

He lived a hard life. He died. And God decided to reborn him and reward him for being good. A heroic adventure of the former biggest loser.

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12 Chs


Hello. My name is Samson. Samson Dewter. I am 31. And right now it seems I will forever be 31. 

Why, you ask? Well, because right now I am dying. The dark alley behind the Costco was flooded with my blood. That's not true actually, it was raining. But the pool of blood was massive. Which meant that there's not that much left inside my body.

How did this happen? I could stick with the theme of my life of running away from responsibilities, and blame literally everyone and everything else around me. 

I could blame God. It's a popular choice. I mean God was responsible for everything, right? All of his stupid 'tests', all of his trials and tribulations, was bullshit. Am'i'rite? 

I could blame family. A serial killer favourite excuse. I'm not that far off from the building blocks of a serial killer. I'm just more of a loser, and everything I did was a failure. If not, I would be a decent serial killer too. Anyway, family. So, my mom was a slut. Who will sleep with anyone except my dad. My dad was a pushover. Who will believe everything anyone that claimed they are my dad's friends. As you know, in this scam rich world we lived in, this leads to the lost of money down the drain. Money we don't have.

I could even blame my body. Or better yet, my existence. I was always down with sickness, talk about a weak body right? I had no skills to keep a job. My brain often trailed away into imaginative nothingness. I gave businesses a lot more loss than profit. I, in short, was a liability. 

So, which one of these excuses shall I pick? Because I know, and you know, the reality is, I am to blame. I was too weak, too lazy, too stupid to even exist on my own two feet. Hence, I am very glad that I am about to die. Finally. Finally the world will get rid of the biggest trash ever. An existence that only meant to waste precious oxygen will finally be gone.

I look towards the sky, and thanked God. He may be a little bit too late. I should never have been born, if I can't contribute to society at all. Or at least, ease the burden of my dad, who was the nicest person ever. If only my dad had better son. 

"Thank you God, for this gift of death. The next time you made a human being, please make sure that they are worth something. Don't let them be like me."

I was at the end of life. And for the first time, probably ever, I don't want to die. I want to live. I want to be better. I want to work out to be strong. I want to study more, to be smart. I want to be better at socializing, so that I won't be lonely again. 

But I'm dying, and that's the best thing that will every happen to me. 

In that mixture of fear and gratefulness, my last breath left my body.


I woke up, sweating. I can feel the sticky moist of sweat forming a layer on my entire body. My brain was in shock mode. My breath was heavy, sporadic, chaotic. I've never had this kind of reaction to a nightmare before.

After I calmed myself down, I let my body dropped back to bed. Now slightly annoyed at the fact that a mere dream woke me up. I closed my eyes again, forcefully tried to make me sleep again.

My eyes were opened again. A sudden realization came to mind. I'm on  a bed. It's been ten years since I'm on a soft mattress, with pillows and bed covers. I looked up at the ceiling. There IS  a ceiling. Which meant that there's a roof over my head. I was not sleeping on a random mattress somebody threw in the trash.

I quickly got up, and went to the toilet. I turned on the light switch, and take a good look at myself in the mirror. I don't recognized the face staring back at me at first, but it was me. Not the 31 year old me, but me when I was 3 years old. 

Is this a dream? Or is my 31 year old self was a dream? But then, why a three  year old have such an adult like consciousness? Did the nightmare matured my thinking process? Did it actually scared the kid out of me?

"No, silly. It was not a dream."

What's that? Who's there?! I turned everywhere, frantically searching for the origin of that voice. But this was a small toilet anyway. There's nobody in here with me. There's nobody outside too. So who could be saying that? Or maybe I am going crazy, and I'm just hearing voices. Looking at how things were progressing right now, that seemed like a plausible explanation as well.

"You're not crazy either."

I am between emotions right now. Scared, of who or what the owner of the voice was, and frustration of not knowing who's talking to me.

"Right here. In the mirror."

Oh my god, this is just great. The mirror? That was like, one of the scariest paranormal encounter right there. What could it have been? Poltergeist? Monster faces? 

Like any other crappy horror movies, curiousity got to the best of me. Slowly, I turned around, and walked to the big mirror wall in the toilet. And the blood from my face, must've flushed itself down the drain.

In the mirror was my three year old reflection. A childlike grin on his face, and waving like he's going to the arcade. And I, WAS NOT, smiling nor waving.


My feet were the first to surrender. What a coward. I fell down on my ass. The image did not. He's still smiling though, that's great. Luckily, I had this thing about me. When I got nervous, it's easier for me to converse with other people. Friends and families, I would shut the hell up. But a stranger smiling at me, oohh they'd knew my whole history in five minutes.

"Wh-who's there?"

"I'm God. Here to deliver you your prize."

"Wh-what? WHAT?"

"Yeah, who'd you think? Conjuring? Annabelle? The movie hasn't even came out yet?"

"No. no. well, yeah a bit. But...you're GOD?"

"Urghh, always the same. When I'm absent, you always ask for me. Now that I'm here, you don't believe me. You humans are, very funny."

My fear subsided, replaced with anger now. "Well, God. Great timing. 31 years, not a peep. Now, suddenly you're here. What the fuck?"

"Hahaha, a kid swearing is always funny."

"Funny, huh? Glad to have entertained you. And I'm sure all those years of suffering was pretty amusing to you as well."

God just shrugged. "No, that was pretty sad. I almost shed tears watching you live your lives."

"Then why? Why didn't you help me? Why appear now?"

"Well, because...as you said, I'm not responsible for your life. You are responsible for the choice you made, for the path you walked. For the life you lived. I'm here now, to reward you, for still being a good human being. Despite all the hard choices, all the easy way out you could have taken, but you didn't. And I, sincerely praised you for that."

"When you put it that way, it is nice. So, what am I getting. Heaven?"

"Oh no. I mean, yes. But not yet. No human can go to Heaven until the apocalypse."

"What then? What is my reward?"

"To live an easy life. You faced hardships before. You survived my tests, my trials and tribulations. This, is your first class lounge while waiting for heaven."

"Wow, sounds great. So, I can do anything I want now?"

"Well, as long as you don't intentionally hurt other humans for no justifiable reasons, your...membership to Heaven will still be intact."

"In other words, I can do anything I want. As long as I stay a good person? Is that about right?"

"Yeah, you got it. So, here's to an easier life. Have fun, and I'll leave you to it."

"Woah, woah God. Wait a minute."

"What? What else you want?"

"Well, since I am going to have to relive my life again. Could I...ask for a couple of...improvements?"

"Huh, alrite then. What would you like to improve upon?"

"Urmm, well first is my height of course. Every man dream of being 6ft."

"Aha, so it's a typical male dream. I guess the next one is also a typical dream of man."

"Hehe, that's why you're the All Knowing God."

"Sure, sure. How long do you want it?"

"Nine inches."

"Huh, that's quite a...modest wish. Not 10 or 13?"

"Oh no, then I would be intentionally hurting other people. I don't want my Heaven residency to be revoked."

"Hahahaha, you are one funny guy. Well, sure. Whatever you like. Remember to stay on your path of being a good person, and you'll be fine. Anything else?"

"Yeah there's one thing I's curious about. I'm not the first to be reborn like this right?"

"Yeah, no. Everybody who'd do good things gets reborn to have easy lives."

"Then, how come nobody ever talked about being reborn like this."

"Well, most of them, when they received the reward of an easy life, tends to forgot the good person that they are. They began to act selfishly. Often they became the bad guy they'd hated all their lives. They even forgot about me. Only about one case of reborn in a few hundred years or so, that stay a good person. You are a good guy, I would hope you would stay that way."

"Thank you for the gift, God. I'll do my best to be thankful everyday."

My reflection smiled at me. Suddenly, light began to surround God. It got brighter and brighter, until it hurt my eyes. When the light was gone, my reflection is my own again. I tried to touch the mirror. Tried to make it to do things opposite to what I'm doing, but it remained the same. Faithfully mirroring what I'm doing. I smile and said, "Thank you God."