Hearing this, Qin Hua felt a sense of unease.

His father was only a minor official in Heaven Dou City. Though not poor, they were far from wealthy. Emperor Xue Ye had no reason to bestow such a reward.

"Young Master? Young Master, what's wrong?"

Pei'er called out to Qin Hua several times before he came to his senses.

Qin Hua immediately said, "I know. You go ahead. Tell my father that I'm not feeling well and won't attend the banquet."

Pei'er pouted but left without saying anything. Clearly, she was unhappy that Qin Hua didn't seize this opportunity.

Qin Hua was just a concubine-born son. Although he lived comfortably, he had no high status in the Qin family. This banquet was an opportunity that the lady of the house had fought hard to get for him. But unexpectedly, Qin Hua was so ungrateful.

After Pei'er left, Qin Hua returned to his bed and quietly lifted his bedding. Underneath, there was a space about the size of a person, with the surroundings meticulously lined with small black stones.

These black stones, called Spirit Blocking Stones, could block the spirit power detection of spirit masters below the Spirit Douluo level. These stones were not cheap, and it had taken a long time for Qin Hua's mother to buy some fragments for him. As for a complete Spirit Blocking Stone, that was out of the question.

Though the stones' effect was diminished, they still had some use!

After thinking for a moment, Qin Hua didn't hesitate and climbed in.

Time passed slowly, and the sky gradually darkened. The entire Qin family was in a state of revelry. Receiving a treasure directly from Emperor Xue Ye was an unprecedented honor.

At the main table, the Qin family head and several direct descendants were toasting each other, their faces full of joy.

But suddenly, a terrifying spirit power descended, filling the entire Qin family with a murderous aura. The Qin family head was so frightened that he dropped his wine glass, and the direct descendants looked at the sky in horror.

This spirit power was at least at the Spirit Douluo level, maybe even higher! They didn't dare to imagine or think about it.

In the sky, more than a dozen figures stood. Their leader was a skinny old man with a clearly visible bone structure, much larger than an average person. In front of him stood an even more imposing middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man stood like the moon surrounded by stars, commanding everyone's attention.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan?"

Seeing their attire, the Qin family head was filled with dread.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan was the top auxiliary clan on the Douluo Continent. The martial spirit of its disciples, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, was the best auxiliary martial spirit on the continent. Most importantly, the clan had two Title Douluos.

"Greetings, Clan Leader Ning..."

The Qin family head knelt with a thud, his voice trembling.

Ning Fengzhi stood in the sky, curious.

"You know me?"

"I am a fifth-rank official in the Heaven Dou Empire. I once saw Clan Leader Ning from afar in the court. You are indeed extraordinary."

"No need for flattery. Flattery won't change the fact that you're going to die today. Oh, and your entire Qin family too!"

Hearing this, the Qin family head was struck as if by lightning.

He didn't know what he had done to offend the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. It didn't make any sense! They had no contact with the clan and never would.

"Since you're confused, I'll let you die knowing. The treasure Emperor Xue Ye gave you was just a pretext to deliver it to my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. If you want to blame someone, blame the Spirit Hall! If it weren't for their interference, I wouldn't have needed to go to such lengths!"

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, the Qin family head understood everything.

The treasure, the reward, it was all a lie. He was just a pawn to be sacrificed!