
God's Chosen

[Constellation "God #### ###### than ### ####" has shown interest in you!]

Tagudo_Ako · Fantasie
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The Status Screen, also known as the Stat Screen, is a powerful and essential tool that every Player possesses. It is a magical interface that allows its owner to view their current Strength level, the amount of Mana they have accrued, and other vital statistics such as Agility, Charisma, Intelligence, and more.

The Status Screen can be accessed by simply willing it into existence, and the information it displays is always accurate and up-to-date. It is said that the Stat Screen is tied to the very essence of its owner, and as such, it will always grow and change to reflect their growth and progress as a Player.

Perhaps the most useful feature of the Stat Screen is the ability it grants to level up and gain skills. As players gain experience by defeating monsters and clearing dungeons, they will gradually accumulate points that can be used to increase their Level and their various Stats.

By levelling up, players will unlock new and more powerful Skills that can be used in combat or to enhance their overall abilities. These Skills can range from simple physical enhancements to magical attacks and defenses, making them invaluable tools in the ongoing battle against the monsters that still infest the world.

Thanks to the Status Screen, every Player has the opportunity to grow stronger and more capable, allowing them to take on greater challenges and protect their loved ones from the myriad dangers that lurk outside of their homes. With its magical power and endless potential, the Stat Screen is a vital asset for any Player, and with the right mindset and dedication, its potential is truly boundless.



The Status Screen, an incredibly useful tool for all Players, provides more than just information about their Strength Level, Mana, and other vital statistics. It also enables Players to view their Rank, a measurement of their overall strength and abilities that can only be accessed by using the Status Screen.

Ranking ranges from F, representing the weakest Players, to G, the strongest. This ranking is determined by a variety of factors, including the Player's Statistics, level, number and strength of Skills, and the difficulty of the dungeons they have cleared. It is a highly coveted indication of a Player's power and capability.

Every decade, the Ranks are evaluated and refreshed, allowing Players to climb the ranks and prove their worth. Climbing the ranks is an incredibly difficult and time-consuming task, requiring a Player to dedicate themselves to constant training and dungeon-clearing in order to gain the experience necessary to level up and become stronger.

To maintain a high Rank, Players must continually seek out and defeat tough enemies, gather powerful items, and increase their Skill proficiency. It is a constant and ongoing affair, but for those who are truly determined to rise to the top, the rewards are well worth the struggle.

By viewing their Rank using the Stat Screen, Players can see just how far they have come and how much further they have to go. It is a powerful motivator that drives Players to push themselves to new heights and become the strongest, most capable Players they can possibly be. Whether they are just starting their journey or have been a Player for years, the Rank system is an essential part of their development and progress.



Mana, often referred to as the "lifeblood of the world," is an immense and powerful energy source that has the ability to bend the laws of nature and reality. It is the source of all magic in the world, and only those with special capabilities can harness it, making it an invaluable and highly sought-after resource.

Mana is divided into five distinct ranks, each with its own unique properties and capabilities:

•White —

This is the lowest rank of mana. Those who possess white mana are often treated as the lowest of the low, with no access to magic and treated even worse than slaves. They are considered a lower class and often forced into hard labor, with no hope of advancement or escape. Despite possessing mana, they are unable to utilize it, and therefore are considered to have no value.

•Light blue —

This is a more common rank of mana, possessed by the average person. With light blue mana, a person can access a limited form of magic called "low magic." While it is unable to perform the more powerful feats of advanced magic, low magic provides a person with increased abilities and strength, giving them an edge against monsters. Those with this rank are treated as human and have basic rights, but their magic is considered weak, resulting in limited use.

•Clear blue —

This is a step up from light blue, and is a desired rank for anyone looking to become a Player. Clear blue mana is what allows a Player to access "normal magic," which enables them to perform more advanced feats, as well as use more powerful spells. This rank of mana enables Players to defeat monsters with greater ease and efficiency, leading to higher levels and better rewards.

•Yellow —

This rank of mana takes a Player's strength to the next level, granting them access to "high magic." With this mana, a Player can harness some of the most powerful spells in the world, vastly increasing their ability to destroy monsters. Those with this mana are highly valued, as they can complete especially difficult dungeon runs and earn large amounts of experience in the process.

•Golden —

This is the highest rank of mana, and only ten individuals in the world possess this power. Golden mana provides a player with the highest capacity for mana, enabling them to use advanced magic with a near-infinite supply. These players are nearly untouchable, with immense power and the ability to destroy even the most formidable of enemies. Their



Dungeons are a mysterious and dangerous phenomenon that emerged after the great cataclysm. They suddenly appeared on Earth, providing a pathway to other dimensions filled with powerful monsters with the sole purpose of destroying humanity. These dungeons are labeled by color, and each color denotes a different level of threat to humanity.

•]Cerulean Blue Dungeons

Cerulean blue dungeons are the lowest level dungeons, only representing a mild threat to the average person. It is the perfect training ground for newcomers to gain experience, and its simple monsters make it an ideal place for weak characters to acquire experience and skill.

•]Viridian Green Dungeons

Viridian green dungeons are considered normal and pose a threat to a small village. They are filled with orcs, centaurs, and other formidable monsters that can easily crush the average person. A player's abilities are put to the test in these dungeons, and they are considered a good way to grow in strength and skill.

•]Topaz Yellow Dungeons

Topaz yellow dungeons are special dungeons that are designed to boost player progress. They contain air that helps players increase their EXP gain, allowing them to level up quicker and gather more resources. These dungeons are only available to players with yellow mana and above.

•]Lavender Dungeons

Lavender dungeons are extremely dangerous and require special skills and high mana to clear. The immense pressure generated by the monsters in these dungeons is only accessible to players with yellow mana or higher.

•]Ochre Dungeons

Ochre orange dungeons are a special breed of dungeon; They come with a strange property that allows it to generate random and unique lands. Players who step into these dungeons can find themselves transported to a random place, and even another world entirely. But the danger is high, as players will have to find their way out or risk getting lost forever.

•]Black Dungeons

Black dungeons are the deadliest and most mysterious. They are the only dungeons that no one dares to enter, as they contain monsters of the highest level. Even the greatest players in history fear don't dare to enter these dungeons, as their abilities are put to the ultimate test. Some say that the Black dungeons hold a greater power than anything else in the world, making them a tempting but risky target for the most powerful and experienced players.


Dungeons have become a threat to humanity since their appearance after the Great Cataclysm. It is important for strong characters to take up the challenge and clear these dungeons to protect humanity. The dungeons offer players a chance to grow in strength and gather resources, but also pose a serious threat to those who are unprepared or inexperienced.



The Player Association is an organization that was founded by the higher-ups after the Great Cataclysm that brought the Dungeons and mana into the world. Their purpose is to monitor and control the use of mana by those who possess it, ensuring that it is not abused or misused.

To become a registered member of the Association, a person must undergo a series of tests to determine their mana rank. This is done to assess the individual's potential and determine the kind of magic they are capable of manipulating. Those who pass the tests and are deemed worthy are allowed to become full-fledged members of the Association, and are granted the ability to use their magic outside the dungeons without consequences.

However, those who are found to be using magic without registering will be sentenced to the Black Dungeons, where they are guaranteed to die. The Black Dungeons are places where powerful monsters and traps await those who dare to enter, and they are said to be the ultimate punishment for those who defy the rules of the Association.

The Player Association is a highly influential organization and is supported by many in the world. Destroying it would be a difficult task, as it is deeply ingrained in the cultural and political landscape of this world. However, given the amount of power and resources at their disposal, it is likely that they would be able to defend themselves against any attempts at destruction.



The Player Association is an organization created after the Great Cataclysm that brought mana and monsters into the world. Players are individuals who have mana, a special energy that enables them to use magic. There are a total of 8 ranks that registered players can have, ranging from F rank, which is the lowest, to G rank, which is the highest and most unique.


An F rank player is stronger than the average person, and even though it's the lowest rank, it's still capable of defeating monsters and clearing dungeons. However, they may struggle against monsters with stronger mana and experience.


An E rank player is only slightly better than an F rank player, but they are still relatively weak compared to higher ranked players.


A D rank player has gained significant battle experience and is capable of clearing multiple dungeons. They have strong mana and can take on stronger monsters than an F or E rank player.


A C rank player is typically arrogant and considers themselves superior to lower ranked players. However, they may still have difficulty with certain types of monsters with special abilities.


A B rank player has worked hard to increase their mana level and has access to the yellow mana that enables them to perform greater feats in battle. They are generally wise and insightful, which can give them an advantage in defeating certain types of opponents.


An A rank player has strong mana and is highly skilled. Their speed and strength make them difficult to defeat, and they are typically sought after for difficult quests. They are also wise and can provide guidance to lower ranked players.


An S rank player has strong mana and is very fast. They are difficult to track and can easily defeat their opponents. They are also very wise, and they are able to anticipate their opponents' moves, making them even more formidable.


Lastly, there are G rank players who possess the strongest mana possible: golden mana. Only ten players in the world have been able to achieve this rank, making them the most powerful and unique individuals in existence. Their abilities are unparalleled and they are able to clear the most difficult dungeons and defeat the most powerful monsters. However, they must use their powers wisely and not misuse it for evil. These players are considered the most legendary and most renowned in the world.



Mysterious Constellations are legendary entities that sponsor select players, granting them greater benefits and help them level up quickly in the Player Association. The Constellations are divided into different categories based on their karma, which is their inner essence or personality.

•]Good Constellation

Righteous Constellations are kind, helpful, and only like good things. They dislike evil players and refuse to associate with them in any way. Righteous players are known for their goodness and ability to do the right thing, and they will never use their mana for harmful purposes.

•]Evil Constellation

Evil Constellations are the exact opposite of Righteous ones. They love people who are evil, and enjoy the company of those who thrive in chaos. They will only sponsor players who have dark tendencies and are willing to do anything to achieve their goals. Evil players are notorious for their cruelty and malice, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their objectives.

•]Balance Constellation

Neutral Constellations are the rarest of all. They maintain a balance between the good and the bad, and they do not have a preference for either side. It is rare for players to come across them, but if they do, they are usually granted tremendous power and abilities. Neutral players are known for their ability to use their mana for good and evil purposes, depending on the situation.