
New Quest

Once upon a time, in a village in the heart of Japan. There lived a God, a dragon who was considered as the guardian of the village. A God who was considered even comparable to the Main Gods.

He lived at the top of the village's mountain, a snowy mountain and it was not uncommon for people to climb there. Climbers are always advised to remain polite or the God will be angry.

Ryuu-Kami is the incarnation of the dragon that guards this village. He's the one who punishes those who are stealing, and he also helps when someone asks him for help. Among the other Gods, Ryuu-Kami often mingles with humans, often even marrying a human.

On average, the woman who became Ryuu-Kami's wife was a widow whose husband had died. Or even choose another woman. The child of the widow who was adopted as his wife will be cared for by the village leader until he grows up.

That is the tradition in this village.

In addition, every year, they hold a celebration to honor and commemorate the great war that occurred in this village. Where Ryuu-Kami came down to earth to help the war that was happening in this village. And protect the village where it belongs.

Now, the era has become more modern, and fewer people believe in the existence of a God. This village is no exception, they still hold annual festivals, but no longer pray at the temple regularly.

"Every living thing will surely die, sooner or later."

"Your last wife has died, so you want to find another wife now?" someone asked. He is the Head of the Shrine who worships Ryuu-Kami. And they were having a meeting at the top of the mountain now.

"Judging from what is happening now. Just find me a young lady, around twenty years old," Ryuu-Kami replied.

The head of the shrine was surprised to hear this request.

"Such a coincidence that you ask for something like this?" asked the Head of the Shrine. He knew from the previous Head of the Shrine about this, and the God always asked for women who had become widows. A widow who has been left behind by her husband.

"Seeing humans age and be happy with their wives until the end of their lives looks tempting. Under these circumstances, I'm not sure I'll live much longer. That's why I want to go together with my wife someday," Ryuu-Kami replied in a calm tone.

"The progress of the times like this is indeed worrying, do you think the other Gods are like that too?" asked the Head of the Shrine. Ryuu-Kami slowly shook her head.

"They are higher in rank than me. They couldn't have gone that fast, and their people also outnumbered me. The age of Gods might end when they're gone," Ryuu-Kami replied.

The Head of the Shrine just shook his head, as if the followers in his own village dwindled. The existence of this God before him would also not last long.

"Don't worry, I've never regretted protecting this village. They can now protect themselves, I can calmly leave this place to you guys," Ryuu-Kami said with a gentle smile.

"Well then, I will return to the temple and announce your quest. Thank you for protecting this village," said the Head of the Shrine as he withdrew.

Arriving at the temple, the head of the temple explained the God's request for his new wife. All the Miko present were slightly surprised by this, however, this was a direct request from the God. They just said "rarely" and didn't go any further in asking the reason for this change. They immediately left the temple to find a new wife for the God.

The Head of the Shrine didn't tell anyone that this woman who would be the consort would be the last in the God's life. He then looked up at the mountain that was visible from this temple.

"Every living thing will surely die, sooner or later."

The Head of the Shrine then returned to his temple.

He also realized that not many widows would willingly become the wife of a God. Before they become wives, of course, they will be told what they have to do when they become the wife of the God and what they can get.

The Head of the Shrine knew from the previous Head of the Shrine.

The God initially loved a human, but the human completely rejected the immortality bestowed by the God. He wants to age and live like a normal human. His wife then said to the God.

"If you're lonely after I'm gone, you can find another human wife. However, you can't make it immortal. Unless you get her approval, if you can find the lonely ones. However, you can easily disobey me, I'm only human."

Until now, no human being wants to live and settle down with the God forever.

The name of the first wife had been forgotten, but the God certainly couldn't have forgotten it. When asked about his name, then the God would say that it is better not to remember it. Maybe this is one of the messages before death conveyed by her.

When the widows were the only targets, it was quite difficult to find a wife for the God. Especially a young woman in her 20's. Well, luckily the head Shrine Master had a fair amount of time until his time to pass the position of the head temple over to his successor.

All he knows, is Ryuu-kami didn't get a wife in a short time. This is not a strange thing especially since the war period has long ended.

This village has entered the modern era, just like everywhere in Japan. With a high life expectancy, it is not easy to find a widow who was left behind by her husband. Even now many diseases have antidotes. On the other hand, the Temple Head was very grateful that the residents could live more prosperously now.

The other Miko came back, and they came with happy faces. The head of the shrine who saw this also looked at the group with a strange look. It wasn't usually that they would come back with a look and joy on their faces. Usually, they will be a little sad or even tired, or just plain.

"Why did you guys come back with a bright face like that?" asked the Head of the Shrine.

"We have found a willing candidate," answered one of the Miko there.

"What a surprise… well, prepare everything. Tomorrow we will approach this young lady," replied the head of the shrine followed by a nod of the head of the Miko.

Actually, there are unwritten rules that are passed down from generation to generation. As much as possible, the God did not fall in love with his new wife again. Young women will be their biggest obstacle to preventing the God from falling in love.

This was done because the former head of the shrine had great respect for his first wife.

"Forgive me, predecessors. Because this is a request from the God himself, and I can't refuse it."