
God Eye Variant | King of Gods fanfic

Bored with the predictability of his current reality, Zhao Wei always wished to be spirited away or cross over to another life. He simply wanted... something more exciting, something more unpredictable. With no attachment to his world, with no close friends or family, it was simply perfect for him to just... disappear. His wishes are finally answered by a mysterious cat and he finds himself in a new universe. Will Zhao Wei finally live the fulfilling life that he wanted? Will he live with no regrets whatsoever? But to have that kind of life, he would have to have the necessary strength and wits to trample everything under his feet in the Fan Universe. With his given transmigration perk, watch him topple the balance of Fan Universe and the Primal Chaos Plane as his name reverberates throughout the ages. Tags: Neutral MC | Benefit-oriented MC | Demonic elements | Genius cultivator MC | Weak to strong | Self-centered MC | Charismatic | Action-packed | Eye Powers | Unique Eye abilities | Strong-willed MC | Thief | Possibly Very Late Romance | Dao Comprehension *** Average Word Count ~ 1500 - 3000 words Expect long chapters. (Correct my grammatical mistakes) As a fanfic based on the Cultivation genre, expect slow progression in the early chapters. *** For more advanced chapters [Patreon.com/OneArmedImmortal] *** King of Gods does not belong to me but solely the OG author, Fast Food Restaurant. I own only the OCs.

OneArmedImmortal · Bücher und Literatur
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139 Chs

Terrorizing Zhao Feng

[Word Count 3000]

A thick suspense loomed in the atmosphere as all of the crowd's attention was immensely concentrated on the platform that accommodated two dark horses, each with a perfect winning streak and yet to fully display their true capabilities.

One of the two dark horses was even more shockingly monstrous and mysteries seemed to cloak his rather robust figure. The crowd was dying to watch whatever surprises Zhao Wei had in store for them since he had already been dubbed "The One Punch Man" due to his ability to finish his matches by using only one move.

Zhao Feng also had a lot of supporters and he was deemed as one of the favorite winners of the competition. But how was he going to overcome the hurdle known as Zhao Wei?

And what was Zhao Wei going to do this time round?


At the platform, two young men calmly faced each other.

One had a lazy smile hanging on his face while the other one had a serious expression.

One with the lazy smile was obviously Zhao Wei and the other one was the Son of Fate, Zhao Feng, future successor of Fan Universe's Creator.

"So we finally meet," Zhao Wei put one of his hands behind his back while slowly speaking.

"Yeah we finally meet as two dark horses but I have never seen a guy like you in the sect," Zhao Feng naturally felt obliged to reply, he didn't know why.

"I am just an ordinary outer disciple among thousands of unremarkable faces. How do you expect to even meet me? It's funny, right?" Zhao Wei touched his chin with a questioning look on his face.

"No it isn't even funny anymore when you say you are ordinary and unremarkable. Your performance so far has been nothing less than extraordinary. I am impressed. Through my own analysis, I thought Zhao Yijian and Zhao Yue were the only opponents worthy watching out for but it seems I had been thoroughly mistaken," Zhao Feng said with a heavy expression on his face but in the meantime, he was pushing the full power of his left eye to look for any peculiarities on Zhao Wei.

'But it's strange how vigorous his body is but I don't sense any inner energy from him unlike Zhao Yufei. Then what's that subtle pressure that I am feeling ever so slightly pressing on me? Even the Left Eye seems to be under pressure.' Zhao Feng contemplated deeply.

'I am getting extremely bad vibes from this guy and we haven't even fought yet. I will trust my instincts but I don't see myself losing against him since I have inner energy and he doesn't have any. I don't want to expose my inner energy just yet… if possible.'

Zhao Wei raised his left eyebrow comically when he saw the almost unperceived and unrecognizable green glow glowing from Zhao Feng's Left God Eye.

He couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He could already guess what was going through Zhao Feng's mind.

"Are you surprised by the lack of inner energy in my body?" Zhao Wei decided to play with him.

What were they talking about?

The outer disciples held clueless looks on their faces wondering what the two were talking about.

"You…" Zhao Feng felt his heart tremble when this Zhao Wei looked at him. He felt as if all of his secrets were exposed all out in the open.

"Don't worry I don't have a single speck of inner energy in me. It's very difficult for someone as untalented as me to have a complete understanding of inner energy. My talent is limited by the heavens and my eyes can only look up at the Martial Master Realm as my life's goal," Zhao Wei interjected with heartbreaking sadness showing on his face.

Even the elders felt something resonate in their hearts when they heard Zhao Wei's sad voice.

They all knew that talent and innate potential determined the heights of cultivation someone may reach in their lifetime.

Some of them had already exhausted their potential with no possibilities of ever stepping into the Martial Master Realm 'Transformation State'. So they could easily empathize with Zhao Wei.

Zhao Feng was totally dumbfounded and he didn't know the correct response that he could give.

If it were not for the Mysterious Eye of an Ancient God merging with his left eye, he also would have been in a similar position.

But it was different now… his goal was to reach the Holy Martial Path Realm and even further beyond. Sun Feather City seemed so small compared to his own aspirations.

The eye of an Ancient God was his ultimate trump card and it provided him with limitless potential!

Zhao Feng adjusted his mind to its best state, preparing himself for a hard battle.

It was better to be done with Zhao Wei once and for all or else the sense of danger he was feeling was going to increase gradually with time as they engaged in useless chatter.

Seeing Zhao Feng suddenly preparing to fight, Zhao Wei shook his head lightly at the confidence of the guy.

People blessed with immense luck aka original protagonists are really built differently.

"Is your left eye okay, brother?" Zhao Wei took a battle stance and pretended to be clueless about his own suggestive words.

An illusory foxy tail seemed to be wiggling behind his back.

'What?' Zhao Feng felt immediately disoriented by Zhao Wei's rather feigned caring words.

A tremor ran through his messy mind.

'Left eye? I am okay. I look very fine. Why would he go out of his way to mention the status of my left eye? So suspicious. I usually use my left eye abilities under discrete measures but how…'

Zhao Feng felt fear since he didn't want anyone knowing about peculiarities of his Left Eye. He knew very well of the saying, "One's own treasures can easily evoke the greed of the masses."

Calming himself, Zhao Feng decided to disregard Zhao Wei's concerns as just a joke.

"My eyes are just fine. And I don't think we are close enough to call each other brothers," Zhao Feng said dismissively with a cold glint in his eyes.

'If you see a cold glint flash in a cultivator protagonist's eyes, then that's an indication that shit's about to hit the fan.' Zhao Wei observed the micro-expressions on Zhao Feng's face.

'Hehe, how do protagonists feel when their fortuitous encounters are no longer a secret? But I don't get anything by exposing the guy. Let me just leave him be. For now… I should beat him up nice and lovely.'

Zhao Wei's previous words had been meant to deal a psychological blow in his opponent's mind. It could be considered a battle tactic even though he didn't need one in this kind of situation.

"I know you feel that you are special, Zhao Feng but on this day… you have met one fucking overpowered extra!" Zhao Wei released a carefree laughter as he executed both the [Illusory Mist Steps] and [Instantaneous Lightning Movement] at the same time.


Six figures with identical facial features as Zhao Wei immediately converged at Zhao Feng's position at the speed of lightning while leaving several mirages behind.

The [Illusory Mist Steps] shared some similarities with the Forbidden Jutsu, Shadow Clone Technique but their level of deception was so intense that it was hard to distinguish between them. When superimposed with [Instantaneous Lightning Movement] even if the opponent had a special eye bloodline, they would find it very difficult to distinguish the differences.

Zhao Feng was already in supervision mode, utilizing his left eye to the fullest even before Zhao Wei had made his abrupt move. But even though he was fully prepared, the reaction speed that he had always prided himself in did nothing to prevent Zhao Wei from edging closer to where he was standing. In this dangerous situation, everything around him seemed to be moving fast instead of slowing down even under the full concentration of his left eye. This was only because Zhao Wei was moving so fast and it brought Zhao Feng the illusion that time seemed to be accelerating with his lightning movements.




Zhao Wei was like a machine god, his fists raining ruthless attacks on Zhao Feng's body just like how Gojo Satoru punched the shit out of Miguel's ass or maybe similarly to the IP man's fist barrage.

Zhao Feng felt a terrifying wave of pain assault every nerve on his body as if millions of bullet ants were working 'wonders' on him. He felt the hairs on his neck stand on end involuntarily due to the beating. Even though his body's defense wasn't as strong as Zhao Yue, it couldn't be considered weak either due to being reinforced by [Angry Dragon Fists].

But alas, Zhao Wei's fists of brotherhood didn't give a damn about the defense and durability of his body even as Zhao Feng used his arms in the hopes of offsetting some of the attacks.

The main judge abruptly rose from his seat with unlimited shock written all over when he witnessed both Zhao Wei's movement techniques and fist technique.

His ancient voice trembled when he spoke out about what he had found.

"T-To think that he had cultivated those techniques to a realm that even I, myself, find it very hard to ascertain his realm of attainment!"

"That isn't peak or even max level attainment… He's perfected those techniques to a realm of grand perfection, an unreachable domain in martial arts. But that's what I can only guess!"

"His moves are so profound that an old man like me feels like I could learn a few things from him!"


The other elders also followed the actions of the main judge as they all rose from their seats due to utter disbelief.

"I can't believe someone would train something as difficult as the [Illusory Mist Steps], peak middle ranked technique to such a realm that the Great Elder had just explained!" Zhao Tianjian, a middle-ranked elder of Zhao Clan with his status only lower than the main judge, felt jealousy and envy towards Zhao Wei. According to his observations, Zhao Wei was infinitely more monstrous than even his own son, Zhao Yijian, who had practiced a high ranked technique to the high level of attainment.

'It seems my son is going to face a lot of pressure against that disciple but I choose to believe in Yijian,' Zhao Tianjian thought with a prideful smile on his face while casting an affectionate gaze toward Zhao Yijian who was also spectating the match.

'I didn't want to use it but now… against this monster in human skin, I will have to use it or else my injuries will just continue accumulating and I will eventually lose very terribly. I don't wanna lose when I am just reaching the end of the road.' Despite the horrifying pain he was experiencing, Zhao Feng's thought process hadn't stagnated in the least. In fact, the pain made his mind more alive and conscious as if electrocuted.

He was someone destined to rule all over other bloodline races according to the fading will of the Ancient God. There was no way he was going to lose to someone who has no inner energy. That was his pride and source of confidence and a genius's pride couldn't be easily trampled on.

A faint green glow started forming on his feet and while ignoring the pain, Zhao Feng activated the [Lightly Floating Wave] to its max potential. Like a leaf gliding along the currents of the wind, Zhao Feng quickly distanced himself from the storm of lethal fists. He appeared at the other side of the Martial Stage while partly standing in mid-air.

His breathing was ragged and intense as cold sweat rolled down his back. In addition to the ugly expression formed on his face, immense fear could be seen in his eyes.

He had just escaped from hell and if he hadn't been resolute enough to use his inner energy then he still would have been akin to meat on the chopping board.

"What! Zhao Feng has already coalesced his power into inner energy!" The crowd was shocked by such a realization, more so the elders.

"He's a genius. I can't believe someone among the inner disciples has already comprehended the inner workings of inner energy." The main judge smiled amiably. He felt that today's tournament has provided him with a plethora of surprises.

He felt excited that the Zhao Clan was now blessed by several geniuses which meant that its standing at Sun Feather City was bound to rise very soon.

Zhao Tianjian felt conflicted and truly unhappy. If Zhao Yijian were to face Zhao Feng, he could only wait to be humiliated.

"Tch, that vicious kid really hid it well!" Zhao Tianjian clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Zhao Wei slowly turned his neck to look at Zhao Feng standing some distances away from him.

A cunning smile appeared on his face.

"So you had inner energy. Why are you pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?" Zhao Wei said righteously like a man who wouldn't stay still in the face of injustice.

Zhao Feng's expression turned uglier. The young man in front of him was a total nightmare. He had an intuition that even if he proceeded to use attacks imbued with inner energy, the fight wouldn't necessarily lean towards his victory.

"What? Are you afraid?" Zhao Wei said in a taunting voice while putting his hands behind his back.

At that moment, he looked casual and free. In fact, he hadn't planned to excessively hurt Zhao Feng. He just made the pain Zhao Feng had felt more annoying to the core.

If he had wanted to cripple Zhao Feng, then he would have easily accomplished such a feat. But he doubted if the elders would have still stood in the sidelines without doing anything. He didn't want to cause unnecessary… trouble.

'Was he afraid?' Zhao Feng questioned himself but the only answer that came to mind despite his own reluctance… was a yes.

He was afraid. Just reminiscing about those fists inflicting pain all over his body as he helplessly stood there like a punching bag made him visibly tremble.

Man, say something about PTSD, Zhao Wei smiled wickedly. His evil smile multiplied the fear factor inside Zhao Feng's heart.

Even without knowing it, Zhao Feng just felt like giving up despite the help of his left eye in suppressing his undulating fear.

His confidence had been wantonly crushed into mud and his attempts to find some form of psychological consolation inside himself were proven futile.

Luckily, Zhao Feng didn't stay in that state for long as he soon recovered or else he really would have fallen deep into the abyss of heart demons.

With a grave look on his face, he momentarily gazed at Zhao Wei's face before looking at the judge.

"I-I… admit defeat!" He stammered, his voice strained as he spoke words that were quite uncommon and strange even to himself. Zhao Feng hated that feeling of inferiority and defeat.

Zhao Feng once again looked back at the mysterious, seemingly all-knowing eyes of Zhao Wei.

"This isn't the end. I look forward to our future fight. This… my eyes have been opened. I will not lose to you next time!"

'And I will reciprocate those punches that you gave me on this day.'

Zhao Feng didn't speak those words and only etched them deep in his heart as a reminder.

Zhao Wei touched his chin as if in deep thoughts before replying, "Sure."

"That is… if you are prepared to be my exclusive punching bag!"

Zhao Feng's body shook involuntarily after hearing Zhao Wei's words and while tightly clenching his fists, he hurriedly escaped to heal his 'minor' injuries at the medics station.

Zhao Wei looked at the departing figure of the protagonist and he couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

'Why do most protagonists have to be struck by lightning in order to gain their so-called 'touch of midas'?' He asked himself randomly and shrugged it off.

'I bet he's already planning on how to return the humiliation I gave him by ten fold.'

'So cute.'

"Number 521, Zhao Wei, wins!" The judge announced jovially while glancing at Zhao Wei in awe and the crowd which was holding their breaths for quite some time found the moment to release their breaths and cheer madly.

Zhao Wei's next matches were total walkovers as expected and then he met Zhao Yufei during one of his last matches.

Zhao Yufei had also shocked the crowd with her 'inner strength' and was also labeled a true genius.

As a woman who valued strength, Zhao Yufei hadn't been disheartened by Zhao Wei's perfect winning streak and wanted to know if she would be able to force his true power out in the open.

Zhao Wei KOed her irregardless of her beauty or fanbase or even her meager inner energy.

As for Zhao Feng, just like in the novel, he had a brutal fight with Zhao Yijian in which he won quite easily despite the domineering sword attacks from his opponent.

The enmity between the two had been fully displayed during their fight. Zhao Feng had been more ferocious than ever due to his loss to Zhao Wei. Of course, Zhao Yijian's father didn't forget to intervene due to being very sour and displeased by the fact that there were currently other three individuals above his dear son.

Zhao Feng's sorry ass had been saved by the Main judge or else his cultivation base would have been wasted by Zhao Tianjian!

Anyways, the tournament ended with Zhao Wei effortlessly taking the number one position amongst all outer disciples.

It was all according to plan!


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That's all for today. Enjoy.

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