
God's Legacy is a Chat System?

Growing up in proverty, Austin never anticipated to die while earning money from a artifact he bought for few dollars which transmigrated him to a small kingdom as a King. Read this story about Austin a normal man from earth going against the odd of the world and making a strongest empire using his multiverse chat system. He'll invite many friends from other world gaining loyalty of them while helping them. He'll gain more talents and will use them appropriatly. This is a story of love, battle and strength while building a empire. Going through other worlds austin will have experience to reach the top of the world. Story will progress slowly for first 20 chapters. Giving time for Mc to stabilise his kingdom and increase the strength of his people so that he can have a decent place for people he'll invite from other worlds. Please have inform he for any issue regarding novel. ................. WARNING⚠ Pure Hentai and World Building Mother-incest, Sister-incest, Gilf-incest, friend and maid. Otherworldly beauties from animes and movies he'll be working hard to collect. Mc will take some time to have incest due to his pure affection of family a family and not having incestuous feeling. But he'll be the one to have them all.

Friendly_Immortal · Fantasie
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28 Chs

New Members

[ Gained 100% Loyalty of 4 people, unlocking system ]

[ Required huge energy for leveling up system to level 1 ]

[ Permission to engrave Magic Circle on host's body to charge system through mana ]

[ Permission Granted, please move to a secluded area to start the process ]

Austin quickly moves into his room, while he specifically asked his mother Hestia and maid Ruby to not let other enter the room.

In bathroom Austin is sitting cross-legged without any clothes getting ready for system to engrave 1st mana circle on his soul with would make his body adapt to mana particles and use it without drawback.

He stuffs his mouth with a cloth to decrease the sound of his screams. He knew the pain of engraving something directly on soul is quiet painful.

[ Starting Engraving Process ]


[ 0% ]

[30% ]

[70% ]

[ 100 % ]

[ Host has reach 1st Mana Circle. New mana veins are being created for utilisation of all elements ]

[ Time for Forming Perfect Elemental Mana Veins – 1 month ]

Lying in the bathroom with last bit of his remaining consciousness and impurities released from his body. Austin feels a small connection with his phone, he was able to select status window mentally.

A transparent blue screen materialised in front of him similar to isekai novel system.

Name : Austin Martinez

Race : Human

Level : 1

Magic : 1st Mana Circle

System : level 1

Loyalty : 4

Reputation : 50,000

Influence : 200

STR : 17 ( Normal human have 10)

Stamina : 14

Vitality : 15

Spirit : 12

[ Chat Feature have been unlock ]

[ Host can now invite random invitation ]

[ Host can use monthly store to buy items using reputation points ]

Austin looks at his new status and was surprised that he can use monthly store which will be refreshed every month to buy items.

Austin mentally select invite random person through multiverse option. Which also informs him about being administrator of the group.

[ Searching for person… ]

Austin was already tired, he slowly stands up with difficulty and wash himself clean of all the dirt and impurities that have been released from his body as mana channels have been opened.

He looks in the mirror as his body is a bit more muscular and his skin is more clearee compared to before. His hair are shining and looks much more healthy.

He took a quick nap of an hour to recover his strenght after which he got dressed and left his room.

Austin looks for his sister in library for discussing about the free education theory for commoners of the territory similar to government's scheme to brainwash children from a small age.

As Austin enters library as he slams open the door. He calls out "Sister, I need your help."

Looking through the library his gazed fell upon a beautiful girl sitting on the couch reading books about magic and spells, she was researching about a new way to use magic.

She smiled as she looked at her brother and astonished as he looks much a bit more muscular and healthy compared to before. Curiously she ask him about all his secrets for his hair and skin care.

"Oh, my big brother is getting more and more handsome. Brother has to share his secrets with his little sister." Her lovely smile really melted his heart.

"Ha-ha!!, little sister it's just care of mother and other people that makes me have a better complexion than before. Come on I need my precious sister help me with educational program I'll be starting in the city soon."

"Oh!!...about that, I remember I have already started making syllabus for library and school system of yours. I hope that you'll be giving excess of higher level of library to only people who work hard for us, as many of the knowledge to provided are not in the books I have read even in empire's capital."

"And brother grandma was complaining about your spending too much money."

She knew that her brother is being mysterious and providing some unknown knowledge for earn money and other theories. But she still kept quiet similar to her mother, as she believe he'll explain when the time is right.

"Yes, I'm working on that printing method and will give it to carpenters to make a prototype for testing by tomorrow. It'll be perfect for earning money."

"Well....are you going somewhere? or you'll be having a tea with me this afternoon?"

"Not today sweetie, I have other work to do. I hope you'll get this work done as soon as possible and ask grandma to send me a report for money left in the treasury."

"Let's see how much can you run, hmmm. I'll just barge into your room tonight and kidnap youuuu....you better make some free time for me.Humph!!"

Austin quickly runs away not wanting to deal with his sister's tantram.


After a major discussion, farmers agreed to use mountains for agriculture and new project of building a water system through out the mountains is also planned by Austin.

As all the things were going in the territory in the fast pace. Austin looks at the system chat member in fascination.

[ Ding… 4 Members has joined the group ]

[ Blonde Princess has joined the group ]

[ Lover of Youth has joined the group ]

[ Bald Hero has joined the group ]

[ Arrogant Green Mistress has joined the group ]

'Looks like 4 people has joined chat group as members but still what is happening here ??.'

They all are from mangas and animes from his previous life!!

[ Blonde Princess : What type of jutsu is this, even I have never heard about ?! ]

[ Lover of Youth : I was just running around the my village and still have 100 laps to go, where did this screen came from?? DON'T tell Me I can USE chakra Now !!! ]

[ Blad Hero : I'm getting late for sale in the supermarket, I'll just talk about this later ]

[ Arrogant Green Lady : hmmm....looks like a new esper is using some method to message directly in my mind. ]

'As I look through the chats I don't know if I'm lucky or have a bad luck. Being administrator all this responsibility will fall on me, but this is also an opportunity. I'll try to manipulate everyone thinking of me with having power for having it easy in future.'

[ King of Martinez (Administrator) : I shall welcome you all to multiverse of madness!!…. I mean multiverse chat group. All of your chat system connects us people of different world together through this group. You all shall read the rules provided by system and change to your real names. We'll have to work together to gain benefits and level up our system.]


1) System can provide a secured connection to chat through group. It'll help members of chat group gain strength.

2) System level up by completing the specific task provided by system. Which will allow members to use order worldly techniques.

3) System will have exchanging items free of cost option on level 2.

4) System will have teleportation to different worlds option on level 3

( In this members have to work together to complete different tasks and administrator can recruit 1 person as privilege in every world.)

Further Rules Will Be Added If Required ]

*Gilf Grandma's image has been posted in the comment section of this novel. Please vote and support me in any way possible. Donate me some goodies or I'll visit your hoise next time with Batman. *