
How Are You Two Getting Married???!

Me and my boyfriend (Hudson) are a gay couple. We enjoy our time together and don't take it for granted. Hudson and I are about to get married, as we are engaged. Hudson's family is very homophobic, so it's hard to get many to celebrate our love. After we get married we are going to adopt children. Maybe up to 3!

Hudson's family didn't help pay at all for our wedding.. Hudson was devastated that his own parents wouldn't help out in such an important day of our life. Moreover, his life . He loved his parents dearly, "loved". He doesn't like to be near his toxic parents. He and his parents have a very toxic relationship. And he hasn't visited since he and I got engaged.

I am the more feminine one in our relationship. I wear makeup and girl clothes. But on our wedding day I'm wearing a suit, as a man should. His parents asked " Why the HECK ARE YOU ENGAGED TO THIS 'HE-SHE'? " that got him and me upset. As they called me a he-she, he stormed out of the house holding my hand tightly. The worst part was going in front of their bedroom window where they went after we stormed out , and making out very vigorously.

By the time we were done ( about 5 minutes later) the parents looked green. They looked so mad. They closed the curtains, and we ran to Hudson's car. The parents opens their curtain Again, Hudson, nor me saw that they did, so we made out in his truck. My makeup got all over his face and shirt, even the seats. And his parents came out to us as we where about to go real into it . They looked Hudson dead in the eye and told him, " don't you EVER marry this man. Just look what he did to your truck, let alone your face and shirt. This is disappointment to our family. Never come near us again with this man. Maybe with a girl next time!".

Hudson got so upset and we drove off to our house a few blocks away. He was tearing up. I asked him " baby… what can I do to make it up to you?". He leaned over and we made out again….. it got messy…. But I'm not explaining details. We went inside for him to wash his face and get a clean shirt . He was crying in our closet. I asked him what's wrong, and he said " I love you way too much". I went over and I sat on his lap and leaned my head up against his chest. " baby.. I love you so,so much. I will never be that same person otherwise. " he clutched my shoulder and I fell asleep on him.

In the morning, I had woken up in the same position I was in yesterday. On his lap, but he had put a blanket over us and wiped my makeup off. God, I love this man…even though what he went through yesterday, he loves me that same, no matter what people think!!