
Chapter 1

Author's note: I've just gotten into writing, my work might be bad, but I hope you follow the story with me! This is all made from scratch and my idea. On mobile. Any ideas for the story?


"Here he is, our beautiful boy, Enji Aito, awwwe we've been waiting for him all our lives!" Spurt out by a tall 6 ft, brown haired man.

"Yeah, our boy, I love you Mizu."

"I love you too Suru!"

"I wonder what his quirk would be, surely he'd be the greatest engineer of all time! " Exclaimed Mizu

"No! he'd be a doctor!" Said suru.

All the while this happened, a newborn child hovered in the air, grass encoiling his feet and arms, giving him new limbs it seemed. Fire encircling the child's head and earth at his feet and water by his side's and heart. The newborn thought of this act as interesting and stroked the grass and it burst making a new room of leaf, vine and grass.


The grass crumbled, the so-called room collapsed and the boy, was full with light, seeping out of him.

"What is his quirk?" The doctor thought.

All the while, the elements previously appeared reformed, stronger and bigger.

Is this the start of Earth's best hero?